Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Christian Köberl

Assoziierter Wissenschafter

Assoziierter Wissenschafter der Abteilung Geologie & Paläontologie

Telefon: +43 2243 25 730



  • Meteoritenkrater - Geologie, Geochemie; Entstehung und Gefahren
  • Stoßwellenmetamorphose (Schockmetamorphose)
  • Meteoritenforschung
  • Kosmochemie
  • Planetare Geologie, insbes. Mondforschung
  • Analytische Geochemie, Isotopengeochemie, Nukleare Analysenmethoden, Nuklearchemie
  • Entstehung und Frühgeschichte der Erde
  • Massensterben in der Erdgeschichte; Event-Stratigraphie

In den letzten Jahren wurden an großen internationalen Forschungsprojekten vor allem die Tiefbohrungen am Bosumtwi-Impaktkrater in Ghana (Westafrika) und am Chesapeake Bay Impaktkrater an der Ostküste der USA durchgeführt. Diese Forschungen wurden finanziell durch den österreichischen FWF und (unter anderem) das International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) unterstützt. Untersuchungen an diesen Bohrkernen laufen noch.


Weiters wurde 2009 eine Tiefbohrung am El'gygytgyn Meteoritenkrater im arktischen Teil Russlands durchgeführt, wobei im Rahmen eines internationalen Projektes sowohl Paläoklimafragen als auch die Untersuchung des Meteoritenkraters im Mittelpunkt stehen. Die Forschungsarbeiten an diesen Bohrkernen haben gerade 2010 begonnen.


Ab 2011 oder 2012 wird in einer weiteren internationalen Zusammenarbeit im Nordosten Chinas, im Songliao Becken, eine fast 10 km tiefe Bohrung niedergebracht, wobei Gesteinsschichten der letzten 150 Millionen Jahre detailliert untersucht werden sollen. Auch hier stehen Fragen der Klimaentwicklung der Erde, aber auch der Einfluss von Einschlägen extraterrestrischer Körper im Mittelpunkt der Fragestellungen.


Weitere Forschungsprojekte befassen sich mit der geochemischen und isotopischen Untersuchung meteoritischen Materials in Impaktkratern und Auswurfgesteinen, globalen Vereisungen der Erde vor ca. 700 Millionen Jahren (die sogenannten "Snowball Earth" Phasen), der frühesten Entwicklung der Erde vor ca. 4 Milliarden Jahren, der Untersuchung von antarktischen und anderen Meteoriten, und Einschlagskratern in der Mongolei, Afrika, und anderen Gebieten. Auch die Entwicklung und Verwendung isotopengeochemischer Methoden in der Geo- und Kosmochemie sind ein Forschungsschwerpunkt.

Weitere Informationen: https://www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/koeberl/ und https://lithosphere.univie.ac.at/en/research/impact-research/

Ausbildung; wissenschaftlicher und beruflicher Werdegang

  • Geboren in Wien (18.2.1959), Reifeprüfung 1978 an der Höheren Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Chemische Industrie, Wien.
  • Ab 1978 Studium der Technischen Chemie (Technische Universität Wien); ab 1980 zusätzlich Studium der Astronomie und Chemie (Univ. Wien); Fortsetzung des Astronomie/Chemie-Studiums ab 1981/82 an der Univ.Graz.
  • Dissertation (Kosmochemie) an der Universität Graz im Jahre 1983 eingereicht und mit "sehr gut" beurteilt; Rigorosen mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg abgelegt;
  •  Promotion zum Doktor der Philosophie am 27.5.1983.
  • 1983 - 1985 Arbeiten an kosmochemischen Forschungsprojekten, Institut für Analytische Chemie der Universität Wien.
  •  Okt. 1985 Ernennung zum Universitätsassistenten an der Universität Wien; ab Jan. 1986 dem neugegründeten Institut für Geochemie zugeordnet.
  • Ab dem WS 1986/87 auch Tätigkeit als Univ.-Lektor an der Universität Wien und als Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst (Lehrkanzel f. Techn. Chemie) in Wien.
  • 1989-1990 Habilitation in "Geo- und Kosmochemie" in Sommer 1990, Ernennung zum Universitätsdozent.
  • Mit 1. Dezember 1990 permanentes Dienstverhältnis,  Ernennung zum Assistenzprofessor, ab 1998 ao. Univ. Prof.
  • 2006 - 2007: Stv. Leiter des Departments für Lithosphärenforschung, Univ. Wien
  • 2007 - 2010: Visiting Research Professor, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
  • Ab Jan. 2008: Stv. Leiter des Geowissenschaftlichen Zentrums der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Jan. 2008 - Okt. 2010: Leiter des Departments für Lithosphärenforschung, Univ. Wien.
  •  Seit 2009: Professur für Impaktforschung und planetare Geologie an der Universität Wien
  • Dezember 2009 bis Mai 2020 : Generaldirektor des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien


  • 2022: Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse
Persönliche Details
Österreichischer Staatsbürger; verheiratet, keine Kinder. Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch (perfekt in Sprache, Lesen und Schreiben); Französisch und Italienisch (Grundlagen, einfaches Lesen).
  • Seit 1987 eigenverantwortliche Abhaltung von Vorlesungen und Übungen aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Geo- und Kosmochemie und Planetenforschung sowie Mitarbeit in verschiedenen Praktika, Institut für Geochemie, Universität Wien;
  •  vom WS 1987/88 bis WS 1994/95 Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst (LK f. Technische Chemie); 
  • 1988 Lehrauftrag "Silikatchemie", Inst. f. Geowissenschaften, Universität Salzburg. Gastvorlesungen an der Univ. of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) und am Dartmouth College (New Hampshire).
  • 1994 - 2000 "Adjunct Professor" am Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA.
  • Ausbildung von Diplomanden und Dissertanten (stand 2011): 18 Dissertationen und 7 Diplom-/Masterarbeiten abgeschlossen (als Erstbetreuer); Mitbetreuung von Dissertationen an der University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, Südafrika) und an der Open University (Milton Keynes, England). Momentan Betreuung von 7 Dissertationen (Univ. Wien) und Sprecher des Doktoratskollegs "Planetologie" an der Universität Wien.
  •  Betreuung von 8 “Post-Docs” von 1996 bis 2009 (momentan 2 PostDocs).
Längere Auslandsaufenthalte
  • Juli - Dezember 1988 (sowie März-April 1989; September-Oktober 1989; März 1990; Juli-August 1991): Aufenthalte als "Visiting Scientist" am Lunar and Planetary Institute sowie am NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, USA.
  • November 1992 - Februar 1993, Mai-Juni 1993, November 1994, und September-Oktober 1995: Gastwissenschafter an der Carnegie Institution (DTM-Isotope Geoscience Group) in Washington, DC, USA.
  • August - Oktober 1993: Gastprofessor am Department of Geology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Südafrika.
  • Jänner - März 1994: Gastprofessor am Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA.
  • 2007 - 2010: Visiting Research Professor, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Forschungsinteressen und Aktivitäten:
  • Meteoritenkrater (integrierte und multidisziplinäre Studien: Geochemie, Geologie, Petrologie, Geophysik, Fernerkundung etc.),
  • Impaktprozesse auf der Erde und im Sonnensystem,
  • planetare Geologie/Planetologie,
  • Isotopengeochemie,
  • Geochronologie,
  • Astrobiologie (Entstehung des Lebens, Archäikum, präkambrische Geologie),
  •  “Snowball Earth”,
  • Paläoklimatologie,
  • Massensterben und Evolution,
  • Meteoritenforschung,
  • Antarktisforschung,
  • Erdmantelgesteine,
  • Archäometrie.
  • Entwicklung analytischer Verfahren für die Untersuchung von Gesteinen und Mineralen sowie
  • Entwicklung und Anwendung von Mikrobereichs- und nuklearanalytischen Verfahren.
Koordination internationaler Forschungsprojekte (Auswahl großer Projekte) (zusätzlich zur Leitung vieler verschiedener nationaler Forschungsprojekte - FWF, ÖAW, etc).
  • Von 1998 - 2003 Vorsitzender und Koordinator des European Science Foundation Programmes “Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes” (IMPACT). Koordination der Forschungsaktivitäten von bis zu 14 Ländern; jährliches Koordinationsbudget ca. 100.000 €.
  • Mitglied, Wissenschaftsteam MIDAS der Rosetta-Kometensonde der European Space Agency (ESA) (1998 - 2015).
  • Leiter des wissenschaftlichen Teams “Geochemistry/Petrology” beim Chicxulub Deep Drilling Project des International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) (Koordination von ca. 20 Einzelteams aus verschiedenen Ländern). (2001 - 2003)
  • “Principal Investigator” und Hauptkkordinator des Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) Scientific Drilling Project der ICDP (Untersuchungen zur Paläoklimatische und Impaktforschung am Lake Bosumtwi), Projektumfang ca. US $ 2 Mio, (2002  -2007). Kordination der Finanzierung, Logistik, und wissenschaftlichen Auswertung des Bohrprojektes (insges. ca. 15 Wissenschaftsteams aus 12 Ländern).
  • “Principal Investigator” (1 von 4) des Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure (USA) Scientific Drilling Project der ICDP und USGS; Gesamt-Projektumfang ca. US $ 2 Mio. Koordination der Impaktaspekte sowie Organisation und Koordination des Gesamtprojektes (ca. 40 Wissenschaftsteams aus ca. 15 Ländern) (2003 - 2009).
  • “Principal Investigator” (1 von 4) und Verantwortlicher für Impaktforschung des “Lake El’gygytgyn” (Sibirien) Scientific Drilling Projects bei ICDP. Gesamt-Projektumfang ca. US $ 10,5 Mio. (2006  - 2011).
  • “Principal Investigator” (1 von 5) des ICDP-Bohrprojektes ”Continental Scientific Drilling Project of Cretaceous Songliao Basin: Continuous High-resolution Terrestrial Archives and Greenhouse Climate Change”; Gesamt-Projektumfang ca. US $ 25 Mio. (2008 - 2014).

Publication List –Prof. Dr. Christian KOEBERL
                                                 (only “peer-reviewed” publications, status November 2021)

                                                                          A. Books and Edited Volumes

  1. Koeberl, C., Ed. (1991) Differences between Antarctic and non-Antarctic Meteorites. Special Section, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, p. 3-111.
  2. Koeberl, C, and Anderson, R.R., Eds. (1996) The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 468 pp (ISBN 0-8137-2302-7)
  3. Koeberl, C. (1998) Impakt: Gefahr aus dem All. Verlag VaBene, Wien-Klosterneuburg, 184 pp (ISBN 3-85167-074-4)
  4. Gilmour, I., and Koeberl, C., Eds. (2000) Impacts and the Early Earth. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 91, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 445 pp (ISBN 3-540-67092-0).
  5. Montanari, A., and Koeberl, C. (2000) Impact Stratigraphy: The Italian Record. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 93, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 364 pp (ISBN 3-540-66368-1).
  6. Buffetaut, E., and Koeberl, C., Eds. (2001) Geological and Biological Effects of Impact Events. Impact Studies, vol. 1. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 312 pp (ISBN 3-540-42286-2).
  7. Koeberl, C., and MacLeod, K., Eds. (2002) Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 356, 746 pp (ISBN 0-8137-2356-6).
  8. Koeberl, C., and Martinez-Ruiz, F., Eds. (2003) Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record. Impact Studies, vol. 3. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 347 pp (ISBN 3-540-00630-3)
  9. Koeberl, C. (2003) Ces bolides qui menacent notre monde. (Translated from the German).  EDP Sciences, Paris, 180 pp (ISBN 2868836828)
  10. Poag, C.W., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2004) Chesapeake Bay Crater: Geology and Geophysics of a Late Eocene Submarine Impact Structure. Impact Studies, vol. 4, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 522 pp (+ CD-ROM) (ISBN 3-540-40441-4).
  11. Koeberl, C., and Henkel, H., Eds. (2005) Impact Tectonics. Impact Studies, vol. 6, Springer, Heidelberg, 552 + XIX pp (ISBN 3-540-24181-7).
  12. Cockell, C.S., Koeberl, C., and Gilmour, I. (eds.) (2006) Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events. Impact Studies, vol. 8, Springer, Heidelberg, 376 +XVI pp. (ISBN 3-540-25735-7).
  13. Harms, U., Koeberl, C., and Zoback, M.D. (eds.) (2007) Continental Scientific Drilling. Springer, Heidelberg, 366 + X pp. (ISBN 978-3-540-68777-1).
  14. Koeberl, C., and Montanari, A. (eds.) (2009) The Late Eocene Earth: Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 452, 322 + viii pp (ISBN 978-0-8137-2452-2).
  15. Gohn, G.S., Koeberl C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U. (eds.) (2009) The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 458, 975 pp. +DVD (ISBN 978-0-8137-24584).
  16. Brandstätter, F., Ferrière, L., und Köberl C. (2012) Meteoriten/Meteorites (Zeitzeugen der Entstehung des Sonnensystems. Witnesses of the Origin of the Solar System), Edition Lammerhuber, 267 pp, ISBN-13: 9783901753435, ISBN-10: 3901753435.
  17. Köberl C. und Schönberger A. (2018) Achtung Steinschlag (Asteroiden und Meteoriten: Tödliche Gefahr und Wiege des Lebens), Christian Brandstätter Verlag Wien, 207 pp, (ISBN 978-3-7106-0094-4)
  18. Broschat K., Ströbele F., Koeberl C., Eckmann C., and Mertah E. (2018). Himmlisch! Die Eisenobjekte aus dem Grab des Tutanchamun. Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz, Mosaiksteine 15, 59 pp.
  19. Koeberl C., and Bice D.M. (eds.) (2019) 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 542, 532 pp (ISBN 9780813725420).
  20. Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (eds.) (2021) Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 550, 642 pp, ISBN (print): 9780813725505), https://doi.org/10.1130/SPE550.
  21. Florsheim J., Koeberl C., McKay M.P., and Riggs N. (eds.) (2021) Field Excursions from the 2021 GSA Section Meetings: Geological Society of America Field Guide 61, 289 p., ISBN: 978-0-8137-0061-8.

