Mag. Dr.
Ludovic Ferrière

Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Ludovic Ferrières ORCID Eintrag:
NHM Abu Dhabi

Geboren am 21.10.1982 in Blois (Frankreich)

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • since 03/2024: at Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • since 07/2021: Senior Research Fellow, University of Vienna.
  • 09/2019-02/2024: Curator of the impactite collection, Natural History Museum Vienna.
  • 11/2018-02/2024: Curator of the meteorite collection, Natural History Museum Vienna.
  • 01/2012–10/2018: Co-Curator of the meteorite collection, Natural History Museum Vienna.
  • 02/2011–08/2019: Curator of the rock collection and of the building and decorative stones collections, Natural History Museum Vienna.
  • 04/2009–09/2010: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario (London, Canada). Characterization of shatter cones and of other shock-metamorphic effects in minerals & Manager of the meteorite collection of the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada).

Akademische Ausbildung

  • 2005–2009: Ph.D., Petrography-Geochemistry, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria).
    Thesis title: Shock metamorphism and geochemistry of impactites from the Bosumtwi impact structure: A case study of shock-induced deformations and transformations in quartz and associated methodology (supervisor: C. Koeberl)
  • 2003–2005: Master, Planetology (Earth and Planetary Sciences), University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris, France) & University of Nantes (Nantes, France).
    Thesis title: Zoning in K/T boundary spinel and in spinel from meteorite fusion crusts (supervisors: E. Robin & F. Robert)
  • 2000–2003: Bachelor's degree in Earth Sciences, University of Tours (France) [ranked 1st].
    Exchange year at the University Laval (Quebec, Canada)

  • 2021: Co-Principal Investigator, PHC Amadeus - WTZ (France-Austria) – Project No. FR 11/2021
  • 2019: EPOS-TNA – Utrecht University, The Netherlands (MSL 2019-024)
  • 2019: Promotion de la Suisse par la coopération scientifique
  • 2015: SYNTHESYS project funding (DE-TAF-4340)
  • 2015: Co-Investigator & WP leader, Horizon 2020 – COMPET-8-2014 (€ 1,999,999)
  • 2012: Co-Investigator, Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2011:  Principal Investigator, National Geographic Society – Waitt Grant (W179-11)
  • 2010: Co-Investigator, Canadian Space Agency, Analogue Mission (815,038 CAN$)
  • 2009: Principal Investigator, National Geographic Society – Waitt Grant (W69-09)
  • 2009: Canadian Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada (32,000 CAN$)
  • 2008: SYNTHESYS project funding (DE-TAF-4172)

Bücher & Proceedings


1. Brandstaetter F., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2013. Meteoriten: Zeitzeugen der Entstehung des Sonnensystems / Meteorites: Witnesses of the origin of the solar system. Edition Lammerhuber, Verlag des NHM. 267p.

2. Morgan J., Gulick S., Mellett C.L., Green S.L., and the Expedition 364 Scientists, 2017. Chicxulub: Drilling the K-Pg Impact Crater. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 364: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).



