Peter C. Dworschak

Assoziierter Wissenschafter / ehemaliger Kurator der Sammlung Crustacea
  • Sammlung Crustacea (Krebstiere)
  • Redaktion der Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (Wirbellose außer Insekten)
Peter C. Dworschaks ORCID Eintrag:
Telefon: +43 1 52177-323
Fax: +43 1 52177-327

  • Research projects principally on the biology of Thalassinidea. Field work continues in the Adriatic, the Red Sea, and the Caribbean.




  • Geboren 1953 in Nürnberg
  • 1983 Promotion zum Dr. phil. an der Universität Wien
  • 1983-1988 Forschungsassistent am Institut für Zoologie der Universität Wien
  • 1989-1994 Beschäftigt am Bundeskanzleramt-Gesundheit (VII/2) bzw. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz (III/2), Abteilung Toxikologie
  • 1995-2018 Sammlungsleiter der Sammlung Crustacea am Naturhistorischen Museum
  • 1. Juli 2018 Übertritt in den Ruhestand

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1981: The pumping rates of the burrowing shrimp Upogebia pusilla (PETAGNA)(Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 52: 25-35. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1983: The biology of Upogebia pusilla (PETAGNA) (Decapoda, Thalassinidea). I. The burrows. P. S. Z. N. I: Marine Ecology 4(1): 19-43. [abstract]


Mitarbeit bei: RIEDL, R. (ed.), 1983:. Fauna und Flora des Mittelmeeres. Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, 836 pp.

PERVESLER, P. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 1985: Burrows of Jaxea nocturna NARDO in the Gulf of Trieste. Senckenbergiana maritima 17(1/3): 33-53. [PDF, 6.5 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1987a: Burrows of Solecurtus strigilatus (LINNÉ) and S. multistriatus (SCACCHI) (Bivalvia, Tellinacea). Senckenbergiana maritima 19(3/4): 131-147.[PDF, 7.5MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1987b: Burrows of Mediterranean Decapoda. Investigacion Pesqueras, Barcelona 51(Supl.1): 264 (Abstract). [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1987c: Feeding behaviour of Upogebia pusilla and Callianassa tyrrhena. Investigacion Pesqueras, Barcelona 51(Supl.1): 421-429. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1988(1987): The biology of Upogebia pusilla (PETAGNA) (Decapoda, Thalassinidea). II. Environments and Zonation. P. S. Z. N. I: Marine Ecology 8(4): 337-358. [abstract]

 DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1988: The biology of Upogebia pusilla (PETAGNA) (Decapoda, Thalassinidea). III. Growth and production. P. S. Z. N. I: Marine Ecology 9(1): 51-77. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & P. PERVESLER, 1988: Burrows of Callianassa bouvieri NOBILI 1904 from Safaga (Egypt, Red Sea) with some remarks on the biology of the species. Senckenbergiana maritima 20(1-2): 1-17. [PDF, 6.7 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1992: The Thalassinidea in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna; with some remarks on the biology of the species. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 93B: 189-238. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & J.A. OTT, 1993: Decapod burrows in mangrove-channel and back-reef environments at the Atlantic Barrier Reef, Belize. Ichnos, 2: 277-290. [PDF, 462 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & W. HÖDL, 1995: Zur Biologie von Maulwurfskrebsen. In: Wiener Volksbildungswerk, Verband für Freizeit & Kultur (Eds.), 18. Internationales Symposium für Vivaristik, Dokumentation 1994: 19-25.

DWORSCHAK, P.C., M. STACHOWITSCH & J.A. OTT (Eds.), 1996: Influences of organisms on their environment. The role of episodic events. Proceedings of the 29th European Marine Biology Symposium, Vienna, 29 August-2 September 1994. P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology (Blackwell) 17(1-3): 1-568.

