Susanne Reier

Project researcher
Susanne Reiers ORCID record:

FWF project I 4131-B25

The main aim of the project is to evaluate the hypothesis of underground migration of different cyprinids in karst landscapes. Hereby, two cyprinid fishes (Phoxinus lumaireul – Phoxinellus alepidotus) will be included in the project.

Dissertation: "Genetic variation of small cyprinids in the karst area"

Past projects

Pilot study: "DNA barcoding of cercarical-dermatitis-pathogens"
Master thesis: "DNA barcoding of fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala in Austria"

Pilot study: "ABOL Parasitic Worms"


  • Since 2019 PhD program in Life Sciences (Biology), University of Vienna; PhD thesis: Genetic variation of small cyprinids in the karst area
  • 2014-2018 Master Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Master thesis: The influence of artificial light on bat activity and species richness along an urban gradient
  • 2013-2017 Master Zoology, University of Vienna; Master thesis: Morphological and molecular genetic identification of fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala (Koelreuther 1771) in Austria
  • 2009-2013 Bachelor Biology, University of Vienna

 Professional History

  • since 10.2019 FWF project I 4131-B25 Dispersal of aquatic organisms in karst landscapes, Fischsammlung, 1. Zoologie, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
  • 03.2019-04.2022 Wissenschaftliche und administrative Assistentin, Austrian BioImaging (CMI), Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities, Wien, Österreich
  • 03.2019-10.2020 Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin, Pilotstudie zum Nachweis von Zerkarien-Dermatitis-Erregern in OÖ mittels DNA-Barcoding, Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien/3. Zoologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Gefördert durch das Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung
  • 09.2018 –02.2019 FemTech internship: Anwendung und Korrelation verschiedener BioImaging Methoden (Transmissionselektronenmikroskop, CLEM, Konfokalmikroskop) in verschiedenen Projekten; Austrian BioImaging (CMI), Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities, Wien., Gefördert durch Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)
  • 07.2017-05.2018 Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin, FWF Projekt I 26581-B25 “Speciation in rock-dwelling land snails: Understanding the origin of diversity using Montenegrina as a model system", Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
  • 03.2017-07.2017 Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin, Pilotprojekt ABOL Mollusken der Initiative Austrian Barcode of Life (ABOL), Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
  • 09.2016-03.2017 FemTech internship: Mitarbeit bei den Pilotprojekten der Austrian Barcode Of Life Initiative (ABOL) Parasitische Würmer und Mollusken: DNA Analysen und morphologische Untersuchungen, Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien., Gefördert durch Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)


  • 03.2022 Carl-von-Schreibers-Forschungspreis, Kategorie Jurypreis Vortrag

Master Thesis

REIER S. (2018) “The influence of artificial light on bat activity and species richness along an urban gradient”, Master Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

REIER S. (2017) “Morphological and molecular genetic identification of fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala (Koelreuther 1771) in Austria”, Master Zoology, University of Vienna

Original articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals

REIER, S., BOGUTSKAYA, N., PALANDAČIĆ, A., 2022a. Comparative Phylogeography of Phoxinus, Delminichthys, Phoxinellus and Telestes in Dinaric Karst: Which Factors Have Influenced Their Current Distributions? Diversity 14, 526.

REIER, S., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., SNOJ, A., TRONTELJ, P., PALANDAČIĆ, A., 2022b. The minnow Phoxinus lumaireul (Leuciscidae) shifts the Adriatic–Black Sea basin divide in the northwestern Dinaric Karst region. Ecohydrology.

DE MATTIA, W., REIER, S. & HARING, E. (2021): Morphological investigation of genital organs and first insights into the phylogeny of the genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 as a basis for a taxonomic revision (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Clausiliidae). – ZooKeys, 1077: 1-175. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1077.67081.

HELMER, N., BLATTERER, H., HÖRWEG, C., REIER, S., SATTMANN, H., SCHINDELAR, J., SZUCSICH, N.U. & HARING, E. (2021): First Record of Trichobilharzia physellae (Talbot, 1936) in Europe, a Possible Causative Agent of Cercarial Dermatitis. – Pathogens, 10: 1473. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10111473.

JIRSA, F., REIER, S., & SMALES, L.  (2021). Helminths of the mallard Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus, 1758 from Austria, with emphasis on the morphological variability of Polymorphus minutus Goeze, 1782. Journal of Helminthology, 95, e16. doi: 10.1017/S0022149X21000079.