Begutachtete Artikel in Fachjournalen

1. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2007. Drill core LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of material from the central uplift. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42(4–5):611–633,
2. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Mader D. 2007. Drill core LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Geochemistry of fallback breccia and bedrock samples from the central uplift. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42(4–5):689–708,
3. Karikari F., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Mader D. 2007. Petrography, geochemistry, and alteration of country rocks from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42(4–5):513–540,
4. McDonald I., Peucker-Ehrenbrink B., Coney L., Ferrière L., Reimold W. U., and Koeberl C. 2007. Search for a meteoritic component in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Platinum group element contents and osmium isotopic characteristics. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42(4–5):743–753,
5. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Ivanov B. A., and Reimold W. U. 2008. Shock metamorphism of Bosumtwi impact crater rocks, shock attenuation, and uplift formation. Science 322(5908):1678–1681,
6. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2009. Characterization of ballen quartz and cristobalite in impact breccias: New observations and constraints on ballen formation. European Journal of Mineralogy 21(1):203–217,
7. Ferrière L., Morrow J. R., Amgaa T., and Koeberl C. 2009. Systematic study of universal-stage measurements of planar deformation features in shocked quartz: Implications for statistical significance and representation of results. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44(6):925–940,
8. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Gier S. 2009. Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of the impact breccia section (1397–1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. In The ICDP-USGS deep drilling project in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Results from the Eyreville core holes, edited by Gohn G. S., Koeberl C., Miller K. G., and Reimold W. U. Boulder: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 458. pp. 317–348,
9. Bartosova K., Mader D., Schmitt R.-T., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Brandstaetter F. 2009. Geochemistry of the impact breccia section (1397–1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. In The ICDP-USGS deep drilling project in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Results from the Eyreville core holes, edited by Gohn G. S., Koeberl C., Miller K. G., and Reimold W. U. Boulder: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 458. pp. 397–433,
10. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Brandstätter F., and Mader D. 2010. Geochemistry of basement rocks and impact breccias from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi crater, Ghana – Comparison of proximal and distal impactites. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, edited by Gibson R. L. and Reimold W. U. Boulder: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465. pp. 443–469,
11. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Libowitzky E., Reimold W. U., Greshake A., and Brandstätter F. 2010. Ballen quartz and cristobalite in impactites: New investigations. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, edited by Gibson R. L. and Reimold W. U. Boulder: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465. pp. 609–618,
12. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Thöni M., and Liang C. 2010. Single crystal U–Pb zircon age and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of impactites from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Comparison with country rocks and Ivory Coast tektites. Chemical Geology 275(3–4):254–261,
13. Ferrière L., Raiskila S., Osinski G. R., Pesonen L. J., and Lehtinen M. 2010. The Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland – Impact origin confirmed by characterization of planar deformation features in quartz grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45(3):434–446,
14. Ferrière L., Lubala F. R. T., Osinski G. R., and Kaseti P. K. 2011. The newly-confirmed Luizi impact structure, Democratic Republic of Congo – Insights into central uplift formation and post-impact erosion. Geology 39(9):851–854,
15. Huber M. S., Ferrière L., Losiak A., and Koeberl C. 2011. ANIE: A mathematical algorithm for automated indexing of planar deformation features in quartz grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46(9):1418–1424,
16. Brandstätter F., Niedermayr G., Ferrière L., Pavuza R., and Sattmann H. 2012. In memoriam Robert Seemann. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A 114:5–20.
17. Brandstätter F., Konzett J., Koeberl C., and Ferrière L. 2013. The Ischgl meteorite, a new LL6 chondrite from Tyrol, Austria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A 115:5–18.
18. Gattacceca J., Hewins R., Lorand J.-P., Rochette P., Lagroix F., Cournède C., Uehara M., Pont S., Sautter V., Scorzelli R. B., Hombourger C., Munayco P., Zanda B., Chennaoui H., and Ferrière L. 2013. Opaque minerals, magnetic properties, and paleomagnetism of the Tissint Martian meteorite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(10):1919–1936,
19. Barrat J.-A., Jambon A, Ferrière L., Bollinger C., Langlade J.A., Liorzou C., Boudouma O., and Fialin M. 2014. No Martian soil component in shergottite meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 125(6108):23–33,
20. Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Deutsch A., and Koeberl C. 2014. Impact controversies: Impact recognition criteria and related issues. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49(5):723–731,
21. Sapers H. M., Banerjee N. R., Osinski G. R., Preston L. J., and Ferrière L., 2014. Enigmatic tubular features in impact glass: REPLY. Geology 42:e348,
22. Sapers H. M., Osinski G. R., Banerjee N. R., Ferrière L., Lambert P., and Izawa M. R. 2014. Revisiting the Rochechouart impact structure, France. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49(12):2152–2168,
23. Povinec P. P., Laubenstein M., Jull A. J. T., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Sýkora I., Masarik J., Beño J., Kováčik A., Topa D., and Koeberl C. 2015. Cosmogenic radionuclides and mineralogical properties of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite: What do we learn about the meteoroid? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50(2):273–286,
24. Alwmark C., Ferrière L., Holm-Alwmark S., Ormö J., Leroux H., and Sturkell E. 2015. Impact origin for the Hummeln structure (Sweden) and its link to the Ordovician disruption of the L chondrite parent body. Geology 43(4):279–282,
25. Schmieder M., Ferrière L., Ormö J., Buchner E., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2015. Comment on: "Direct evidence of ancient shock metamorphism at the site of the 1908 Tunguska event", by P. Vannucchi et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 409 (2015) 168–174] Earth and Planetary Science Letters 419:222–223,
26. Losiak A., Golebiowska I., Ferrière L., Wojciechowski J., Huber M. S., and Koeberl C. 2016. WIP: A Web-based program for indexing planar features in quartz grains and its usage. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(4):647–662,
27. Osinski G. R. and Ferrière L. 2016. Shatter cones: (Mis)understood? Science Advances. 2(8):e1600616,
28. Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., Bralower T., Chenot E., Christeson G., Claeys Ph., Cockell C., Collins G. S., Coolen M. J. L., Ferrière L., Gebhardt C., Goto K., Jones H., Kring D. A., Le Ber E., Lofi J., Long X., Lowery C., Mellett C., Ocampo-Torres R., Osinski G. R., Perez-Cruz L., Pickersgill A., Pölchau M., Rae A., Rasmussen C., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Riller U., Sato H., Schmitt D. R., Smit J., Tikoo S., Tomioka N., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Whalen M., Wittmann A., Yamaguchi K. E., and Zylberman W. 2016. The formation of peak rings in large impact craters. Science 354(6314):878–882,
29. Lamali A., Rochette P., Merabet N., Abtout A., Maouche S., Gattacceca J., Ferrière L., Hamoudi M., ASTER Team, Meziane E. H., and Ayache M. 2016. Geophysical and magneto-structural study of the Maâdna structure (Talemzane, Algeria): Insights on its age and origin. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(12):2249–2273,
30. Baumgartner R. J., Fiorentini M. L., Baratoux D., Ferrière L., Locmelis M., Tomkins A., and Sener A. K. 2017. The variability of ruthenium in chromite from chassignite and olivine-phyric shergottite meteorites: New insights into the behavior of PGE and sulfur in Martian magmatic systems. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(2):333–350,
31. Baumgartner R. J., Fiorentini M. L., Lorand J.-P., Baratoux D., Zaccarini F., Ferrière L., Prašek M. K., and Sener A. K. 2017. The role of sulfides in the fractionation of highly siderophile and chalcophile elements during the formation of martian shergottite meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 210:1–24,
32. Querfeld R., Tanha M. R., Heyer L., Renz F., Guggenberger G., Brandstätter F., Ferrière L., Koeberl K., and Steinhauser G. 2017. On the occurrence and origin of anthropogenic radionuclides found in a fragment of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(6):1244–1250,
33. Stenzel O. J., Hilchenbach M., Merouane S., Paquette J., Varmuza K., Engrand C., Brandstätter F., Koeberl C., Ferrière L., Filzmoser P., Siljeström S., and the COSIMA team 2017. Similarities in element content between comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko coma dust and selected meteorite samples. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469(2):S492–S505,
34. Hutzler A., Kilic E., Langevin P., Ellis J. S., Bennett A., and Ferrière L. 2017. EURO-CARES Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Facility: Architecture as an enabler of science. Proceeding of the 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems (Abstract number 323, pp. 1–17), 16-20 July 2017, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
35. Belhaï D., Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H., Baratoux D., Ferrière L., Lamali A. Sahoui R., Lambert P., and Ayadi A. 2017. The fourth Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology Conference (AICAC IV), April 9–12, 2017, Algiers (Algeria). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(9):2067–2071,
36. Kring D. A., Claeys P., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Collins G. S., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party 2017. Chicxulub and the exploration of large peak-ring impact craters through scientific drilling. GSA Today 27(10):4–8,​GSATG352A.1.
37. Ferrière L. 2017. Search (and discovery) of new impact craters on Earth. Elements 13(5):358–359,
38. Artemieva N., Morgan J., and Expedition 364 Science Party 2017. Quantifying the release of climate-active gases by large meteorite impacts with a case study of Chicxulub. Geophysical Research Letters 44(20):10,180–10,188,
39. Holm-Alwmark S., Rae A. S. P., Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Collins G. S. 2017. Combining shock barometry with numerical modeling: Insights into complex crater formation – The example of the Siljan impact structure (Sweden). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(12):2521–2549,
40. Holm-Alwmark S., Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Poelchau M. H. 2018. Estimating average shock pressures recorded by impactite samples based on universal stage investigations of planar deformation features in quartz – Sources of error and recommendations. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53(1):110–130,
41. Lowery C. M., Bralower T. J., Owens J. D., Rodríguez-Tovar F. J., Jones H., Smit J., Whalen M. T., Clayes P., Farley K., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Green S., Chenot E., Christeson G. L., Cockell C. S., Coolen M. J. L., Ferrière L., Gebhardt C., Goto K., Kring D. A., Lofi J., Ocampo-Torres R., Perez-Cruz L., Pickersgill A. E., Poelchau M., Rae A. S. P., Rasmussen C., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Riller U., Sato H., Tikoo S. M., Tomioka N., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Vellekoop J., Wittmann A., Xiao L., Yamaguchi K. E., and Zylberman W. 2018. Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Nature 558, 288–291,
42. Baziotis I., Asimow P. D., Hu J., Ferrière L., Ma C., Cernok A., Anand M., and Topa D. 2018. High pressure minerals in the Château-Renard (L6) ordinary chondrite: implications for collisions on its parent body. Scientific Reports 8:9851,
43. Christeson G. L., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Gebhardt C., Kring D. A., Le Ber E., Lofi J., Nixon C., Poelchau M., Rae A. S. P., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Riller U., Schmitt D. R., Wittmann A., Bralower T. J., Chenot E., Claeys P., Cockell C. S., Coolen M. J. L., Ferrière L., Green S., Goto K., Jones H., Lowery C. M., Mellett C., Ocampo-Torres R., Perez-Cruz L., Pickersgill A. E., Rasmussen C., Sato H., Smit J., Tikoo S. M., Tomioka N., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Whalen M. T., Xiao L., and Yamaguchi K. E. 2018. Extraordinary rocks from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater: P-wave velocity, density, and porosity measurements from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 495:1–11,
44. Cavosie A. J., Timms N. E., Ferrière L., and Rochette P. 2018. FRIGN zircon—The only terrestrial mineral diagnostic of high-pressure and high-temperature shock deformation. Geology 46(10):891–894,
45. Lofi J., Smith D., Delahunty C., Le Ber E., Brun L., Henry G., Paris J., Tikoo S., Zylberman W., Pezard Ph. A., Célérier B., Schmitt D. R., Nixon C., and Expedition 364 Science Party 2018. Drilling-induced and logging-related features illustrated from IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 downhole logs and borehole imaging tools. Scientific Drilling 24:1–13,
46. Riller U., Poelchau M. H., Rae A. S. P., Schulte F. M., Collins G. S., Melosh H. J., Grieve R. A. F., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., Lofi J., Diaw A., McCall N., Kring D. A., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party 2018. Rock fluidization during peak-ring formation of large impact structures. Nature 562:511–518,
47. Marrocchi Y., Euverte R., Villeneuve J., Batanova V., Welsch B., Ferrière L., and Jacquet E. 2019. Formation of CV chondrules by recycling of amoeboid olivine aggregate-like precursors. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 247:121–141,
48. Rae A. S. P., Collins G. S., Poelchau M., Riller U., Davison T. M., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., Morgan J. V., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2019. Stress-strain evolution during peak-ring formation: A case study of the Chicxulub impact structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124(2):396–417,
49. Cox M. A., Cavosie A. J., Ferrière L., Timms N. E., Bland Ph. A., Miljković K., Erickson T. M., and Hess B. 2019. Shocked quartz in polymict impact breccia from the Upper Cretaceous Yallalie impact structure in Western Australia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54(3):621–637,
50. Lowery C. M., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., Bralower T. J., Christeson G. L., and Expedition 364 Scientists* 2019. Ocean drilling perspectives on meteorite impacts. Oceanography 32(1):120–134,
51. Batumike J. M., Belousova E., Griffin W. L., Lubala T. R. F., Chabu M., Kaseti P. K., Djuma B. A., and Ferrière L. 2019. Petrography and Perovskite U-Pb age of the Katuba kimberlite, Kundelungu Plateau (D.R. Congo): Implications for regional tectonism and mineralisation. Journal of African Earth Sciences 156:35–43,
52. Timms N. E., Pearce M. A., Erickson T. M., Cavosie A. J., Rae A. S. P., Wheeler J., Wittmann A., Ferrière L., Poelchau M. H., Tomioka N., Collins G. S., Gulick S. P. S., Rasmussen C., Morgan J. V., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2019. New shock microstructures in titanite (CaTiSiO5) from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174:38,
53. Heck P. R., Herd C., Grossman J. N., Badjukov D., Bouvier A., Bullock E., Chennaoui‐Aoudjehane H., Debaille V., Dunn T. L., Ebel D. S., Ferrière L., Garvie L., Gattacceca J., Gounelle M., Herd R., Ireland T., Jacquet E., Macke R. J., McCoy T., McCubbin F. M., Mikouchi T., Metzler K., Roskosz M., Smith C., Wadhwa M., Welzenbach‐Fries L., Yada T., Yamaguchi A., Zeigler R. A., and Zolensky M. 2019. Best practices for the use of meteorite names in publications. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54(7):1397–1400,
54. Rae A. S. P., Collins G. S., Morgan J. V., Salge T., Christeson G. L., Leung J., Lofi J., Gulick S. P. S., Poelchau M., Riller U., Gebhardt C., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2019. Impact-induced porosity and microfracturing at the Chicxulub impact structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124(7):1960–1978,
55. Rasmussen C., Stockli D. F., Ross C. H., Pickersgill A., Gulick S. P., Schmieder M., Christeson G. L., Wittmann A., Kring D. A., Morgan J. V., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2019. U-Pb memory behavior in Chicxulub’s peak ring – Applying U-Pb depth profiling to shocked zircon. Chemical Geology 525:356–367,
56. Holm-Alwmark S., Alwmark C., Ferrière L., Lindström S., Meier M. M. M., Scherstén A., Herrmann M., Masaitis V. L., Mashchak M. S., Naumov M. V., and Jourdan F. 2019. An Early Jurassic age for the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) based on 40Ar/39Ar data and palynology. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54(8):1764–1780,
57. Gulick S. P. S., Bralower T. J., Ormö J., Hall B., Grice K., Schaefer B., Lyons S., Freeman K. H., Morgan J. V., Artemieva N., Kaskes P., de Graaff S. J., Whalen M. T., Collins G. S., Tikoo S. M., Verhagen C., Christeson G. L., Claeys Ph., Coolen M. J. L., Goderis S., Goto K., Grieve R. A. F., McCall N., Osinski G. R., Rae A. S. P., Riller U., Smit J., Vajda V., Wittmann A., and the Expedition 364 Scientists* 2019. The first day of the Cenozoic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(39):19342–19351,
58. Koeberl C. and Ferrière L. 2019. Libyan Desert Glass area in western Egypt: Shocked quartz in bedrock points to a possible deeply eroded impact structure in the region. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 10:2398–2408,
59. Milojevic T., Kölbl D.. Ferrière L., Albu M., Kish A., Flemming R. L., Koeberl C., Blazevic A., Zebec Z., Rittmann S. K.-M. R., Schleper C., Pignitter M., Somoza V., Schimak M. P., and Rupert A. N. 2019. Exploring the microbial biotransformation of extraterrestrial material on nanometer scale. Scientific Reports 9:18028,
60. Zhao J., Xiao L., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Kring D., Urrutia Fucugauchi J., Schmieder M., de Graaff S. J., Wittmann A., Ross C. H., Claeys Ph., Pickersgill A., Kaskes P., Goderis S., Rasmussen C., Vajda V., Ferrière L., Feignon J.-G., Chenot E., Perez-Cruz L., Sato H., Yamaguchi K., and IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 scientists* 2020. Geochemistry, geochronology and petrogenesis of Maya Block granitoids and dykes from Chicxulub Impact Crater, Gulf of México: Implications for the assembly of Pangea. Gondwana Research 82:128–150,
61. Schulz T., Povinec P. P., Ferrière L., Jull T. A. J., Kováčik A., Sýkora I., Tusch J., Münker C, Topa D., and Koeberl C. 2020. The history of the Tissint meteorite, from its crystallization on Mars to its exposure in space: New geochemical, isotopic, and cosmogenic nuclides data. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55(2):294–311,
62. Povinec P. P., Sýkora I., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2020. Analyses of radionuclides in the Oued Awlitis 001 and Galb Inal lunar meteorites by HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 324(1):349–357,
63. Collins G. S., Patel N., Davison T. M., Rae A. S. P., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party & Third-Party Scientists 2020. A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact. Nature Communications 11:1480,
64. Kring D. A., Tikoo S. M., Schmieder M., Riller U., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Simpson S. L., Osinksi G. R., Gattacceca J., Wittmann A., Verhagen C. M., Cockell C. S., Coolen M. J. L., Longstaffe F. J., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Bralower T. J., Chenot E., Christeson G. L., Claeys P., Ferrière L., Gebhardt C., Goto K., Green S. L., Jones H., Lofi J., Lowery C. M., Ocampo-Torres R., Perez-Cruz L., Pickersgill A. E., Poelchau M. H., Rae A. S. P., Rasmussen C., Sato H., Smit J., Tomioka N., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Whalen M. T., Xiao L., and Yamaguchi K. E. 2020. Probing the hydrothermal system of the Chicxulub impact crater. Science Advances 6(22), eaaz3053,
65. Timms N. E., Kirkland C. L., Cavosie A. J., Rae A. S. P., Rickard W. D. A., Evans N. J., Erickson T. M., Wittmann A., Ferrière L., Collins G. S., and Gulick S. P. S. 2020. Shocked titanite records Chicxulub hydrothermal alteration and impact age. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 281:12–30,
66. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Feignon J.-G., Osinski G. R., and Koeberl C. 2020. Preferred orientation distribution of shock-induced planar microstructures in quartz and feldspar. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55(5):1082–1092,
67. Pittarello L., Daly L., Pickersgill A. E., Ferrière L., and Lee M. R. 2020. Shock metamorphism in plagioclase and selective amorphization. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55(5):1103–1115,
68. Cox M. A., Erickson T. M., Schmieder M., Christoffersen R., Ross D. K., Cavosie A. J., Bland P. A., Kring D. A., and IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2020. High-resolution microstructural and compositional analyses of shock deformed apatite from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55(8):1715–1733,
69. Smith V., Warny S., Grice K., Schaefer B., Whalen M. T., Vellekoop J., Chenot E., Gulick S. P. S., Arenillas I., Arz J. A., Bauersachs T., Bralower T., Demory F., Gattacceca J., Jones H., Lofi J., Lowery C. M., Morgan J., Nuñez Otaño N. B., O'Keefe J. M. K., O'Malley K., Rodríguez-Tovar F. J., Schwark L., and the IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2020. Life and death in the Chicxulub impact crater: a record of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum. Climate of the Past 16(5):1889–1899,
70. Fritz J., Greshake A., Klementova M., Wirth R., Palatinus L., Trønnes R. G., Assis Fernandes V., Böttger U., and Ferrière L. 2020. Donwilhelmsite, [CaAl4Si2O11], a new lunar high-pressure Ca-Al-silicate with relevance for subducted terrestrial sediments. American Mineralogist 105(11):1704–1711,
71. Whalen M. T., Gulick S. P. S., Lowery C. M., Bralower T. J., Morgan J. V., Grice K., Schaefer B., Smit J., Ormö J., Wittmann A., Kring D. A., Lyons S., Goderis S., and the IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2020. Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition between impact and normal marine sedimentation near ground zero. Marine Geology 430:106368,
72. Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Leroux H., and Koeberl C. 2020. Characterization of shocked quartz grains from Chicxulub peak ring granites and shock pressure estimates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55(10):2206–2223,
73. Colas F., Zanda B., Bouley S., Jeanne S., Malgoyre A., Birlan M., Blanpain C., Gattacceca J., Jorda L., Lecubin J., Marmo C., Rault J. L., Vaubaillon J., Vernazza P., Yohia C., Gardiol D., Nedelcu A., Poppe B., Rowe J., Forcier M., Koschny D., Trigo-Rodriguez J. M., Lamy H., Behrend R., Ferrière L., et al. (+370 additional co-authors) 2020. FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids. Astronomy & Astrophysics 644:A53, 23 pp.,
74. Osinski G. R, Ferrière L., Hill P. J. A., Prave A. R., Preston L. J., Singleton A., and Pickersgill A. E. 2021. The Mesoproterozoic Stac Fada Member, NW Scotland: an impact origin confirmed but refined. Journal of the Geological Society 178(1):jgs2020-056,
75. Barrat J. A. and Ferrière L. 2021. Olivines in main-group pallasites: magma-ocean cumulates or partial melting residues?. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 16:47–52,
76. Foucher F., Hickman-Lewis K., Hutzler A., Joy K. H., Folco L., Bridges J. C., Wozniakiewicz P., Martínez-Frías J., Debaille V., Zolensky M., Yano H., Bost N., Ferrière L., Lee M., Michalski J., Schroeven-Deceuninck H., Kminek G., Viso M., Russell S., Smith C., Zipfel J., and Westall F. 2021. Definition and use of functional analogues in planetary exploration. Planetary and Space Science 197:105162,
77. Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Plescia J. 2021. Scientific Comment on Klokočník et al. "Support for two subglacial impact craters in northwest Greenland from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and other data", Tectonophysics 780 (2020), 228396, Tectonophysics 800, 228578,
78. Goderis S., Sato H., Ferrière L., Schmitz B., Burney D., Kaskes P., Vellekoop J., Wittmann A., Schulz T., Chernonozhkin S., Claeys Ph., de Graaff S.J., Déhais T., de Winter N.J., Elfman M., Feignon J.-G., Ishikawa A., Koeberl C., Kristiansson P., Neal C.R., Owens J.D., Schmieder M., Sinnesael M., Vanhaecke F., Van Malderen S.J.M., Bralower T.J., Gulick S.P.S., Kring D.A., Lowery C.M., Morgan J.V., Smit J., Whalen M.T., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2021. Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure. Science Advances 7(9):eabe3647,
79. Ravichandran R, Leiser D., Zander F., Löhle S., Matlovič P., Tóth J., and Ferrière L. 2021. High frame rate emission spectroscopy for ablation tests in plasma wind tunnel. Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 033101,
80. Holm-Alwmark S., Alwmark C., Ferrière L., Meier M. M. M., Lindström S., Kenny G. G., Sheldon E., Schweigert G., Spötl C., Whitehouse M. J., and Hofmann B. A. 2021. Shocked quartz in distal ejecta from the Ries impact event (Germany) found at ~ 180 km distance, near Bernhardzell, eastern Switzerland. Scientific Reports 11, 7438,
81. Holm-Alwmark S., Jourdan F., Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Koeberl C. 2021. Resolving the age of the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) against alteration and inherited 40Ar* – No link with extinctions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 301:116–140,
82. Walton C. R., Baziotis I., Černok A., Ferrière L., Asimow P. D., Shorttle O., and Anand M. 2021. Microtextures in the Chelyabinsk impact breccia reveal the history of Phosphorus-Olivine-Assemblages in chondrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56(4): 742–766,
83. Drolshagen E., Ott T., Koschny D., Drolshagen G., Vaubaillon J., Colas F., Zanda B., Bouley S., Jeanne S., Malgoyre A., Birlan M., Vernazza P., Gardiol D., Nedelcu D. A., Rowe J., Forcier M., Trigo-Rodriguez J. M., Peña-Asensio E., Lamy H., Ferrière L., Barghini D., Carbognani A., Di Martino M., Rasetti S., Valsecchi G. B., Volpicelli C. A., Di Carlo M., Knapic C., Pratesi G., Riva W., Stirpe G. M., Zorba S., Hernandez O., Grandchamps A., Jehin E., Jobin M., King A., Sanchez-Lavega A., Toni A., Rimola A., and Poppe B. 2021. Luminous efficiency based on FRIPON meteors and limitations of ablation models. Astronomy & Astrophysics 650:A159,
84. Bechtold A., Brandstätter F., Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Greenwood R. C., and Koeberl C. 2021. Lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 11962: A regolith breccia containing records of titanium-rich lunar volcanism and the high alkali suite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56(5):971–991,
85. Zhao J, Xiao L., Xiao Z., Morgan J. V., Osinski G. R., Neal C. R., Gulick S. P. S., Riller U., Claeys Ph., Zhao S., Prieur N. C., Nemchin A., Yu S., and IODP 364 Science Party 2021. Shock-deformed zircon from the Chicxulub impact crater and implications for cratering process. Geology 49(7):755–760,
86. Cockell C. S., Schaefer B., Wuchter C., Coolen M. J. L., Grice K., Schnieders L., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., Wittmann A., Lofi J., Christeson G. L., Kring D. A., Whalen M. T., Bralower T. J., Osinski G. R., Claeys Ph., Kaskes P., de Graaff S. J., Déhais T., Goderis S., Becerra N. H., Nixon S., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2021. Shaping of the present-day deep biosphere at Chicxulub by the impact catastrophe that ended the Cretaceous. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:668240,
87. Ferrière L., Rajpriye S., Sapozhnikov P., and Baimagambetov B. 2021. Shock metamorphism in samples from the Shili impact structure (Kazakhstan) and discussion of its size and age. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, edited by Reimold W. U. and Koeberl C. Geological Society of America Special Paper 550. pp. 133–145,
88. Feignon J.-G., de Graaff S. J., Ferrière L., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Goderis S., Claeys Ph., and Koeberl C. 2021. Chicxulub impact structure, IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core: Geochemistry of the granite basement. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56(7):1243–1273,
89. Barbaro A., Domeneghetti M. C., Litasov K. D., Ferrière L., Pittarello L., Christ O., Lorenzon S., Alvaro M., and Nestola F. 2021. Origin of micrometer-sized impact diamonds in ureilites by catalytic growth involving Fe-Ni-silicide: The example of Kenna meteorite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 309:286–298,
90. Schulte F. M., Wittmann A., Jung S., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., Kring D. A., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., Riller U., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party 2021. Ocean resurge-induced impact melt dynamics on the peak-ring of the Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico. International Journal of Earth Sciences 110:2619–2636,
91. Drolshagen E., Ott T., Koschny D., Drolshagen G., Vaubaillon J., Colas F., Zanda B., Bouley S., Jeanne S., Malgoyre A., Birlan M., Vernazza P., Gardiol D., Nedelcu D. A., Rowe J., Forcier M., Trigo-Rodriguez J. M., Peña-Asensio E., Lamy H., Ferrière L., Barghini D., Carbognani A., Di Martino M., Rasetti S., Valsecchi G. B., Volpicelli C. A., Di Carlo M., Knapic C., Pratesi G., Riva W., Stirpe G. M., Zorba S., Hernandez O., Grandchamps A., Jehin E., Jobin M., King A., Sanchez-Lavega A., Toni A., Rimola A., and Poppe B. 2021. Luminous efficiency of meteors derived from ablation model after assessment of its range of validity. Astronomy & Astrophysics 652:A84,
92. Wittmann A., Cavosie A. J., Timms N. E., Ferrière L., Rae A., Rasmussen C., Ross C., Stockli D., Schmieder M., Kring D. A., Zhao J., Xiao L., Morgan J. V., Gulick S. P. S., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2021. Shock impedance amplified impact deformation of zircon in granitic rocks from the Chicxulub impact crater. Earth and Planetary Science 575, 117201,
93. Lowery C. M., Jones H. L., Bralower T. J., Perez Cruz L., Gebhardt C., Whalen M. T., Chenot E., Smit J, Purkey Phillips M., Choumiline K., Arenillas I., Arz J. A., Garcia F., Ferrand M., Gulick S. P. S., and Expedition 364 Science Party 2021. Early Paleocene paleoceanography and export productivity in the Chicxulub crater. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(11):e2021PA004241,
94. Ferrière L., Crósta A.P., Wegner W., Libowitzky E., Iwashita F., and Koeberl C. 2021. Distinguishing volcanic from impact glasses – The case of the Cali glass (Colombia). Geology 49(12):1421–1425,
95. Kassab F., Ferrière L., and Belhai D. 2021. Shock-metamorphic microstructures in quartz grains from Albian sandstones from the Tin Bider impact structure, Algeria. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56(12):2273–2280,

