Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A 113 (2011)

ISSN: 0255-0091 ISBN: 978-3-902421-55-5

Erscheinungsdatum / Publication date: 19. May 2011

dedicated to the 60th birthday of Werner Piller


Inhalt / Content

  • Steininger, F.F.: O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner E. Piller zum 60. Geburtstag. p. 1-8, 2 figs
    „ . . . . . . es ist so wie bei den Menschen; selten findet man einen Außergewöhnlichen!“ (J.W. von Goethe).
    Dieser Teil eines Goethe-Zitates über Mineralien und Gesteine trifft voll auf den Jubilar zu und ist ihm wie auf den Leib geschrieben: Denn selten findet man einen Menschen, der seiner Heimat so außergewöhnlich verbunden ist, seine Familie ehrt, seinen Beruf als Berufung sieht, seinen Studentinnen und Studenten so zugewandt ist, als wären es seine leiblichen Kinder.
  • Lukender, A.: The Biancone and Rosso Ammonitico facies of the northern Trento Plateau (Dolomites, Southern Alps, Italy). p. 9-33, 6 figs
    Information is provided about the Rosso Ammonitico and Biancone facies from the Puez area (Col de Puez, Southern Alps) near Wolkenstein (S. Tyrol, Italy). At the Puez locality, the Rosso Ammonitico – a red, nodular limestone facies – shows its latest occurrence (Valanginian) on the northern part of the Trento Plateau. This plateau represents a submarine high during the Lower Cretaceous. The term Rosso Ammonitico Puezzese is established for this Valanginian, red, nodular facies on the Gardenaccia Plateau. The succession of the greyish Biancone Formation and the reddish Rosso Ammonitico facies sheds light on the early Lower Cretaceous tectonic history of the Trento Plateau and the Dolomites. This helps determine to the evolution of plateaus and platforms (Trento Plateau and Friuli Platform) and of the surrounding basins (Lombardian Basin and Belluno Basin).
    Keywords: Biancone Formation, Rosso Ammonitico Puezzese, Early Cretaceous, Dolomites, Italy.
  • Wagreich, M., Egger, H., Gebhardt, H., Mohammed, O., Spötl, C., Koukal, V. & Hobiger, G.: A new expanded record of the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Gosau Group of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria). p. 35-65, 2 pls, 9 figs, 3 tabs
    A Paleocene/Eocene-boundary section is described from the Zwieselalm Formation of the Upper Gosau Subgroup at Gams, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. The Pichler section exposes 122 m of turbidite-dominated psammitic to pelitic deposits. Occasionally, thin layers and concretions occur consisting essentially of early diagenetic siderite. The Paleocene/Eocene- boundary at the base of the Pichler section is characterized by a negative excursion of carbon isotope values (CIE), the occurrences of the dinoflagellate cyst Apectodinium augustum and the calcareous nannoplankton species Discoaster araneus and Rhomboaster spp. Foraminiferal assemblages are predominantly allochthonous and indicate deposition below the calcite compensation depth in the lower to middle part of the section. High sedimentation rates of ca. 20 cm/kyr are estimated.
    Keywords: Paleocene/Eocene-boundary, Northern Calcareous Alps, turbidites, calcareous nannoplankton, foraminifera.
  • Lirer, F. & Iaccarino, S.: Mediterranean Neogene historical stratotype sections and Global Stratotype Section and Points (GSSP): state of the art. p. 67-144, 51 figs
    The development of interdisciplinary stratigraphic studies and the construction of stratigraphic guidelines resulted in a new scenario with the introduction and definition of the Global Stratotype Section and Points (GSSP) replacing the Mediterranean Neogene historical stages and also the guiding criteria used to define their bases. At present, all the Mediterranean Neogene Stages (except Burdigalian and Langhian Stages) are defined by GSSPs, in land-based deep marine sections astronomically tuned (excluding the Aquitanian Stage) allowing the construction of the Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS2004). Interdisciplinary research studies are now devoted to find sections suitable for the definition of the Langhian and Burdigalian GSSPs. At present, two deep marine Mediterranean sections (La Vedova in Conero area, central Italy and S. Peter’s Pool in Malta) are identified as potential candidate to define the base of the Langhian while, suitable sections for the base of the Burdigalian are not yet documented.