STAGL, V., H. SATTMANN & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 1996: The Material of the Pola Red Sea Expeditions (1895-1898) in the Collections of the Natural History Museum in Vienna. In: F. UIBLEIN, J. OTT & M. STACHOWITSCH (Eds), Deep-sea and extreme shallow-water habitats: affinities and adaptations. Biosystematics and Ecology Series, 11: 29-41, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. [PDF, 2.8 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & S.de A. RODRIGUES, 1997: A modern analogue for the trace fossil Gyrolithes: the burrows of Axianassa australis (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Laomediidae). Lethaia 30: 41-52.

ABED-NAVANDI, D. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 1997: First record of the thalassinid Callianassa truncata GIARD & BONNIER, 1890 in the Adriatic Sea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 99B: 565-570. [ PDF, 57kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1998: The role of tegumental glands in burrow construction by two Mediterranean callianassid shrimp. Senckenbergiana maritima 28(4/6): 143-149. [PDF, 12.5MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 1998: Observations on the biology of Callianassa tyrrhena and C. candida (Crustacea, Thalassinidea). Journal of Natural History 32(10-11): 1535-1548. [abstract]

STAGL, V. & P. C. DWORSCHAK, 1998: Die Krebstiersammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flußkrebse: Kurzer Abriß der Sammlungsgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Stapfia 58: 103-108 (zugleich Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums, Neue Folge Nr. 137). [PDF]

ABED-NAVANDI, D. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 1998: First records of the thalassinids Callianassa acanthura CAROLI, 1946 and Upogebia mediterranea NOËL, 1992 and of the hermit crab Paguristes streaensis PASTORE, 1984 in the Adriatic Sea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 100B: 605-612. [PDF, 72 kB]

 DWORSCHAK, P.C. & V.R. COELHO, 1999: On two alpheids from Araça (São Paulo, Brazil) with a description of a new species of Leptalpheus (Decapoda: Caridea: Alpheidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 101B: 475-488. [PDF, 140 kB]

 DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2000a: Global diversity in the Thalassinidea (Decapoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology 20(Special Number 2): 238-245. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2000b: On the burrows of Lepidophthalmus louisianensis (SCHMITT, 1935) (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae). Senckenbergiana maritima 30(3/6): 99-104. [PDF, 3 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., A. ANKER & D. ABED-NAVANDI, 2000: A new genus and three new species of alpheids (Decapoda: Caridea) associated with thalassinids. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 102B: 301-320. [PDF, 1,070 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2001: The burrows of Callianassa tyrrhena (PETAGNA, 1792) (Decapoda: Thalassinidea). P.S.Z.N: Marine Ecology 22(1-2): 155-166. [abstract]

ANKER, A. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 2001: Redescription and systematic position of Pterocaris HELLER, 1862 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 49(1): 73-82. [PDF, 1.7 MB]

MCLAUGHLIN, P.A. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 2001: Reappraisal of hermit crab species (Crustacea: Anomura: Paguridea) reported by Camill Heller in 1861, 1862 and 1865. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 103B: 135-176. [PDF, 487 kB]

 DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2002: The burrows of Callianassa candida (OLIVI 1792) and C. whitei SAKAI 1999 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea). In: M. BRIGHT, P.C. DWORSCHAK & M. STACHOWITSCH (Eds.) The Vienna school of marine biology. A tribute to Jörg Ott. Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien: 63-71.[PDF, 176 kB]

BRIGHT, M., P.C. DWORSCHAK & M. STACHOWITSCH, (Eds.) 2002: The Vienna school of marine biology. A tribute to Jörg Ott. Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien; 200 pp.