                                                                                    B. Original Papers

  1. Koeberl, C. (1983) Chemical arguments for a cometary or asteroidal origin of tektites and impactites. In: Proceedings Intern. Conference on Cometary Exploration, Central Res. Inst. Physics, Budapest, 2, 190-196.
  2. Koeberl, C., Kiesl, W., Kluger, F., and Weinke, H.H. (1984) A comparison between terrestrial impact glasses and lunar volcanic glasses: The case of fluorine. Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 67, 637-648.
  3. Koeberl, C., Berner, R., and Grass, F. (1984) Lithium in tektites and impact glasses. Chemie der Erde 43, 321-330.
  4. Koeberl, C., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1984) Geochemistry of Muong Nong type tektites IV: Selected trace element correlations. Proceedings 15th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, in: Journal of Geophysical Research Suppl. 89, C351-C357.
  5. Koeberl, C., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1985) Zhamanshin and Aouelloul impact glasses: Major element chemistry, correlation analyses, and parent material. Chemie der Erde 44, 47-65.
  6. Koeberl, C., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1985) Rare earth elemental abundances in some impact glasses and tektites and potential parent materials. Chemie der Erde 44, 107-121.
  7. Kluger, F., and Koeberl, C. (1985) Determination of boron at low abundance levels in geological materials by tetrafluoro- borate sensitive electrode techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta 175, 127-134.
  8. Koeberl, C., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1986) Trace element correlations as clues to the origin of tektites and impactites. Chemie der Erde 45, 1-21.
  9. Koeberl, C., and Fredriksson, K. (1986) Impact glasses from Zhamanshin crater (USSR): Chemical composition and discussion of origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 78, 80-88.
  10. Koeberl, C. (1986) Geochemistry of tektites and impact glasses. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 14, 323-350.
  11. Koeberl, C., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1987) Rare earth element determinations at ultratrace abundance levels in geologic materials. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 112, 481-487.
  12. Koeberl, C., Weinke, H.H., Kluger, F., and Kiesl, W. (1986) Cape York IIAB iron meteorite: Trace element distribution in mineral and metallic phases. In: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, pp. 297-313.
  13. Weinke, H.H., Kiesl, W., Kluger, F., Koeberl, C., and van Espen, P. (1986) Trace elements in phases of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite. In: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, pp. 314-318.
  14. Koeberl, C. (1986) Volatile elements in the early solar system and comet nucleus samples. In: Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission, ESA-SP 249, 153-159.
  15. Koeberl, C. (1986) Muong Nong type tektites from the North American and moldavite strewn fields? Proceedings of the 17th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Journal of Geophysical Research 91, E253-E258.
  16. Koeberl, C., and Weinke, H.H. (1986) Mikrobereichs- und Spurenelementanalytik von Verwitterungskrusten an Kalksteinen des Wiener Stephansdomes. Wiener Berichte Naturwissenschaften in der Kunst 2/3, 200-212.
  17. Koeberl, C. (1986) Der Moldavit von Stainz und seine Beziehung zum Moldavitstreufeld. Mitteilungen Abt. Miner. Landesmuseum Joanneum 54, 3-13.
  18. Yanai, K., Kojima, H., Koeberl, C., Graham, A.L., and Prinz, M. (1987) Photographic Catalog of the Antarctic Meteorites. National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, 298pp.
  19. Koeberl, C., and Glass, B.P. (1988) Chemical composition of North American microtektites and tektite fragments from Barbados and DSDP Site 612 on the continental slope off New Jersey. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 87, 286-292.
  20. Koeberl, C., and Beran, A. (1988) Water content of tektites and impact glasses and related chemical studies. Proceedings 18th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, LPI-Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 403-408.
  21. Koeberl, C. (1988) Blue glass: A new impactite variety from Zhamanshin crater, USSR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52, 779-784.
  22. Koeberl, C. (1988) Antarktische Meteorite - Kosmische Bruchstücke im ewigen Eis. Die Geowissenschaften 6, 106-114.
  23. Koeberl, C. (1988) Trace element geochemistry of lunar meteorites Yamato-791197 and -82192. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 1, 122-134.
  24. Koeberl, C. (1988) The origin of tektites: A geochemical discussion. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 1, 261-290.
  25. Koeberl, C., Yanai, K., Cassidy, W.A., and Schutt, J.W. (1988) Investigation of dust bands from blue ice fields in the Lewis Cliff (Beardmore) area, Antarctica: A progress report. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 1, 291-309.
  26. Koeberl, C. (1988) The Cuban tektite revisited. Meteoritics 23, 161-165.
  27. Koeberl, C. (1988) Short-time activation analysis in geo- and cosmochemistry. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques 6, 501-520.
  28. Koeberl, C. (1988) Aktivierungsanalytische Untersuchungen an Bronzeproben des Jünglings vom Magdalensberg. Wiener Berichte Naturwissenschaften in der Kunst 4/5, 296-302.
  29. Koeberl, C. (1988) Spurenelementanalytik von silikatischen Proben des Gußkerns des Jünglings vom Magdalensberg. Wiener Berichte Naturwissenschaften in der Kunst 4/5, 332-340.
  30. Koeberl, C. (1988) Geochemistry of Muong Nong type tektites: A review. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Natural Glasses, Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 371-377.
  31. Koeberl, C., and Storzer, D. (1988) Chemical composition and fission track age of Zhamanshin crater glass. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Natural Glasses, Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 207-213.
  32. Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Niedermayr, G., and Kurat, G. (1988) Moldavites from Austria. Meteoritics 23, 325-332.
  33. Koeberl, C. (1990) Dust bands in blue ice fields in Antarctica and their relationship to meteorites and ice. In: Workshop on Antarctic Meteorite Stranding Surfaces (ed. W.A. Cassidy and I. Whillans), LPI Tech. Rept. 90-03, Lunar Planet. Inst., Houston, pp.70-74.
  34. Koeberl, C. (1990) The geochemistry of tektites: An overview. Tectonophysics 171, 405-422.
  35. Koeberl, C. (1989) New estimates of area and mass for the North American tektite strewn field. Proceedings 19th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., LPI-Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 745-751.
  36. Koeberl, C. (1989) Iridium enrichment in volcanic dust from blue ice fields, Antarctica, and possible relevance to the K/T boundary event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 92, 317-322.
  37. Koeberl, C., Warren, P.H., Lindstrom, M.M., Spettel, B., and Fukuoka, T. (1989) Preliminary examination of the Yamato-86032 lunar meteorite: II. Major and trace elements. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 2, 15-24.
  38. Koeberl, C., and Hagen, E.H. (1989) Extraterrestrial spherules in glacial sediment from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: Structure, mineralogy, and chemical composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 937-944.
  39. Glass, B.P., and Koeberl, C. (1989) Trace element study of high- and low-refractive index Muong Nong type tektites from Indochina. Meteoritics 24, 143-146.
  40. Koeberl, C., Fredriksson, K., Götzinger, M., and Reimold, W.U. (1989) Anomalous quartz from the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia: Evidence for post-impact hydrothermal activity? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 2113-2118.
  41. Hagen, E.H., Koeberl, C., and Faure, G. (1989) Extra- terrestrial spherules in glacial sediment, Beardmore-Glacier area, Transantarctic Mountains. Contributions to Antarctic Research I, Antarctic Research Series 50, 19-24.
  42. Koeberl, C., Sharpton, V.L., Murali, A.V., and Burke, K. (1990) Kara and Ust-Kara impact structures (USSR) and their relevance to the K/T boundary event. Geology 18, 50-53.
  43. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Horsch, H., and Merkle, R.K.W. (1990) New mineralogical and chemical data on the Machinga (L6) chondrite, Malawi. Meteoritics 25, 23-26.
  44. Koeberl, C., Sharpton, V.L., Harrison, T.M., Sandwell, D., Murali, A.V., and Burke, K. (1990) The Kara/Ust-Kara twin impact structure: A large-scale impact event in the late Cretaceous. In: Global Catastrophes in Earth History (Ed. V.L. Sharpton and P. Ward), Geological Society of America, Special Paper 247, 233-238.
  45. Koeberl, C., and Cassidy, W.A., eds. (1990) Workshop on Differences Between Antarctic and Non-Antarctic Meteorites. LPI Tech. Rpt. 90-01. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. 102 pp.
  46. Koeberl, C., Kurat, G., and Brandstätter, F. (1990) Lunar meteorite Yamato-86032: Mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical studies. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 3, 3-18.
  47. Meisel, T., Koeberl, C., and Ford, R.J. (1990) Geochemistry of Darwin impact glass and target rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54, 1463-1474.
  48. Kiesl, W., Koeberl, C., und Götzinger, M.A. (1990) Geochemie und Mineralogie des Malm-Mergels (8552.1 m) der Bohrung Zistersdorf ÜT 2A. Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 106, 193-196.
  49. Kiesl, W., Koeberl, C., and Körner, W. (1990) Geochemistry of magnesites and dolomites at the Oberdorf/Laming (Austria) deposit and implications for their origin. Geologische Rundschau 79/2, 327-335.
  50. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Götzinger, M., and Fredriksson, K. (1990) Quartz at the Roter Kamm crater and post-impact hydrothermal activity: A reply to E. Roedder. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54, 3249-3251.
  51. Verhagen, B.Th., Tredoux, M., Lindsay, N.M., Sellschop, J.P.F., Salis Perch-Nielsen, A.K., and Koeberl, C. (1990) Implications of isotopic and other geochemical data from a Cretaceous-Tertiary transition in southern Africa. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geosciences) 80, 319-325.
  52. Koeberl, C., and Cassidy, W.A. (1991) Differences between Antarctic and non-Antarctic meteorites: An assessment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 3-19.
  53. Matthies, D., and Koeberl, C. (1991) Fluorine and boron geochemistry of tektites, impact glasses, and target rocks. Meteoritics 26, 41-45.
  54. Brandstätter, F., Koeberl, C., and Kurat, G. (1991) The discovery of iron barringerite in lunar meteorite Y-793274. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 1173-1174.
  55. Koeberl, C., Kurat, G., and Brandstätter, F. (1991) Lunar meteorite Yamato-793274: Mixture of mare and highland components, and barringerite from the moon. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 4, 33-55.
  56. Zolensky, M. E., and Koeberl, C. (1991) Why are blue zhamanshinites blue?: Liquid immiscibility in an impact melt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 1483-1486.
  57. Matsubara, K., Matsuda, J.I., and Koeberl, C. (1991) Noble gases and K-Ar ages in Aouelloul, Zhamanshin, and Libyan Desert impact glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 2951-2955.
  58. Koeberl, C., Kurat, G., and Brandstätter, F. (1991) MAC88105 - A regolith breccia from the lunar highlands: Mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 3073-3087.
  59. Blum, J.D., Papanastassiou, D.A., Koeberl, C., and Wasserburg, G.J. (1992) Nd and Sr isotopic study of Australasian tektites: New constraints on the provenance and age of target materials. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56, 483-492.
  60. Koeberl, C. (1991) Spurenelementanalytik von Korrosionsprodukten auf Bronzemonumenten in Freien mittels Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse. Wiener Berichte Naturwiss. i.d. Kunst 6/7,8, 159-174.
  61. Koeberl, C., and Hartung, J.B. (1992) Geochemistry of Manson impact structure rocks: Target rocks, impact glasses, and microbreccias. Proceedings Lunar Planetary Sci. 22, 111-126.
  62. Koeberl, C., and Bayer, P.M. (1992) Concentrations of rare earth elements in human brain tissue and kidney stones determined by neutron activation analysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 180, 63-70.
  63. Koeberl, C. (1992) Geochemistry and origin of Muong Nong-type tektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56, 1033-1064.
  64. Koeberl, C., and Sigurdsson, H. (1992) Geochemistry of impact glasses from the K/T boundary in Haiti: Relation to smectites, and a new type of glass. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56, 2113- 2129.
  65. Koller, F., Högelsberger, H., and Koeberl, C. (1992) Fluid-rock interaction in the Mo-bearing Nebelstein Greisen Complex, Bohemian Massif (Austria). Mineralogy and Petrology 45, 261-276.
  66. Koeberl, C. (1992) Water content of glasses from the K/T boundary, Haiti: An indication of impact origin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56, 4329-4332.
  67. Koeberl, C., Delisle, G., and Bevan, A. (1992) Meteorite aus der Wüste. Die Geowissenschaften 10, 220-225.
  68. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Partridge, T.C., and Kerr, S.J. (1992) Pretoria Saltpan crater: Impact origin confirmed. Geology 20, 1079-1082.
  69. Koeberl, C. (1993) Chicxulub crater, Yucatan: Tektites, impact glasses, and the geochemistry of target rocks and breccias. Geology 21, 211-214.
  70. Koeberl, C. (1993) Instrumental neutron activation analysis of geochemical and cosmochemical samples: A fast and reliable method for small sample analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 168, 47-60.
  71. Koeberl, C., Kurat, G., and Brandstätter, F. (1993) Gabbroic lunar mare meteorites Asuka-881757 (Asuka-31) and Yamato- 793169: Geochemical and mineralogical study. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 6, 14-34.
  72. Koeberl, C., Hartung, J.B., Kunk, M.J., Klein, J., Matsuda, J.I., Nagao, K., Reimold, W., and Storzer, D. (1993) The age of the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia: Constraints from 40Ar-39Ar, K-Ar, Rb-Sr, fission track, and 10Be-26Al studies. Meteoritics 28, 204-212.
  73. Koeberl, C., Bayer, P.M., and Höbarth, K. (1993) Determination of rare earth and other trace element abundances in human kidney stones and brain tissue by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 169, 269-276.
  74. Matsuda, J.I., Matsubara, K., and Koeberl, C. (1993) Origin of tektites: Constraints from heavy noble gas concentrations. Meteoritics 28, 586-589.
  75. Koeberl, C., and Shirey, S.B. (1993) Detection of a meteoritic component in Ivory Coast tektites using rhenium-osmium systematics. Science 261, 595-598.
  76. Blum, J.D., Chamberlain, C.P., Hingston, M.P., Koeberl, C., Marin, L.E., Schuraytz, B.C., and Sharpton, V.L. (1993) Isotopic comparison of K-T boundary impact glass with melt rock from the Chicxulub and Manson impact structures. Nature 364, 325-327.
  77. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Boer, R.H. (1993) Geochemistry and mineralogy of early Archean spherule beds, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa: Evidence for origin by impact doubtful. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 119, 441-452.
  78. Koeberl, C. (1993) Extraterrestrial component associated with Australasian microtektites in a core from ODP Site 758B. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 119, 453-458.
  79. Höbarth, K., Koeberl, C., and Hofbauer, J. (1993) Rare-earth elements in urinary calculi. Urological Research 21, 261-264.
  80. Kurat, G., Brandstätter, F., Presper, T., Koeberl, C., and Maurette, M. (1993) Mikrometeoritii (in Russian). Geologia i Geofisica 34, 148-164. English translation: Russian Geology and Geophysics 34 (12), 132-147.
  81. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Shirey, S.B., and Le Roux, F.G. (1994) Kalkkop crater, Cape Province, South Africa: Confirmation of impact origin using osmium isotope systematics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 1229-1234.
  82. Koeberl, C., Sharpton, V.L., Schuraytz, S.B., Shirey, S.B., Blum, J.B., and Marin, L.E. (1994) Evidence for a meteoritic component in impact melt rock from the Chicxulub structure. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 1679-1684.
  83. Koller, F., Göd, R., Högelsberger, H., and Koeberl, C. (1994) Molybdenite mineralization related to granites of the Austrian part of the South Bohemian Pluton (Moldanubicum) -A comparison. In: Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens, Ed. R. Seltmann, H. Kämpf, and P. Möller, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, p. 318-326.
  84. Koeberl, C., Storzer, D., and Reimold, W.U. (1994) The age of the Saltpan impact crater, South Africa. Meteoritics 29, 374-379.
  85. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Bishop, J. (1994) Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia: Geochemistry of basement rocks and breccias. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 2689-2710.
  86. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B. (1994) Saltpan impact crater, South Africa: Geochemistry of target rocks, breccias, and impact glasses, and osmium isotope systematics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 2893-2910.
  87. Hartung, J. B., and Koeberl, C. (1994) In search of the Australasian tektite source crater: The Tonle Sap hypothesis. Meteoritics 29, 411-416.
  88. Koeberl, C. (1994) African meteorite impact craters: Characteristics and geological importance. Journal of African Earth Scienes 18, 263-295.
  89. Koeberl, C. (1994) Comment on: Stinnesbeck et al., "Deposition of channel deposits near the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in northeastern Mexico: Catastrophic or "normal" sedimentary deposits?" Geology 22, 957.
  90. Taylor, S. R., and Koeberl, C. (1994) The origin of tektites: Comment on a paper by J. A. O'Keefe. Meteoritics 29, 739-742.
  91. Kurat, G., Koeberl, C., Presper, T., Brandstätter, F., and Maurette, M. (1994) Petrology and geochemistry of Antarctic micrometeorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 3879-3904.
  92. Schultz, P. H., Koeberl, C., Bunch, T., Grant, J., Collins, W. (1994) Ground truth for oblique impact processes: New insight from the Rio Cuarto crater field. Geology 22, 889-892.
  93. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W. U. (1994) Archean spherule beds: Impact or terrestrial origin? Reply to the comment by A. Glikson. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 126, 497-499.
  94. Koeberl, C. (1994) Neutron Activation Analysis. In: Advanced Mineralogy, Vol. 2 (Ed. A. Marfunin), Springer Verlag, p. 322-329.