    Keywords: Stratigraphy, Stratotypes, Cenozoic, Neogene,Mediterranean, GSSP, Geological Time Scale.
  • Brandano, M. & Corda, L.: The Lower Miocene spongolitic sequence of the Central Apennines: a record of the Burdigalian siliceous event in the Central Mediterranean. p. 145-166, 6 figs
    A stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of the Miocene spongolitic unit from Central Apennines is presented. The spongolitic succession of the Latium-Abruzzi Platform (informally named Guadagnolo Formation) represents the sedimentation along the platform margin domain. In all sectors of the platform, at least two informal members are distinguishable. The lower member, Chattian to Early Burdigalian in age is characterized by deposits dominated by larger benthic foraminifera. This member is divided in two intervals by a first spongolitic horizon of few meters thick. The more siliceous intermediate member (“spongolitic”), spanning the Burdigalian to Langhian, mostly consists of spongolitic marls and marly limestones. The upper member is only present in the north-western and northern margin and it is characterized by cross-bedded calcarenites. The Burdigalian time interval in Central Apennines is characterized by: a) spread of terrigenous spongolitic facies on the platform-to-basin zone and cherty-rich facies in the pelagic realm, b) spread of bryozoan-dominated facies on the platform domain, and c) positive C-isotope excursion related to high primary production. The Oligo-Miocene volcanic activity in the western Mediterranean and its related increase in atmospheric CO2 might have induced decreases in pH and carbonate ion concentrations in surface waters, favoring siliceous production in acidic seawaters. An increase in terrigenous material from the neighboring Apennine foredeep system, promoted a CaCO3 reduction induced by terrigenous dilution. The combined effect of volcanism, changes in oceanic circulation and the Apennine foredeeprelated siliciclastic input, favoured the spreading for marly-spongolitic facies in the Central Apennines, as well as throughout the Mediterranean area.
    Keywords: Sedimentology, Early Miocene, Spongolothic Facies, Italy, Mediterranean.
  • Harzhauser, M., Daxner-Höck, G., Göhlich, U.B. & Nagel, D.: Complex faunal mixing in the early Pannonian palaeo-Danube Delta (Late Miocene, Gaweinstal, Lower Austria). p. 167-208
    A small artificial road-construction outcrop at Gaweinstal in Lower Austria yielded an unusual assemblage of molluscs and vertebrates in Lower Pannonian fluvial deposits of the Hollabrunn- Mistelbach Formation. The composition of the mollusc fauna reveals a very complex mixing from at least three older strata resulting in a biostratigraphically condensed assemblage. Marine Sarmatian shells from the upper Ervilia Zone (~12.0 Ma) and the Sarmatimactra Zone (~11.8 Ma) and Lake Pannon related shells from the lower Pannonian Mytilopsis ornithopsis Zone (~11.4 Ma) are intermixed in fluvial sediments corresponding to the Mytilopsis hoernesi Zone (~11.211.1 Ma). This dating is supported by the vertebrate fauna which corresponds to the Late Miocene mammal zone MN9. The parautochthonous faunal elements reveal a multi-habitat assemblage from lotic, lentic and terrestrial habitats of the palaeo-Danube delta. The process of reworking and faunal mixing was supported by the palaeogeographic position and depositional history of the Mistelbach Block which is covered by various Miocene shallow water sediments which formed the river beds and catchment area of the palaeo-Danube delta. The section is thus an extraordinary example for the difficulties for biostratigraphic datings along such flat basin margins.
    Keywords: molluscs, small mammals, Pannonian, Late Miocene, MN9, palaeo-Danube, Lake Pannon, Hollabrunn-Mistelbach Formation, biostratigraphically condensed assemblage.
