The central research laboratories at the NHM Vienna comprise the Research Laboratory of Molecular Systematics ("DNA laboratory")
as well as the microanalysis facilities, which includes the Electron Microscope Analytical facilities and the Micro-CT.
In the laboratory of Molecular Systematics research projects in various evolutionary fields, including systematics, phylogeny, phylogeography,
and population genetics are carried out. In addition, the DNA laboratory is also maintaining a DNA and tissue Collection with
presently over 30,000 individual samples.
The section of microanalysis comprises a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EMPA) and a Micro-CT. The areas of application are the non-destructive imaging and analysis of a wide variety of solids from various areas of geosciences, biology, anthropology and prehistory.
The section of microanalysis comprises a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EMPA) and a Micro-CT. The areas of application are the non-destructive imaging and analysis of a wide variety of solids from various areas of geosciences, biology, anthropology and prehistory.

DNA laboratory

The DNA laboratory, the electron microscopy facilities, as well as the Micro-CT are available for all departments of the NHM
Vienna for scientific and routine analyses. Contract research is also possible upon special agreement.