  95. Koeberl, C. (1994) Tektite origin by hypervelocity asteroidal or cometary impact: Target rocks, source craters, and mechanisms. In: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (Ed. B.O. Dressler, R.A.F. Grieve, and V.L. Sharpton), GSA Special Paper 293, 133-152.
  96. Fiske, P.S., Hargraves, R.B., Onstott, T.C., Koeberl, C., and Hougen, S.B. (1994) Pseudotachylites of the Beaverhead impact structure: Geochemical, geochronological, petrographical and field investigations. In: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (Ed. B.O. Dressler, R.A.F. Grieve, and V.L. Sharpton), GSA Special Paper 293, 163-176.
  97. Deutsch, A., Koeberl, C., Blum, J.D., French, B.M., Glass, B.P., Grieve, R., Horn, P., Jessberger, E.K., Kurat, G., Reimold, W.U., Smit, J., Stöffler, D., and Taylor, S.R. (1994) The Impact-Flood connection: Does it exist? Terra Nova 6, 644-650.
  98. Chaussidon, M., and Koeberl, C. (1995) Boron content and isotopic composition of tektites and impact glasses: Constraints on source regions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59, 613-624.
  99. Nagao, K., Eugster, O., Weigel, A., Miura, Y.N., Koeberl, C., and Takaoka, N. (1995) Noble gases, chemical composition, and cosmic-ray exposure age of the Yamato-74357 lodranite. Proceedings NIPR Symposium Antarctic Meteorites 8, 297-303.
  100. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1995) Early Archean spherule beds in the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa: No evidence for impact origin. Precambrian Research 74, 1-33.
  101. Glass, B.P., Koeberl, C., Blum, J.D., Senftle, F., Izett, G.A., Evans, B.J., Thorpe, A.N., Povenmire, H., and Strange, R.L. (1995) A Muong Nong-type Georgia tektite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59, 4071-4082.
  102. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1995) The Newporte impact structure, North Dakota. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59, 4747-4767.
  103. Koeberl, C., Poag, C.W., Reimold, W.U., and Brandt, D. (1996) Impact origin of Chesapeake Bay structure and the source of North American tektites. Science 271, 1263-1266.
  104. Koeberl, C. and Anderson, R. R. (1996) Manson and company: Impact structures in the United States. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 1-29.
  105. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Kracher, A., Träxler, B., Vormaier, A., and Körner, W. (1996) Mineralogical, petrographical, and geochemical studies of drill core samples from the Manson impact structure, Iowa. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 145-219.
  106. Blum, J.D., Chamberlain, C.P., Hingston, M.P., and Koeberl, C. (1996) Neodymium, strontium, and oxygen isotope investigation of the target stratigraphy and impact melt rocks from the Manson impact structure, Iowa, USA. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 317-324.
  107. Pernicka, E., Kaether, D., and Koeberl, C. (1996) Siderophile element concentrations in drill core samples from the Manson crater. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 325-330.
  108. Koeberl, C., and Shirey, S. B. (1996) Re-Os isotope study of rocks from the Manson impact structure. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 331-339.
  109. Boer, R., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Kesler, S.E. (1996) Fluid inclusion studies on drill core samples from the Manson impact crater, Iowa: Evidence for post-impact hydrothermal activity. In: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater, eds. C. Koeberl and R.R. Anderson, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 302, 377-382.
  110. Bishop, J.L., Koeberl, C., Kralik, C., Fröschl, H., Englert, P.A.J., Andersen, D.W., Pieters, C.M., and Wharton, R.A. (1996) Reflectance spectroscopy and geochemical analyses of Lake Hoare sediments, Antarctica: Implications for remote sensing of the Earth and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 765-785.
  111. Matsuda, J.-I., Maruoka, T., Pinti, D.L., and Koeberl, C. (1996) Noble gas study of a philippinite with an unusually large bubble. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 31, 273-277.
  112. Koeberl, C., and Shirey, S.B. (1997) Re-Os systematics as a diagnostic tool for the study of impact craters and distal ejecta. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 132, 25-46.
  113. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Brandt, D. (1996) Red Wing Creek structure, North Dakota: Petrographical and geochemical studies, and confirmation of impact origin. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 31, 335-342.
  114. Schrauder, M., Koeberl, C., and Navon, O. (1996) Trace element analyses of fluid-bearing diamonds from Jwaneng (Botswana). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 4711-4724.
  115. Koeberl, C. (1996) Chicxulub - The K-T Boundary Impact Crater: A Review of the Evidence, and an Introduction to Impact Crater Studies. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien, 53, 23-50.
  116. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B. (1996) A Re-Os isotope and geochemical study of the Vredefort Granophyre: Clues to the origin of the Vredefort structure, South Africa. Geology 24, 913-916.
  117. Koeberl, C., Kurat, G., and Brandstätter, F. (1996) Mineralogy and geochemistry of lunar meteorite QUE93069. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 31, 897-908.
  118. Palma, R.L., Rao, M.N., Rowe, M.W., and Koeberl, C. (1997) Krypton and xenon fractionation in North American tektites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 32, 9-14.
  119. Weigel, A., Eugster, O., Koeberl, C., and Krähenbühl, U. (1997) Primitive differentiated achondrites Asuka-881371, an angrite, and Divnoe: Noble gases, ages, chemical composition, and relation to other meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 239-248.
  120. Corner, B., Reimold, W.U., Brandt, D., and Koeberl, C. (1997) Morokweng impact structure, Northwest Province, South Africa: Geophysical imaging and some preliminary shock petrographic studies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 146, 351-364.
  1. Beran, A., and Koeberl, C. (1997) Water in tektites and impact glasses by FTIR spectrometry. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 32, 211-216.
  2. French, B.M., Koeberl, C., Gilmour, I., Shirey, S.B., Dons, J.A., and Naterstad, J. (1997) The Gardnos impact structure, Norway: Petrology and geochemistry of target rocks and impactites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 873-904.
  3. Koeberl, C. (1997) Impact cratering: The mineralogical and geochemical evidence. In: Proceedings, "The Ames Structure and Similar Features", ed. K. Johnson and J. Campbell, Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 100, 30-54.
  4. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Brandt, D., Dallmeyer, R.D., and Powell, R.A. (1997) Target rocks and breccias from the Ames impact structure, Oklahoma: Petrology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and age. In: Proceedings, "The Ames Structure and Similar Features", ed. K. Johnson and J. Campbell, Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 100, 169-198.
  5. Aldahan, A.A., Koeberl, C., Possnert, G., and Schultz, P. (1997) 10Be and chemistry of impactites and target materials from the Rio Cuarto crater field, Argentina: Evidence for surficial cratering and melting. GFF 119, 67-72.
  6. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Brandt, D. (1997) Suevite at the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 32, 431-438.
  7. Koeberl, C., Bottomley, R., Glass, B.P., and Storzer, D. (1997) Geochemistry and age of Ivory Coast tektites and microtektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 1745-1772.
  8. Reimold, W.U., von Brunn, V., and Koeberl, C. (1997) Are diamictites impact ejecta? - No evidence from South African occurrences. Journal of Geology 105, 517-530.
  9. Riedler, W., Torkar, K., Rüdenauer, F., Fehringer, M., Schmidt, R., Arends, H., Grard, R.J.L., Jessberger, E.K., Kassing, R., Alleyne, H.St.C., Ehrenfreund, P., Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Koeberl, C., Havnes, O., Klöck, W., Zinner, E., and Rott, M. (1998) The MIDAS experiment for the Rosetta mission. Advances in Space Research 21, 1547-1556.
  10. Grant, J.A., Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Schultz, P.H. (1997) Gradation of the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia. Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 16327-16338.
  11. Koeberl, C., Armstrong, R.A., and Reimold, W.U. (1997) Morokweng, South Africa: A large impact structure of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary age. Geology 25, 731-734.
  12. Koeberl, C. (1997) Libyan Desert Glass: Geochemical composition and origin. In: Proceedings of the Silica '96 Meeting on Libyan Desert Glass and related desert events, Bologna (Ed. V. de Michele), Pyramids, Segrate (Milano), p. 121-131.
  13. Koeberl, C., Masaitis, V.L., Shafranovsky, G.I., Gilmour, I., Langenhorst, F., and Schrauder, M. (1997) Diamonds from the Popigai impact structure, Russia. Geology 25, 967-970.
  14. Abate, B., Koeberl, C., Buchanan, P.C., and Körner, W. (1998) Petrography and geochemistry of basaltic and rhyodacitic rocks from Lake Tana and the Gimjabet Kosober areas (North Central Ethiopia). J. African Earth Sci. 26, 119-134.
  15. Glass, B.P., Koeberl, C., Blum, J.B., and McHugh, C.M.G. (1998) Upper Eocene tektite and impact ejecta layer on the continental slope off New Jersey. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, 229-242.
  16. Koeberl, C. (1998) Identification of meteoritical components in impactites. In: Meteorites: Flux with Time and Impact Effects; Grady, M.M., Hutchison, R., McCall, G.J.H., and Rothery, D.A., (Eds.), Geological Society of London, Special Publication 140, 133-153.
  17. Brandt, D., Reimold, W.U., Franzsen, A.J., Koeberl, C., and Wendorff, L. (1998) Geophysical profile of the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, 447-453.
  18. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B. (1998) The Aouelloul Crater, Mauritania: On the problem of confirming the impact origin of a small crater. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, 513-517.
  19. Reimold, W.U., Brandt, D., and Koeberl, C. (1998) Detailed structural analysis of the rim of a large, complex impact crater: Bosumtwi crater, Ghana. Geology 26, 543-546.
  20. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Reddering, J.S.V. (1998) The 1992 drill core from the Kalkkop impact crater, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: stratigraphy, petrography, geochemistry and age. Journal of African Earth Sciences 26, 573-592.
  21. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Blum, J.B., and Chamberlain, C.P. (1998) Petrology and geochemistry of target rocks from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana, and comparison with Ivory Coast tektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 2179-2196.
  22. Abate, B., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1998) Petrographic and geochemical study of rocks at Shakiso, Ethiopia: No evidence for shock metamorphism. Journal of African Earth Sciences 27, 295-298.
  23. Buchanan, P.C., Koeberl, C., and Reid, A.M. (1998) Impact into unconsolidated, water-rich sediments at the Marquez Dome, Texas. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, 1053-1064.
  24. Abate, B., and Koeberl, C. (1998) No meteorite impact structure at Shakiso, Ethiopia. Earth, Moon, and Planets 76, 147-155.
  25. Carlton, R.W., Koeberl, C., Baranoski, M.T., and Schumacher, G.A. (1998) Discovery of microscopic evidence for shock metamorphism at the Serpent Mound structure, South-Central Ohio: Confirmation of an origin by impact. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 162, 177-185.
  26. Gurov, E.P., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1998) Petrography and geochemistry of target rocks and impactites from the Ilyinets crater, Ukraine. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, 1317-1333.
  27. Glass, B.P., and Koeberl, C. (1999) ODP Hole 689B spherules and Upper Eocene microtektite and clinopyroxene-bearing spherule strewn fields. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34, 197-208.
  28. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1999) Comment on "Argument supporting explosive igneous activity for the origin of "cryptoexplosion" structures in the midcontinent, United States". Geology 27, 283-284.
  29. Weigel, A., Eugster, O., Koeberl, C., Michel, R., Krähenbühl, U., and Neumann, S. (1999) Relationships among lodranites and acapulcoites: Noble gas isotopic abundances, chemical composition, cosmic-ray exposure ages, and solar cosmic ray effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63, 175-192.
  30. Leroux, H., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Hornemann, U., and Doukhan, J.-C. (1999) Experimental shock deformation in zircon: A transmission electron microscopic study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 169, 291-301.
  31. Abate, B., Koeberl, C., Kruger, F.J., and Underwood, J.R. (1999) BP and Oasis impact structures, Libya, and their relation to Libyan Desert Glass. In: Proceedings, Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (Eds. Dressler, B.O., and Sharpton, V.L.), Geological Society of America, Special Paper 339, 177-192.
  32. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Kruger, F.J., Armstrong, R.A., and Bootsman, C. (1999) The Morokweng impact structure, South Africa: Geological, petrological, and isotopic results, and implications for the size of the structure. In: Proceedings, Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (Eds. Dressler, B.O., and Sharpton, V.L.), Geological Society of America, Special Paper 339, 61-90.
  33. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Fletcher, P., Killick, A.M., and Wilson, J.D. (1999) Pseudotachylitic breccias from fault zones in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Evidence of autometasomatism and post-brecciation alteration processes. Mineralogy and Petrology 66, 25-53.
  34. Dentith, M.C., Bevan, A.W.R., Backhouse, J., Featherstone, W.E., and Koeberl, C. (1999) Yallalie: A buried structure of possible impact origin in the Perth Basin, Western Australia. Geological Magazine 136, 619-632.
  35. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Brandt, D. (1999) The origin of the Pretoria Saltpan crater. In: Tswaing: Investigations into the Origin, Age and Paleoenvironments of the Pretoria Saltpan (Ed. T.C. Partridge). Memoir 85, pp. 35-54. Pretoria, Council for Geoscience - Geological Survey of South Africa.
  36. Koeberl, C., Shirey, S.B., and Reimold, W.U. (1999) Re-Os isotopic characteristics of breccias and target rocks from the Pretoria Saltpan impact crater. In: Tswaing: Investigations into the Origin, Age and Paleoenvironments of the Pretoria Saltpan (Ed. T.C. Partridge). Memoir 85, pp. 55-63. Pretoria, Council for Geoscience - Geological Survey of South Africa.
  37. Storzer, D., Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (1999) Fission-track age of the Pretoria Saltpan impact crater. In: Tswaing: Investigations into the Origin, Age and Paleoenvironments of the Pretoria Saltpan (Ed. T.C. Partridge). Memoir 85, pp. 64-71. Pretoria, Council for Geoscience - Geological Survey of South Africa.
  38. Buchanan, P.C., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (1999) Petrogenesis of the Dullstroom Formation, Bushveld Magmatic Province, South Africa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 137, 133-146.
  39. Reimold, W.U., Przybylowicz, W., and Koeberl, C. (1999) Micro-PIXE analysis of varied sulfide populations from the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. Nuclear Instruments and MethodsB 158, 593-598.
  40. Koeberl, C., Plescia, J.B., Hayward, C.L., and Reimold, W.U. (1999) A petrographic and geochemical study of quartzose nodules, country rocks, and dike rocks from the Upheaval Dome structure, Utah. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34, 861-868.
  41. Kebede, T., Koeberl, C., and Koller, F. (1999) Geology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of intrusive rocks of the Wallaga area, western Ethiopia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 29, 715-734.
  42. Koeberl, C., and Huber, H. (2000) Optimization of the multiparameter γ-γ coincidence spectrometry for the determination of iridium in geological materials. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 244, 655-660.
  43. Huber, H., Koeberl, C., McDonald, I., and Reimold, W.U. (2000) Use of γ-γ coincidence spectrometry in the geochemical study of diamictites from South Africa. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 244, 603-607.
  44. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., McDonald, I., and Rosing, M. (2000) Search for petrographical and geochemical evidence for the late heavy bombardment on Earth in Early Archean rocks from Isua, Greenland. In: Impacts and the Early Earth (Eds. I. Gilmour and C. Koeberl), Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 91, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 73-97.
  45. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Johnson J., and McDonald, I. (2000) Early Archean spherule beds in the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa: Impact or terrestrial origin? In: Impacts and the Early Earth (Eds. I. Gilmour and C. Koeberl), Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 91, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 117-180.
  46. Buchanan, P.C., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Hutchison, R., Koeberl, C., Lindstrom, D.J., and Pandit, M.K. (2000) Petrology of the Indian eucrite Piplia Kalan. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 35, 609-615.
  47. Plado, J., Pesonen, L.J., Koeberl, C., and Elo, S. (2000) The Bosumtwi meteorite impact structure, Ghana: A magnetic model. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 35, 723-732.
  48. Ryder, G., Koeberl, C., and Mojzsis, S.J. (2000) Heavy bombardment on the Earth ~3.85 Ga: The search for petrographic and geochemical evidence. In: Origin of the Earth and Moon (Eds. R. Canup and K. Righter), University of Arizona Press, p. 475-492.
  49. Koeberl, C., and Glass, B.P. (2000) Tektites and the age paradox in Mid-Pleistocene China. Science 289, 507a.
  50. Buchanan, P.C., Lindstrom, D.J., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2000) The South African polymict eucrite Macibini. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 35, 1321-1332.
  51. Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (2000) Comment on A.J. Mory et al. "Woodleigh, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: a new 120 km diameter impact structure". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 184, 353-357.
  52. Simonson, B.M., Koeberl, C., McDonald, I., and Reimold, W.U. (2000) Geochemical evidence for an impact origin for a late Archean spherule layer, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Geology 28, 1103-1106.