  • Flögel, S. & Dullo, W.-C.: High-resolution water mass measurements around cold-water corals: a comparative test study between repeated Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts and continuous data acquisition of bottom waters from the West Florida Slope, Gulf of Mexico. p. 209-224, 7 figs
    Cold-water corals and their associated mounds and reefs attracted a growing number of marine geologists to study these biogenic structures in detail, since these mounds may represent modern analogs to the well-known mound structures from Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic times. A key to better understand the distribution and frame building potential of cold-water corals is to correctly monitor their physical and chemical boundary conditions with new techniques. We performed a comparative test study applying conventional Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts and a newly and self designed mini lander system, which was deployed on the West Florida slope at 531 m water depth for continuous bottom water measurements. Our lander data demonstrate that the mechanical movement of gear disturbs the internal structure of the bottom water mass which requires a certain time to reestablish. This questions the reliability of repeated CTD casts at the same site (yoyo-CTD) with respect to the detailed bottom water mass characteristics bathing the cold-water coral communities. Although, repeated CTD casts may provide information about the amplitude in temperature and salinity variability our data clearly exhibit that temperature and salinity maxima and minima respectively do not coincide with tidal dynamics but depend on bottom water dynamics which are current direction and intensity.
    Keywords: Temperature Profiles, Cold-water corals, Florida Shelf.
  • Mansour, A.M., Nawar, A.H. & Madkour, H.A.: Metal pollution in marine sediments of selected harbours and industrial areas along the Red Sea coast of Egypt. p. 225-244, 8 figs, 5 tabs
    A study of the geochemistry and texture of marine surface-sediments in selected areas along the Red Sea coast was conducted in order to assess the possible influence of human activities on the composition of the sediments, to test for anomalous enrichments in heavy metals, and to evaluate and quantify metal release into the sea. Surface sediments reveal extremely high total concentrations of Zn (average 21.35 ppm) in Quseir Harbour, Cu (avg. 76.74 ppm) in El-Esh area, Pb (avg. 21.56 ppm and avg. 19.54 ppm) in Safaga and Hurghada Harbours, respectively, as well as Ni (avg. 38.37 ppm), Co (avg. 6.84 ppm) and Cd (avg. 1.33 ppm) in Safaga Harbour. Some samples show very high values of Cu (366 ppm) at El-Esh area. Our results indicate that the main sources of metals in the marine environments are of anthropogenic origin. In addition, trace metals are initially supplied to these areas from terrestrial sources via wadis or the atmosphere, and from biological activity in the sea. The obtained findings will be useful for the management and sustainable development of the areas in question.
    Keywords: Metals, Marine pollution, Harbours, Industrial areas, Red Sea.
  • Radtke, G., Schäfer, P., Blaschek, H. & Golubic, S.: Microborings from shallow marine habitats on both sides of the Panama Isthmus. p. 245-265, 5 figs, 2 tabs
    Microborings in shells and shell fragments on Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Panama were analyzed and compared. Both coasts show considerable diversity of microboring morphotypes. The occupation by euendoliths within each sample is more uniform in shells of the Pacific then of the Caribbean coast, thus representing a lower overall diversity. The environmental characteristics of the water bodies along the two coasts of Panama are reviewed and discussed as possible causes of the differences observed. The finding is consistent with higher nutrient availability on the Pacific side of the Panama Isthmus associated with more extensive current exchange, including seasonal upwellings, than on the oligotrophic, warm water coast of the more enclosed Caribbean Sea. Three new morphotypes of microborings were found only on the Caribbean coast and one on the Pacific coast, possibly reflecting regional distinction of the euendolithic microflora. The implications of the observed in this modern setting for the fossil occurrences of microborings are discussed.
    Keywords: Euendoliths, microborings, phototrophs, mollusks, Recent, tropics, shallow marine.