96. de Graaff S. J., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Goderis S., Debaillle V., Ross C. H., Gulick S. P. S., Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Smit J., Mattielli N., and Claeys Ph. 2022. New insights into the formation and emplacement of impact melt rocks within the Chicxulub impact structure, following the 2016 IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. GSA Bulletin 134 (1-2): 293–315,

97. Kaskes P., de Graaff S. J., Feignon J.-G., Déhais T., Goderis S., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Smit J., Wittmann A., Gulick S. P. S., Debaillle V., Mattielli N., and Claeys Ph. 2022. Formation of the crater suevite sequence from the Chicxulub peak ring: A petrographic, geochemical, and sedimentological characterization. GSA Bulletin 134(3–4):895–927,

98. Barbaro A., Nestola F., Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Murri M., Litasov K. D., Christ O., Alvaro M., and Domeneghetti M. C. 2022. Characterization of carbon phases in Yamato 74123 ureilite to constrain the meteorite shock history. American Mineralogist 107(3):377–384,

99. Feignon J.-G., Schulz T., Ferrière L., Goderis S., de Graaff S. J., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Claeys Ph., and Koeberl C. 2022. Search for a meteoritic component within the impact melt rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure peak ring, Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 323:74–101, 

100. Baziotis I., Ma. C., Guan Y., Ferrière L., Xydous S., Hu J., Kipp M. A., Tissot F. L. H., and Asimow P. D. 2022. Unique evidence of fluid alteration in the Kakowa (L6) ordinary chondrite. Scientific Reports 12:5520,

101. Le Ber E., Loggia D., Denchik N., Lofi J., Kring D. A., Sardini P., Siitari-Kauppi M., Pezard P., Olivier G., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party 2022. Petrophysics of Chicxulub impact crater's peak ring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127:e2021JB023801,

102. Matlovič P., Pisarčíková A., Tóth J., Mach P., Čermák P., Loehle S., Kornoš L., Ferrière L., Šilha J., Leiser D., and Ravichandran R. 2022. Hydrogen emission from meteors and meteorites: Mapping traces of H2O molecules and organic compounds in small Solar system bodies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513:3982–3992,

103. Reimold W.U., Ferrière L., Crósta A.P., Vasconcelos M.A.R., Gottwald M., da Silva Borges M., de Almeida T.I.R., Pereira F.L., Goés A. M., Hauser N., Jessell M., and Baratoux D. 2022. Nova Colinas, Maranhão State: A new complex impact structure confirmed in Brazil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 57(8):1519–1541,

104. Osinski G. R., Grieve R. A. F., Ferrière L., Losiak A., Pickersgill A., Cavosie A. J.. Hibbard S. M., Hill P. J. A., Bermudez J. J., Marion C. L., Newman J. D., and Simpson S. L. 2022. Impact Earth: A review of the terrestrial impact record. Earth-Science Reviews 232:104112,

105. Baziotis I., Xydous S., Papoutsa A., Hu J., Ma C., Klemme S., Berndt J., Ferrière L., Caracas R., and Asimow P. D. 2022. Jadeite and related species in shocked meteorites: Limitations on inference of shock conditions. American Mineralogist 107(10):1868–1877,

106. Baziotis I. P., Xydous S., Papoutsa A., Hu J., Ma C., Ferrière L., Klemme S., Berndt J., and Asimow P. D. 2023. Investigation of the shocked Viñales ordinary chondrite (L6) meteorite fall – Implications for shock classification, fragmentation, and collision dynamics. Icarus 309:115326,

107. de Graaff S. J., Ross. C. H., Feignon J.-G., Kaskes P., Gulick S. P. S., Goderis S., Déhais T., Debaillle V., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Mattielli N., Stockli D. F., and Claeys Ph. 2023. The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Lithos 436–437:106953,

108. Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Matzka M., Ruf A., Menez B., Chennaoui Aoudjehane H., Harir M., Lucio M., Hertzog J., Hertkorn N., Gougeon R. D., Hoffmann V., Hinman N. W., Ferrière L., Greshake A., Gabelica Z., Trif L., and Steele A. 2023. Complex carbonaceous matter in Tissint martian meteorites give insights into the diversity of organic geochemistry on Mars. Science Advances 9(2):eadd6439,

109. Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Pati J. K., Hauser N., and Koeberl C. 2023. Critical comment on Aneeshkumar, V. et al., 2022, Lithos 426–427, 106,779, Meteorite impact at Ramgarh, India: Petrographic and geochemical evidence, and new geochronological insights. Lithos 438–439:106,971,

110. Griffiths T. A., Habler G., Ageeva O., Sutter C., Ferrière L., and Abart R. 2023. The origin of lattice rotation during dendritic crystallization of clinopyroxene. Journal of Petrology 64(1):egac125,

111. Bishop J. L., Reimold W. U., Baratoux D., and Ferrière L. 2023. Meteoritical Society Service Award citation for Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 58(8):1171–1172,

112. Avice G., Kendrick M. A., Richard A., and Ferrière L. 2023. Ancient atmospheric noble gases preserved in post-impact hydrothermal minerals of the 200 Ma-old Rochechouart impact structure, France. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 620:118351,

113. Pisarčíková A., Matlovič P., Tóth J., Loehle S., Ferrière L., Leiser D., Grigat F., and Vaubaillon J. 2023. Analysis of CN emission as a marker of organic compounds in meteoroids using laboratory simulated meteors. Icarus 404: 115682,

114. Walton C. R., Jeon H., Černok A., Rae A. S. P., Baziotis I., Tang F., Kuppili V. S. C., Ferrière L., Darling J., Hu S., Whitehouse M. J., Anand M., and Shorttle O. 2023. In-situ phosphate U-Pb ages of the L chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 359:191–204,

115. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Chernonozhkin S. M., Vanhaecke F., and Goderis S. 2023. The vesiculated layer in the anomalous diogenite Northwest Africa 12973. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 58(11): 1677–1690,

116. Tóth J., Matlovič P., Loehle S., Vaubaillon J., Pisarčíková A., Leiser D., Grigat F., Eberhart M., Hufgard F., Ravichandran R., Poloni E., Hoerner I., Duernhofer C., Delahaie S., Ferrière L., Rommeluere S., and Rambaux N. 2024. Overview of the MetSpec project - Artificial meteors in ground testing. Icarus 407:115791,

117. Ravichandran R., Loehle S., Hufgard F., Leiser D., Zander F., Ferrière L., Vaubaillon J., Matlovič P., and Tóth J. 2024. Emission spectroscopy at high frame rates during ablation tests of meteorite samples in plasma wind tunnel. Icarus 407:115818,
118. Martell J., Alwmark C., Woracek R., Alwmark S., Hall S., Ferrière L., Daly L., Bender Koch C., Hektor J., Johansson S., Helfen L., Tengattini A., and Mannes D. 2024. Combined neutron and X-ray tomography – A versatile and non-destructive tool in planetary geosciences. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 129(2): e2023JE008222,



Buchkapitel / Artikel in referierten Büchern und Monographien


1. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2013. Shock metamorphism. In Impact cratering: Processes and products, edited by Osinski G. R. and Pierazzo E. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 106-124.

2. Smith C. L., Russell S. S., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Brucato J. R., Rettberg P., Leuko S.,  Longobardo A., Dirri F., Palomba E., Rotundi A., Ferrière L., Bennett A., Pottage T., Folco L., Debaille V., Aléon J., Gounelle M., Marrocchi Y., Franchi I. A., Westall F., Zipfel J., Foucher F., Berthoud L., Vrublevskis J., Bridges J. C., Holt J., and Grady M. M., 2021. A roadmap for a European extraterrestrial sample curation facility – the EURO-CARES project. In Sample Return Missions: The Last Frontier of Solar System Exploration, edited by Longobardo A., Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 249–268,



Eingeladene Beiträge

1. Koeberl C., Milkereit B., Overpeck J. T., Scholz C. A., Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Coney L., and Peck J. A. 2007. Results of the 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, drilling project. DOSECC Journal 5:1-4.


2. Ferrière L. 2011. Luizi - First confirmed meteorite impact structure in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Meteorite 17(4):8-11.


3. Ferrière L. 2012. Luizi - Erster bestätigter Meteoritenkrater in Zentralafrika. Der Sternenbote 55(674):166-171.


4. Ferrière L., Brandstaetter F., and Koeberl C. 2013. The New Meteorite Hall of the Natural History Museum, Vienna (NHMV). Meteorite 19(3):36-39.

5. Brandstaetter F. and Ferrière L. 2014. A brief history of meteorites / Eine kurze Geschichte über Meteoriten. In Meteorites / Meteoriten, Neumünster/Hamburg: Wachholtz Verlag, The Munich Show, Mineralientage München. pp. 18–29.
6. Ferrière L. and Hutzler A. 2016. EURO-CARES – European curation of astromaterials returned from exploration of space. In: Häuplik-Meusburger S. and Lu S.-H.(Eds.). European Extra-terrestrial Sample Curation Facility – Design Studio SS2016. Vienna University of Technology, Department for Building Construction and Design – HB2. pp. 7–10.
7. Koeberl C. and Ferrière L. 2016. Tiefbohrung im Chicxulub-Impaktkrater. Universum Magazin 12-2016:106–107.
8. Gulick S., Morgan J., Mellett C. L., and the Expedition 364 Scientists*, 2017. Expedition 364 Preliminary Report: Chicxulub: Drilling the K-Pg Impact Crater. International Ocean Discovery Program. [38 pages]
9. Hutzler A. and Ferrière L. 2017. Europe needs facility to handle extra-terrestrial space material. ROOM - The Space Journal, Issue #2(12) Summer 2017, 72–75.
10. Ferrière L. 2017. La collection de roches décoratives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Vienne (Autriche). Revue Reliefs n°6 – Mer, 140–141 (ISBN 9791096554232).

11. Urrutia‐Fucugauchi J., Pérez‐Cruz L., Morgan J., Gulick S., Wittmann A., Lofi J., and IODP‐ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party 2019. Peering inside the peak ring of the Chicxulub Impact Crater—its nature and formation mechanism. Geology Today 35(2):68–72,

12. Walter-Roszjar J. and Ferrière L. 2019. Kohlige Chondrite im Fokus – dunkle Gesteine aus dem All und was wir von ihnen lernen können. Universum, ORF Magazin, vol. 6, Juni 2019, S. 112–113.
13. Koeberl C., Hammer V. M. F., Kolitsch U., and Ferrière L. 2020. Strahlung in der Umwelt. Das Naturhistorische 1-2020:10–11.

14. Ferrière L. 2020. Météorite française ou pas? Le cas de la météorite du Mercantour rebaptisée Nova 054. Riviera Scientifique 104:51–52.

15. Ferrière L. and Walter-Roszjár J. 2021. Der Kindberg-Meteorit: Ein Weltraumbesucher landet in Österreich. Naturhistorisches (4/Winter 2021):18–19.





Ferrière L. 2007. Book Review: Impact tectonics, edited by Koeberl C. and Henkel H. Impact Studies, vol. 6, Heidelberg: Springer, 2005, 552 p. Géochronique 102:47.


Ferrière L. 2007. Book Review: Les météorites de France: Guide pratique, by Pelé P.-M. Orléans/Paris: BRGM/Hermann, 2005, 335 p. Géochronique 103:32.



Konferenzbeiträge / Publizierte Abstracts


1. Devouard B., Ferrière L., Zanda B. and Messaoudi M. 2005. Mineralogy and petrology of TAN057 (C4) and comparison to the CV and CK groups (abstract). 4th Colloque International 3MA. Agadir, Maroc. p.1.


2. Hanova J., Lawton D. C., Visser J., Hildebrand A. R., and Ferrière L. 2005. 3D Structural interpretation of the Eagle Butte impact structure, Alberta, Canada (abstract #2355). 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


3. Ferrière L. and Robin E. 2005. Zoning in K/T boundary spinel (abstract #5263). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40:A47.


4. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Gibson R. L. 2006. First mineralogical observations and chemical analyses of core LB-08A from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Comparison with suevite from outside the crater (abstract #1845). 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


5. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Gibson R. L. 2006. Mineralogical and geochemical observations on core LB-08A from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana (abstract #05692). Geophysical Research Abstracts 8. CD-ROM.


6. Koeberl C., Milkereit B., Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., and Coney L. 2006. First results from the 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, drilling project: Impact and geophysical aspects (abstract). Workshop on Impact Craters as Indicators for Planetary Environmental Evolution and Astrobiology. Östersund, Sweden. p. 2.


7. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2006. Shock-metamorphic effects in samples from core LB-O8A: First material recovered from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana (abstract). Workshop on Impact Craters as Indicators for Planetary Environmental Evolution and Astrobiology. Östersund, Sweden. p. 2.


8. Coney L., Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Gibson R. L. 2006. The ICDP drillcores through the breccia fill of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Berichte der Dtsch. Mineral. Ges., Beiheft zu European Journal of Mineralogy 18(1):A25.


9. Devouard B., Ferrière L., Zanda B., and Messaoudi M. 2006. Mineralogy and petrology of TAN057 (C4) and comparison to the CV and CK groups (abstract #9025). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41:A203.


10. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2006. Ballen quartz in impact glass from the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana (abstract #5097). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41:A54.


11. Ferrière L. and Robin E. 2006. Zonations in spinel from meteorite fusion crusts and their relevance to impact spinel formation (abstract #5048). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41:A55.


12. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., and Coney L. 2006. Drilling into the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana: Investigating the crater fill of a well-preserved complex impact structure (abstract). GSA Abstracts with Programs 38(7):A296.


13. Koeberl C., Ferrière L., and Reimold W. U. 2006. Shock levels in fallback and fallout impact breccias at the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Results of drill core studies(abstract #MR54A-02). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.


14. Reimold W. U., Koeberl C., Coney L., Ferrière L., and Gibson R. L. 2007. Results of recent petrographic and geochemical studies of the ICDP drill cores from the interior of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana (abstract #1137). 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


15. Coney L., Ferrière L., Reimold W. U., Koeberl C., and Gibson R. L. 2007. Geochemical characteristics of the LB-07A and LB-08A cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana (abstract). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71(15S):A185.


16. Ferrière L. and Koeberl C. 2007. Ballen quartz, an impact signature: New occurrence in impact melt breccia at Rochechouart-Chassenon impact structure, France (abstract #5079). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42:A46.


17. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2007. Distribution of shocked quartz grains with depth in central uplift of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana (abstract #5078). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42:A47.


18. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2007. Distribution of shocked quartz grains along the LB-08A core through the central uplift of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana - Implications for numerical models (abstract #8035). Bridging the Gap II: The effect of target properties on the impact cratering process. Montreal, Canada. CD-ROM.


19. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2007. Investigations of melt particles in suevite from the Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure (abstract). GSA Abstracts with Programs 39(6):A314.


20. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., Gibson R., and Schmitt R.-T. 2007. Lithological, petrographical, and geochemical investigations of suevite from the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure (abstract). GSA Abstracts with Programs 39(6):A451.


21. Bartosova K., Koeberl C., Schmitt R.-T., Reimold W. U., and Ferrière L. 2008. A petrographical, geochemical, and shock metamorphic study of suevite from the Eyreville drillcore, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA (abstract #1065). 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


22. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2008. Drilling at impact structures: The case of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana (abstract #01581). Geophysical Research Abstracts 10. CD-ROM.


23. Ferrière L., Morrow J. R., Amgaa T., and Koeberl C. 2008. Systematic comparison of Universal stage-indexed planar deformation features in quartz: Implications for statistical significance and representation of results (abstract #3010). Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (LMI IV) Meeting, Vredefort Dome, South Africa. pp. 76-77.


24. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., Libowitzky E., and Greshake A. 2008. Ballen quartz and cristobalite in impact breccias: Types, occurrence, and possible origin (abstract #3011). Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (LMI IV) Meeting, Vredefort Dome, South Africa. pp. 74-75.


25. Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2008. The 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi impact crater (Ghana) drilling project: A review (abstract). Journal of Alpine Geology 49:A223.


26. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Mader D., Koeberl C., Schmitt R.-T., and Reimold W. U. 2008. Petrographic and geochemical studies of impact breccia from the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA (abstract). Journal of Alpine Geology 49:7.


27. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Brandstaetter F. 2008. Melt particles from the impact breccia section, Eyreville B drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA (abstract). GSA Abstracts with Programs 40(6):A407.


28. Ferrière L., Morrow J. R., Amgaa T., and Koeberl C. 2008. Universal stage determination of crystallographic orientations of planar deformation features in quartz: Quality, precision, repeatability, and representativeness of measurements (abstract). GSA Abstracts with Programs 40(6):A409.


29. Ferrière L., and Robin E. 2009. Composition and origin of Ni-rich spinel from Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (abstract #1812). 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


30. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U., Hecht L., and Bartosova K. 2009. The origin of “toasted” quartz in impactites revisited (abstract #1751). 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


31. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W. U. 2009. Shock metamorphic studies on suevite from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA (abstract #3412). Geophysical Research Abstracts 11. CD-ROM.


32. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2009. Characterization of shock-metamorphic effects in quartz from sandstones at the Haughton impact structure, Canada (abstract #5377). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44:A68.


33. Ferrière L., Devouard B., Goderis S., Vincent P., Bernon D., Lorillard R., and Saul J. M. 2009. Petrographic and geochemical study of an anomalous melt rock from the Gilf Kebir plateau, close to the Libyan desert glass area, Egypt (abstract #5384). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44:A69.


34. Chaumard N., Devouard B., Zanda B., and Ferrière L. 2009. The link between CV and CK carbonaceous chondrites based on parent body processes (abstract #5206). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44:A49.


35. Ferrière L., Raiskila S., Osinski G. R., Pesonen L. J., and Lehtinen M. 2010. The Keurusselkä structure (Finland) - Impact origin confirmed by universal-stage characterization of planar deformation features in quartz grains (abstract #1072). 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


36. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2010. Shatter cones and associated shock-induced microdeformations in minerals - New investigations and implications for their formation (abstract #1392). 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


37. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2010. New observations of shock-metamorphic effects in minerals from shatter cones (2 pages abstract). Workshop on Damage to target rocks during impact cratering. Oslo, Norway.


38. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2010. Occurrence and characterization of shocked quartz in shatter cones (abstract #5273). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45:A53.


39. Huber M. S., Ferrière L., Losiak A., and Koeberl K. 2011. ANIE: A mathematical algorithm for automated indexing of planar deformation features in quartz (abstract #1200). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


40. Losiak A., Ferrière L., and Koeberl K. 2011. What is the role of alpha-quartz in impact shock metamorphism? Angles between pole orientations of planar deformation features as a proxy for the shock-induced temperature change (abstract #1284). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


41. Losiak A., Wojciechowski J., Ferrière L., Huber M. S., and Koeberl K. 2011. A web-based program for indexing planar deformation features in quartz (abstract #1286). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


42. Ferrière L., Lubala F. R. T., Osinski G. R., and Kaseti P. K. 2011. The Luizi structure (Democratic Republic of Congo) - First confirmed meteorite impact crater in Central Africa (abstract #1637). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


43. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2011. The new Luizi impact structure (Democratic Republic of Congo) and implications for central peak and peak ring formation (abstract #1642). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


44. Marion C., Osinski G. R., Antonenko I., Barfoot T., Battler M., Beauchamp M., Cloutis E., Cupelli L., Chanou A., Daly M., Ferrière L., Flemming R., Francis R., Ghafoor N., Grieve R. A. F., Hodges K., Hussain M., Jolliff B. L., Mader M. M., McCullough E., Otto C., Preston L., Redman D., Shankar B., Singleton A., Stooke P., Sylvester P., Tornabene L. L., Unrau T., and Veillette D. 2011. A Lunar analogue mission: Sample return to the South Pole-Aitken Basin (abstract #2515). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


45. Losiak A., Ferrière L., and Koeberl K. 2011. Specific combinations of planar deformation feature orientations in shocked quartz grains from the Bosumtwi impact crater as a signature of beta-quartz (abstract #4246-2). Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. CD-ROM.


46. Ferrière L., Lubala F. R. T., Osinski G. R., and Kaseti P. K. 2011. Shock metamorphic effects in rocks and minerals from the newly confirmed Luizi impact structure (Democratic Republic of Congo) (abstract #5340). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46:A65.


47. Osinski G. R., Preston L., Ferrière L., Prave T., Parnell J., Singleton A., and Pickersgill A. E. 2011. The Stac Fada "impact ejecta" layer: Not what it seems (abstract #5451). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46:A181.


48. Ferrière L. 2011. Recent work and confirmation of Congolese meteorite impact structure(s) (abstract). Second Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology conference (AICAC II), 13-20 November 2011, Casablanca, Morocco. pp. 37-38.


49. Holm S., Ferrière L., and Alwmark C. 2012. A statistical study of shocked quartz grains from the Siljan impact structure (Sweden) - Horizontal versus vertical c-axes (abstract #1846). 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


50. Ferrière L. and Brandstätter F. 2012. Digitalization project of the meteorite collection of the Natural History Museum, Vienna (abstract #1985). 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


51. Ferrière L., Kaseti P. K., Lubala F. R. T., and Koeberl C. 2012. The Omeonga structure, Democratic Republic of Congo: Geological and petrographical results, and implications for its origin (abstract #2054). 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


52. Marion C. L., Osinski G. R., Abou-Aly S., Antonenko I., Barfoot T., Barry N., Bassi A., Battler M., Beauchamp M., Bondy M., Blain S., Capitan R., Cloutis E., Cupelli L., Chanou A., Clayton J., Daly M., Dong H., Ferrière L., Flemming R., Flynn L., Francis R., Furgale P., Gammell J., Garbino A., Ghafoor N., Grieve R. A. F., Hodges K., Hussein M., Jasiobedzki P., Jolliff B. L., Kerrigan M. C., Lambert A., Leung K., Mader M. M., McCullough E., McManus C., Moores J., Ng H. K., Otto C., Ozaruk A., Pickersgill A. E., Pontefract A., Preston L. J., Redman D., Sapers H., Shankar B., Shaver C., Singleton A., Souders K., Stenning B., Stooke P., Sylvester P., Tripp J., Tornabene L. L., Unrau T., Veillette D., Young K., Zanetti M. A series of robotic and human analogue missions in support of lunar sample return (abstract #2333). 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.


53. Ferrière L. 2012. Impact metamorphism - What to look for in the case of small impact structures (2 pages abstract). Workshop "Small impact craters - generation and modification". Gol/Gardnos, Norway.


54. Ferrière L. 2012. Quaternary meteorite impact craters and products: An overview (2 pages abstract). International conference on Archaeogeology of meteorite impact at Bukit Bunuh area, Lenggong, Perak. Penang, Malaysia.


55. Ferrière L. 2012. Definitive criteria for meteorite impact (2 pages abstract). International conference on Archaeogeology of meteorite impact at Bukit Bunuh area, Lenggong, Perak. Penang, Malaysia.


56. Ferrière L., Kaseti P. K., Lubala F. R. T., and Osinski G. R. 2013. The Luizi impact structure (Democratic Republic of Congo) - Back to the field (abstract #5192). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1):A119.


57. Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., and Koeberl C. 2013. Finding shatter cones in meteorites from the Natural History Museum Vienna collection (abstract #5193). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1):A117.


58. Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Topa D., Schulz T., Baziotis I. P., Münker C., and Koeberl C. 2013. The complex history of Tissint inferred from different types of melt inclusions and isotopic systems (abstract #5194). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1):A118.


59. Povinec P. P., Laubenstein M., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Sýkora I., Kováčik A., Jull A. J. T., Topa D., and Koeberl C. 2013. The Chelyabinsk meteoroid - What do we learn from the recovered meteorite fragments? (abstract #5196). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1):A287.


60. Osinski G. R., Ferrière L., Kring D. A., Anders D., Armstrong K., Baker D., Bamberg M., Beddingfield C., Gaither T., Harrison T., Huber M. S., Hurwitz D., Jaret S., Kramer G., Kuriyama Y., Lucas M., Marion C. L., Mercer C., Mount C., Neish C., Nuhn A., Ostrach L., Pickersgill A., Pilles E., Potter R. W. K., Ryan A., Sharp M., Swartz N., Thomson O., Veto M., Wielicki M. M., Wright S., and Zanetti M. 2013. Revisiting the distribution and properties of shatter cones at the Sudbury impact structure, Canada (abstract #3061). Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (LMI V) Meeting, Sudbury, Canada. LPI Contribution No. 1737. p. 76.


61. Huber M. S., Plado J., Ferrière L.. 2013. Oldest impact structures on Earth – The case study of the Suavjärvi structure (Russia) (abstract #3073). Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (LMI V) Meeting, Sudbury, Canada. LPI Contribution No. 1737. p. 47.


62. Ferrière L. and Osinski G. R. 2013. Shatter cones and associated shock-metamorphic microdeformations in minerals - The case of the Sudbury impact structure, Canada (abstract #3088). Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (LMI V) Meeting, Sudbury, Canada. LPI Contribution No. 1737. p. 39.


63. Brandstätter F., Konzett J., Koeberl C., Ferrière L., and Mader D. 2013. The Ischgl meteorite: Finding circumstances, mineralogy and bulk chemistry (abstract MinPet 2013). Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 159:S47.


64. Koeberl C., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F. 2013. The Chelyabinsk superbolide: Characterization of meteoroid and lessons for the Earth impact hazard (abstract #200-1). GSA Abstracts with Programs 45(7):485.


65. Ferrière L. 2014. Definitive criteria for meteorite impact - What to look for? (abstract). 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 8–10, 2014, Lund, Sweden. p. 160.


66. Holm S. and Ferrière L. 2014. Shock-induced deformations in feldspar grains from Siljan impactites (Sweden) (abstract). 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 8–10, 2014, Lund, Sweden. p. 162.


67. Tarduno J. A., Cottrell R. D., Ferrière L., and Scott E. R. D. 2014. Preliminary paleomagnetic analysis of the Eagle Station pallasite (abstract #1945). 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.