KEUENHOF, K.S., KAVIRAYANI, A., REIER, S., GEYER, S.H., WENINGER, W.J., WALTER, A., 2021. High-Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) in Multimodal Imaging Approaches. Biomedicines 9, 1918.

REIER, S., TURYANSKAYA, A., HEIMEL, P., FRISCHAUF, N., MEUSBURGER, D., HEUSER, T., DREXLER, N., JANOVSZKY, Á., STRELI, C., SLEZAK, P., PLOCHBERGER, B., DUNGEL, P., SZABÓ, A., WALTER, A., 2021. Cross-modality imaging of bisphosphonate-treated murine jawbones. Analyst 146, 4683–4699.

ZOPF, L.M., HEIMEL, P., GEYER, S.H., KAVIRAYANI, A., REIER, S., FRÖHLICH, V., STIGLBAUER-TSCHOLAKOFF, A., CHEN, Z., NICS, L., ZINNANTI, J., DREXLER, W., MITTERHAUSER, M., HELBICH, T., WENINGER, W.J., SLEZAK, P., OBENAUF, A., BÜHLER, K., WALTER, A., 2021. Cross-Modality Imaging of Murine Tumor Vasculature—a Feasibility Study. Mol Imaging Biol.

MASON, K., FEHÉR, Z., BAMBERGER, S., REIER, S., SZEKERES, M., SATTMANN, H., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DE MATTIA, W., & HARING, E.  (2020). New insights into and limitations of the molecular phylogeny in the taxon‐rich land snail genus Montenegrina (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 58(3), 662–690. doi: 10.1111/jzs.12413.

REIER, S., HARING, E., BILLINGER, F., BLATTERER, H., DUDA, M., GOROFSKY, C., GRASSER, H.-P., HEINISCH, W., HÖRWEG, C., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., SZUCSICH, N. U., WANKA, A., & SATTMANN, H. (2020). First confirmed record of Trichobilharzia franki Müller & Kimmig, 1994, from Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) for Austria. Parasitology Research119(12), 4135-4141. doi:10.1007/s00436-020-06938-3

REIER, S., SATTMANN, H. & HARING, E. (2020). Optimizing conflicting tasks in the analysis of parasitic worms: morphological imaging, DNA yield, specimen and DNA preservation. Annalen Des Naturhistorischen Museums In Wien, Serie B122, 175-182.

REIER, S., SATTMANN, H., SCHWAHA, T., FUEHRER, H. - P. & HARING, E. (2020). Unravelling the hidden biodiversity – the establishment of DNA barcodes of fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala Koehlreuther, 1771 in view of taxonomic misidentifications, intraspecific variability and possible cryptic species. Parasitology 1–10, doi:10.1017/S0031182020001316

REIER, S., SATTMANN, H., SCHWAHA, T., HARL, J., KONECNY, R. & HARING, E. (2019): An integrative taxonomic approach to reveal the status of the genus Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 (Acanthocephala: Pomphorhynchidae) in Austria. – International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 8: 145–155. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2019.01.009.

DUDA, M., HARING, E., BULATOVIC, A., HILLE, A., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., MACEK, O., MARKOVIC, J., PINSKER, D., PINSKER, W., REIER, S., SEFC, K., SLAPNIK, R., SITTENTHALER, M., SONNLEITNER, M., VALENTINCIC, J. & SATTMANN, H. (2018): The snail summiteers - Gastropod faunas of some exposed alpine locations in the Gesäuse National Park. – In: HARING, E., REIER, S. & SATTMANN, H. (eds): Arianta 6. – pp. 41–46, Wien (Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien).

DUDA, M., HARING, E., SATTMANN, H., MACEK, O., SCHINDELAR, J., SCHNEDL, S., ESCHNER, A., FRIEBE, G.J. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2018): Malacological excursion to Vorarlberg (Austria) in the course of the Austrian Barcode of Life Project. – In: HARING, E., REIER, S. & SATTMANN, H. (eds): Arianta 6. – pp. 47–52, Wien (Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien).