  • Aguirre, J., Braga, J.C. & Bassi, D.: Taxonomic assessment of coralline algal species (Rhodophyta; Corallinales and Sporolithales) described by Pfender, Lemoine, and Miranda from northern Spain type localities. p. 267-289, 6 figs
    We have studied fossil coralline algal species described by Pfender, Miranda, and Lemoine from type localities in northern Spain. Pfender (1926) described three new species from Camarasa (eastern Pyrenees, Lleida, NE Spain): Archaeolithothamnium Oulianovi, Archaeolithothamnium Lugeoni, and Lithothamnium camarasae. In the samples collected in this type locality, we have found specimens assignable to the last two species described herein as Sporolithon lugeonii (Pfender) Ghosh & Maithy, 1996, and Lithothamnion camarasae Pfender, 1926. Miranda (1935) described two new species from Playa de Merón (NE San Vicente de la Barquera, Santander, N Spain): Lithophyllum Royoi (as well as Lithophyllum Royoi form tenuis) and Melobesia Lemoinei. We have recognized specimens attributable only to the latter species and we propose the new combination Hydrolithon lemoinei (Miranda) Aguirre, Braga & Bassi. Finally, Lemoine (in Lemoine & Mengaudi 1934) studied samples from Roiz, Los Vía, and La Haya, three localities south of San Vicente de la Barquera, and described the species Lithothamnium cantabricum, Lithophyllum quadrangulum, Lithophyllum Mengaudi, and Jania Mengaudi. The only coralline algae recognized in the samples from Roiz, the type locality of Lithothamnium cantabricum, are plants of the genera Sporolithon and Lithoporella, as well as Distochoplax biserialis (Dietrich) Pia, 1934, but no coralline algae attributable to the genus Lithothamnion. The description and illustration provided by Lemoine (in Lemoine & Mengaud 1934) in the protologue are insufficient to associate any plants in the original localities with this name. Therefore, the circumscription of Lithothamnium cantabricum cannot be properly deciphered and the use of this name should be avoided. The examined specimens of Lithophyllum quadrangulum do not show enough taxonomic characters to be confidently placed in any coralline genus. In any case, the presence of cell fusions indicates that the species does not belong to Lithophyllum. The new combinations Mesophyllum mengaudii (Lemoine) Aguirre, Braga & Bassi and Arthrocardia mengaudii (Lemoine) Aguirre, Braga & Bassi are proposed for the remaining two species.
    Keywords: Eocene, Oligocene, Cenozoic, Corallinae Algae, Systematics, Redescription, Neotype designation.
  • Braga, J.C. & Bassi, D.: Facies and coralline algae from Oligocene limestones in the Malaguide Complex (SE Spain). p. 291-308, 8 figs, 1 tab.
    Coralline algae are the main components of the Oligocene (Rupelianearly Chattian?) limestones in Sierra Espuña in SE Spain, one of very few localities with shallow-marine Oligocene deposits in the Iberian Peninsula. Sierra Espuña is part of the Malaguide Complex in the Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera, which, in the Palaeogene, constituted a terrane in the western Tethys to the east of its present location. Fossil components, lithofacies, and stratigraphic patterns of the Oligocene limestones indicate that they formed on a carbonate ramp that developed on and interfingered with deltaic deposits. The innermost facies belts are packstones to mudstones rich in porcelaneous foraminifers. Seawards of these low-energy environments, a bioclastic belt with corals and coralline algae passed into an area in which flat and branching corals thrived. In a deeper facies belt, rhodoliths and loose-branching and foliose coralline algae were the main sediment producers together with hyaline larger benthic foraminifers. The mastophoroids Neogoniolithon and Spongites dominate the shallower coralline algal assemblages, whereas melobesioids (Lithothamnion and Mesophyllum species) and sporolithales (Sporolithon) are the most abundant components in the more diverse deeper-water assemblages.
    Keywords: Carbonate ramp, Oligocene, larger benthic foraminifers, Corallinales, Rhodophyta, Malaguide Complex, Betic Cordillera, SE Spain.