  53. Reimold, W.U., Pybus, G.Q.J., Kruger, F.J., Layer, P.W., and Koeberl, C. (2000) The Anna's Rust Sheet and related gabbroic intrusions in the Vredefort Dome - Kibaran magmatic event on the Kaapvaal Craton and beyond? Journal of African Earth Sciences 31, 499-521.
  54. Kebede, T., Koeberl, C., and Koller, F. (2001) Magmatic evolution of the Suqii-Wagga garnet-bearing two-mica granite, Wallagga area, western Ethiopia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 32, 193-221.
  55. Huber, H., Koeberl, C., King, D.T. Jr., Petruny, L.W., and Montanari, A. (2001) Effects of bioturbation through the Late Eocene impactoclastic layer near Massignano, Italy. In Geological and Biological Effects of Impact Events (ed. E. Buffetaut and C. Koeberl), "Impact Studies" Series, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, p. 197-216.
  56. Kudielka, G., Koeberl, C., Montanari, A., Newton, J., and Reimold, W.U. (2001) Stable-isotope and trace element stratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, Bosso River Gorge, Italy. In Geological and Biological Effects of Impact Events (ed. E. Buffetaut and C. Koeberl), “Impact Studies” Series, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, p. 25-68.
  57. Nyakairu, G.W.A., and Koeberl, C. (2001) Mineralogical and chemical composition and distribution of rare earth elements in clay-rich sediments from central Uganda. Geochemical Journal 35, 13-28.
  58. Kebede, T., Kloetzli, U., and Koeberl, C. (2001) U/Pb and Pb/Pb zircon ages from granitoid rocks of Wallagga area: Constraints on magmatic and tectonic evolution of Precambrian rocks of western Ethiopia. Mineralogy and Petrology 71, 251-271.
  59. Koeberl, C. (2001) The sedimentary record of impact events. In: Accretion of Extraterrestrial Matter throughout Earth's History (ed. B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink and B. Schmitz), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 333-378.
  60. Deloule, E., Chaussidon, M., Glass, B.P., and Koeberl, C. (2001) U-Pb isotopic study of relict zircon inclusions recovered from Muong Nong-type tektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 1833-1838.
  61. Yibas, B., Reimold, W.U., Armstrong, R., Koeberl, C., Anheusser, C.R., and Phillips, D. (2002) The geology of the Precambrian of southern Ethiopia: Tectonostratigraphy, U-Th-Pb single zircon SHRIMP and 40Ar-39Ar (laser) dating of granitoids and implications for the geological evolution of the region. Journal of African Earth Sciences 34, 57-84.
  62. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Kelley, S.P. (2001) Petrography, geochemistry, and 40Ar/39Ar ages of impact melt rocks and breccias from the Ames impact structure, Oklahoma: The Nicor Chestnut 18-4 drill core. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 36, 651-669.
  63. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Wright, C., and McDonald, I. (2001) Comment on “Origin of late Eocene to pre-Miocene buried crater and breccia lens at Fohn-1, North Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea: A probable extraterrestrial connection” by J.D. Gorter and A.Y. Glikson. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 36, 747-749.
  64. Huber, H., Koeberl, C., McDonald, I., and Reimold, W.U. (2001) Geochemistry and petrology of Witwatersrand and Dwyka diamictites from South Africa: Search for an extraterrestrial component. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 2007-2016.
  65. Dai, X., Koeberl, C., and Fröschl, H. (2001) Determination of platinum group elements in impact breccias using neutron activation analysis and ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after anion exchange preconcentration. Analytica Chimica Acta 436, 79-85.
  66. Bishop, J.L., Lougear, A., Newton, J., Doran, P.T., Froeschl, H., Trautwein, A.X., Körner, W., and Koeberl, C. (2001) Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of Antarctic lake sediments: A study of reflectance and Mössbauer spectroscopy and C, N, and S isotopes with applications for remote sensing on Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 2875-2897.
  67. Nyakairu, G.W.A., Koeberl, C., and Kurzweil, H. (2001) The Buwambo kaolin deposit in central Uganda: Mineralogical and chemical composition. Geochemical Journal 35, 245-256.
  68. Jalufka, D.A., and Koeberl, C. (2001) Moonstruck: How realistic is the moon depicted in classic science fiction films? Earth, Moon and Planets 85-86, 179-200.
  69. Koeberl, C. (2001) Craters on the moon from Galileo to Wegener: A short history of the impact hypothesis, and implications for the study of terrestrial impact craters. Earth, Moon and Planets 85-86, 209-224.
  70. Mader, D., Montanari, A., Gattacceca, J., Koeberl, C., Handler, R., and Coccioni, R. (2001) 40Ar/39Ar dating of a Langhian biotite-rich clay layer in the pelagic sequence of the Cònero Riviera, Ancona, Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 194, 111-126.
  71. Nyakairu, G.W.A., Kurzweil, H., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Mineralogical, geochemical, and sedimentological characteristics of clay deposits from central Uganda and their applications. Journal of African Earth Sciences 35, 123-134.
  72. Boamah, D., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Geochemistry of soils from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana, and relationship to radiometric airborne geophysical data. In: Meteorite Impacts in Precambrian Shields (eds. J. Plado and L. Pesonen). Impact Studies vol. 2, Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin, p. 211-255.
  73. Armstrong, R., Vishnevsky, S., and Koeberl, C. (2002) U-Pb analyses of zircons from the Popigai impact structure, Russia: First results. In: Meteorite Impacts in Precambrian Shields (eds. J. Plado and L. Pesonen). Impact Studies vol. 2, Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin, p. 109-116.
  74. Henkel, H., Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Magnetic and gravity model of the Morokweng impact structure, South Africa. Journal of Applied Geophysics 49, 129-147.
  75. Nyakairu, G.W.A., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Variation of mineral, chemical, and rare earth element composition in size fractions of clay-rich sediments from the Kajjansi and Ntawo clay deposits, central Uganda. Chemie der Erde 62, 73-86.
  76. Kononova, V.A., Kurat, G., Embey-Isztin, A., Pervov, V.A., Koeberl, C., and Brandstätter, F. (2002) Geochemistry of metasomatised spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Dariganga Plateau, South-eastern Mongolia. Mineralogy and Petrology 75, 1-21.
  77. Maruoka, T., Koeberl, C., Newton, J., Gilmour, I., and Bohor, B.F. (2002) Sulfur isotopic compositions across terrestrial Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary successions. In: Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond (eds. C. Koeberl and K.G. MacLeod). Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, 337-344.
  78. Hancox, P.J., Brandt, D., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Neveling, J. (2002) The Permo-Triassic boundary in the Northwest Karoo Basin: Current stratigraphic placement, implications for basin development models, and the search for evidence of impact. In: Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond (eds. C. Koeberl and K.G. MacLeod). Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, 429-444.
  79. Olsen, P.E., Koeberl, C., Huber, H., Montanari, A., Fowell, S.J., Et-Touhami, M., and Kent, D.V. (2002) The continental Triassic-Jurassic boundary in central Pangea: recent progress and preliminary report of an Ir anomaly. In: Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond (eds. C. Koeberl and K.G. MacLeod). Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, 505-522.
  80. Koeberl, C., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Reimold, W.U., Shukolyukov, A., and Lugmair, G.W. (2002) A comparison of the osmium and chromium isotopic methods for the detection of meteoritic components in impactites: Examples from the Morokweng and Vredefort impact structures, South Africa. In: Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond (eds. C. Koeberl and K.G. MacLeod). Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, 607-617.
  81. Deksissa, D.J., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Geochemistry and petrography of gold-quartz-tourmaline veins of the Okote area, southern Ethiopia: implications for gold exploration. Mineralogy and Petrology 75, 101-122.
  82. Olsen, P. E., Kent, D. V., Sues, H.-D., Koeberl, C., Huber, H., Montanari, A., Rainforth, E. C., Fowell, S. J., Szajna, M. J., and Hartline, B. W. (2002) Ascent of dinosaurs linked to Ir anomaly at Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Science 296, 1305-1307.
  83. Gibson, R.L., Reimold, W.U., Ashley, A.J., and Koeberl, C. (2002) Metamorphism on the Moon: A terrestrial analogue in the Vredefort dome, South Africa? Geology 30, 475-478.
  84. Reimold, W.U., Armstrong, R.A., and Koeberl, C. (2002) A deep drillcore from the Morokweng impact structure, South Africa: petrography, geochemistry, and constraints on the crater size. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201, 221-232.
  85. Renne, P.R., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Hough, R., Claeys, P. (2002) Comment on: ''K-Ar evidence from illitic clays of a Late Devonian age for the 120 km diameter Woodleigh impact structure, Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia'', by I.T. Uysal, S.D. Golding, A.Y. Glikson, A.J. Mory and M. Glikson. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201, 247-252.
  86. Buchanan, P.C., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Kruger, F.J. (2002) Geochemistry of intermediate to siliceous volcanic rocks of the Rooiberg Group, Bushveld Magmatic Province, South Africa. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 144, 131-143 (DOI 10.1007/s00410-002-0386-1).
  87. Gucsik, A., Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Reimold, W.U., and Libowitzky, E. (2002) Cathodoluminescence, electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy of experimentally shock-metamorphosed zircon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 202, 495-509.
  88. King, D.T., jr., Neathery, T.L., Petruny, L.W., Koeberl, C., and Hames, W.E. (2002) Shallow-marine impact origin of the Wetumpka structure (Alabama, USA). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 202, 541-549.
  89. Koeberl, C., Gilmour, I., Reimold, W.U., Claeys, P., and Ivanov, B.A. (2002) Comment on "End-Permian catastrophe by bolide impact: Evidence of a gigantic release of sulfur from the mantle" by Kaiho et al. Geology 30, 855-856.
  90. Koeberl, C. (2002) Mineralogical and geochemical aspects of impact craters. Mineralogical Magazine 66, 745-768.
  91. Koeberl, C., Denison, C., Ketcham, R.A., and Reimold, W.U. (2002) High-resolution X-ray computed tomography of impactites. Journal of Geophysical Research 107, DOI 10.1029/2001JE001833, p. 1-9.
  92. Brandt, D., Holmes, H., Reimold, W.U., Paya, B.K., Koeberl, C., and Hancox, P.J. (2002) Kgagodi Basin: The First Impact Structure recognized in Botswana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 37, 1765-1779.
  93. Katongo, C., Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Mubu, S. (2002) Remote sensing, field studies, petrography, and geochemistry of rocks in central Zambia: No evidence of a meteorite impact in the area of the Lukanga Swamp. Journal of African Earth Sciences 35, 365-384.
  94. Maruoka, T., Koeberl, C., Hancox, P.J., and Reimold, W.U. (2003) Sulfur geochemistry across a terrestrial Permian-Triassic boundary section in the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206, 101-117.
  95. Huber, H., Koeberl, C., and Egger, H. (2003) Geochemical study of Lower Eocene volcanic ash layers from the Alpine Anthering Formation, Austria. Geochemical Journal 37, 123-134.
  96. Kebede, T., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Petrogenesis of A-type granitoids from Wallagga area, western Ethiopia: Contraints from mineralogy, bulk-rock chemistry, Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. Precambrian Research 121, 1-24.
  97. Yibas, B., Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl (2003) Geochemistry of the mafic rocks of the ophiolitic fold and thrust belts of Southern Ethiopia: Constraints on the tectonic regime during the Neoproterozoic (900-700 Ma). Precambrian Research 121, 157-183.
  98. Koeberl, C., and Martinez-Ruiz, F. (2003) The stratigraphic record of impact events: A short overview. In: Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record (eds. C. Koeberl and F. Martinez-Ruiz). Impact Studies, vol. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 1-40.
  99. Gurov, E.P., Kelley, S.P., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Ejecta of the Boltysh impact crater in the Ukrainian Shield. In: Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record (eds. C. Koeberl and F. Martinez-Ruiz). Impact Studies, vol. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 179-202.
  100. Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Petrography and geochemistry of a deep drill core from the edge of the Morokweng impact structure, South Africa. In: Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record (eds. C. Koeberl and F. Martinez-Ruiz). Impact Studies, vol. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 271-292.
  101. Koeberl, C., Huber, H., Morgan, M., and Warme, J.W. (2003) Search for an extraterrestrial component in the Late Devonian Alamo impact breccia (Nevada): Results of iridium measurements. In: Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record (eds. C. Koeberl and F. Martinez-Ruiz). Impact Studies, vol. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 315-332.
  102. Nagudi, B., Koeberl, C., and Kurat, G. (2003) Petrography and geochemistry of the Singo granite, Uganda, and implications for its origin. Journal of African Earth Sciences 36, 73-87.
  103. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2003) Geochemistry and petrography of impact breccias and target rocks from the 145 Ma Morokweng impact structure, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 1837-1862.
  104. Maruoka, T., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Acid-neutralizing scenario after the K-T impact event. Geology 31, 489-492.
  105. Koeberl, C. (2003) Invited comments on Kirkham’s “Glauconitic spherules from the Triassic of the Bristol Area, SW England: probable microtektite pseudomorphs”. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (London) 114, 175-177.
  106. Mizote, S., Matsumoto, T., Matsuda, J., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Noble gases in Muong Nong-type tektites and their implications. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 747-758.
  107. Noll, K., Döbeli, M., Krähenbühl, U., Grambole, D., Herrmann, F., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Detection of terrestrial fluorine by proton induced gamma emission (PIGE): A rapid quantification for Antarctic meteorites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 759-766.
  108. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Hough, R.M, McDonald, I., Bevan, A., Amare, K, and French, B.M. (2003) Woodleigh impact structure, Australia: Shock petrography and geochemical studies. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1109-1130.
  109. Gilmour, I., French, B.M., Franchi, I.A., Abbott, J.I., Hough, R.M., Newton, J., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Geochemistry of carbonaceous impactites from the Gardnos impact structure, Norway. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 3889-3903.
  110. Boamah, D., and Koeberl, C. (2003) Geology and geochemistry of shallow drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1137-1159.
  111. Giuli, G., Paris, E., Pratesi, G., Koeberl, C., and Cipriani, C. (2003) Iron oxidation state in Fe-rich layer and silica matrix of Libyan Desert Glass: A high-resolution XANES study. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1181-1186.
  112. Gucsik, A., Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Libowitzky, E., and Reimold, W.U. (2003) Scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopy of experimentally shock-metamorphosed quartzite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1187-1197.
  113. Maruoka, T., Koeberl, C., Matsuda, J.-I., and Syono, Y. (2003) Carbon isotope fractionation between graphite and diamond during shock experiments. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1255-1262.
  114. Pesonen, L.J., Koeberl, C., and Hautaniemi, H. (2003) Airborne geophysical survey of the Lake Bosumtwi meteorite impact structure (Southern Ghana) – Geophysical maps with descriptions. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Vienna) 143, 581-604.
  115. Mader, D., Koeberl, C., and Montanari, A. (2004) Geochemistry of a Langhian pelagic marly limestone sequence of the Cònero Riviera, Ancona (Italy) and the search for a Ries impact signature: A progress report. In: Cratering in Marine Environments and on Ice (eds. H. Dypvik, P. Claeys, and M. Burchell), Impact Studies vol. 5, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 149-184.
  116. Gucsik, A., Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Libowitzky, E., and Reimold, W.U. (2004) Cathodoluminescence, electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy of experimentally shock metamorphosed zircon crystals and naturally shocked zircon from the Ries impact crater. In: Cratering in Marine Environments and on Ice (eds. H. Dypvik, P. Claeys, and M. Burchell), Impact Studies vol. 5, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 281-322.
  117. Pesonen, L.J., Mader, D., Gurov, E.P., Koeberl, C., Kinnunen, K.A., Donadini, F., and Handler, R. (2004) Paleomagnetism and 40Ar-39Ar age determinations of impactites from the Ilyinets structure, Ukraine. In: Cratering in Marine Environments and on Ice (eds. H. Dypvik, P. Claeys, and M. Burchell), Impact Studies vol. 5, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 251-280.
  118. Lana, C., Reimold, W.U., Gibson, R.L., Koeberl, C., and Siegesmund, S. (2004) Nature of the Archean mid-crust in the core of the Vredefort Dome, Central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 623-642.
  119. Katongo, C., Koeberl, C., Witzke, B.J., Hammond, R.H., and Anderson, R.R. (2004) Geochemistry and shock petrography of the Crow Creek Member, South Dakota, USA: Ejecta from the 74-Ma Manson impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, 31-51.
  120. Maruoka, T., Kurat, G., Dobosi, G., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Isotopic composition of carbon in diamonds of diamondites: Record of mass fractionation in the upper mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 1635-1644.
  1. Schultz, P., Zarate, M., Hames, B., Koeberl, C., Bunch, T., Storzer, D., Renne, P., and Wittke, J. (2004) The Quaternary impact record from the Pampas, Argentina. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219, 221-238.
