HR Dr.
Herbert Kritscher
1978-1995 curator of the permanent exhibition of anthropology about evolution of human beings
Dignosis after 1000 years - special exhibition about diseases, lesions and changes of rests of sceletts;
Rudolf Pöch, doctor, anthropologist, ethnograph - exhibtion in memoriam of the person;
Zones of Time - presentation of the grave finds in Stillfried/March;
The Human Story - special exhibition about human evolution;
"Museumsbus" - exhibition on tour in Austria, special marketing event for invitation to visit Natural History Museum in Vienna;
Your brain is better you thought - special interactive exhibition
20.3.1955 born in Vienna 2nd dep., primary school and secondary school Vienna 2nd dep., Vereinsgasse;
1973-74 studies in technical chemistry at the Technical University Vienna;
1974-81 studies in human biology and psychology at the University of Vienna;
1.1981 graduation, Ph.D.;
1976-1981 employment on Natural History Museum Vienna in the department of Anthropology: preparation, library and management of exhibitions;
1981-1994 scientific collaboration and chief collector of the department of Anthropology;
1981 marriage to Elisabeth Kritscher, dentist;
1982 birth of his son Markus;
1994-2002 first clerk and assistant to the director general for all business affairs of Natural History Museum Vienna;
2003-2009 vicedirector of NHM Vienna;
2003 up to date president of Anthropological Society Vienna;
1.2010-5.2010 director general interim
2010 - 2020: CFO and vicedirector of NHM Vienna