  • Rashidi, K. & Senowbari-Daryan, B.: Sponges from a section of the Upper Triassic Nayband Formation, northeast of Esfahan, central Iran. p. 309-371, 13 pls, 10 figs
    Hypercalcified sponges, including “Sphinctozoans” and “Inozoans” are described in details from the biocostructions in an Upper Triassic (most probably Rhaetian in age) section of the Nayband Formation, exposed in the northeast area of Esfahan, central Iran. Some chaetetid and spongiomorphid sponges are indentified and described informally. Hexactinellid sponges are extremely rare and are represented by only two connected lattices and in some thin sections by isolated loose spicules. The reefs and reefal limestones in the lower part of the section are dominated by hypercalcified sponges; the upper part of the section is characterized by the dominance of the red algae (Solenoporaceans). Horizontally growing sheets of spongiomorphids are very abundant in some carbonate beds. Hypercalcified sponges occur with at least 25 genera and almost 38 species including 14 sphinctozoan genera and 23 species (three of them as new and two of them as gen. et sp. indet), six inozoan genera with 8 species (one as uncertain genus and species), five chaetetid species and at least two species of spongiomorphids. Two representatives of hexactinellids occur in the investigated section of the Nayband Formation. The following species are described as new: “Sphinctozoa”: Amblysiphonella bisiphonata, A. torabii, and Parauvanella spinosa. Inozoa: Peronidella pilleri.
    Keywords: Sponges, Sphinctozoa, Inozoa, Spongiomorphida, Chaetetida, Systematic, Nayband Formation, Triassic, Iran.
  • Janssen, R., Zuschin, M. & Baal, C.: Gastropods and their habitats from the northern Red Sea (Egypt: Safaga) Part 2: Caenogastropoda: Sorbeoconcha and Littorinimorpha. p. 373-509, 28 pls, 7 figs, 4 tabs
    Almost 5,900 shells from a highly structured, coral-dominated coastal area of approximately 75 km2 were studied and yielded 112 species of Sorbeoconcha and Littorinimorpha as well as one Vetigastropoda (in supplement to part 1). All species are figured and the taxonomy of many species is discussed in detail. Twelve species are recorded for the Red Sea for the first time. The high species richness was obtained from 119 quantitative and qualitative samples, which covered a broad range of soft and hard substrates in water depths from the intertidal down to 50 m. At all systematic levels (superfamilies, families, genera, species) well more than two third of the taxa belong to the Littorinimorpha, although 59 % of the studied shells are Sorbeoconcha. The Cerithioidea and Rissooidea together make up more than three quarters of the shells and also have the highest species- and genus richness. High diversity is also present in the Tonnoidea, Stromboidea, Naticoidea, Cypraeoidea and Vanikoroidea, which together, however, make up only 10 % of the studied shells. The majority of species was found in quantitative bulk samples from soft substrates. The highest species richness occurred in sandy, coral-associated sediments. Only ten species account for almost 75 % of the shells, and almost half of the species are present with less than ten shells. The three most abundant species are the rissoid Rissoina cerithiiformis, the cerithiid Rhinoclavis sordidula and the vermetid Dendropoma maximum. The most frequent species, Rhinoclavis kochi, was found in 23, but most species are rare and occur in less than five samples. Among abundant families the Cerithiidae were diverse in coral associated sediments, but individual species are abundant in mud, in the mangrove, on subtidal hard substrata and on some rocky tidal flats. Rissoidae and Plesiotrochidae were mostly found in coarse-grained sediments and were most diverse and / or abundant in samples from reef slope sand. Dialidae and Hipponicidae were preferentially found in coral- and seagrass-associated sediments. Scaliolidae and Naticidae were most abundant in muddy sediments, Potamididae virtually restricted to the mangrove and Vermetidae very abundant on reef flats near the reef edge. Strombidae and Turritellidae are widely distributed on soft- and hard substrata and certain species of the former are abundant in seagrass-associated sediments and of the latter are restricted to muddy sediments and to the reef slope.
    Keywords: Mollusca, biodiversity, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Egypt, assemblages, taxonomy, new records.
  • Berning, B. & Ostrovsky, A.N.: Omanipora pilleri nov. gen. nov. spec., a new lepraliomorph bryozoan (Cheilostomata) from Oman. p. 511-523, 3 figs, 1 tab.