  2. Puura V., Huber H., Kirs J., Kärki A., Suuroja K., Kirsimäe K., Kivisilla J., Kleesment A., Konsa M., Preeden U., Suuroja S., and Koeberl C. (2004) Geology, petrography, shock petrography, and geochemistry of impactites and target rocks from the Kärdla crater, Estonia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, 425-452.
  3. Koeberl, C. (2004) The late heavy bombardment in the inner solar system: Is there a connection to Kuiper Belt objects? Earth, Moon and Planets 92, 79-87.
  4. Deksissa, D.J., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Geochemistry, alteration, and genesis of gold mineralization in the Okote area, southern Ethiopia. Geochemical Journal 38, 307-331.
  5. Buchanan, P.C., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Kruger, F.J. (2004) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of the Rooiberg Group, South Africa: early Bushveld-related volcanism. Lithos 29, 373-388.
  6. Tuchscherer M. G., Reimold W. U., Koeberl C., Gibson R. L., and de Bruin, D. (2004) First petrographic results on impactites from the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole, Chicxulub structure, Mexico. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 39, 899-930.
  7. Tuchscherer M. G., Reimold W. U., Koeberl C., and Gibson R. L. (2004) Major and trace element characteristics of impactites from the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole, Chicxulub structure, Mexico. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 39, 955-978.
  8. Bodiselitsch, B., Montanari, A., Koeberl, C., and Coccioni, R. (2004) Delayed climate cooling in the Late Eocene caused by multiple impacts: high-resolution geochemical studies at Massignano, Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 223, 283-302.
  9. Koeberl, C. (2004) Remote sensing studies of impact craters: how to be sure? Comptes Rendus Geoscience 336, 959-961.
  10. Gucsik, A., Koeberl, C., Brandstätter, F., Libowitzky, E., and Zhang, M. (2004) Infrared, Raman, and cathodoluminescence studies of impact glasses. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 39, 1273-1285.
  11. Reimold, W.U., Buchanan, P.C., Ambrose, D., Koeberl, C., Franchi, I., Lalkhan, C., Schultz, L., Franke, L., and Heusser, G. (2004) Thuathe, a new H4/5 chondrite from Lesotho: History of the fall, petrography and geochemistry. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 39, 1321-1341
  12. Mader, D., Cleaveland, L., Bice, D.M., Montanari, A., and Koeberl, C. (2004) High-resolution cyclostratigraphic analysis of multiple climate proxies from a short Langhian pelagic succession in the Conero Riviera, Ancona (Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211, 325-344.
  13. Gurov, E., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Shocked rocks and impact glasses from the El’gygytgyn impact structure, Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, 1495 – 1508.
  14. Humayun, M., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Potassium isotopic composition of Australasian tektites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, 1509 – 1516.
  15. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2004) Post-impact hydrothermal activity in meteorite impact craters and potential opportunities for life. In: Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among the Stars (IAU Symposium 213) (eds. R. P. Norris and F. H. Stootman), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, pp. 299-304.
  16. Glass, B.P., Huber, H., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Geochemistry of Cenozoic microtektites and clinopyroxene-bearing spherules. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 3971-4006.
  17. Gucsik, A., Zhang, M., Koeberl, C., Salje, E.K.H., Redfern, S.A.T., and Pruneda, J.M. (2004) Infrared and Raman spectra of ZrSiO4 experimentally shocked at high pressures. Mineralogical Magazine 68, 801-811.
  18. Rasmussen, B., and Koeberl, C. (2004) Iridium anomalies and shocked quartz in a Late Archean spherule layer from the Pilbara craton: New evidence for a major asteroid impact at 2.63 Ga. Geology 32, 1029-1032.
  19. Koeberl, C., Farley, K.A., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., and Sephton, M.A. (2004) Geochemistry of the end-Permian extinction event in Austria and Italy: No evidence for an extraterrestrial component. Geology 32, 1053-1056.
  20. Mesjasz-Przybylowicz, J., Nakonieczny, M., Migula, P., Augustyniak, M., Tarnawska, M., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Przybylowicz, W., and Glowacka, E. (2004) Uptake of cadmium, lead, nickel and zinc from soil and water solutions by the nickel hyperaccumulator Berkheya Coddii. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series Botanica 46, 75-85.
  21. Katongo, C., Koller, F., Kloetzli, U., Koeberl, C. Tembo, F., and de Waele, B. (2004) Petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of granitoid rocks in the Neoproterozoic Lufilian-Zambesi belt, Zambia: Implications for tectonic setting and regional correlation. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40, 219-244.
  22. Gurov, E.P., Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Brandstätter, F., and Amare, K. (2005) Shock metamorphism of siliceous volcanic rocks of the El'gygytgyn impact crater (Chukotka, Russia). In Large meteorite impacts III (eds. T. Kenkmann, F. Hörz, and A. Deutsch). Boulder, Geological Society of America Special Paper 384, 391-412.
  23. Lugli, S., Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (2005) Silicified cone-in-cone structures from Erfoud (Morocco): A comparison with impact-generated shatter cones. In: Impact Tectonics (eds. Koeberl, C., and Henkel, H.). Impact Studies, vol. 6, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 81-110.
  24. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Plescia, J. (2005) BP and Oasis impact structures, Libya: Remote sensing and field studies. In: Impact Tectonics (eds. Koeberl, C., and Henkel, H.). Impact Studies, vol. 6, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 161-190.
  25. Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., Gibson, R.L., and Dressler, B.O. (2005) Economic mineral deposits in impact structures: A review. In: Impact Tectonics (eds. Koeberl, C., and Henkel, H.). Impact Studies, vol. 6, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 479-552.
  26. Bodiselitsch, B., Koeberl, C., Master, S., and Reimold, W.U. (2005) Estimating duration and intensity of Neoproterozoic Snowball glaciations from Ir anomalies. Science 308, 239-242.
  27. Reimold, W.U., Kelley, S.P., Sherlock, S.C., Henkel, H., and Koeberl, C. (2005) Laser argon dating of melt breccias from the Siljan impact structure, Sweden: Implications for a possible relationship to Late Devonian extinction events. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 591-607.
  28. Son, T.H., and Koeberl, C. (2005) Chemical variation within fragments of Australasian tektites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 805-815.
  29. Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Cooper, G., Cowan, D., and Vincent, P.M. (2005) Aorounga and Gweni Fada impact structures, Chad: Remote sensing, petrography and geochemistry of target rocks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1455-1471.
  30. Osae, S., Misra, S., Koeberl, C., Sengupta, D., and Ghosh, S. (2005) Target rocks, impact glasses, and melt rocks from the Lonar impact crater, India: Petrography and geochemistry. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1473-1492.
  31. Dai, X., Boamah, D., Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Irvine, G. and McDonald, I. (2005) Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Geochemistry of impactites and target rocks, and search for a meteoritic component. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1493-1511.
  32. Tuchscherer, M.G., Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., and Gibson, R.L. (2005) Geochemical and petrographic characteristics of impactites and Cretaceous target rocks from the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole, Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico: Implications for target composition. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1513-1536.
  33. Giuli, G., Eeckhout, S.G., Paris, E., Koeberl, C., and Pratesi, G. (2005) Iron oxidation state in impact glass from the K/T boundary at Beloc (Haiti) by high-resolution XANES spectroscopy. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1575-1580.
  34. Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2005) Bosumtwi impact crater: An updated and revised geological map, with explanations. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien (Yearbook of the Austrian Geological Survey) 145, 31-70 ( + 1 map, 1:50,0000).
  35. Cockell, C.S., Lee, P., Broady, P., Lim, D., Osinski, O., Parnell, J., Koeberl, C., Pesonen, L., and Salminen, J. (2005) Effects of asteroid and comet impacts on lithophytic habitats – A synthesis. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 1901-1940.
  36. Tremolada, F., Bornemann, A., Bralower, T.J., Koeberl, C., and van de Schootbrugge, B. (2006)  Paleoceanographic changes across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary: The calcareous phytoplankton response. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241, 261-271.
  37. Amare, K., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Variation of chemical composition in Australasian tektites from different localities in Vietnam. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 107-123.
  38. Osae, S., Asiedu, D.K., Banoeng-Yakubo, B., Koeberl, C., and Dampare, S.B. (2006) Provenance and tectonic setting of sandstones from the Late Proterozoic Buem sandstones of southeastern Ghana: evidence from geochemistry and detrital modes. Journal of African Earth Sciences 44, 85-96.
  39. Glass, B.P., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Australasian microtektites and associated impact ejecta in the South China Sea and the Middle Pleistocene supereruption of Toba. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 305-326.
  40. Reimold, W.U., Cooper, G., Romano, R., Cowan, D., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Investigation of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data of the possible impact structure at Serra da Cangalha, Brazil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 237-246.
  41. Koeberl, C. (2006) Impact processes on the early Earth. Elements 2, 211-216.
  42. Gurov, E.P., Kelley, S.P., Koeberl, C., and Dykan, N.I. (2006) Sediments and impact rocks filling the Boltysh impact crater. In: Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events (eds. Cockell, C.S., Koeberl, C., and Gilmour, I.) Impact Studies, vol. 8, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 335-358.
  43. Rampino, M.R., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Comparison of Bosumtwi impact crater (Ghana) and Crater Lake volcanic caldera (Oregon, USA): Implications for biotic recovery after catastrophic events. In: Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events (eds. Cockell, C.S., Koeberl, C., and Gilmour, I.) Impact Studies, vol. 8, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 101-120.
  44. Deutsch, A., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Establishing the link between the Chesapeake Bay impact structure and the North American tektite strewn field: The Sr-Nd isotopic evidence. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 689-703.
  45. Schultz, P.H., Zarate, M., Hames, W.E., Harris, R.S., Bunch, T.E., Koeberl, C., Renne, P., and Wittke, J. (2006) The record of Miocene impacts in the Argentine Pampas. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 749-771.
  46. Koeberl, C. (2006) The Record of impact processes on the early Earth – A review of the first 2.5 billion years. In: Processes on the Early Earth (eds. Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.). Boulder, Geological Society of America Special Paper 405, 1-22.
  47. Hofmann, A., Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C. (2006) Archean spherule layers in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: A discussion of problems related to the impact interpretation. In: Processes on the Early Earth (eds. Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.). Boulder, Geological Society of America Special Paper 405, 33-56.
  48. Ormö, J., Koeberl, C., Rossi, A.P., and Komatsu, G. (2006) Geological and geochemical data from the proposed Sirente crater field: New age dating and evidence for heating of target. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 1331-1345.
  49. Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., Reimold, W.U., Cockell, C.S., Horton, J.W. Jr., Sanford, W.E., and Voytek, M.A. (2006) Chesapeake Bay impact structure drilled. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 87, 349, 355.
  50. Boamah, D. and Koeberl, C. (2006) Petrographic studies of “fallout” suevite from outside the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 1761-1774.
  51. Riedler W., Torkar K., Jeszenszky H., Romstedt J., Alleyne H.St.C., Arends H., Barth W., Biezen J.V.D., Butler B., Ehrenfreund P., Fehringer M, Fremuth G., Gavira J., Havnes O., Jessberger E.K., Kassing R., Klöck W., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.C., Maurette M., Rüdenauer F., Schmidt R., Stangl G., Steller M. and Weber I. (2007) MIDAS – The Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System for the Rosetta mission.  Space Science Reviews 128, 869-904.
  52. Maruoka, T., Koeberl, C., and Bohor, B.F. (2007) Carbon isotopic compositions of organic matter across continental Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary sections: Implications for paleoenvironment after the K-T impact event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 253, 226–238.
  53. MacLeod, K.G., Whitney, D.L., Huber, B.T., and Koeberl, C. (2007) Impact and extinction in remarkably complete Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sections from Demerara Rise, tropical western North Atlantic. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 119, 101-115.
  54. Gurov, E.P., Koeberl, C., and Yamnichenko, A. (2007) El’gygytgyn impact crater, Russia: Structure, tectonics, and morphology. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 307-319.
  55. Koeberl, C. (2007) The geochemistry and cosmochemistry of impacts. In: Treatise of Geochemistry, online edition, Vol. 1 (ed. A. Davis), Elsevier, p. 1.28.1 -1.28.52, doi:10.1016/B978-008043751-4/00228-5.
  56. Serefiddin, F., Herzog, G.F., and Koeberl, C. (2007) Beryllium-10 concentrations of tektites from the Ivory Coast and from Central Europe: Evidence for near-surface residence of precursor materials. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 1574-1582.
  57. Koeberl C. (2007) Impakt und Massensterben Ein Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien (Yearbook of the Austrian Geological Survey) 147, 169-191.
  58. Koeberl C., Shukolyukov A., and Lugmair G.W. (2007) Chromium isotopic studies of terrestrial impact craters: Identification of meteoritic components at Bosumtwi, Clearwater East, Lappajärvi, and Rochechouart. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 256, 534-546.
  59. Koeberl, C., and Milkereit, B. (2007) Continental drilling and the study of impact craters and processes – an ICDP perspective. In: Continental Scientific Drilling (eds. Harms, U., Koeberl, C., and Zoback, M.D.), Springer, Heidelberg, p. 95-161.
  60. Koeberl C., Milkereit B., Overpeck J.T., Scholz C.A., Amoako P.Y.O., Boamah D., Danuor S.K., Karp T., Kueck J., Hecky R.E., King J., and Peck J.A. (2007) An international and multidisciplinary drilling project into a young complex impact structure: The 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, drilling project – An overview. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 483-511.
  61. Karikari F., Ferriére F., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U. and Mader D. (2007) Petrography, geochemistry, and alteration of country rocks from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 513-540.
  62. Boamah D., and Koeberl C. (2007) The Lake Bosumtwi impact structure in Ghana: A brief environmental assessment and discussion of ecotourism potential. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 561-567.
  63. Coney L., Gibson R., Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (2007) Lithostratigraphic and petrographic analysis of ICDP drill core LB-07A from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 569-589.
  64. Ferriére L., Koeberl C., and Reimold W.U. (2007) Drillcore LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of rocks from the central uplift. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 611-633.
  65. Coney L., Reimold W.U., Gibson R., and Koeberl C. (2007) Geochemistry of impactites and basement lithologies from ICDP Borehole LB-07A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 667-688.
  66. Ferriére L., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U. and Mader D. (2007) Drillcore LB-08A, Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Geochemistry of fallback breccia and bedrock samples from the central uplift. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 689-708.
  67. Koeberl C., Brandstätter F., Glass B.P., Hecht L., Mader D., and Reimold W.U. (2007) Uppermost impact fallback layer in the Bosumtwi Crater (Ghana): Mineralogy, geochemistry, and comparison with Ivory Coast tektites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 709-729.
  68. McDonald I., Peucker-Ehrenbrink B., Coney L., Ferriere L., Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (2007) Search for a meteoritic component in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure Ghana: Platinum-group element contents and osmium isotopic characteristics. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 743-753.
  69. Son T.H. and Koeberl C. (2007) Chemical variation in Lonar impact glasses and impactites. GFF 129, 161-176.
  70. Coney L., Reimold W.U., Hancox P.J., Mader D., Koeberl C., McDonald I., Struck U., Vajda V. and Kamo S.L. (2007) Geochemical and mineralogical investigation of the Permian-Triassic boundary in the continental realm of the Southern Karoo Basin, South Africa. Palaeoworld 16, 67-104.
  71. Son T.-H., Koeberl C., Ngoc N.L, and Huyen D.T. (2007) The Permian-Triassic boundary sections in Northern Vietnam (Nhi Tao and Lung Cam sections): carbon-isotope excursion and elemental variations indicate major anoxic event. Palaeoworld 16, 51-66.
  72. Collins G.S., Artemieva N., Wünnemann K., Bland P.A., Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (2008) Evidence that Lake Cheko is not an impact crater. Terra Nova 20, 165-168.
  73. Hecht L., Reimold W.U., Sherlock S., Tagle R., Koeberl C., and Schmitt R.T. (2008) New impact melt rock from the Roter Kamm impact structure, Namibia: Further constraints on impact age, melt rock chemistry, and projectile composition. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1201-1218.