68. Ferrière L. and Steinwender C. 2014. Digitalization of the exceptional building and decorative stones collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna (abstract #6158). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16. CD-ROM.
69. Stenzel O., Varmuza K., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Koeberl C., Filzmoser P., and Hilchenbach M. 2014. Characterisation of meteoritic samples with the Rosetta Cosima TOF-SIMS laboratory reference model – a covariance approach (abstract). Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (ACM) conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 30th – July 4th 2014. p. 531.
70. Salge T, Tagle R., Hecht L., Ferrière L., Ball A. D., Kearsley A. T., Smith C., and Jones C. 2014. Advanced EDS and µXRF analysis of Earth and planetary materials using spectrum imaging, computer-controlled SEM and an annular SDD. Microscopy and Microanalysis 20(S3):1716–1717 (abstract presented at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Annual Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, August 3rd – 7th 2014).
71. Salge T, Tagle R., Hecht L., Mohr-Westheide T., Reimold W.U., Ferrière L., Ball A., Kearsley A., Smith C., Jones C.G., and Patzschke M. 2014. Advanced EDS and µXRF analysis of Earth and planetary materials using spectrum imaging, computer-controlled SEM and an annular SDD (abstract volume p312). Presented at the 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Johannesburg, South Africa, September 1st – 5th 2014.
72. Ferrière L., Kaseti P. K., Lubala F. R. T., Akwerali J., and Djuma A. 2014. New finds of impactites at the Luizi impact structure (Democratic Republic of Congo) (abstract #5321). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49(s1):A116.
73. Tarduno J. A., Bono R. K., Cottrell R. D., Ferrière L., and Scott E. R. D. 2014. Paleomagnetism of the Eagle Station pallasite (abstract #5453). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49(s1):A391.
74. Bono R., Tarduno J. A., Nimmo F., Scott E. R. D., and Ferrière L. 2014. Mixing of impactor liquid cores and planetesimals constrained by single silicate crystal magnetism. Abstract P44A-02 presented at 2014, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December.
75. Ferrière L., Alwmark C., Holm-Alwmark S., Ormö J., Leroux H., and Sturkell E. 2015. The Hummeln structure (Sweden) – Impact origin confirmed and its link to the L-chondrite parent body break-up event (abstract #1758). 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
76. Stenzel O. J., Varmuza K., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Koeberl C., Filzmoser P., Paquette J., and Hilchenbach M. 2015. Using meteorite samples as a test for correlation based analysis of SIMS data from cometary grains (abstract #2200). 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
77. Ferrière L., Brandstätter, F. Roszjar, J. 2015. Big Bang at the NHM Vienna meteorite collection. Abstract Volume of the Misasa V Symposium, Comprehensive Exploration of the Solar System – Sample return and analysis, Misasa, Okayama University, Japan, March 6–8th 2015, p. 56.
78. Povinec P. P., Sýkora I., Kováčik A., Jull A. J. T., Caffee, M., Koeberl C., Ferrière L., and Brandstätter F. 2015. Highly sensitive AMS and coincidence/anticoincidence HPGe spectrometry analysis of radionuclides in Martian meteorites. Tenth international conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry – MARC X, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, April 12–17th 2015, MARC X Final Book of Abstracts p. 109.
79. Varmuza K., Hoffmann I., Filzmoser P., Brandstätter F., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Hilchenbach M., Koeberl C., Paquette J., Silén J., and Stenzel O. J. 2015. Recognition of relevant spectra in TOF-SIMS measurements on meteorite and comet grain samples by a chemometric approach. 18. Tagung Festkoerperanalytik (, Vienna, Austria, July 6–8th 2015.
80. Ferrière L. and Brandstätter, F. 2015. What is maskelynite? Back to the original description and thin sections in which it was first described (abstract #5184). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50(s1):A126.
81. Meier M. M. M., Cloquet C., Marty B., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2015. Hg isotopes at the K-Pg boundary (abstract #1720). Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015 2092.
82. Ferrière L. and Hutzler A. 2015. A European sample curation facility: From the building to the storage and curation of the samples (abstract). EURO-CARES meeting, Greenwich, London, UK, August 24–27th 2015.
83. Alwmark C., Ferrière L., Hofmann B. A., Holm-Alwmark S., and Meier M. M. M. 2015. On the impact origin of the anomalous "Blockhorizont" layer in eastern Switzerland. In Bridging the Gap III: Impact Cratering in Nature, Experiments, and Modeling, Abstract #1005. LPI Contribution No. 1861, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
84. Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Holm-Alwmark S. 2015. Why to search for new impact craters on Earth? Example of the recently confirmed Hummeln impact structure (Sweden). In Bridging the Gap III: Impact Cratering in Nature, Experiments, and Modeling, Abstract #1008. LPI Contribution No. 1861, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
85. Stenzel O. J., Varmuza K., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Koeberl C., Filzmoser P., Paquette J., and Hilchenbach M. 2015. Correlation based analysis of SIMS data from meteorite samples for comparison with cometary grains (abstract #EPSC2015-660). EPSC Abstracts 10.
86. Kleiner F., Zebec Z., Rittmann S., Schleper C., Kutlucinar K. G., Ferrière L., Milojevic T. 2015. Acquiring the microbial-mineral interface of Metallosphaera sedula grown on stony meteorite (abstract). 15th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA’15, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 6–9th 2015.
87. Ferrière L. 2015. Mars sample return curation, planetary protection, and the science perspective. Abstract Volume of the Missions to Habitable Words Conference, Budapest, Hungary, October 28–29th 2015, p. 14–15.
88. Kutlucinar K. G., Kleiner F., Ferrière L., and Milojevic T. 2015. Extracellular space of extremophiles as a potential source of biomarkers. Abstract Volume of the Missions to Habitable Words Conference, Budapest, Hungary, October 28–29th 2015, p. 22–23.
89. Meier M. M. M., Cloquet C., Marty B., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2015. Did Hg from the Chicxulub impactor contribute to the K-Pg extinction? (abstract #0070). Paneth Kolloquium, Nördlingen, Germany, November 11–13th 2015.
90. Ferrière L. and Hutzler A. 2015. Curation of meteorites versus mission returned samples (abstract). HAYABUSA 2015 – 3rd Symposium of Solar System Materials, Sagamihara, Japan, November 18–20th 2015.
91. Hutzler A., Ferrière L., and Smith C. L. 2015. A European sample curation facility: Past studies and pending issues (abstract). HAYABUSA 2015 – 3rd Symposium of Solar System Materials, Sagamihara, Japan, November 18–20th 2015.
92. Brucato J. R., Russell S., Smith C. L., Meneghin A., Ferrière L., Folco L., Franchi I, Hutzler A., and Rettberg P. 2015. Curation facility study for Moon sample return mission. (abstract). Moon 2020 - 2030 Symposium, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 15–16th 2015.
93. Hoffmann I., Brandstätter F., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Filzmoser P., Hilchenbach M., Koeberl C., and Varmuza K. 2016. Meteorite classification by TOF-SIMS-chemometrics (abstract). 27th Mass Spec Forum Vienna. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, February 23–24th 2016.
94. Baziotis I. B., Ferrière L., Asimow P. D., Topa D., and Brandstätter F. 2016. P-rich olivines in the impact melt lithology of the Chelyabinsk meteorite (abstract #1437). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
95. Baziotis I. B., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Topa D., and Asimow P. D. 2016. Shock metamorphism in ordinary chondrites: examples from Chelyabinsk (LL5) and Chantonnay (L6) meteorites (abstract #1440). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
96. Hutzler A., Ferrière L., Smith C. L., Russell S., Aléon J., Berthoud L., Brucato J. R., Gounelle M., Grady M., Meneghin A., Westall F., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2016. EURO-CARES: Project roadmap of a European sample curation facility (abstract #1937). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
97. Grady M., Dryer B., Russell S., Aléon J., Berthoud L., Brucato J. R., Ferrière L., Gounelle M., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Smith C. L., Westall F., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2016. EURO-CARES: The education and outreach opportunities offered by a European sample curation facility (abstract #2358). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
98. Ferrière L. 2016. Curation of extraterrestrial samples: What are the main issues? (abstract). EURO-CARES WP3 Meeting (Designing a European extraterrestrial sample curation facility), NHM Vienna, Austria, April 13–16th 2016. p. 15.
99. Ferrière L., Holm-Alwmark S., Alwmark C., and Stehlik H. 2016. From shock to impact-metamorphism – Discovery of melt-bearing breccias and impact melt veins at the Hummeln impact structure (Sweden) (abstract #6379). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A255.
100. Holm-Alwmark S., Alwmark C., Lindström S., Ferrière L., Scherstén A., Masaitis V. L., Mashchak M. S., and Naumov M. V. 2016. An early Jurassic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) – No causal link to an extinction event (abstract #6171). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A336.
101. Holm-Alwmark S., Rae A. S. P., Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Collins G. S. 2016. On the formation of the Siljan impact structure (Sweden) – Combining shock barometry with numerical modeling (abstract #6072). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A337.
102. Hutzler A., Ferrière L., Bennett A., Brucato J. R., Debaille V., Folco L., Longobardo A., Meneghin A., Palomba E., Pottage T., Smith C. L., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2016. EURO-CARES sample curation facility: Preliminary design (abstract #6348). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A346.
103. Lamali A., Rochette P., Merabet N., Abtout A., Maouche S., Gattacceca J., Ferrière L., Hamoudi M., ASTER Team, Meziane E. H., and Ayache M. 2016. Geophysical constraints on the structure, formation process, and age of the Maâdna crater (Talemzane, Algeria) (abstract #6067). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A398.
104. Maierhofer K., Koeberl C., and Ferrière L. 2016. Petrography of rocks from the impact to post-impact transition layer at the El’gygytgyn impact structure in Chukotka, Arctic Russia (abstract #6206). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A440.
105. Osinski G. R. and Ferrière L. 2016. Shatter cones: (Mis)Understood? (abstract #6392). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51(s1):A496.
106. Baumgartner R. J., Fiorentini M. L., Lorand J.-P., Baratoux D., Zaccarini F., Ferrière L., Prašek M., and Sener K. 2016. The first in-situ minor and trace element analysis of sulphides in Martian magmatic rocks – unravelling the hosts of (highly) siderophile and chalcophile elements in some Shergottite meteorites (abstract). In: Godel B., Barnes S., Gonzales-Alvarez I, Fiorentini M., and Le Vaillant M. (Eds.), 13th International Ni-Cu-PGE Symposium, Fremantle, Australia: Abstracts: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2016/13, p. 10.
107. Smith C. L., Russell S., Berthoud L., Brucato J. R., Ferrière L., Gounelle M., Grady M., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Westall F., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2016. EURO-CARES – A European roadmap towards a curation facility for samples from solar system sample return missions (abstract). Extraterrestrial Materials Research Meeting, 1st November 2016, Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, p. 24.
108. Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Bralower T. J., Chenot E., Christeson G. L., Claeys Ph., Cockell C. S., Collins G. S., Coolen M., Gebhardt C., Goto K., Kring D. A., Long X., Lowery C., Mellett C., Ocampo-Torres R., Osinski G. R., Perez-Cruz L. L., Pickersgill A., Poelchau M., Rae A., Rasmussen C., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Riller U. P., Sato H., Schmitt D. R., Smit J., Tikoo S., Tomioka N., Whalen M. T., Zylberman W., Jones H., Gareth C., Wittmann A., Lofi J., Yamaguchi K. E., and Ferrière L. 2016. IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life. Abstract #143986 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, 12-16th December.
109. Ogliore R., Ferrière L., Nagashima K., Di Nezio P. N., Feldman D., and Huss G. R. 2016. Towards an estimate of pre-industrial stratospheric ozone concentrations by measuring O isotopes in iron meteorite fusion crusts. Abstract #198532 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, 12-16th December.
110. Kring D. A., Claeys Ph., Riller U., Xiao L., Collins G. S., Ferrière L., Goto K., Poelchau M., Rae A., Tomioka N., Whalen M., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party. 2017. Emplacing impact melt in the Chicxulub peak ring (abstract #1213). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
111. Baziotis I. P., Ferrière L., Klemme S., Berndt J., Brandstätter F., Topa D., Palles D., Kamitsos E., and Asimow P. D. 2017. New findings of high-pressure polymorphs in the L6 ordinary chondrite Château-Renard (abstract #1335). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
112. Zhao J.W., Xiao L., Liu H.S., Xiao Z.Y., Morgan J., Gulick S., Kring D., Claeys P., Riller U., Wittmann A., Ferrière L., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists. 2017. Shock metamorphic effects of the peak ring granites within the Chicxulub crater (abstract #1421). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
113. Ferrière L., Rae A. S. P., Poelchau M., Koeberl C., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party. 2017. Macro- and microscopic evidence of impact metamorphism in rocks from the Chicxulub peak ring IODP-ICDP expedition 364 drill core (abstract #1600). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
114. Ferrière L., Meier M. M. M., Assis Fernandes V., Fritz J., Greshake A., Barrat J.-A., Böttger U., Bouvier A., Brandstätter F., Busemann H., Korotev R. L., Maden C., Magna T., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Schrader D. L., and Wadhwa M. 2017. The unique crowdfunded Oued Awlitis 001 lunar meteorite – A consortium overview (abstract #1621). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
115. Rae A. S. P., Morgan J. V., Collins G. S., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., Salge T., Hall B., Ferrière L., Poelchau M., Gulick S. P. S., and Expedition 364 Scientists. 2017. Deformation, shock barometry, and porosity within shocked target rocks of the Chicxulub peak ring: Results from IODP-ICDP expedition 364 (abstract #1934). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
116. Russell S. S., Smith C. L., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Brucato J. R., Rettberg P., Ferrière L., Bennett A., Aléon J., Gounelle M., Franchi I. A., Westall F., Foucher F., Zipfel J., Berthoud L., Vrublevskis J., Grady M., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2017. EURO-CARES (European Curation of Astromaterials Returned from Exploration of Space): An update (abstract #2586). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
117. Varmuza K., Brandstätter F., Cottin H., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Filzmoser P., Fray N., Hilchenbach M., Hoffmann I., Kissel J., Koeberl C., Modica P., Paquette J., and Stenzel O. 2017. Comet and meteorite particle surface characterization by multivariate data analyses using TOF-SIMS data from COSIMA/Rosetta (abstract). ANAKON 2017 meeting, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, 3-6 April 2017, Tübingen, Germany.
118. Ferrière L. Impact metamorphism and the search for impact structures on Earth (abstract). Fourth Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology conference (AICAC IV), 9-12 April 2017, Algiers, Algeria. pp. 29–30.
119. Lamali A., Rochette P., Merabet N., Abtout A., Maouche S., Gattacceca J., Ferrière L., Hamoudi M., ASTER Team, Meziane E. H., and Ayache M. 2017. New insights from geophysical data on the structure, formation process, and age of the Maâdna crater (Talemzane, Algeria) (abstract). Fourth Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology conference (AICAC IV), 9-12 April 2017, Algiers, Algeria. pp. 31–32.
120. Varmuza K., Brandstätter F., Cottin H., Engrand C., Ferrière L., Filzmoser P., Fray N., Hilchenbach M., Hoffmann I., Kissel J., Koeberl C., Modica P., Paquette J., and Stenzel O. 2017. Elemental surface composition of comet 67P grains (Rosetta) and of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites - characterized by multivariate mass spectral data (COSIMA) (abstract #2645). Geophysical Research Abstracts 19.
121. Rae A. S. P., Ferrière L., Poelchau M., Riller U., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., Salge T., Collins G. S., Morgan J. V., and the Expedition 364 Scientists. 2017. Shock metamorphism and fracturing within the Chicxulub peak ring: Results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. Workshop Shock metamorphism in terrestrial and extra-terrestrial rocks, June 26 – July 2, 2017, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Abstract booklet, pp. 41.
122. Ferrière L. 2017. Search and confirmation of impact structures and ejecta on Earth – A review. Workshop Shock metamorphism in terrestrial and extra-terrestrial rocks, June 26 – July 2, 2017, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Abstract booklet, pp. 6.
123. Schmieder M., Kring D. A., Lapen T. J., Gulick S. P. S., Stockli D. F., Rasmussen C., Rae A. S. P., Ferrière L., Poelchau M., Xiao L., Wittmann A., and the IODP–ICDP Expedition 364 Science Party. 2017. Sphene and TiO2 assemblages in the Chicxulub peak ring: U–Pb systematics and implications for shock pressures, temperatures, and crater cooling (abstract #6134). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(s1):A308. LPI Contrib. No. 1987.
124. Ferrière L., Barrat J.-A., Giuli G., Koeberl C., Schulz T., Topa D., and Wegner W. 2017. A new tektite strewn field discovered in Uruguay (abstract #6195). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52(s1):A89. LPI Contrib. No. 1987.
125. Baumgartner R. J., Fiorentini M. L., Lorand J.-P., Zaccarini F., Baratoux D., Ferrière L., and Sener K. 2017. The role of sulfides in the fractionation of highly siderophile and chalcophile elements during the formation of shergottite meteorites. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2017 #272.
126. Russell S., Smith C., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Brucato J., Ferrière L., Gounelle M., Westall F., Berthoud L., and Grady M. 2017. European sample return missions and the curation in Europe of material returned from space. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2017 #3441.
127. Dirri F., Longobardo A., Palomba E., Hutzler A., Ferrière L., and the EURO-CARES Consortium 2017. Basic design of sample container for transport of extraterrestrial samples. European Planetary Science Congress, September 17–22, 2017, Riga, Latvia, Vol. 11, EPSC2017-811.
128. Cox M. A., Cavosie A. J., Bland P. A., Erickson T. M., Ferrière L., and Timms N. 2017. Confirmation of a new impact crater in Western Australia: Shocked quartz at the Yallalie structure (paper no. 139-15). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 49(6); doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-301882.