    Bryozoans from around the Arabian Peninsula are only poorly known. Here we describe a new cheilostome taxon, Omanipora pilleri nov. gen. nov. spec., from the western Indian Ocean, south of the town of Duqm (eastern central Oman). Starting from an encrusting base the colonies grow erect, producing either branching and anastomosing bilaminar fronds or robust radial branches by means of frontal budding, while some specimens even exhibit an intracolonial morphological gradient from one branch type to the other. The variability in colony morphology presumably reflects growth under different hydrodynamic conditions. Based on superficially similar orificial, ooecial, avicularian and frontal wall structures the new taxon is tentatively placed within the Celleporidae Johnston. Some of the characters that justify the introduction of a new genus are: communication of the ooecial coelomic cavity with the maternal zooid proceeds via several distal communication pores, which is a feature that has not been observed before; ovicell closure is of the cleithral type; and the orifices are dimorphic in fertile (egg-producing) and non-fertile zooids.
    Keywords: Bryozoa, Indian Ocean, new species, new genus, ovicells.
  • Nebelsick, J.H., Bassi, D. & Rasser, M.W.: Cryptic relicts from the past: Palaeoecology and taphonomy of encrusting thecideide brachiopods in Paleogene carbonates. p. 525-542, 4 figs
    Thecideid brachiopods are poorly known brachiopods of debated phylogenetic relationships which occur from the Late Triassic to the Recent. Although well known in encrusting communities of Jurassic and Cretaceous cryptic habitats, they have received less attention in Cenozoic environments. Extensive thin section analysis of circumalpine Paleogene carbonates (Late Eocene of Austria as well as the Early Oligocene of Slovenia, the Inntal Valley and Northern Italy) has revealed the presence of thecideid brachiopods allowing for the analysis of their taphonomy, component relationships and facies distribution. The complex morphology of the valves enables these brachiopods to be readily identified in thin section, even if highly fragmented or encrusted. Component analyses using semi-quantitative and quantitative methods reveal that these brachiopods are most commonly associated with corals and coralline algae. The brachiopods are often included within complex encrustation sequences. Their palaeoecology thus closely mirrors that of Recent and fossil thecideid species which are characteristics of cryptic habitats in tropical and warm temperate seas. The potential of these minute brachiopods as palaeoecological indicators has been underestimated especially considering their ease of recognition in thin section not only of complete valves, but also of highly fragmented material.
    Keywords: Cenozoic, Paleogene, Carbonates, Brachiopods, Thecideida, Palaeoecology, Microfacies.
  • Zettel, H. & Heiss, E.: New species of water striders (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Hydrometridae, Gerridae) from Eocene Baltic amber. p. 543-553, 22 figs
    New species of two hitherto monotypic genera of water striders are described from Baltic amber inclusions: Metrocephala schaeferi nov. spec. is compared with Metrocephala anderseni Popov, 1996 (Hydrometridae), and Succineogerris nilsi nov. spec. with Succineogerris larssoni Andersen, 2000 (Gerridae). Additional descriptive notes and illustrations are presented for the type material of S. larssoni.
    Keywords: amber, Baltic, Hydrometridae, Gerridae, Metrocephala, Succineogerris, new species, taxonomy.
  • Meyer, C.A.: Amazing graze - Grazing traces of sea urchins on turtles - An example from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland. p. 555-565, 7 figs
    Carapaces of marine turtles from the Late Jurassic Solothurn Turtle Limestone (Reuchenette Formation, Late Kimmeridgian) commonly yield rounded pits that may have resulted from epibionts or ectoparasites, although a conclusive interpretation has not yet been presented. Out of a large collection, only very few specimens of carapaces display areas that are more or less densely covered by stellate v-shaped grooves. These are attributed to the ichnotaxon Gnathichnus pentax Bromley and are interpreted as gnawing and rasping traces of the teeth of hemicidaroid sea urchins. The size of the traces suggests that Hemicidaris mitra (Agassiz) which is a very frequent and autochthonous part of the fauna was the producer of these stellate grooves. The grazing traces suggest the presence of a post-mortem dense algal cover and indicate an extended exposure time of the carapaces at the sediment-water interface.
