Fragile Planet

Saturday, 31. December 2022, 17:00 Uhr – 17:40 Uhr | NHM Digital Planetarium
Attention – this event has already passed!
FRAGILE PLANET gives audiences an astronaut’s view of Earth, highlighting Earths unique regions.
The journey then continues to the Moon, Mars, and beyond the Milky Way to search for habitats that might host extraterrestrial life. The show’s theme — that Earth is the only known haven for life, and thus is important to protect — echoes the themes of biodiversity and sustainability.

The visual foundation of the show lies in scientific visualization. From the high-resolution satellite imagery of Earth, the positions of galaxies more than 50 million light years distant, the three-dimensional terrain of Valles Marineris on Mars to the locations of extrasolar planetary systems in interstellar space, everything audiences will see in FRAGILE PLANET has a basis in astronomers’ best understanding of the Universe.

Language: German
This movie is also available via audioguide in English and French.
Audioguides can be obtained directly at the digital planetarium.

Trailer can be found here.

Tickets: € 5,– (excl. entrance fee)  | Visitors under 19 years € 3,–
available at the info-desk (entrance hall) and online

Please respect the safety measures when visiting the museum: Wear protective masks, keep your distance, wash your hands. Disinfectants are also available at the museum.