  74. Giuli G., Eeckhout S.G., Koeberl C., Pratesi G., and Paris E. (2008) Yellow impact glass from the K/T boundary at Beloc (Haiti): XANES determination of the Fe oxidation state and implications for formation conditions. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 981-986.
  75. Pati J., Reimold W.U., Koeberl C., and Pati P. (2008) The Dhala Structure, Bundelkhand Craton, Central India - eroded remnant of a large Paleoproterozoic impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1383–1398.
  76. Fackelman S.P., Morrow J.R., Koeberl C., and Elvain T.H. (2008) Shatter cone and microscopic shock-alteration evidence for a post-Paleoproterozoic terrestrial impact structure near Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 270, 290–299.
  77. Gohn G.S., Koeberl C., Miller K.G., Reimold W.U., Browning J.V., Cockell C.S., Horton J.W., Kenkmann T., Kulpecz A.A., Powars D.S., Sanford W.E., and Voytek M.A. (2008) Deep drilling into the Chesapeake Bay impact structure. Science 320, 1740-1745.
  78. Escala M., Rosell-Melé, A., Fietz, S., and Koeberl, C. (2008) Archaebacterial lipids in drill core samples from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1777-1782.
  79. Reimold W. U. and Koeberl, C. (2008) Catastrophes, Extinctions and Evolution: 50 years of Impact Cratering Studies. In Harsh Gupta and Fareeduddin (Editors), Recent Advances in Earth System Sciences, Memoir 66, Geological Society of India, pp. 69-110.
  80. Ferrière, L., Koeberl, C., Ivanov, B.A., and Reimold, W.U. (2008) Shock metamorphism of Bosumtwi impact crater rocks, shock attenuation, and uplift formation. Science 322, 1678-1681.
  81. Ferriere, L., Koeberl, C., and Reimold, W.U. (2009) Characterization of ballen quartz and cristobalite in impact breccias: new observations and constraints on ballen formation. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 203-217.
  82. Moynier, F., Beck, P., Jourdan, F., Yin, Q-Z., Reimold, U., and Koeberl, C. (2009) Isotopic fractionation of zinc in tektites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277, 482-489.
  83. Koeberl C. (2009) Late Eocene impact craters and impactoclastic layers – An overview. In: Koeberl, C., and Montanari, A., eds., The late Eocene Earth: Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts: Geological Society of America Special Paper 452, 17-26.
  84. Brown R.E., Koeberl C., Montanari A., and Bice D.M. (2009) Evidence for a change in Milankovitch forcing caused by extraterrestrial events at Massignano, Italy, Eocene-Oligocene Boundary GSSP In: Koeberl, C., and Montanari, A., eds., The late Eocene Earth: Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts: Geological Society of America Special Paper 452, 119-137.
  85. Ferrière L., Morrow J. R., Amgaa T., and Koeberl C. (2009) Systematic study of universal-stage measurements of planar deformation features in shocked quartz: Implications for statistical significance and representation of results. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44, 925–940.
  86. Moynier F., Koeberl C., Quitté G., and Telouk P. (2009) A tungsten isotope approach to search for meteoritic components in terrestrial impact rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286, 35–40.
  87. Gohn G.S., Koeberl C., Miller K.G., and Reimold W.U. (2009) Deep Drilling in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure – An Overview, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 1-20.
  88. Bartosova K., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U., and Gier S. (2009) Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of the impact breccia section (1397 – 1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 317-348.
  89. Bartosova K., Mader D., Schmitt R.T., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U., and Brandstätter F. (2009) Geochemistry of the impact breccia section (1397-1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 397-433.
  90. McDonald I., Bartosova K., and Koeberl C. (2009) Search for a meteoritic component in impact breccia from the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Considerations from platinum-group element contents, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 469-479.
  91. Schmitt R.T., Bartosova K., Reimold W.U., Mader D., Wittmann A., Koeberl C., and Gibson R.L. (2009) Geochemistry of impactites and crystalline basement-derived lithologies from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and B drill cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 481-541.
  92. Reimold W.U., Bartosova K., Schmitt R.-T., Hansen B., Crasselt C., Koeberl C., Wittmann A., and Powars D.S. (2009) Petrographic observations on the Exmore breccia, ICDP-USGS drilling at Eyreville, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA, in Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., and Reimold, W.U., eds., The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes: Geological Society of America Special Paper 458, p. 655-698.
  93. Mader D., and Koeberl C. (2009) Using instrumental neutron activation analysis for geochemical analyses of terrestrial impact structures: Current analytical procedures at the University of Vienna gamma spectrometry laboratory. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67, 2100–2103.
  94. Simonson B.M., McDonald I., Shukolyukov A., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U., and Lugmair G.W. (2009) Geochemistry of 2.63-2.49 Ga impact spherule layers and implications for stratigraphic correlations and impact processes. Precambrian Research 175, 51–76.
  95. Egger H., Koeberl C., Wagreich M., and Stradner H. (2009) The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary at Gams, Austria: Nannoplankton stratigraphy and geochemistry of a bathyal northwestern Tethyan setting. Stratigraphy  6,  333-347.    
  96. French B.M., and Koeberl C. (2010) The convincing identification of terrestrial meteorite impact structures: What works, what doesn't, and why. Earth-Science Reviews 98, 123–170.
  97. Moynier F., Koeberl C., Beck P., Jourdan F., and Telouk P. (2010) Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 799-807.
  98. Crosta A.P., Koeberl C., Furuie, R.A., and Kazzuo-Vieira, C. (2010) First description and confirmation of the Vista Alegre impact structure in the Parana flood basalts of southern Brazil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45, 181-194.
  99. Varricchio D.J., Koeberl C., Raven R.F., Wolbach W.S., Elsik W.C., and Miggins D.P. (2010) Tracing the Manson impact event across the Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway, in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 269–299.
  100. Coney L., Reimold W.U., Gibson R.L., Koeberl C., and Ogilvie P. (2010) Melt particle characteristics of the within- and out-of-crater suevites from the Bosumtwi structure, Ghana: Implications for crater formation, in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 411–442.
  101. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Brandstätter F. and Mader D. (2010) Geochemistry of basement rocks and impact breccias from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi crater, Ghana – Comparison of proximal and distal impactites, in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 443-469.
  102. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Libowitzky, E., Reimold W.U. Greshake A., and Brandstätter F. (2010) Ballen quartz and cristobalite in impactites: New investigations, in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 609-618.
  103. Giuli G., Eeckhout S.G., Cicconi M.R., Koeberl C., Pratesi G., and Paris E. (2010) Iron oxidation state and local structure in North-American tektites, in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 645–651.
  104. Giuli G., Pratesi G., Eeckhout S.G., Koeberl C., and Paris E. (2010) Iron reduction in silicate glass produced during the 1945 nuclear test at the trinity site (Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA), in Reimold, W.U., and Gibson, R.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 4, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 465, 653–660.
  105. Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Thöni M., and Liang C. (2010) Single crystal U-Pb zircon age and Sr-Nd isotopic composition of impactites from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana - Comparison with country rocks and Ivory Coast tektites. Chemical Geology 275, 254–261.
  106. Greshake A., Koeberl C., Fritz J., and Reimold W.U. (2010) Brownish inclusions and dark streaks in Libyan Desert Glass: Evidence for high-temperature melting of the target rocks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45, 973–989.
  107. Bartosova K., Gier S., Horton J.W. Jr., Koeberl C., Mader D., and Dypvik H. (2010) Petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of deep gravelly sand in the Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45, 1021–1052.
  108. Hagos M., Koeberl C., Kabeto K., and Koller F. (2010) Geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the basaltic rocks of the Axum area, Northern Ethiopia. In: Ray J., G. Sen, and B. Ghosh (eds.), Topics in Igneous Petrology, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 69-93.
  109. Katongo C., Koller F., Ntaflos T., Koeberl C., and Tembo F. (2010) Occurrence and origin of scapolite in the Neoproterozoic Lufilian–Zambezi belt, Zambia: Evidence/role of brine-rich fluid infiltration during regional metamorphism. In: Ray J., G. Sen, and B. Ghosh (eds.), Topics in Igneous Petrology, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 449-473.
  110. Schulte P., Alegret L., Arenillas I., Arz J.A., Barton P.J., Bown P.R., Bralower T.J., Christeson G.L., Claeys P., Cockell C.S., Collins G.S., Deutsch A., Goldin T.J., Goto K., Grajales-Nishimura J.M., Grieve R.A., Gulick S.P., Johnson K.R., Kiessling W., Koeberl C., Kring D.A., MacLeod K.G., Matsui T., Melosh J., Montanari A., Morgan J.V., Neal C.R., Nichols D.J., Norris R.D., Pierazzo E., Ravizza G., Rebolledo-Vieyra M., Reimold W.U., Robin E., Salge T., Speijer R.P., Sweet A.R., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Vajda V., Whalen M.T., and Willumsen P.S. (2010) The Chicxulub asteroid impact and mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Science 327, 1214-1218.
  111. Hagos M., Koeberl C., Kabeto K., and Koller F. (2010) Geochemical characteristics of the alkaline basalts and the phonolite-trachyte plugs of the Axum area, northern Ethiopian. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 153-170.
  112. Racki, G., Machalski, M., Koeberl, C., and Harasimiuk, M. (2011) The weathering−modified iridium record of a new Cretaceous–Palaeogene site at Lechówka near Chełm, SE Poland, and its palaeobiologic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56, 205–215.
  113. Bartosova, K., Hecht, L., Koeberl, C., Libowitzky, E., and Reimold, W.U. (2011) Melt in the impact breccias from the Eyreville drill cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, 396-430.
  114. Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J., Minyuk, P., Koeberl, C., Andreev, A., Cook, T., Fedorov, G., Gebhardt, C., Haltia-Hovi, E., Kukkonen, M.,   Nowaczyk, N., Schwamborn, G., Wennrich, V., and the El´gygytgyn Scientific Party (2011) The Lake El’gygytgyn Scientific Drilling Project – Conquering Arctic Challenges through Continental Drilling. Scientific Drilling No. 11, 29-40.
  115. Pinter, N., Scott, A.C., Daulton, T.L., Podoll, A., Koeberl, C., Anderson, R.S., and Ishman S.E. (2011) The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: A requiem. Earth-Science Reviews 106, 247–264.
  116. Bartosova, K., and Koeberl, C. (2011) Shock metamorphism investigations of quartz grains in clasts from impact breccia of the Eyreville B drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, 621–637.
  117. Chen, M., Koeberl, C., Xiao, W., Xie, X., and Tan, D. (2011) Planar deformation features in quartz from impact-produced polymict breccia of the Xiuyan crater, China. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, 729-736.
  118. Jourdan, F., Moynier, F., Koeberl, C., and Eroglu, S. (2011) 40Ar/39Ar age of the Lonar crater and consequence for the geochronology of planetary impacts. Geology 39, 671-674.
  119. Huber, M.S., Ferrière, L., Losiak, A., and Koeberl, C. (2011) ANIE: A mathematical algorithm for automated indexing of planar deformation features in quartz grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, 1418-1424.
  120. Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M., Minyuk, P., and Koeberl, C. (2011) Millennial-scale Arctic climate change of the last 3.6 million years: Scientific drilling at Lake El’gygytgyn, Northeast Russia. Oceanography 24(3), 80–81.
  121. Ganguly, S., Ray, J., Koeberl, C., Ntaflos, T., and Banerjee, M. (2012) Mineral chemistry of lava flows from Linga area of the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province, India. Journal of Earth Systems Science 121, 91-108.
  122. Crósta, A. P., Kazzuo-Vieira, C., Pittarello, L., Koeberl, C., and Kenkmann, T. (2012) Geology and impact features of Vargeão Dome, southern Brazil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47, 51-71.
  123. Koeberl, C., Claeys, P., Hecht, L., and McDonald, I. (2012) Geochemistry of impactites. Elements 8, 37-42.
  124. Feng Z., Wang C., Graham S., Koeberl C., Dong H., Huang Y., and Gao Y. (2013) Continental Scientific Drilling Project of Cretaceous Songliao Basin: Scientific objectives and drilling technology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 385, 6-16.
  125. Brandstätter F., Konzett J., Koeberl C., and Ferriere L. (2013) The Ischgl meteorite, a new LL6 chondrite from Tyrol, Austria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A 115, 5–18.
  126. Galiazzo M.A., Bazsó A., Huber M.S., Losiak A., Dvorak R., and Koeberl C. (2013) A statistical dynamical study of meteorite impactors: A case study based on parameters derived from the Bosumtwi impact event. Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes 334, 936–939.
  127. Ray J., Saha A., Koeberl C., Thöni M., Ganguly S. and Hazra S. (2013) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Proterozoic mafic rocks from East Khasi Hills, Shillong Plateau, Northeastern India. Precambrian Research 230, 119-137.
  128. Koeberl C., Pittarello L., Reimold W. U., Raschke U., Brigham-Grette J., Melles M., and Minyuk P. (2013) Elgygytgyn impact crater, Chukotka, Arctic Russia: Impact cratering aspects of the 2009 ICDP drilling project. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1108-1129.
  129. Raschke U., Reimold W.U., Zaag P.T., Pittarello L., and Koeberl C. (2013) Lithostratigraphy of the impactite and bedrock section of ICDP drill core D1c from the El'gygytgyn impact crater, Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1143-1159.
  130. Pittarello L., Schulz T., Koeberl C., Hoffmann E., and Münker C. (2013) Petrography, geochemistry, and Hf-Nd isotope evolution of drill core samples and target rocks from the El’gygytgyn impact crater, NE Chukotka, Arctic Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1160-1198.
  131. Pittarello L. and Koeberl C. (2013) Petrography of impact glasses from the El'gygytgyn impact structure, Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1236-1250.
  132. Hellevang H., Dypvik H., Kalleson E., Pittarello L., and Koeberl C. (2013) Can alteration experiments on impact melts from El’gygytgyn and volcanic glasses shed new light on the formation of the Martian surface? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1287-1295.
  133. Pittarello L. and Koeberl C. (2013) Clast size distribution (CSD) and other geometrical features in shocked and unshocked rocks from the El'gygytgyn impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1325-1338.
  134. Foriel J., Moynier F., Schulz T., and Koeberl C. (2013) Chromium isotope anomaly in an impactite sample from the Elgygytgyn structure, Russia: Evidence for a ureilite projectile? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1339-1350.
  135. Reimold W.U., Gibson R.L., and Koeberl C. (2013) Comment on Searching for giant, ancient impact structures on Earth: The Mesoarchaean Maniitsoq structure, West Greenland by Garde et al. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 369-370, 333-335.
  136. Koeberl C. (2013) Asteroid impact. In: Bobrowsky P.T (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, Springer, Dordrecht, p. 18-28.
  137. Koeberl C. (2013) Impact ejecta. In: Bobrowsky P.T (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, Springer, Dordrecht, p. 523-524.
  138. Losiak A., Schulz T., Buchwaldt R., and Koeberl C. (2013) Petrology, major and trace element geochemistry, geochronology, and isotopic composition of granitic intrusions from the vicinity of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana. Lithos 177, 297–313.
  139. Reimold W.U., McDonald I., Schmitt R.-T., Hansen B., Jacob J., and Koeberl C. (2013) Geochemical studies of the SUBO 18 (Enkingen) drill core and other impact breccias from the Ries Crater, Germany. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 1531-1571.
  140. Ketcham R.A. and Koeberl C. (2013) New textural evidence on the origin of carbonado diamond: An example of 3-D petrography using X-ray computed tomography. Geosphere 9, 1336-1347.
  141. Giuli G., Cicconi M.R., Eeckhout S.G., Koeberl C., Glass B.P., Pratesi G., Cestelli-Guidi M., and Paris E. (2013) North-American microtektites are more oxidized than tektites. American Mineralogist 98, 1930–1937.
  142. Bojar A.-V., Neubauer F., and Koeberl C. (2013) Geochemical record of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous events, Palaeozoic of Graz, Eastern Alps, Austria, In: Gasiewicz, A. and Slowakiewicz, M. (eds) Palaeozoic Climate Cycles: Their Evolutionary and Sedimentological Impact. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 376, 87-108, doi 10.1144/SP376.15.
  143. Chaudhuri S., Ray J., Koeberl C., Thöni M., Dutta R., Saha A., and Banerjee M. (2014) Petrology and geochemistry of the ultramafic-mafic Mawpyut complex, Meghalaya: a Sylhet Trap differentiation centre in northeastern India. Geological Journal 49, 111–128.
  144. Losiak A., Wild E.M., Michlmayr L., and Koeberl C. (2014) 10Be content in clasts from fallout suevitic breccia in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana: Clues to preimpact target distribution. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49, 394-411.
  145. Huber M.S., Crne A.E., McDonald I., Hecht L., Melezhik V.A., and Koeberl C. (2014) Impact spherules from Karelia, Russia: Possible ejecta from the 2.02 Ga Vredefort impact event. Geology 42, 375–378.
  146. Reimold W.U. and Koeberl C. (2014) Impact structures in Africa: A review. Journal of African Earth Sciences 93, 57-175.
  147. Koeberl C. (2014) The Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry of Impacts. In: Holland H.D. and Turekian K.K. (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry, Second Edition, vol. 2 (Planets, Asteroids, Comets and The Solar System), pp. 73-118. Oxford: Elsevier.