    Keywords: echinoid grazing traces, ichnofossils, marine turtles, Jurassic, Switzerland.
  • Rossi, M. & Santi, G.: Ursus deningeri-spelaeus group from Cerè Cave (Veneto, North Italy) in the new evolutionary frame of the cave bear. Part one: skulls and mandibles. p. 567-590, 17 figs, 1 tab.
    Recently, during the first evolutive phases of the Ursus deningeri-spelaeus group new forms have been identified, that shared the same environment for a long time till the extinction of Upper Pleistocene. A more detailed morphological and morphometrical analysis of the remains from Cerè Cave (Veneto, Northern Italy) showed: 1) some intermediary features between those typical of Upper Pleistocene forms and those typical of Lower Pleistocene Ursus savini from Bacton in the Ursus deningeri remains; 2) some archaic features in the Ursus spelaeus remains. it is possible that, after a first fast evolutionary phase, these forms remained at least partially isolated. The second evolutionary phase was characterized by the preservation of some archaic features, as occurred in the Caucasian population. Differently, it may be possible that in this population the Ursus deningeri-Ursus spelaeus transition occurred later than in other Europeans countries.
    Keywords: Ursus deningeri-Ursus spelaeus group, evolution, Pleistocene, Cerè Cave, Northern Italy.
  • Boschin, F. & Riedel, A.: Ein spätbronzezeitlicher Tierknochenfundkomplex aus der Kupferbergbausiedlung Brixlegg-Mariahilfbergl (Tirol). p. 591-618, 5 Abb., 66 Tab.
    Late Bronze Age (Urnenfelderzeit) faunal remains from Brixlegg (Tyrol, Austria) are analysed in this paper. The characteristics of the assemblage (faunal composition, age-at-death, relative abundance of different bones) reflect the peculiar economy of a mining settlement. Animal husbandry was only partly carried out at the site itself. The great amount of pig remains, the lack of young individuals and the paucity of metapodials, phalanges, skulls and mandible remains, can be interpreted as a result of the import of carcasses for the meat supply from places outside the settlement. Hunting was of scarce economic relevance. In this period the cattle population shows a considerably smaller body size than that of the Early and Middle Bronze Age from Brixlegg and other earlier sites in the region. Thus it resembled closely the cattle of the following Iron Age. The outstandingly tall Early Bronze Age dog breed from Brixlegg is still present during the Late Bronze Age.
    Keywords: Brixlegg, Tyrol, Late Bronze Age, fauna, mining activity.
  • Bucur, I.: Early Barremian dasycladalean algae from Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France). p. 619-653, 7 pls, 3 figs
    Dasycladalean calcareous algae are described from the Barremian deposits from Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, France). The association consists of 15 taxa and is characteristic for the Lower Barremian series of the northern margin of the Tethys. The algae have been transported by gravitational flows (turbidites) from a shallower area, i.e. a carbonate platform margin, to a deeper, basinal setting.
    Keywords: calcareous algae, dasycladales, Early Barremian, SE France.
  • Gaspard, D.: Brachiopods from the Barremian turbiditic formations of Serre de Bleyton, Drôme (SE France). p. 655-673, 3 pls, 1 fig.
    Brachiopods from three outcrops sampled in the Barremian tubiditic formations, from Serre de Bleyton, Drôme (SE France) by G. Moosleitner, reveal a great biodiversity. In the large samples obtained and dispatched to different specialists, lots of small organisms exist, among them Rhynchonelliform brachiopods. The shells observed are recognized as size-sorted and transported specimens trapped in a mud-flow. These specimens, representatives of Rhynchonellida, Thecideida, Terebratulida, are described following their morphological characteristics. The present state of the deltidial plates, among morphological characteristics, and the geological and sedimentological contexts from which they are extracted lead to the conclusion in favour of juvenile rather than micromorphic specimens.
