Katharina Stefke

staff scientist
  • sorting out owl pellets
  • identifying and organizing specimens
  • collection database
  • faunistics of mammals in Austria
  • library
Phone: 01/52177-311
  • Since 2007 Assistance of the Mammal Collection at the Natural History Museum  Vienna
  • 2001 - 2010  Academic studies on biology and zoology at the University of Vienna
  • 2008-2010 Diploma thesis: Non invasive monitoring of corticosterone metabolites in faeses of japanese quail and chicken. At the Konrad Lorenz Research Station in cooperation with the institute of biochemistry at the Vet. Med. University of Vienna
  • September 2009: Summer School at the IZW in Berlin on "Non invasive monitoring of hormones"
  • Since 2010: Hairanalysis on wildcats for the National Park Thayatal
  • Summer 2010 & 2011: Project on dispersal, habitat selection, population density and ecology of Microtus bavaricus for the conservation bureau of Tyrol, in cooperation with Simon Engelberger
  • 2011: On request volunteer of the Central Europe Poject  "European Lakes Under Environmental Stressors" working on verification of Microtus oeconomus. Project executing organisation: Austrian Conservation Association, Burgenland; Agent Dr. B. Herzig
  • 2014 to 2015 & 2017: Ground suirrel mapping for Vienna on behalf of MA 22.
  • 2019 Plattform Wildkatze
  • Sommerwerk N., Bloesch J., Baumgartner C., Bittl T., Čerba D., Csányi B., Davideanu G., Dokulil M., Frank G., Grecu I., Hein T., Kováč V., Nichersu I., Mikuska T., Pall K., Paunović M., Postolache C., Raković M., Sandu C., Schneider-Jacoby M., Stefke K., Tockner K., Toderaş I., Ungureanu L. The Danube river basin. In: Tockner K., Zarfl C., Robinson C., editors. Rivers of Europe (Second Edition). 2nd ed. Elsevier; (2022). p. 80–180.
  • L. Landler & K. Stefke (2021): Long-term monitoring of common spadefoot toad activity in a European steppe using barn owl pellets, Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki 28, Article Number 4.
  • K. Stefke & L. Landler (2020): Long-term monitoring of rodent and shrew communities in a biodiversity hot-spot in Austria using barn owl (Tyto alba) pellets, Acta oecologica 109.
  • A. Corduneanu, A. D. Sándor, A. M. Ionica, S. Hornok, N. Leitner, Z. Bagó, K. Stefke, H.-P. Führer & A. D. Mihalca (2018): BArtonella DNA in heart tissues of bats in central and eastern Europe and a review of phylogenetic relations of bat-associated bartonellae, Parasites & Vectors, 11: 489.
  • A. Corduneanu, K. Hrazdilová, A. D. Sándor, I. A. Matei, A. M. Ionica, L. Barti, M.-A. Ciocanau, D. S. Mantoiu, I. Coroiu, S. Hornok, H.-P. Führer, N. Leitner, Z. Bago, K. Stefke, D. Modrý & A. D. Mihalca (2017): Babesia vesperuginis, a neglected piroplasmid: new host and geographical records, and phylogenetic relations, Parasites & Vectors, 10: 598.
  • B. Herzig, K. Spreitzer & H.-M. Berg (2017): Kurt Bauer 1926-2016, Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B, 119, 5-6.
  • Johan B. M. Thissen, Dick L. Bekker, Katharina Spreitzer & Barbara Herzig-Straschil (2015): The distribution of the Pannonic root vole (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi Ehik, 1928) in Austria, Lutra, Volume 58 - Number 1, 3-22.
  • Hirschenhauser K., Spreitzer K., Kotrschal K., Lepschy M. & Möstl E. (2012): Excreted corticosterone metabolites differ between two galliform species, japanese quail and chicken, between sexes and between urine and faecal parts of dropping, Journal of Ornithology, 153: 1179-1188.
  • Spreitzer K., Hirschenhauser K., Kotrschal K., Lepschy M. & Möstl E. (2009): Non invasive monitoring of stress hormones from droppings: a comparative analytical study in galliforms, 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, 183 (Abstract).

  • 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, 21.-24.09.2009 Berlin
  • ISAE - International Society for Applied Ethology, 25.09.2009 Vienna
  • KLF Anniversary Symposium, 24./25.09.2010 Vienna


  • ethology
  • physiology
  • biochemistry
  • conservation biology
  • taxonomy

1. zoology

Ahnelt Harald
associate scientist
Bacher Florian
project researcher
Berg Hans-Martin
collection manager
Bibl Alexander
collection manager
Bogutskaya Nina
associate scientist
Chai Min
Project Researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Engelmaier Gernot
associate scientist
Ernst Karin
Scientific employee
Franzke Jennifer
associate scientist
Friedrich Rok
Project researcher
Gassner Georg
collection manager
Gerlach Lilli
Grillitsch Heinz
associate scientist
Grunstra Nicole D. S.
affiliated scientist
Haring Melina
Hengl Marietta
project researcher
Herzig Barbara
associate scientist
Illek Robert
head taxidermist
Kamschal Denise
technical assistant
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kornilev Yurii
project researcher "BMK Amphibien und Reptilien Österreichs"
Langnitschke Tim
scientific assistant
Leeb Christoph
project researcher „C321083 Biodiversitätsfonds“
Mikschi Ernst
head of department
Palandačić Anja
Collection Manager, Staff Scientist
Querner Pascal
Project researcher
Reier Susanne
Project Researcher
Renner Swen
curator, senior scientist
Riedel Bettina
staff scientist & curator collection NHM-4ART
Rubin Iris
model and diorama builder
Saliari Konstantina
curator, staff scientist
Schedl Benjamin
project researcher Harrison Collection
Schiller Katharina
research assistant
Schweiger Silke
curator, staff scientist
Shandikov Gennadiy
project researcher
Sonnleitner Ria
project researcher "Gefährliche Fauna " (ÖBH)"
Sontag Walter, A.
associate scientist
Sumasgutner Petra
associate scientist
van den Elzen Renate
associate scientist
Viehauser Christof
scientific assistant
Wallner Nathalie
Administrative management, taxidermist
Witthoff Ronja
Wolf Paul
Project researcher
Wöss Günther
scientific assistant
Zachos Frank Emmanuel
curator, staff scientist