129. Dirri F., Longobardo A., Palomba E., Hutzler A., Ferrière L., and the EURO-CARES Consortium 2018. Basic design of sample container for transportation of extraterrestrial samples within a Sample Curation Facility (SCF) and between SCF and laboratories. XIV Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, February 5–9, Bormio, Italy.
130. Varmuza K., Filzmoser P., Hoffmann I., Hilchenbach M., Kissel J., Merouane S., Paquette J., Stenzel O., Cottin H., Fray N., Isnard R., Briois C., Modica P., Thirkell L., Engrand C., Baklouti D., Langevin Y., Bardyn A., Hornung K., Siljeström S., Rynö J., Silén J., Schulz R., Brandstätter F., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2018. Mass spectrometry near comet 67P (Rosetta/COSIMA) (abstract). 29th MassSpec Forum Vienna, 20-21 February 2018, Vienna, Austria.
131. Miljković K., Cox M. A., Cavosie A. J., Timms N. E., Bland P. A., Erickson T., Ferrière L., and Hess B. 2018. Numerical modelling of the formation of the Yallalie impact structure (abstract #1806). 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
132. Cavosie A. J., Timms N. E., Ferrière L., and Rochette P. 2018. Former reidite in granular neoblastic zircon (FRIGN zircon) from the Luizi impact structure and proposed Pantasma structure (abstract #1816). 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
133. Ferrière L., Feignon J.-G., Leroux H., and Koeberl C. 2018. What do shocked quartz grains in impactites from the IODP Expedition 364 drill core tell us about the Chicxulub impact event? (abstract #2238). 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
134. Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Aléon J., Berthoud L., Brucato J. R., Ferrière L., Gounelle M., Grady M., Russell S. S., Smith C. L., Westall F., and the EURO-CARES Consortium. 2018. EURO-CARES – How to advance European efforts to have a curation facility for unrestricted and/or restricted samples from sample return missions (abstract #2787). 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
135. Baziotis I., Asimow P. D., Hu J., Ferrière L., Ma C., Cernok A., Anand M., and Topa D. 2018. High pressure polymorph in the Château-Renard (L6) ordinary chondrite: implications for collisions on its parent body (abstract #2946). 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
136. Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2018. Petrography and shock metamorphism of granitoid samples from the Chicxulub peak-ring IODP-ICDP expedition 364 drill core (abstract #10750). Geophysical Research Abstracts 20.
137. Rae A., Collins G., Riller U., Poelchau M., Timms N., Cavosie A., Salge T., Lofi J., Ferrière L., Christeson G., Grieve R., Osinski G., Gulick S., and Morgan J. 2018. Quantitative geological predictions of the dynamic collapse model of peak ring formation: Comparisons with observations from the Chicxulub impact structure (abstract #10873). Geophysical Research Abstracts 20.
138. Povinec P. P., Breier R., Ferrière L., Kováčik A., Koeberl C., Masarik J., and Sýkora I. 2018. Radionuclides in freshly fallen meteorite Khenej Ljouad: A comparison of experimental results with Monte Carlo simulations. Eleven international conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry – MARC XI, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, April 8–13th 2018, MARC XI Final Book of Abstracts p. 173.
139. Brucato J. R., Russell S., Smith C., Hutzler A., Meneghin A., Aléon J., Bennett A., Berthoud L., Bridges J., Debaille V., Ferrière L., Folco L., Foucher F., Franchi I., Gounelle M., Grady M., Leuko S., Longobardo A., Palomba E., Pottage T., Rettberg P., Vrublevskis J., Westall F., Zipfel J., and the EURO-CARES Team 2018. EURO-CARES as roadmap for a European sample curation facility (abstract 6061). 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference, April 25–27, 2018, Berlin, Germany.
140. Hutzler A., Ferrière L., Bennett A., Russell S. S., Smith C. L., and the EURO-CARES Consortium 2018. EURO-CARES: Recommendations for the design of a Mars sample return facility (abstract 6082). 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference, April 25–27, 2018, Berlin, Germany.
141. Povinec P. P., Masarik J., Breier R., Ferrière L., Kováčik A., Koeberl C., Macke R. J., Porubčan V., Sýkora I., and Tóth J. 2018. Radioactivity of chondrites and meteorites from Mars and the Moon: Measurements and Monte Carlo simulations (abstract). 18th Radiochemical Conference (RadChem), May 13–18, 2018, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic, Booklet of Abstracts p. 162.
142. Hutzler A., Ferrière L., Bennett A., Russell S. S., Smith C. L., and the EURO-CARES consortium 2018. EURO-CARES: Getting Europe ready for sample return missions - an emphasis on restricted missions (Abstract B4.2-14-18). 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 14–22, 2018, Pasadena, California, USA.
143. Buchner E., Hölzel M., Schmieder M., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Rasser M., Fietzke J., Frische M., Meier M. M. M., Busemann H., Maden C., and Kutterolf S. 2018. The meteorite from Steinheim, SW Germany: Probably a pallasite (abstract #6055). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53(s1):A31. LPI Contrib. No. 2067.
144. Ferrière L., Alwmark C., Holm-Alwmark S., Leroux H., and Koeberl C. 2018. Finding, characterization, and significance of shocked quartz grains (abstract #6274). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53(s1):A76. LPI Contrib. No. 2067.
145. Povinec P. P., Ferrière L., Jull A. J. T., Koeberl C., Kováčik A., and Sýkora I. 2018. Cosmogenic radionuclides in Martian meteorites: The Tissint case (abstract #6182). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53(s1):A255. LPI Contrib. No. 2067.
146. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., and Osinski G. R. 2018. Preferred orientation of shock-induced microstructures in quartz and feldspar grains as marker for shock wave propagation direction. GeoBonn 2018, September 2–6, 2018, Bonn, Germany. Book of Abstracts p. 133.
147. Salge T., Spratt J., Russel S., Neumann R., Mohr-Westheide T., Greshake A., Reimold W. U., Ferrière L., Cox M. A., and Daly L. 2018. Macro-micro-nanoscale SEM/EDS of Earth and planetary materials. EMAS 2018 - Microbeam Analysis in the Earth Sciences, September 4–7, 2018, University of Bristol, UK.
148. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., and Osinski G. R. 2018. Constraining shock wave propagation direction from planar microstructures in quartz and feldspar. European Planetary Science Congress, September 16–21, 2018, Berlin, Germany, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-265.
149. Smith C., Russell S., Brucato J. R., Meneghin A., Ferrière L., Hutzler A., Aléon J., Westall F., and Berthoud L. 2018. European Curation of Astromaterials Returned from the Exploration of Space (EURO-CARES) – A roadmap for a European Sample Return Curation Facility. European Planetary Science Congress, September 16–21, 2018, Berlin, Germany, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-398.
150. Pantazidis A., Baziotis I., and Ferrière L. 2018. Petrography and mineral chemistry of the ordinary chondrite NWA 11743: the first meteorite classified in a Greek-based laboratory. European Planetary Science Congress, September 16–21, 2018, Berlin, Germany, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-418.
151. Ferrière L. 2018. Search and confirmation of impact structures and ejecta on Earth – What to look for? The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics, 6th Assembly (ACAG-6), October 15–17, 2018, Cairo, Egypt, Program & abstracts volume, pp. 198–199.
152. Ferrière L. 2018. Meteorites as Rosetta Stones bridging the gap between astronomers and geoscientists. The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics, 6th Assembly (ACAG-6), October 15–17, 2018, Cairo, Egypt, Program & abstracts volume, pp. 202–203.
153. Koeberl C. and Ferrière L. 2018. Libyan Desert Glass area in western Egypt: Shocked quartz in bedrock points to possible presence of a deeply eroded impact structure in the region (paper no. 322276). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50(6), doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-322276.
154. Gulick S., Morgan J. V., Bralower T., E. Chenot E., Christeson G. L., Claeys Ph., Cockell C., Coolen M. J. L., Ferrière L., Gebhardt C., Goto K., Green S., Jones H., Kring D. A., Lofi J., Lowery C., Ocampo-Torres R., Perez-Cruz L., Pickersgill A., Poelchau M. H., Rae A. S. P., Rasmussen C., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Riller U., Sato H., Schmitt D., Smit J., Tikoo S., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Wittmann A., Xiao L., Yamaguchi K. E., Vellekoop J., Neal C. R., Grice K., Ormö J., Melosh J., Collins G. S., Rodriguez-Tovar F., Osinski G. R., Stockli D. F., Schmieder M., Snedden J., Freeman K. H., Hall B., Smith V., Grieve R. A. F., Koeberl C., Goderis S., Nixon C., Vajda V., Warny S., Schulte F., Artemieva N., Sluijs A., McCall N., Schaefer B., Diaw A., Lyons S., O’Malley K., Gattacceca J., Quesnel Y., Ross C., and Feignon J.-G. 2018. Insights into impact processes and extinction mechanisms from IODP-ICDP Chicxulub crater drilling (paper no. 319280). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50(6), doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-319280.
155. Tani R., Tomioka N., Kayama M., Chang Y., Nishido H., Das K., Rae A., Ferrière L., Gulick S. P. S., Morgan J. V., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 scientists 2018. Microstructural observations of quartz from the basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure and shock pressure estimation. Abstract #1167 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, D.C., USA, 10–14th December.
156. Povinec P. P, Koeberl C., Jull A. J. T., Sýkora I., Ferrière L., and Kováčik A. 2019. Radionuclides in the Tissint Meteorite: Implications for its Martian Origin (abstract #1905). 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
157. Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., de Graaff S. J., Kaskes P., Goderis S., Déhais T., and Claeys Ph. 2019. Geochemistry and petrography of granitoid basement from the Chicxulub peak-ring (abstract #10791). Geophysical Research Abstracts 21.
158. Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2019. Petrography, shock metamorphism, and geochemistry of the main lithologies from the Chicxulub impact structure peak-ring IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core (abstract). Impacts and their role in the Evolution of Life, 10–13rd June, 2019, Tällberg, Siljan area, Sweden, Schedule & Abstract volume, pp. 44–45.
159. Ferrière L. and Koeberl C. 2019. Large circular structures(?) below the Greenland Ice Sheet – Proposed but unconfirmed impact structures (abstract). Impacts and their role in the Evolution of Life, 10–13rd June, 2019, Tällberg, Siljan area, Sweden, Schedule & Abstract volume, pp. 46–47.
160. Ferrière L., Topa D., and Koeberl C. 2019. Tektites and other types of impact glasses versus pseudo-tektites: The case of the Cali glass (Colombia) (abstract). Impacts and their role in the Evolution of Life, 10–13rd June, 2019, Tällberg, Siljan area, Sweden, Schedule & Abstract volume, pp. 82–83.
161. Varmuza K., Filzmoser P., Ortner I., Hilchenbach M., Kissel J., Merouane S., Paquette J., Stenzel O., Engrand C., Cottin H., Fray N., Isnard R., Briois C., Thirkell L., Baklouti D., Bardyn A., Siljeström S., Schulz R., Silén J., Brandstätter F., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2019. One-class classification for the recognition of relevant measurements – applied to mass spectra from cometary and meteoritic particles. The Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC16), 17–20th June, 2019, Oslo, Norway.
162. Wittmann A., van Soest M., Ferrière L., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists 2019. The composition of Chicxulub allanite. Quantitative Microanalysis 2019 conference, 24–27th June, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Program guide with abstracts volume, pp. 142–143.
163. Kassab F., Ferrière L., and Belhai D. 2019. Tin Bider impact structure (Algeria): Shock metamorphism in Albian sandstones. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 7–12 July, 2019, Sapporo, Japan. LPI Contribution No. 2157, Abstract #6017.
164. Pittarello L., Daly L., Ferrière L., Chung P., Pickersgill A. E., and Lee M. R. 2019. Twinning and amorphization in naturally shocked plagioclase: an EBSD study. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 7–12 July, 2019, Sapporo, Japan. LPI Contribution No. 2157, Abstract #6276.
165. Zhang B., Reger P. M., Gannoun A., Boyet M., Schrader D. L., Wadhwa M., Ferrière L., and Bouvier A. 2019. Pb-Pb chronometry of impact melts from lunar meteorite Oued Awlitis 001. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 7–12 July, 2019, Sapporo, Japan. LPI Contribution No. 2157, Abstract #6479.
166. Klementova M., Palatinus L., Fritz J., Greshake A., Wirth R., Assis Fernandes V., and Ferrière L. 2019. Structure determination of Donwilhelmsite by electron diffraction tomography. Microscopy & Microanalysis 25(S2):2450–2451 (conference in Portland, Oregon, USA, 4–8th August).
167. Meier M. M. M., Welten K. C., Caffee M. W., Marty B., Zimmermann L., Bland P. A., Spurný P., Ferrière L., Maden C., and Busemann H. 2019. Cosmic histories of six meteorites with known orbits. Developments In Noble Gas Understanding and Expertise (DINGUE) VI workshop, 15–17th August, 2019. ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
168. Timms N., Kirkland C., Cavosie A., Rae A., Pearce M., Erickson T., Wheeler J., Morgan J., Collins G., Ferrière L., Poelchau M., Wittmann A., and Gulick S. 2019. Shocked Chicxulub titanite records new twins and impact age. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019 #3380.