    Keywords: Juvenile brachiopods, Rhynchonellida, Terebratulida, Thecideida, Barremian, SE France, turbidites.
  • Jäger, M.: Sabellidae, Serpulidae and Spirorbinae (Polychaeta sedentaria) from the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France). p. 675-733, 10 pls, 1 fig.
    The Barremian of the Serre de Bleyton has yielded many calcareous tubes and tube fragments of a diverse polychaete fauna of circa 20 species, many of them new to science. One new genus, Pseudomicrorbis nov. gen., and seven new species are introduced, Metavermilia (Vepreculina) infracretacea nov. spec., Filogranula? provencalis nov. spec., Mucroserpula pentaditrupoidea nov. spec., Mucroserpula? bleytonensis nov. spec., Pyrgopolon (Pyrgopolon?) moosleitneri nov. spec., Pseudomicrorbis pseudomicrorbis nov. spec. and Neomicrorbis barremiensis nov. spec. Compared to the Upper Jurassic and especially the Upper Cretaceous, the Lower Cretaceous sabellid and serpulid fauna has so far received comparatively little attention. This Barremian fauna fills a stratigraphical gap from which only few sabellids and serpulids had been described so far. The high percentage of new species is due to the fact that most of the Lower Cretaceous sabellid and serpulid faunas described till now are found in the boreal realm, thus explaining the outstanding high diversity of the Tethyal Serre de Bleyton fauna compared to that of Germany and England. The high diverse fauna includes both surprisingly modern elements as well as “old-fashioned” forms resembling Jurassic species. On the one hand, one of the geologically earliest representatives of Pyrgopolon and a relatively diverse fauna of small spirorbins were found here. On the other hand, the sabellid Glomerula and the serpulids Serpula (Cementula) and Mucroserpula resemble Jurassic species, although the Barremian specimens are usually smaller than the Jurassic tubes.
    Keywords: Polychaeta, Sabellidae, Serpulidae, Spirorbinae, new species, Lower Cretaceous, Barremian, France.
  • Babinot, J.-F. & Colin, J.-P.: Barremian ostracods from the Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France). p. 735-775, 8 pls, 1 fig.
    The turbiditic Barremian of the Serre de Bleyton, Drôme, SE France has yielded 67 species of marine ostracods belonging to 38 different genera. Several species are known from the Hauterivian to Aptian of Western Europe and strong affinities exist with the Barremian of Transcaucasia (Azerbaijan). Many species are left in open nomenclature.
    Keywords: Early Cretaceous, Barremian, Ostracoda, SE France.
  • Thuy, B. & Kroh, A.: Barremian ophiuroids from the Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France). p. 777-807, 4 pls, 1 fig.
    Two turbiditic beds of Barremian (Early Cretaceous) age from Serre de Bleyton, Drôme, Southern France, yielded disarticulated brittle-star remains. The material mainly consists of lateral arm plates, most of which are sufficiently well preserved to allow for a taxonomic interpretation following comparison with modern equivalents. A total of nine species were found, including two undescribed species (Ophiozonella stoehrae nov. spec. and Ophiotitanos pilleri nov. spec.). The remaining seven species are probably also undescribed, but the limited available material precludes establishing new taxa. The strong dominance in abundance of lateral arm plates of Ophiotitanos in the studied material seems to reflect preservation and/or collecting bias due to the size, robustness and conspicuousness of the lateral arm plates assignable to Ophiotitanos. The Serre de Bleyton fauna is the most diverse in the Early Cretaceous known to date and fills at least part of a major stratigraphic gap between well known and comparably diverse Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous brittle-star assemblages. The faunal spectrum at Serre de Bleyton is reminiscent of Late Jurassic equivalents. Amphiurid, ophiocomid, ophiothrichid and ophiactid species, common in Latest Cretaceous assemblages and dominant in most modern shallow water communities, could not be found at Serre de Bleyton, suggesting that the studied fauna predates at least part of the shift in Cretaceous brittle-star assemblages towards a more modern composition.
    Keywords: Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Early Cretaceous, Tethys, New Taxa.


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