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & P. PERVESLER, 2002: Alpheus migrans LEWINSOHN & HOLTHUIS, 1978 (Decapoda, Caridea, Alpheidae): burrow morphology and first record from the Red Sea. Crustaceana 75(3-4): 351-357. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2003: A new species of ghost shrimp from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 104B: 415-428. [PDF, 308 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., 2004: Biology of Mediterranean and Caribbean Thalassinidea (Decapoda). In: TAMAKI, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium on "Ecology of large bioturbators in tidal flats and shallow sublittoral sediments - from individual behavior to their role as ecosystem engineers". November 1-2, 2003, Nagasaki. Nagasaki University, pp. 15-22. [PDF, 2 MB]

ANKER, A. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 2004: A new species of Alpheus from the tropical eastern Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 105B: 47-58 [ PDF, 266 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2005a: A new species of Eucalliax MANNING & FELDER, 1991 (Decapoda: Callianassidae) from the Red Sea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118(1): 209-217. [abstract]

ABED-NAVANDI, D. & P.C. DWORSCHAK, 2005: Food sources of tropical thalassinidean shrimps: a stable-isotope study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 291: 159-168 [PDF]

TAYLOR, J.D., GLOVER, E.A., ZUSCHIN, M., DWORSCHAK, P.C. & WAITZBAUER, W. 2005: Another bivalve with dreadlocks: living Rasta lamyi from Aqaba, Red Sea (Bivalvia: Lucinidae). Journal of Conchology 38(5): 489-497. [abstract ]

ABED-NAVANDI, D., KOLLER, H. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2005: Nutritional ecology of thalassinidean shrimps constructing burrow with debris chambers: the distribution of macronutrients and micronutrients. Marine Biology Research 1(3): 202-215 [abstract]

MARKHAM, J.C. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2005. A new species of Entophilus RICHARDSON, 1903 (Isopoda: Bopyridae: Entophilidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba. Journal of Crustacean Biology 25(3): 413-419. [abstract][[colour figure]]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2005b. Global diversity in the Thalassinidea (Decapoda): an update (1998-2004). Nauplius 13(1): 57-63. [Dworschak2005b_homepage.pdf, 374.7 kB] [from Nauplius page, 3.5 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., KOLLER, H. & ABED-NAVANDI 2006. (online 2 December 2005). Burrow structure, burrowing and feeding behaviour of Corallianassa longiventris and Pestarella tyrrhena (Crustacea, Thalassinidea, Callianassidae). Marine Biology 148(6): 1369-1382. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-0161-8] [ authors' final version in PDF format; 1.6 MB]

KOLLER, H., DWORSCHAK, P.C. & ABED-NAVANDI, D. 2006. Burrows of Pestarella tyrrhena (Decapoda: Thalassinidea): hot spots for Nematoda, Foraminifera and bacterial densities. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86(5): 1113-1122. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2006. A new species of Eucalliax Manning & Felder, 1991 (Decapoda: Callianassidae) from the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology  54(2): 349-359. [PDF, 2 MB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C., MARIN, I. & ANKER, A. 2006. A new species of Naushonia Kingsley, 1897 (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Laomediidae) from Vietnam and the Philippines with notes on the genus Espeleonaushonia Juarrero & Martínez-Iglesías, 1997. Zootaxa 1372: 1-16. [abstract, 20 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & CUNHA, M.R. 2007. A new subfamily, Vulcanocalliacinae n.subfam., for Vulcanocalliax arutyunovi n.gen., n.sp. from a mud volcano in the Gulf of Cádiz (Crustacea, Decapoda, Callianassidae). Zootaxa 1460: 35-46. [PDF, 300 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2007a. First record of Lepidophthalmus tridentatus (VON MARTENS, 1868) (Callianassidae) from the Philippines. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 108B: 121-130. [PDF, 361.5 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P. C., 2007b. Thalassinideans shrimps of New Caledonia. In: PAYRI, C. E. & B. RICHER DE FORGES (eds.), Compendium of marine species from New Caledonia: second edition: 305-307. (IRD, Nouméa). (Documents Scientifiques et Techniques, II, 7). [PDF, 1.2MB]


ANKER, A. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2007a. Jengalpheops rufus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new commensal alpheid shrimp from the Philippines (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zoological Studies 46(3): 290-302. [PDF, 477 kB]

