The Collection
According to current scientific knowledge, there are about 7,500 species of amphibians (Anura, Urodela, Gymnophiona). With
about 10,100 known species, reptiles (crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, and tuatara) form a somewhat larger group. Together
the two groups make up the topic of the herpetological collection. Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles, using
methods relating to morphology, embryology, physiology, ecology, systematics, taxonomy, molecular biology, chorology, and
ethology. At present, the scientific herpetological collection includes about 200,000 specimens, the majority have been preserved
in alcohol. A smaller portion is preserved as dry preparations (skeletons, skins, dermoplastics). The beginnings of the collection
– and thus the oldest specimens - date back to around 1800.
At the core of the scientific collection one finds the type specimens, currently including types of about 210 taxa of amphibians and 570 reptile taxa. Type specimens and dry preparations have been published in the form of catalogues.
At the core of the scientific collection one finds the type specimens, currently including types of about 210 taxa of amphibians and 570 reptile taxa. Type specimens and dry preparations have been published in the form of catalogues.

Apart from the collection database used to manage the scientific inventory, the collection runs a database on the geographic
distribution of autochthonous amphibians and reptiles. This herpeto-faunistic database includes more than 114,000 species
sightings, recording not only the place, date, and time of the sighting, but also a great deal of relevant environmental data.