Books, Book sections

KEUENHOF, K., HEIMEL, P., ZOPF, L. M., RAIGEL, M., TURYANSKAYA, A., KAVIRAYANI, A., REIER, S., GLÖSMANN, M., SCHÖFER, C., KRALOVICS, R., STRELI, C., WENINGER, W. J., GEYER, S. H., SLEZAK, P., MACFELDA, K., JÄGER, R., WANEK, T., & WALTER, A.  (2021). Multimodality imaging beyond CLEM: Showcases of combined in-vivo preclinical imaging and ex-vivo microscopy to detect murine mural vascular lesions. In Methods in Cell Biology (Vol. 162, pp. 389–415). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2020.10.002.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., SCHINDELAR, J., MACEK, O., REIER, S. & ESCHNER, A. (2019): DNA-Barcoding österreichischer Mollusken – Ein Projekt der Initiative „Austrian Barcode of Life“. – In: Aescht, E. (ed.): Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. — Denisia 42. – pp. 511–515,.

Popular science 

REIER S., SATTMANN H. & HARING E., 2019. Würmer ohne Grenzen. Das Naturhistorische (Magazin des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien im Universum Magazin), September 2019, pp 106-107.

Congress distributions: Talks 

REIER S., KRUCKENHAUSER L., PALANDAČIĆ, A. (2021) Underground connections and paleohydrology rather than human translocations are causing the genetic complexity of Phoxinus lumaireul (Schinz, 1840) in the Slovenian Dinaric Karst. NOBIS Jahrestagung 2021 – 15 Years NOBIS Austria (online)

REIER S., BILLINGER F., BLATTERER H., DUDA M., GOROFSKY C., GRASSER H.-P., HARING E., HÖRWEG C., KRUCKENHAUSER L., SATTMANN H., SZUCSICH N., HEINISCH W. (2019) DNA barcoding of digenean trematodes and their intermediate hosts in Upper Austria, 6th ABOL meeting, Innsbruck, Austria

REIER S., BILLINGER F., BLATTERER H., DUDA M., GOROFSKY C., GRASSER H.-P., HARING E., HÖRWEG C., KRUCKENHAUSER L., SATTMANN H., SZUCSICH N., HEINISCH W. (2019) DNA barcoding of digenean trematodes and their intermediate hosts in Upper Austria, Parasitologische Fachgespräche 2019, Vienna, Austria

REIER. S., SATTMANN H., HARING E. (2019) Revealing hidden biodiversity of acanthocephalans in Austrian freshwater fish by DNA barcoding, 8th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Budva, Montenegro 
SATTMANN H. & REIER S., HARING E. (2019) Trematodes in snails, molecules in lakes – tracing larval trematodes with environmental DNA, 8th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Budva, Montenegro
KRUCKENHAUSER L., DUDA M., SCHINDELAR J., MACEK O., REIER S., ESCHNER A. (2019) DNA-Barcoding of Austrian molluscs – an overview, 8th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Budva, Montenegro
SATTMANN H. & REIER S. (2019) Looking on the snails´ side of life - Molluscs as
intermediate hosts of digenean trematodes, 1rst Meeting of the Mollusc Research Society Austria (MoFA), Salzburg
KRUCKENHAUSER L., DUDA M., SCHINDELAR J., MACEK O., REIER S., ESCHNER A. (2019) DNA-Barcoding of Austrian molluscs – a short update, 1rst Meeting of the Mollusc Research Society Austria (MoFA), Salzburg
REIER S., SATTMANN, H., SCHWAHA, T., HARL, J., KONECNY, R., HARING, E. (2018) New insights into the occurrence of the genus Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 (Acanthocephala) in Austria, NOBIS Annual Meeting 2018, Bozen, Italy
REIER. S., HARING E., DE MATTIA W. (2018) Genetic diversity in the rock-dwelling land snail genus Siciliaria., Workshop “Ecology and Biogeography of Karst Gastropods”, Podgorica, Montenegro
REIER S., HARING E., DE MATTIA W. (2018) The genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 from northwestern Sicily with insights into related genera., Alpine Land Snail Workshop, Johnsbach
SUAREZ-RUBIO M, REIER S, BRUCKNER A (2018) Bats along an urbanization gradient: the relative importance of artificial light and vegetation structure., 48th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), Vienna
KRUCKENHAUSER L., DUDA M., SCHINDELAR J., MACEK O., REIER S., ESCHNER A. (2017) DNA-Barcoding of Austrian molluscs, 4th ABOL meeting, Vienna
REIER S., HARING E., FÜHRER H.-P., SATTMANN H. (2017) Morphologische und genetische Untersuchungen von Acanthocephalen in Fischen aus Österreich, ÖGTPM Parasitologische Fachgespräche 2017 „light“, Vienna
REIER S., BRUCKNER A., SUAREZ-RUBIO M. (2017) Der Einfluss von künstlichem Licht auf Aktivität und Artenreichtum von Fledermäusen entlang eines urbanen Gradienten in Wien., 4. Tagung „Fledermausforschung in Österreich“, Vienna
REIER S., HARING E., FÜHRER H.-P., SCHWAHA T., SATTMANN H. (2016) DNA barcoding as a tool for species identification in fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala of Austria., NOBIS 10 – A decade of diversity, Linz
REIER S., HARING E., FÜHRER H.-P., SCHWAHA T., SATTMANN H. (2016) Molecular genetics and morphological identification of Austrian Acanthocephala (Kohlreuther, 1771)., 50th Annual Meeting of the ÖGTPM - “50 years ÖGTPM - changes and challenges”, Vienna