  148. Reimold W.U., Ferriere L., Deutsch A., and Koeberl C. (2014) Impact controversies: Impact recognition criteria and related issues. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49, 723–731.
  149. Ganguly S., Ray J., Koeberl C., Saha A., Thöni M., and Balaram V. (2014) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of lava flows around Linga, Chhindwara area in the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province (EDVP), India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91, 174-193.
  150. Huber M., McDonald I., and Koeberl C. (2014) Petrography and geochemistry of ejecta from the Sudbury impact event. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49, 1749–1768.
  151. Racki G., Koeberl C., Viik T., Jagt-Yazykova E.A., and Jagt J.W.M. (2014) Ernst Julius Öpik’s 1916 note on the theory of explosion cratering on the Moon’s surface – the complex case of a long-overlooked benchmark paper. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49, 1851–1874.
  152. Bishop J.L., Englert P.A.J., Patel S., Tirsch D., Roy A.J., Koeberl C., Böttger U., Hanke F. and Jaumann R. (2014) Mineralogical analyses of surface sediments in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Coordinated analyses of Raman spectra, reflectance spectra and elemental abundances. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A 372, 20140198, p. 1-26.
  153. Reimold W.U. and Koeberl C. (2014) Reply to “Comment on impact structures in Africa: A review (Short Note)” by Acevedo, R.D. et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 100, 757–758.
  154. Gyollai I., Mader D., Polgári M., Popp F., and Koeberl C. (2014) Lack of evidence for impact signatures in Neoproterozoic postglacial deposits from NW-Namibia. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 100-111.
  155. Gyollai I., Polgári M., Veres M., Nagy S., Popp F., Mader D., and Koeberl C. (2014) Evidence of microbial activity involved with Neoproterozoic postglacial sediments from the Otavi Group, Namibia: a study of Sturtian oolitic carbonate sandstone with spectroscopic methods. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 15, 117-133.
  156. Gyollai I., Polgari M., Fintor K., Popp F., Mader D., Pal-Molnar E., Nagy S., and Koeberl C. (2015) Microbially mediated deposition of postglacial transition layers from the Neoproterozoic Otavi Group, Namibia: Evidence of rapid deglaciation after the Sturtian cryogenic period.  Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10, 63-76.
  157. Povinec P.P., Laubenstein M., Jull A.J.T., Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Sýkora I., Masarik J., Beno J., Kovácik A., Topa D., and Koeberl C. (2015) Cosmogenic radionuclides and mineralogical properties of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite: What do we learn about the meteoroid? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 273–286.
  158. Pati J.K., Greshake A., Reimold W.U., Schmitt R.T., Koeberl C., Pati P., and Prakash K. (2015) Pseudotachylitic breccia from the Dhala impact structure, north-central India: texture, mineralogy and geochemical characterization. Tectonophysics 649, 18–32.
  159. Delisle G., Brandstätter F., and Koeberl C. (2015) Meteorite concentration sites in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica – a first assessment. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A 117, 5-34.
  160. Korbar T., Montanari A., Premec Fucek V., Fucek L., Coccioni R., McDonald I., Claeys I., Schulz T., and Koeberl C. (2015) Potential K-Pg tsunami deposits in the intra-Tethyan Adriatic carbonate platform section of Hvar (Croatia). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 127, 1666–1680.
  1. Schmieder M., Ferrière L., Ormö J., Buchner E., Koeberl C., and Reimold W.U. (2015) Comment on: “Direct evidence of ancient shock metamorphism at the site of the 1908 Tunguska event”, by P. Vannucchi et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 409 (2015) 168-174]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 419, 222–223.
  2. Mohr-Westheide T., Reimold W.U., Fritz J., Koeberl C., Salge T., Hofmann A., and  Schmitt R.T. (2015) Discovery of extraterrestrial component carrier phases in Archean spherule layers: Implications for estimation of Archean bolide sizes. Geology 43, 299-302.
  3. Raschke U., Schmitt R.T., McDonald I., Reimold W.U., Mader D., and Koeberl C. (2015) Geochemical studies of impact breccias and country rocks from the El'gygytgyn impact structure, Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 1071–1088.
  4. Pittarello L., Nestola F., Viti C., Crosta A.P., and Koeberl C. (2015) Melting and cataclastic features in shatter cones in basalt from the Vista Alegre impact structure, Brazil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 1228–1243.
  5. Koeberl C., Schulz T., and Reimold W.U. (2015) Remnants of Early Archean impact deposits on Earth: Search for a meteoritic component in the BARB5 and CT3 drill cores (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa). Proceedings, The 13th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium. Procedia Engineering 103, 310–317, doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.04.052.
  6. Pittarello L., Roszjar J., Mader D., Debaille V., Claeys P., and Koeberl C. (2015) Cathodoluminescence as a tool to discriminate impact melt, shocked and unshocked volcanics: A case study of samples from the El’gygytgyn impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 1954–1969.
  7. Povinec P.P., Sykora I., Kovacik I., and Koeberl C. (2016) High-sensitivity HPGe gamma-spectrometry analysis of radionuclides in Martian meteorites. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307, 2403–2407.
  8. Hagos M., Koeberl C., and van Wyk de Vries B. (2016) The Quaternary Volcanic rocks of the northern Afar Depression (northern Ethiopia): Perspectives on petrology, geochemistry, and tectonics. Journal of African Earth Sciences 117, 29-47.
  9. Schwarz W.H., Trieloff M., Bollinger K., Gantert N., Fernandes V.A., Meyer H.-P., Povenmire H., Jessberger E.K., Guglielmino M., and Koeberl C. (2016) Coeval ages of Australasian, Central American and Western Canadian tektites reveal multiple impacts 790 ka ago. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 178, 307–319.
  10. Losiak A., Golebiowska I., Ferrière L., Wojciechowski J., Huber M.S., and Koeberl C. (2016) WIP: a Web-based program for indexing planar features in quartz grains and its usage. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 647–662.
  11. Schulz T., Luguet A., Wegner W., van Acken D. and Koeberl C. (2016) Target rocks, impact glasses, and melt rocks from the Lonar crater, India: Highly siderophile element systematics and Sr-Nd-Os isotopic signatures. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 1323–1339.
  12. Wennrich V., Andreev A.A., Tarasov P.E., Fedorov G., Zhao W., Gebhardt C.A., Meyer-Jacob C., Snyder J.A., Nowaczyk N.R., Schwamborn G., Chapligin B., Anderson P.M., Lozhkin A.V., Minyuk P.S., Koeberl C. and Melles M. (2016) Impact processes, permafrost dynamics, and climate and environmental variability in the terrestrial Arctic as inferred from the unique 3.6 Myr record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia – A review. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 221–244.
  13. Bentley M.S., Schmied R., Mannel T., Torkar K., Jeszenszky H., Romstedt J., Levasseur-Regourd A.-C., Weber I., Jessberger E.K., Ehrenfreund P., Koeberl C., and Havnes O. (2016) Aggregate dust particles at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Nature 537, 73-75.
  14. Chennaoui Aoudjehane H., El Kerni H., Reimold W.U., Baratoux D., Koeberl C., Bouley S., and Aoudjehane M. (2016) The Agoudal (High Atlas Mountains, Morocco) shatter cone conundrum: a recent meteorite fall onto the remnant of an impact site. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 1497–1518.
  15. Burenjargal U., Okamoto A., Tsuchiyal N., Horie K., Hokada T., Mader D., and Koeberl C. (2016) Petrogenesis and geochronology of granitoids from the Tseel terrane, SW Mongolia. Journal of Geological Issues 446 (14), 64-71.
  16. Ströbele F., Broschat K., Koeberl C., Zipfel J., Hassan H., and Eckmann C. (2016) The iron objects of Tutanchamun. Metalla, Sonderheft 8, 186-189. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2016, Göttingen.
  17. Fritz J., Tagle R., Ashworth L., Schmitt R.T., Hofmann A., Luais B., Harris P.D., Hoehnel D., Özdemir S., Mohr-Westheide T., and Koeberl C. (2016) Non-destructive spectroscopic and petrochemical investigations of Paleoarchean spherule layers from the ICDP Drill Core BARB5, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 2441–2458.
  18. Wegner, W., and Koeberl, C. (2016) Strontium and neodymium isotope systematics of target rocks and impactites from the El’gygytgyn impact structure: Linking impactites and target rocks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 2347-2365.
  19. Batenburg S.J., De Vleeschouwer D., Sprovieri M., Hilgen F.J., Gale A.S., Singer B.S., Koeberl C., Coccioni R., Claeys P., and Montanari A. (2016) Orbital control on the timing of oceanic anoxia in the Late Cretaceous. Climate of the Past 12, 1995–2009.
  20. Mougel B., Moynier, F., Göpel C., and Koeberl C. (2017) Chromium isotope evidence in ejecta deposits for the nature of Paleoproterozoic impactors. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 460, 105-111.
  21. Pati J.K., Qu, W.J., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U., Chakarvorty M., and Schmitt R.T. (2017) Geochemical evidence of an extraterrestrial component in impact melt breccia from the Paleoproterozoic Dhala impact structure, India. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 722-736.
  22. Hagos M., Koeberl C., and Jourdan F. (2017) Geochemistry and geochronology of phonolitic and trachytic source rocks of the Axum obelisks and other stone artifacts, Axum, Ethiopia. Geoheritage 9, 479–494.
  23. Querfeld R., Tanha M.R., Heyer L., Renz F., Guggenberger G., Brandstätter F., Ferriere L., Koeberl C., and Steinhauser G. (2017) On the occurrence and origin of anthropogenic radionuclides found in a fragment of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 1244–1250.
  24. Huber M., and Koeberl C. (2017) Accretionary lapilli from the Sudbury impact event. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 1257–1276.
  25. Montanari A., Farley K., Claeys P., De Vleeschouwer D., de Winter N., Vansteenberge S., Sinnesael M., and Koeberl C. (2017) Stratigraphic record of the asteroidal Veritas breakup in the Tortonian Monte dei Corvi section (Ancona, Italy). Geological Society of America Bulletin 129; 1357–1376.
  26. Saha A., Ganguly S., Ray J., Koeberl C., Thöni M., Sarbajna C., and Sawant S.S. (2017) Petrogenetic evolution of Cretaceous Samchampi-Samteran Alkaline Complex, Mikir Hills, Northeastern India: Implications on multiple melting events of heterogeneous plume and metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Gondwana Research 48, 237–256.
  27. Bookhagen B., Koeberl C., Juang L., and DeRosa D.A. (2017) Mineral resources in mobile phones: A case study of Boston and Vienna teachers and students. Journal of Geoscience Education 65, 113-125.
  28. Schulz T., Koeberl C., Luguet A., van Acken D., Mohr-Westheide T., Ozdemir S.,  and Reimold W.U. (2017) New constraints on the Paleoarchean meteorite bombardment of the Earth – Geochemistry and Re-Os isotope signatures of spherule layers in the BARB5 ICDP drill core from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211, 322–340.
  29. Gyollai I., Polgari M., Fintor K., Pal-Molnar E., Popp F., and Koeberl C. (2017) Microbial activity records in Marinoan Snowball Earth postglacial transition layers connecting diamictite with cap carbonate (Otavi Group, NW-Namibia). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 110, 4-20.
  30. Stenzel O.J., Hilchenbach M., Merouane S., Paquette J., Varmuza K., Engrand C., Brandstätter F., Koeberl C., Ferrière L.,  Filzmoser P., Siljeström S., and the COSIMA team (2017) Similarities in element content between Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma dust and selected meteorite samples. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, S492–S505.
  31. Reimold W.U., Crosta A.P., Koeberl C., and Hauser N. (2017) Comment on “Geophysical evidence for a large impact structure on the Falkland (Malvinas) Plateau”. Terra Nova 29, 409–410, https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12284.
  32. Ozdemir S., Schulz T., Koeberl C., Reimold W.U., Mohr-Westheide T., Hoehnel D., and Schmitt R.T. (2017) Early Archean spherule layers from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the spherule beds in the CT3 drill core. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 2586–2631.
  33. Hoehnel D., Reimold W.U., Altenberger U., Hofmann A., Mohr-Westheide T., Özdemir S., and Koeberl C. (2018) Petrographic and Micro-XRF analysis of multiple Archean impact-derived spherule layers in drill core CT3 from the northern Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa). Journal of African Earth Sciences 138, 264-288, doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.11.020.
  34. Cavosie A.J., Timms N.E., Erickson T.M., and Koeberl C. (2018) New clues from Earth’s most elusive impact crater: Evidence of reidite in Australasian tektites from Thailand. Geology 46, 203-206.
  35. Rostami M.A., Leckie R.M., Font E., Frontalini F., Finkelstein D., and Koeberl C. (2018) The Cretaceous-Paleogene transition at Galanderud (northern Alborz, Iran): A multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 493, 82-101.
  36. Bookhagen B.,  Dorner U., Damm S., Bergholtz J., Opper C., Irrgeher J., Prohaska T. and Koeberl C. (2018) Rohstoffverbrauch von Smartphones. In: Recycling und Rohstoffe, Band 11. Hrsg S. Thiel, E. Thomé-Kozmiensky, D. Goldmann. Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag, 2018   ISBN 978-3-944310-40-4, pp. 519-531.
  37. Ovung T.N., Ray J., Ghosh B., Koeberl C., Topa D., and Paul M. (2018) Clinopyroxene composition of volcanics from the Manipur Ophiolite, Northeastern India: implications to geodynamic setting.  International Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 1215–1229.
  38. Bookhagen B., Dorner U., Damm S., Bergholtz J., Opper C., Irrgeher J., Prohaska T. and Koeberl C. (2018) Ressourcenverbrauch im Fokus: Zum Rohstoffbedarf von Smartphones und deren Recyclingfähigkeit liegen neue Daten vor. ReSource 31/2, 30-36.
  39. Racki G., Jagt J.W.M., Jagt-Yazykova E.A., and Koeberl C. (2018) A Dutch contribution to early interpretations of Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA – Marten Edsge Mulder’s ignored 1911 paper. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 129, 542-560, doi: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2018.05.005.
  40. Koeberl C., Brandstätter F., Harzhauser M., and Riedl-Dorn C. (2018) History and importance of the geoscience collections at the Natural History Museum Vienna, in Rosenberg, G.D., and Clary, R.M., eds., Museums at the Forefront of the History and Philosophy of Geology: History Made, History in the Making: Geological Society of America Special Paper 535, p. 131-161, https://dx.doi.org/10.1130/2018.2535(09).
  41. Weber J.C.,  Elmore P.D., Hamilton C., Alder A., Koeberl C., and Pope M. (2018) On the Backs of Giants – Geology of the Kentland Impact Structure, Newton County (Kentland) Quarry, Indiana (USA) – Building on Ray Gutschick’s Legacy. In: Florea, L.J., ed., Ancient Oceans, Orogenic Uplifts, and Glacial Ice: Geologic Crossroads in America’s Heartland: Geological Society of America Field Guide 51, p. 393–407, https://doi.org/10.1130/2018.0051(15).
  42. Bookhagen B., Obermaier W. Opper C., Koeberl C., Hofmann T., Prohaska T. and Irrgeher J. (2018) Development of a versatile analytical protocol for the comprehensive determination of the elemental composition of smartphone compartments on the example of printed circuit boards. Analytical Methods 10, 3864 – 3871, DOI: 10.1039/c8ay01192c.
  43. Brandstätter F., Delisle G., Koeberl C., and Topa D. (2019) The Antarctic iron meteorite Steingarden Nunataks (STG) 07009. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A, 121, 113-124.
  44. Kraemer D., Viehmann S., Banks D., Sumoondur A.D., Koeberl C., and Bau M. (2019) Regional variations in fluid formation and metal sources in MVT mineralization in the Pennine Orefield, UK: Implications from rare earth element and yttrium distribution, Sr-Nd isotopes and fluid inclusion compositions of hydrothermal vein fluorites. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 960-972. doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.03.014.
  45. Cavosie A.J. and Koeberl C. (2019) Overestimation of threat from 100 Mt-class airbursts? High-pressure evidence from zircon in Libyan Desert Glass. Geology 47, 609-612, doi.org/10.1130 /G45974.1.
  46. Pittarello L., Goderis S., Soens B., McKibbin S.J., Giuli G., Bariselli F. Dias B., Helber B., Lepore G.O., Vanhaecke F., Koeberl C., Magin T.E., and Claeys P. (2019) Meteoroid atmospheric entry investigated with plasma flow experiments: Petrography and geochemistry of the recovered material. Icarus 331, 170-178. doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.04.033.
  47. Koeberl C. (2019) When Earth got pummeled. Science 363, 224-225.
  48. Pittarello L., Yamaguchi A., Roszjar J., Debaille V., Koeberl C., and Claeys P. (2019) To be or not to be oxidized: a case study of olivine behavior in the fusion crust of ureilite A 09368 and H chondrites A 09004 and A 09502. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 1563–1578, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13284.
  49. Biren M.B., Wartho J.-A., van Soest M.C., Hodges K.V., Cathey H., Glass B.P., Koeberl C., Horton Jr. J.W., and Haleh W. (2019) (U-Th)/He zircon dating of Chesapeake Bay distal impact ejecta from ODP site 1073. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 1840–1852, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13316.
  50. Välja R., Kirsimäe K., Koeberl C., Boamah D., and Kirs J. (2019) Incipient devitrification of impact melt particles at Bosumtwi crater, Ghana: Implications for suevite cooling history and melt dispersion. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2557–2572. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13225.
  51. Ozdemir S., Schulz T., van Acken D., Luguet A., Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (2019) Meteoritic highly siderophile element and Re-Os isotope signatures of Archean spherule layers from the CT3 drill core, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2203–2216. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13234.
  52. Gurov E.P., Permiakov V.V., and Koeberl C. (2019) Remnants of paleoflora in impact melt rocks of the El’gygytgyn crater (Chukotka, Russia). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2532–2540. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13241.
  53. Maierhofer K., Koeberl C., and Brigham-Grette J. (2019) Petrography and geochemistry of the impact to post-impact transition layer at the El’gygytgyn impact structure in Chukotka, Arctic Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2510–2531. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13243.