ANKER, A. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2007b. Description of a new species of Richalpheus Anker and Jeng, 2006 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) from the Red Sea. Journal of Natural History 41(37-40): 2331-2340. [abstract]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2008. Neocallichirus kempi SAKAI, 1999, a junior synonym of Callianassa karumba POORE & GRIFFIN, 1979 (Decapoda: Callianassidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 56(1): 75-84. [PDF 1.4 MB]

CLARK, P. F., NG, P. K. L., FRANSEN, C. H. J. M., MCLAUGHLIN, P. A., DWORSCHAK, P. C. & BABA, K. 2008. A checklist of Crustacea Decapoda collected from Conic Island Cave and adjacent areas of Hong Kong. Journal of Natural History, 42 (9): 913-926. [abstract]

TESKE, P.R., PAPADOPOULOS, I., NEWMAN, B.K., DWORSCHAK, P.C., MCQUAID, C.D. & BARKER, N.P., 2008. Oceanic dispersal barriers, adaptation and larval retention: an assessment of potential factors maintaining a phylogeographic break between sister lineages of an African prawn. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 341. [PDF, 900 kB]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2009) On a small collection of thalassinidean shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Qatar (Persian-Arabian Gulf). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B110, 129-137. [PDF, 0.9 MB]

ROBLES, R., C. C. TUDGE, P. C. DWORSCHAK, G. C. B. POORE & D. L. FELDER, 2009. Molecular phylogeny of the Thalassinidea based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. In: MARTIN, J. W., K. A. CRANDALL & D. L. FELDER, Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. pp. 309-326. (Crustacean Issues 18, Taylor & Francis/CRC, Boca Raton, FL).

DE GRAVE, S., N. D. PENTCHEFF, S. AHYONG, T.-Y. CHAN, K. A. CRANDALL, P. C. DWORSCHAK, D. L. FELDER, R. M. FELDMANN, C. H. J. M. FRANSEN, L. Y. D. GOULDING, R. LEMAITRE, M. L. LOW, J. W. MARTIN, P. K. L. NG, C. E. SCHWEITZER, S. H. TAN, D. TSHUDY & R. WETZER, 2009. A classification of Recent and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 21: 1-109. [PDF, 8.1 MB]

FELDER, D. L., P. C. DWORSCHAK, R. ROBLES, H. D. BRACKEN, A. M. WINDSOR, J. M. FELDER & R. LEMAITRE, 2009. Obvious invaders and overlooked infauna: unexpected constituents of the decapod crustacean fauna at Twin Cays, Belize. In: LANG, M. A., I. G. MACINTYRE & K. RÜTZLER (eds.), Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium: 181-188. (Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.). (Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 38).[PDF of complete volume, 70 MB].


DWORSCHAK, P. C. & P. WIRTZ, 2010. Discovery of the rare burrowing shrimp Calliapagurops charcoti de Saint Laurent, 1973 (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) in shallow water: first record of the infraorder for Madeira Island. Zootaxa, 2691: 53-56. [PDF from Zootaxa, Open Access]


DWORSCHAK, P. C., 2011a. Redescription of Callianassa jousseaumei Nobili, 1904, a junior subjective synonym of Callianassa indica de Man, 1905 with description of a new species of Neocallichirus (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae). Zootaxa, 2746: 1-19. [PDF from Zootaxa, Open Access]


DWORSCHAK, P. C., 2011b. Redescription of Callianassa vigilax de Man, 1916, a subjective senior synonym of Neocallichirus denticulatus Ngoc-Ho, 1994 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B112: 137-151. [PDF]


SCHWEITZER, C. E., P. C. DWORSCHAK & J. W. MARTIN, 2011. Replacement names for several fossil decapoda. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31 (2): 361-363. [abstract]


DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2012) On the identities of Callianassa bouvieri Nobili, 1904, C. maldivensis Borradaile, 1904, and C. gravieri Nobili, 1905 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae): a morphometric approach. Zootaxa, 3149 [imprint 3049], 39-56. [abstract]