Congress distributions: Poster

REIER. S., HARING E., DE MATTIA W. (2019) Integrative taxonomy of the genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 from northwestern Sicily with insights into related genera, 1rst Meeting of the Mollusc Research Society Austria (MoFA), Salzburg – poster
REIER S., HARING E., SCHWAHA T., SATTMANN H. (2018) Morphological identification and molecular genetic analysis of fish-parasitizing Acanthocephala (Koelreuther, 1771) in Austria., 19th Annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS), Vienna
REIER S., HARING E., SATTMANN H.: Morphologische und molekulargenetische Bestimmung von Helminthen aus österreichischen Fledermäusen. 4. Tagung „Fledermausforschung in Österreich“ 01.04.2017, Vienna

Central Research Laboratories

Ackerl Florian
Project researcher
Chen Rui Qiang
Project researcher
De Mattia Willy
Project researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Fial Nathalie
Project researcher
Fischer Iris
Laboratory manager
Haring Elisabeth
Head of department
Heinzl Janine
Project researcher
Kapun Martin
Staff scientist - Bioinformatics
Kargl Victoria
ABOL-coordination team
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kruckenhauser Luise
Head of the DNA Laboratory / Curator of the DNA- and tissue collection / Staff scientist
Löwenstein Augustina
Project researcher
Macek Oliver
Collection manager
Prost Stefan
Associate scientist
Schwahofer Paula
project researcher
Schwarz Sandrina
Project researcher
Sittenthaler Marcia
Associated scientist
Sonnleitner Michaela
ABOL-coordination team
Szucsich Nikolaus
Wanka Alexandra Julia
Laboratory manager
Wegner Wencke
Operator for microanalysis
Winkler Viola
operator microCT

1. zoology

Ahnelt Harald
associate scientist
Bacher Florian
project researcher
Balaka Pia
Berg Hans-Martin
collection manager
Bibl Alexander
collection manager
Bogutskaya Nina
associate scientist
Chai Min
Project researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Engelmaier Gernot
associate scientist
Ernst Karin
project researcher
Franzke Jennifer
associate scientist
Friedrich Rok
Project researcher
Gassner Georg
collection manager
Grillitsch Heinz
associate scientist
Grunstra Nicole D. S.
affiliated scientist
Haring Melina
Hengl Marietta
project researcher
Herzig Barbara
associate scientist
Illek Robert
head taxidermist
Kamschal Denise
technical assistant
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Langnitschke Tim
scientific assistant
Leeb Christoph
project researcher „C321083 Biodiversitätsfonds“
Mikschi Ernst
head of department
Palandačić Anja
collection manager, staff scientist
Querner Pascal
Project researcher
Renner Swen
curator, senior scientist
Riedel Bettina
staff scientist & assistant to the head of department (1. zoology)
Rubin Iris
model and diorama builder
Saliari Konstantina
curator, staff scientist
Schedl Benjamin
project researcher Harrison Collection
Schiller Katharina
employee project digitization (currently on parental leave)
Schweiger Silke
curator, staff scientist
Shandikov Gennadiy
project researcher
Sonnleitner Ria
project researcher "Gefährliche Fauna " (ÖBH)"
Sontag Walter, A.
associate scientist
Stefke Katharina
staff scientist
Stückler Susanne
project researcher "Synthesys"
Sumasgutner Petra
associate scientist
van den Elzen Renate
associate scientist
Viehauser Christof
scientific assistant
Wallner Nathalie
Administrative management, taxidermist
Witthoff Ronja
Wolf Paul
Project researcher
Wöss Günther
scientific assistant
Zachos Frank Emmanuel
curator, staff scientist