169. Sutter C., Habler G., Ferrière L., Abart R. 2019. Phase relations and micro-structures in a fulgurite from weathered granite (abstract presented at the MinPet 2019, 4–7th September, Graz, Austria). Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 165:90.

170. Pittarello L., Daly L., Roszjar J., Fritz J., Ferrière L., Lenz C., Chanmuang N. C., Lee M. R., and Koeberl C. 2019. A common rock-forming mineral under shock: A study of plagioclase amorphization in nature and experiments (paper No. 86-9). Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 51, No. 5.
171. Roszjar J., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2019. Asteroid Day: Communicating the danger from impacts on Earth and the relevance of meteorites and their parent bodies. Proceedings GeoMünster 2019 "Earth! Past, Present, Future" conference, 22–25th September, Münster, Germany, #328.
172. Pittarello L., Roszjar J., Daly L., Lenz C., Chanmuang N. C., Ferrière L., Fritz J., Chung P., Pickersgill A. E., Lee M. R., and Koeberl C. 2019. The incomplete amorphization of natural and experimentally shocked plagioclase investigated by optical and electron microscopy, and various spectroscopic techniques. Proceedings GeoMünster 2019 "Earth! Past, Present, Future" conference, 22–25th September, Münster, Germany, #371.
173. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Feignon J.-G., and Osinski G. R. 2019. Study of the preferential orientation distribution of shock-induced planar microstructures in quartz and feldspar. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5053. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
174. Rae A. S. P., Collins G. S., Morgan J. V., Poelchau M., Riller U., Timms N., Cavosie A., Salge T., Davison T. M., Lofi J., Ferrière L., McCall N., Christeson G. L., Grieve R. A. F., Osinski G. R., and Gulick S. P. S. 2019. Observational constraints on numerical models of peak-ring formation. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5059. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
175. Goderis S., Sato H., L. Ferrière L., Schmitz B., Burney D., Bralower T. J., de Graaff S. J., Déhais T., de Winter N. J., Elfman M., Feignon J.-G., Gulick S. P. S., Ishikawa A., Kaskes P., Koeberl C., Kristiansson P., Lowery C. M., Morgan J., Neal C. R., Owens J. D., Schulz T., Sinnesael M., Smit J., Vellekoop J., Whalen M. T., Wittmann A., Vanhaecke F., Van Malderen S., and Claeys Ph. 2019. The final settling of meteoritic matter on the peak-ring of the Chicxulub impact structure at site M0077A of IODP-ICDP expedition 364. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5068. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
176. de Graaff S. J., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Goderis S., Debaille V., Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L.,  Koeberl C., Ross C. H., and Claeys Ph. 2019. Making (more) sense of destruction – A comprehensive geochemical investigation of Chicxulub impactites recovered during IODP-ICDP expedition 364. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5079. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
177. Kaskes P., De Graaff S. J., Déhais T., Goderis S., Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Smit J., and Ph. Claeys Ph. 2019. Geochemical and petrographic characterization of the suevite sequence within the IODP-ICDP exp. 364 core of the Chicxulub peak ring. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5085. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
178. Cox M. A., Cavosie A. J., Ferrière L., Timms N. E., Bland P. A., Miljković K., Erickson T. M., and Hess B. 2019. Confirmation of the Yallalie impact structure in Western Australia: Shocked quartz in polymict impact breccia. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5091. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
179. Ould Mohamed Navee E. C., Chennaoui Aoudjehane H., Baratoux D., Ferrière L., and Ould Sabar M. S. 2019. Aouelloul impact crater, Mauritania: New structural and lithological data. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5093. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
180. Feignon J-G., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. 2019. Shocked quartz grains in granitoids from the Chicxulub impact structure peak-ring IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core: Characterization and shock pressure estimations. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5098. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
181. Ferrière L., Wegner W., Topa D., Mader D., Gruber B., and Koeberl C. 2019. Tektite or obsidian? – The case of the Cali glass (Colombia). In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5111. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
182. Ferrière L., Meier M. M. M., Busemann H., Maden C., and Koeberl C. 2019. Investigation of the noble gas content of uruguaite tektites. In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5115. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
183. Ferrière L., Rajpriye S., Sapozhnikov P., and Baimagambetov B. 2019. Characterization of shocked quartz grains in sandstone from the Shiyili impact structure (Kazakhstan). In Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Abstract #5119. LPI Contribution No. 2136, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.  


Die Forschungsinteressen von Dr. Ferrière schließen geologische Aspekte, aber auch geochemische Charakteristika aller Arten von Gesteine ein.


Sein Hauptforschungsgebiet sind die Prozesse beim Entstehen von Impaktkratern. Er untersucht hierbei die Impaktgesteine, die makro- bis mikroskopischen Effekte der Schockmetamorphose und damit verknüpfte Post-Impakt-Prozesse.


Weitere Forschungsinteressen schließen ein:

* Meteorite, Schmelzkrusten, Impakt-Spinellkristalle

* SiO2-Polymorphe, Fulgurite und alle Arten von Gläsern

* Geologie von Planeten

Exkursionen zu Impaktkratern:

Rochechouart (France), Ries and Steinheim (Germany), Charlevoix, Eagle Butte, Holleford, Manicouagan, Presqu'Ile, Sudbury, and Wanapitei (Canada), Chicxulub (Mexico), Hummeln, Lockne, Mien, and Siljan (Sweden), Meteor Crater and Santa Fe (USA), Vredefort and Tswaing (South Africa), Luizi (Democratic Republic of Congo), Libyan desert glass area (Egypt), Gardnos and Ritland (Norway), Lappajärvi, Keurusselkä, and Söderfjärden (Finland), Morasko (Poland), Talemzane (Algeria), Wolfe Creek (Australia), Kaalijärv (Estonia), Karla [Karlinsky] (Russia), Chiyli and Zhamanshin (Kazakhstan), Aouelloul (Mauritania), and Vargeão and Vista Alegre (Brazil).



Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Earth, Moon & Planets
Geochimica & Cosmochimica Acta
Geological Society of America Special Paper
GSA Bulletin [2010 Exceptional Reviewer]
GSA Books
Journal of African Earth Sciences
Journal of Structural Geology
Journal of Geophysical Research
Meteorites (journal)
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
Nature Communications
Physics & Chemistry of Minerals
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Scientific Reports (Nature)
Swiss Journal of Geosciences
2020-External Reviewer, National Science Foundation (NSF) – Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (FRES).
2018-External Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) – NSERC Discovery Grant 2018 Competition.
2016-External Reviewer, Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS (Belgium) – Grants and Fellowships 2016.
2012 & 2014-External Reviewer, National Geographic Society – Waitt Grant.





Französisch: Muttersprache

Englisch: Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben (gute Kenntnisse)

Deutsch: Grundkenntnisse, Lesen

Spanisch: Grundkenntnisse, Lesen


Batic Goran
Berger Anna
Brandstätter Franz
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Dionatos Odysseas
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Ertl-Winand Andreas
Hammer Vera M. F.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Leiterin der Mineraliensammlung, Leiterin des Staatlichen Edelsteininstitutes
Kohn Victoria
Kuratorin der Edelsteinsammlung und Kokuratorin der Mineraliensammlung
Kolitsch Uwe
Direktor der Mineralogisch-Petrographischen Abteilung, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der Mineralien- und Lagerstättensammlungen
Mayr Nina
Assistenz Mineralogie
Patzer Andrea
Kuratorin der Meteoritensammlung
Pittarello Lidia
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Kuratorin der Gesteinssammlung
Schalko Clemens
Topa Dan
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Walter-Roszjár Julia
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Ko-Kuratorin der Meteoritensammlung, derzeit karenziert