DWORSCHAK, P.C., FELDER, D.L. & TUDGE, C.C. (2012) Chapter 69. Infraorders Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 and Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 (formerly known collectively as Thalassinidea). In: SCHRAM, F.R., VAUPEL KLEIN, J.C. VON (Eds.)  FOREST, J. & CHARMANTIER-DAURES, M. (Advisory Eds.) Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea. Complementary to the volumes translated from the French of the Traité de Zoologie [founded by P.-P. GRASSÉ], Volume 9 Part B. Eucarida: Decapoda: Astacidea p.p. (Enoplometopoidea, Nephropoidea), Glypheidea, Axiidea, Gebiidea, and Anomura. Brill, Leiden, pp. 109-219. [PDF]


DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2013) Axiidea and Gebiidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) of Costa Rica. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B, 115, 37-55. [PDF]

POORE, G. C. B., S. T. AHYONG, H. D. BRACKEN-GRISSOM, T.-Y. CHAN, K. H. CHU, K. A. CRANDALL, P. C. DWORSCHAK, D. L. FELDER, R. M. FELDMANN, M. HYŽNÝ, H. KARASAWA, R. LEMAITRE, T. KOMAI, X. LI, F. L. MANTELATTO, J. W. MARTIN, N. NGOC-HO, R. ROBLES, C. E. SCHWEITZER, A. TAMAKI, L. M. TSANG & C. C. TUDGE, 2014. On stabilising the names of the infraorders of thalassinidean shrimps, Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 and Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 (Decapoda). Crustaceana, 87 (10): 1258-1272. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685403-00003354]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2014) Gerhard Pretzmann (1929-2013): his contributions to carcinology. Crustaceana, 87, 1704-1723. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685403-00003379

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2014) The Axiidea (Crustacea, Decapoda) of Cocos (Keeling) and Christmas Islands, with description of a new species of Eucalliax Manning & Felder, 1991. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 30, 230-245. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2015) Methods collecting Axiidea and Gebiidea (Decapoda): a review. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B, 117, 5-21. [PDF]

FELDER, D.L. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2015) Comments on two questionably new axiidean taxa from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zootaxa, 4057, 265-272. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2016) A new genus and species of axiid shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda) from a southwestern Indian Ocean seamount. European Journal of Taxonomy, 229, 1-11.

POORE, G.C.B. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2017) Family, generic and species synonymies of recently published taxa of ghost shrimps (Decapoda, Axiidea, Eucalliacidae and Ctenochelidae): cautionary tales. Zootaxa, 4294 (1), 119-125.

DE GRAVE, S., ANKER, A., DWORSCHAK, P.C., CLARK, P.F. & WIRTZ, P. (2017) An updated checklist of the marine Decapoda of Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (4), 759-770.

DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2018) Axiidea of Panglao, the Philippines: families Callianideidae, Eucalliacidae and Callichiridae, with a redescription of Callianassa calmani Nobili, 1904. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B, 120, 15-40. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK, P.C. & POORE, G.C.B. (2018) More cautionary tales: family, generic and species synonymies of recently published taxa of ghost and mud shrimps (Decapoda: Axiidea and Gebiidea). Zootaxa, 4394 (1), 61-76. [PDF]

POORE, G.C.B. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2018a) The Indo-West Pacific species of Neaxiopsis and Neaxius (Crustacea: Axiidea: Strahlaxiidae). Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 77, 15-28.

POORE, G.C.B. & DWORSCHAK, P.C. (2018b) The Eiconaxius cristagalli species complex (Decapoda, Axiidea, Axiidae). Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 77, 105-120.

