Aguirre, J., Braga, J.C. & Bassi, D.: Taxonomic assessment of coralline algal species (Rhodophyta; Corallinales and Sporolithales)
described by Pfender, Lemoine, and Miranda from northern Spain type localities. p. 267-289, 6 figs
We have studied fossil coralline algal species described by Pfender, Miranda, and Lemoine from type localities in northern
Spain. Pfender (1926) described three new species from Camarasa (eastern Pyrenees, Lleida, NE Spain): Archaeolithothamnium
Oulianovi, Archaeolithothamnium Lugeoni, and Lithothamnium camarasae. In the samples collected in this type
locality, we have found specimens assignable to the last two species described herein as Sporolithon lugeonii (Pfender)
Ghosh & Maithy, 1996, and Lithothamnion camarasae Pfender, 1926. Miranda (1935) described two new species from Playa
de Merón (NE San Vicente de la Barquera, Santander, N Spain): Lithophyllum Royoi (as well as Lithophyllum Royoi
form tenuis) and Melobesia Lemoinei. We have recognized specimens attributable only to the latter species and
we propose the new combination Hydrolithon lemoinei (Miranda) Aguirre, Braga & Bassi. Finally, Lemoine (in Lemoine
& Mengaudi 1934) studied samples from Roiz, Los Vía, and La Haya, three localities south of San Vicente de la Barquera, and
described the species Lithothamnium cantabricum, Lithophyllum quadrangulum, Lithophyllum Mengaudi, and
Jania Mengaudi. The only coralline algae recognized in the samples from Roiz, the type locality of Lithothamnium
cantabricum, are plants of the genera Sporolithon and Lithoporella, as well as Distochoplax biserialis
(Dietrich) Pia, 1934, but no coralline algae attributable to the genus Lithothamnion. The description and illustration
provided by Lemoine (in Lemoine & Mengaud 1934) in the protologue are insufficient to associate any plants in the original
localities with this name. Therefore, the circumscription of Lithothamnium cantabricum cannot be properly deciphered
and the use of this name should be avoided. The examined specimens of Lithophyllum quadrangulum do not show enough
taxonomic characters to be confidently placed in any coralline genus. In any case, the presence of cell fusions indicates
that the species does not belong to Lithophyllum. The new combinations Mesophyllum mengaudii (Lemoine) Aguirre,
Braga & Bassi and Arthrocardia mengaudii (Lemoine) Aguirre, Braga & Bassi are proposed for the remaining two species.
Keywords: Eocene, Oligocene, Cenozoic, Corallinae Algae, Systematics, Redescription, Neotype designation.