  54. Koeberl C. and Ferrière L. (2019) Libyan Desert Glass area in western Egypt: Shocked quartz in bedrock points to a possible deeply eroded impact structure in the region. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2398–2408. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13250.
  55. Huber M.S., Koeberl C., Smith F.C., Glass B.P., Mundil R., and McDonald I. (2019) Geochemistry of a confirmed Precambrian impact ejecta deposit: the Grænsesø spherule layer, South Greenland. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2254-2272. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13271.
  56. Racki G. and Koeberl C. (2019) In search of historical roots of the meteorite impact theory: Franz von Paula Gruithuisen as the first proponent of an impact cratering model for the Moon in the 1820s. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2600–2630. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13280
  57. Mougel B., Moynier F., Koeberl C., Wielandt D., and Bizzarro M. (2019) Identification of a meteoritic component using chromium isotopic composition of impact rocks from the Lonar impact structure, India. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2592–2599. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13312.
  58. Koeberl C. and Ivanov B.A. (2019) Asteroid impact effects on Snowball Earth. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, 2273–2285. doi.org/10.1111/maps.13294.
  59. Sinnesael M., Montanari A., Frontalini F., Coccioni R., Gattacceca J., Snoeck C., Wegner W., Koeberl C., Morgan L., de Winter N.J., DePaolo D.J., and Claeys P. (2019) Multiproxy Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event stratigraphy: an Umbria-Marche basin-wide perspective. In: Koeberl, C., and Bice, D.M., eds., 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco: Geological Society of America Special Paper 542, 133–158, doi.org/10.1130/2019.2542(07).
  60. Weber J., Wilson B., Koeberl C., O'Sullivan P., Donelick R., and Posner E.S. (2019) Reconnaissance reassessment of the Late Eocene Oceanic unit, Barbados: microtektite geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology, micropaleontology, and provenance. In: Koeberl, C., and Bice, D.M., eds., 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco: Geological Society of America Special Paper 542, 333-346, doi.org/10.1130/2019.2542(17).
  61. Koeberl C., Montanari A., Schulz T., Tusch J., Mougel B., and Moynier F. (2019) Late Eocene impact ejecta in Italy: Attempts to constrain the impactor composition from isotopic analyses of spinel-rich samples. In: Koeberl, C., and Bice, D.M., eds., 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco: Geological Society of America Special Paper 542, 347-354, doi.org/10.1130/2019.2542(18).
  62. Kudielka G., Bar-Matthews M., Gilmour M., Ayalon A., Koeberl C., and Montanari A. (2019) Implications for central Italy paleoclimate from 95,000 yr BP until the early Holocene as evident from Frasassi Cave speleothems. In: Koeberl, C., and Bice, D.M., eds., 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco: Geological Society of America Special Paper 542, 429-446, doi.org/10.1130/2019.2542(24).
  63. Wacha L., Montanari A., Lomax J., Fiebig M., Lüthgens C., Korbar T., and Koeberl C. (2019) Last Glacial Maximum giant sand dunes on the island of Vis, Croatia. In: Koeberl, C., and Bice, D.M., eds., 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco: Geological Society of America Special Paper 542, 459-470, doi.org/10.1130/2019.2542(26).
  64. Mannel T., Bentley M.S., Boakes P.D., Jeszenszky H., Ehrenfreund P., Engrand C., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.C., Romstedt J., Schmied R., Torkar K., and Weber I. (2019) Dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko collected by Rosetta/MIDAS: classification and extension to the nanometre scale. Astronomy & Astrophysics 630, A26, 14 pp., doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201834851.
  65. Hagos M., Amare K., Koeberl C., and Nyssen J. (2019) The volcanic rock cover of the Dogu’a Tembien massif. In: Geo-Trekking in Ethiopia’s Tropical Mountains. The Dogu’a Tembien District. GeoGuide; Nyssen J., Jacob, M., and Frankl, A. (Eds.), Springer, p. 139-151, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04955-3_9.
  66. Milojevic T., Kölbl D., Ferrière L., Albu M., Kish A., Flemming R.L., Koeberl C., Blazevic A., Zebec Z., Rittmann S. K.-M. R., Schleper C., Pignitter M., Somoza V., Schimak M.P., and Rupert A.N. (2019) Exploring the microbial biotransformation of extraterrestrial material on nanometer scale. Scientific Reports 9:18028 (11 p.), doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-54482-7.
  67. Creech J.B., Moynier F., and Koeberl C. (2019) Volatile loss under a diffusion-limited regime in tektites: Evidence from tin stable isotopes. Chemical Geology 528, paper no. 119279, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119279.
  68. Schulz T., Sackl F., Fragner E., Luguet A., van Acken D., Abate B., Badjukov D.D., and Koeberl C. (2020) The Zhamanshin impact structure, Kazakhstan: A comparative geochemical study of target rocks and impact glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 268, 209-229, doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.045.
  69. Goderis S., Soens B. Huber M.S., McKibbin S., van Ginneken M., Van Maldeghem F., Debaille V., Greenwood R.C., Franchi I.A., Cnudde V., Van Malderen S., Vanhaecke F., Koeberl C., Topa D., and Claeys P. (2020) Cosmic spherules from Widerøefjellet, Sør Rondane Mountains (East Antarctica). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 270, 112–143, doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.11.016.
  70. Schulz T., Povinec, P.P., Ferriere L., Jull A.J.T., Kovaeik A., Sykora I., Tusch J., Münker C., Topa D., and Koeberl C. (2020) The complex history of the Tissint meteorite, from its crystallization on Mars to its landing on Earth, inferred from isotopic systems, and cosmogenic nuclides. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55, 294–311, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13435.
  71. Pittarello L., Fritz J., Roszjar J. Lenz C., Chanmuang N. C., and Koeberl C. (2020) Partial amorphization of experimentally shocked plagioclase: A spectroscopic study. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55, 669–678, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13445.
  72. Dey P., Ray J., Pandit D., Koeberl C., Ganguly S., Chakraborty S., Ghosh M., and Ray I. (2020) Petrogenetic aspects and role of liquid immiscibility from parts of Eastern Deccan volcanic province, India. Geological Journal 55, 5619–5638, doi.org/10.1002/gj.3704.
  73. Patel V., Sheth H., Cucciniello C., Joshi G.W., Wegner W., Samant H., Sen B., and Koeberl C. (2020) Geochemistry of Deccan Tholeiite Flows and Dykes of Elephanta Island: Insights into the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Panvel Flexure Zone, Western Indian Rifted Margin. Geosciences 10, 118, 35 pp; doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10040118.
  74. Povinec P.P., Sýkora I., Ferrière L., and Koeberl C. (2020) Analyses of radionuclides in the Oued Awlitis 001 and Galb Inal lunar meteorites by HPGe gamma ray spectrometry. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 324, 349–357, doi.org/10.1007/s10967-020-07034-7.
  75. Viehmann S., Reitner J., Tepe N., Hohl S.V., Van Kranendonk M., Hofmann T., Koeberl C., and Meister P. (2020) Carbonates and cherts as archives of seawater chemistry and habitability on a carbonate platform 3.35 Ga ago: Insights from Sm/Nd dating and trace element analysis from the Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 344, 15 pp., paper No. 105742, doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105742.
  76. Hagos, M., Gebreyohannes, T., Amare, K., Hussien A., Berhane G., Walraevens K., Koeberl C., van Wyk de Vries B., and Cavalazzi V. (2020) Tectonic link between the Neoproterozoic dextral shear fabrics and Cenozoic extension structures of the Mekelle basin, Northern Ethiopia. International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 1957–1974, doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01882-0.
  77. Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Feignon J.-G., Osinski G.R., and Koeberl C. (2020) Preferred orientation distribution of shock-induced planar microstructures in quartz and feldspar. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55, 1082–1092, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13490.
  78. Bookhagen B., Bastian D., Buchholz P., Faulstich M., Opper C., Irrgeher J., Prohaska T, and Koeberl C. (2020) Metallic resources in smartphones. Resources Policy 68, 101750, 11 pp, doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101750.
  79. D’Souza J., Sheth H., Xu Y., Wegner W., Prabhakar N., Sharma K.K., and Koeberl C. (2020) Neoarchaean crustal reworking in the Aravalli Craton: Petrogenesis and tectonometamorphic history of the Malola Granite, Bhilwara area, northwestern India. Geological Journal 55, 8186-8210, doi.org/10.1002/gj.3927.
  80. Cucciniello C., Sheth H., Duraiswami R.A., Wegner W., Koeberl C., Das T., and Ghule V. (2020) The Southeastern Saurashtra dyke swarm, Deccan Traps: Magmatic evolution of a tholeiitic basalt–basaltic andesite–andesite–rhyolite suite. Lithos 376–377, 105759, 21 pp., doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105759.
  81. Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Leroux H., and Koeberl C. (2020) Characterization of shocked quartz grains from Chicxulub peak ring granites and shock pressure estimates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55, 2206–2223, doi.org/ 10.1111/maps.13570.
  82. Dey P., Ray J., Sheikh J.M., Patel S.C., and Koeberl C. (2021) Windowing petrogenesis of continental flood basalts through mineralogical investigations: a case study from the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province.  International Journal of Earth Sciences 110, 447–466, doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01960-3.
  83. Reimold W.U., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., and Plescia J. (2021) Scientific Comment on Klokocník et al. “Support for two subglacial impact craters in northwest Greenland from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and other data”, Tectonophysics 780 (2020), 228396. Tectonophysics 800, 228578, doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228578.
  84. Bishop L.L., Yesilbas M., Hinman N.W, Burton Z.F.M., Englert P.A.J., Toner J.D., McEwen A.S., Gulick V.C., Gibson E.K., and Koeberl C. (2021) Martian subsurface cryosalt expansion and collapse as trigger for landslides. Science Advances 7, eabe4459, doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abe4459.
  85. Cavosie A.J., Biren M.B., Hodges K.V., Wartho J.-A., Horton Jr. J.W., and Koeberl C. (2021) Dendritic reidite from the Chesapeake Bay impact horizon, ODP Site 1073: a fingerprint of distal ejecta? Geology 49, 201–205, doi.org/10.1130/G47860.1.
  86. Goderis S., Sato H., Ferriere L., Schmitz B., Burney D., Kaskes P., Vellekoop J., Wittmann A., Schulz T., Chernonozhkin S., Claeys P., de Graaff S. J., Dehais T., de Winter N. J., Elfman M., Feignon J.-G., Ishikawa A., Koeberl C., Kristiansson P., Neal C. R., Owens J. D., Schmieder M., Sinnesael M., Vanhaecke F., Van Malderen S. J. M., Bralower T. J., Gulick S. P. S., Kring D. A., Lowery C. M., Morgan J. V., Smit J., Whalen M. T., and IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists (2021) Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure. Science Advances 7, eabe3647, doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abe3647.
  87. Holm-Alwmark S., Jourdan F., Ferrière L., Alwmark C., and Koeberl C. (2021) Resolving the age of the Puchezh-Katunki  impact  structure  (Russia)  against  alteration  and  inherited 40Ar* - no link with  extinctions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 301, 116–140, doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2021.03.001.
  88. Racki G., Koeberl C., and Michalak M. (2021) In search of historical roots of the extraterrestrial impact theory, II: Two unknown German pioneers from the 1850s, Ludwig Pfeil and Karl Reichenbach. International Journal of Earth Sciences 110, 1109–1115, doi.org/10.1007/s00531-021-02004-0.
  89. de Graaff S.J., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Goderis S., Debaille V., Ross C.H., Gulick S.P.S., Feignon J.-G., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Smit J., Matielli N., and Claeys P. (2021) New insights into the formation and emplacement of impact melt rocks within the Chicxulub impact structure, following the 2016 IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. Geological Society of America Bulletin 133, in press, doi.org/10.1130/B35795.1.
  90. Kaskes P., de Graaff S.J., Feignon J.-G., Déhais T., GoderisS., Ferrière L., Koeberl C., Smit J., Wittmann A., Gulick S.P.S., Debaille V., Mattielli N., and Claeys P. (2021) Formation of the crater suevite sequence from the Chicxulub peak ring: a petrographic, geochemical, and sedimentological characterization. Geological Society of America Bulletin 133, in press, doi.org/10.1130/B36020.1.
  91. Bechtold A., Brandstätter F., Pittarello L., Ferrière L., Greenwood R.C., and Koeberl C. (2021) Lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 11962: A regolith breccia containing records of titanium-rich lunar volcanism and the high alkali suite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56, 971–991, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13659.
  92. Reimold W.U., Schulz T., Koenig S., Koeberl C., Hauser N., Wannek D., and Schmitt, R.-T. (2021) Genesis of the mafic granophyre of the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa): Implications of new geochemical and Re-Os-Se isotope data. In Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C., 5 eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550, p. 235–254, doi.org/10.1130/2021.2550(09).
  93. Oliveira G.J.G., Reimold W.U., Crósta A.P., Hauser N., Koeberl C., Mader D., Schmitt R.T., and Mohr-Westheide T. (2021) Terrestrial and extraterrestrial chemical components of early Archean impact spherule layers from Fairview Gold Mine, northern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. In: Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550, p. 297–331, doi.org/10.1130/2021.2550(12).
  94. Epstein J., Pittarello L., Crósta A.P., and Koeberl C. (2021) Impact-induced hydrothermal dissolution in pyroxene: Petrographic and geochemical characterization of basalt-dominated polymict impact breccias from the Vargeão Dome, Brazil. In: Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550, p. 537–549, doi.org/10.1130/2021.2550(24).
  95. Huber M.S., Roelofse F., Koeberl C., and Tredoux M. (2021) A komatiitic, not meteoritic, source for the Bon Accord nickel body based on new field, geochemical, and petrographic evidence. In: Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550, p. 333–349, doi.org/10.1130/2021.2550(13).
  96. Amgaa T., Mader D., Reimold W.U., and Koeberl C. (2021) The Tabun Khara Obo impact crater, Mongolia: Geophysics, geology, petrography, and geochemistry. In: Reimold, W.U., and Koeberl, C., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550, p. 81–132, doi.org/10.1130/2021.2550(04).
  97. Feignon J.-G., de Graaff S.J., Ferrière L., Kaskes P., Déhais T., Goderis S., Claeys P., and Koeberl C. (2021) Chicxulub impact structure, IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core: Geochemistry of the granite basement. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56, 1243–1273, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13705.
  98. Chen M., Koeberl C., Tan D., Ding P., Xiao W., Wang N., Chen Y., and Xie X. (2021) Yilan crater, China: Evidence for an origin by meteorite impact. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56, 1274–1292, doi.org/10.1111/maps.13711.
  99. Schulz T., Viehmann S., Hezel D.C., Koeberl C., and Bau M. (2021) Highly siderophile elements and coupled Fe-Os isotope signatures in the Temagami iron-formation, Canada - Possible signatures of Neoarchean seawater chemistry and Earth's oxygenation history. Astrobiology 21, 924-939, doi.org/10.1089/ast.2020.2311.
  100. Koeberl C. and Steinkogler C. (2021) Near-Earth Objects – Basic Terms and Characteristics. In: Marboe, I. (Ed.) Legal Aspects of Planetary Defence, Studies in Space Law, Volume 17, 19-27, Leiden: Brill, doi.org/10.1163/9789004467606_003.  ISBN: 978-90-04-46760-6  (e-book), 978-90-04-46759-0 (print).
  101. Ferrière L., Crósta A.P., Wegner W., Libowitzky E., Iwashita F., and Koeberl C. (2021) Distinguishing volcanic from impact glasses – The case of the Cali glass (Colombia). Geology 49, 1421-1425, doi.org/10.1130/G48925.1.
  102. Marchi S., Drabon N., Schulz T., Schaefer L., Nesvorny D., Bottke W.F., Koeberl C. and Lyons T. (2021) High rate of collisions on Earth 3.5-2.5 Ga contributed to delayed and variable atmospheric oxidation. Nature Geoscience 14, 827–831, doi.org/10.1038/s41561-021-00835-9.
  103. Cavosie A.J., Rickard W.D.A., Evans N.J., Rankenburg K., Roberts M., Macris C.A., and Koeberl C. (2021) Origin of ß-cristobalite in Libyan Desert Glass the hottest naturally occurring silica polymorph? American Mineralogist, in press, doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7922.
  104. Mahapatra R.R., Mukherjee P., Paul M., Chakraborti S., Ray J., Ganguly S., Koeberl C., Manikyamba C., and Sarkar S. (2022) Style of fractional crystallization in basalts from the Paleoarchean western Iron Ore Group of Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India: Implications from one atmosphere experimental studies. Journal of the Geological Society of India, in press.


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Eder Johanna
Assoziierte Wissenschafterin
Feichtinger Iris
Funk Barbara
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Göhlich Ursula B.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Kuratorin der wirbeltierpaläontologischen Sammlung
Harzhauser Mathias
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Projektmitarbeiterin " FWF P36065-N Karstwasser"
Höck Gudrun
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Kaminsky Eva
Projektmitarbeiterin Karstwasser
Kollmann Heinz
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Koukal Veronika
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Stv. wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer, Prokurist; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter; Leiter Verlag
Lukeneder Alexander
Stellvertreter des Abteilungsdirektors, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der Evertebrata Mesozoikum-Sammlung
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der Evertebrata Känozoikum-Sammlung
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Weinmann Anna E.
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