DWORSCHAK, P.C. 2019: Axiidea (Micheleidae) and Gebiidea (Laomediidae and Upogebiidae) of Panglao, the Philippines. – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 121: 19–32. [PDF]

POORE G.C.B., DWORSCHAK P.C., ROBLES R., MANTELATTO F. & FELDER D.L., 2019: A new classification of Callianassidae and related families (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea) derived from a molecular phylogeny with morphological support. – Memoirs of Museum Victoria 78: 73-146. [PDF]

DWORSCHAK P.C., 2020: A new species of Paraxiopsis de Man, 1905 (Decapoda: Axiidea: Axiidae) from Safaga (Red Sea) with notes on its burrows. – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 122: 159-167. [PDF]

ROBLES R., DWORSCHAK P.C., FELDER D.L., POORE G.C.B. & MANTELATTO F.L., 2020: A molecular phylogeny of Callianassidae and related families (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea) with morphological support. – Invertebrate Systematics 34 (2): 113-132. https://doi.org/10.1071/IS19021

DWORSCHAK P.C. & ANKER A., 2022: Axiidea (Crustacea: Callianassidae, Callichiridae and Ctenochelidae) and Gebiidea (Upogebiidae) collected during the Comprehensive Marine Biodiversity Survey of Singapore. – Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 70: 108-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.26107/RBZ-2022-0008

DWORSCHAK P.C., 2022: On a collection of axiidean shrimp (Decapoda: Callianassidae, Callichiridae and Callianideidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 124: 249-264. [PDF]

DE GRAVE S., DWORSCHAK P.C., LOW M.E.Y. & NG P.K.L., 2022: The Decapoda described by the Austrian carcinologist Camill Heller (1823–1917): checklist, dates of publication and bibliography. – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 124: 265-299. [PDF]

POORE G.C.B., DWORSCHAK P.C. & SCHNABEL K.E., 2022: Articullichirus, a new genus of ghost shrimp (Crustacea: Axiidea: Callichiridae) with one new species. – Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81: 123-133. [PDF]

FELDER D.L. & DWORSCHAK P.C., 2023: A new mud shrimp of the genus Paragourretia Sakai, 2004, from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ctenochelidae). – Zootaxa 5284 (3): 553-563. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5284.3.6


Mitglied von

The Crustacean Society, (Lawrence, Kansas),
Sociedade Brasiliera de Carcinologia (Rio Grande, Brasil) 1998-2014,
Carcinological Society of Japan (Tokyo, Japan) since 1995,
Biological Society of Washington (Washington, D.C.) 1995-2018,
Marine Biological Association of the U.K. (Plymouth) 1996-2018,
ProMare (Verein zur Förderung der Meeresforschung in Österreich) 1992-2018,
NOBIS Austria (Network of Biological Systemantics).

3. Zoologie

Akkari Nesrine
Kuratorin der Sammlung Myriapoda / wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Barta Anna-Chiara
Coelho David
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Eschner Anita
Kuratorin der Sammlung Mollusca / wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Feiler Gloria
Assistentin für die 3. Zoologie
Frade Pedro
Kurator der Sammlung Evertebrata Varia
Gallmetzer Ivo
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Greilhuber Matthäus
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Gruber Jürgen
Assoziierter Wissenschafter / ehemaliger Kurator der Sammlung Arachnoidea
Hörweg Christoph
Leiter der 3. Zoologischen Abteilung / Kurator der Sammlung Arachnoidea / wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Macek Oliver
Marchioro Giulia
Assoziierte Wissenschafterin
Mason Katharina
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Pruckner Christian
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Sattmann Helmut
Assoziierter Wissenschafter / ehemaliger Abteilungsdirektor und Kurator der Sammlung Evertebrata Varia
Schiller Edmund
Sammlungsassistent der Sammlungen Arachnoidea & Crustacea
Schnedl Sara Maria
Sammlungsassistentin in der Sammlung Mollusca, derzeit karenziert
Schwentner Martin
Kurator der Sammlung Crustacea / wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Seiter Michael
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Stagl Verena
Assoziierte Wissenschafterin / ehemalige Kuratorin der Sammlung Myriapoda
Stevenne Chloe
Szeiler Stefan
Wöss Emmy
Assoziierte Wissenschafterin