Dr. Doris Pany-Kucera
- Research
- Co-curator of the international osteological collection
- Hallstatt skeletal collection
- scientist in the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes Projekt (OEAW), Department of Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna (

Current project:
Within the HistoGenes project, my focus is on
osteological scoring as well as on bioarchaeological and paleopathological analyses and interpretation of the skeletal series
curated at the NHMW. I am particularly interested in pelvic features, biomechanical analyses and enthesopathies, and also
paleopathology. Supplementary to the macroscopic systematic recording of the skeletons, methods like radiography, secondary
electron microscopy, endoscopy and micro-Ct complement the bioarcheological assessment. The overall findings of the observed
changes and injuries on the skeletons will provide a differentiated insight into individual and community living conditions
of past people.
Last project:
“The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing
practices in prehistoric Europe” (PI Dr. Katharina Rebay Salisbury)
Focus of research:
- Pelvic features possibly relating to pregnancies and birth events
- Analysis of skeletons and cremations from the Iron Age Hallstatt cemetery
- Signs of stress and strain on the skeleton
- Experimental cremations
Scientific assistant and co-curator at the Department of Anthropology, NHM Vienna
Since 10/2020
Scientific assistant in the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes Projekt (OEAW), Department of Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna (
2017 – 01/2021 Scientific assistant in the continuing ERC Starting Grant project (OREA (ÖAW): The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe. PI Dr. Katharina Rebay Salisbury.
2015 – 2017 Scientific assistant in the project “The social status of motherhood in Bronze Age Europe” (FWF P 26820); PI Dr. K. Rebay Salisbury
2015 – 2016 Maternity leave
2014 Freelancer in Physical Anthropology (projects for MAMUZ (archaeological complex Haselbach), Lower Austria, and the Upper Austrian State Museum (archaeological complex Leonding))
2013 Marginal employment for the scientific anthropologic investigation of the Hallstatt skeletons and cremations excavated from 2002 – 2012 (Prehistoric Department, Natural History Museum Vienna
2013 educational leave
2012 – 2013 Scientific anthropologic investigation of selected Hallstatt skeletons in the HALL-IMPACT - project (project management Mag. Kerstin Kowarik): “Disentangling climate and culture impact on prehistoric alpine cultures” (funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
2011 – 2012 Maternity leave
2010 – 2011 Scientific assistant in the „forMUSE“- project (BMWF) „EuphorischerAnfang – dysphorische Gegenwart: Anthropologische Sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Ethik“, Department of Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna
2009 – 2010 Freelancer at the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS): Anthropological investigation of the skeletons from the archaeological complexes Geitzendorf, Herzogbirbaum, Mitterretzbach, Haselbach for the Museum of Prehistory in Asparn/Zaya (Lower Austria)
2008 Lectorship in paleopathology, focus on muscle marks, at the University of Pilsen, Czech Republic
2007 – 2011 Annual lectorship „presentation tecniques“ at the Department of Anthropology, Vienna
2005 – 2008 scientific assistant at the Natural History Museum (BDA Project: The Avar Skeletons of Bruckneudorf, S6, sponsored by the ASFINAG)
2005 – 2007, 2009 – 2011 Annual lectorship „Cremated human remains“ in the lecture series „experimental archaeology“ Institute of Prehistory and Early Medieval Archaeology, Vienna
2002 – 2005 Scientific assistant at the Natural History Museum (BDA Project: The Avar Skeletons of Vösendorf, S1, sponsored by the ASFINAG)
Since 2003 involved in several exhibition projects eg. on Hallstatt and “The Iceman” in the Natural History Museum Vienna, Leonding (Upper Austria), Bibracte (France), Helsinki (Finland)
Since 2002 involved in several projects as scientific assistant e.g. Hallstatt, Gars/Thunau, Gnadendorf, Albrechtsberg, Rebešovice (Czech Republic), Carnuntum, Traisental (FWF P18131), Jabuticabeira (Brazil), St. Paul
1998 – 2004 participation in archaeologic excavations in e.g. Hallstatt, Thunau/Gars/Kamp, municipal archaeology Vienna, and Baar, Switzerland
1998 – 2008 active in pedagogic programs (guided tours for children and adults in anthropology and archaeology at the Natural History Museum Vienna)2015 Defensio at the University of Vienna in Physical Anthropology, PhD thesis “Warriors versus working men?” – An entheses and joint study on the early medieval skeletal remains of Thunau/Kamp. Supervisor Hr. Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr. Maria Teschler-Nicola.
2003 MA in Physical Anthropology, Natural History Museum/University of Vienna
Thesis “Mining for the miners? An analysis of occupationally - induced stress markers on the skeletal remains from the ancient Hallstatt cemetery”. Supervisor Hr. Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr. Maria Teschler-Nicola.
1993 – 2003 Student at the University of Vienna, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Life Sciences, combined with courses in genetics, microbiology and ethnology
1999 – 2000 ERASMUS stay at the Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany
Spekker, O., Váradi, O. A., Szekeres, A., Jäger, H. Y., Zink, A., Berner, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Strondl, L., Klostermann, P., Samu, L., Király, K., Bereczki, Z., Molnár, E., Pálfi, G., & Tihanyi, B. (2022). A rare case of calvarial tuberculosis from the Avar Age (8th century CE) cemetery of Kaba–Bitózug (Hajdú-Bihar county, Hungary) – Pathogenesis and differential diagnostic aspects. Tuberculosis, 135, 102226.
Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Patricia Bortel, Lukas Janker, Marlon Bas, Doris Pany-Kucera, Roderick B. Salisbury, Christopher Gerner, Fabian Kanz 2022. Gendered burial practices of early Bronze Age children align with peptide-based sex identification: A case study from Franzhausen I, Austria. Journal of Archaeological Science,Volume 139, 105549, ISSN 0305-4403,
Pany-Kucera, D., Spannagl-Steiner, M., Desideri, J., & Rebay-Salisbury, K. (2021). Indicators of motherhood? Sacral preauricular extensions and notches in identified skeletal collections. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 1– 11.
Pany-Kucera, D., Spannagl-Steiner, M., Maurer-Gesek, B.,
Weninger W. J., Rebay-Salisbury, K. (2021). Sacral preauricular extensions and notches as parts of a ‘Pelvic Pattern’ may provide information on past pregnancies and parturitions. Special Issue Anthropologischer Anzeiger – Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology, published online November 11th, 2021.
DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2021/1455 0003-5548/2021/1455
Pany-Kucera D., Rebay-Salisbury, K. (2021). Editorial – Pelvic features: an introduction. Special Issue Anthropologischer Anzeiger – Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology, Open Access Editorial, published online November 11th, 2021.
Published online October 2021. DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2021/1572
Maurer-Gesek, Barbara; Pany-Kucera, Doris; Spannagl-Steiner, Michaela; Argeny, Stanislaus; Gruber, Julia; Mueller, Catharina; Nedomansky, Jakob; Meng, Stefan; Maier, Andrea; Weninger, Wolfgang J. (2021). Anatomic basics and technical approaches: sacral preauricular extensions, preauricular sulci and dorsal pubic pits in modern anatomical specimens. Special Issue Anthropologischer Anzeiger – Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology, published online October 18th, 2021. DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2021/1407
Margit Berner, Doris Pany-Kucera, Nives Doneus, Vladimír Sladek, Michelle Gamble, Sabine Eggers 2021. Challenging definitions and diagnostic approaches for ancient rare diseases: The case of poliomyelitis. International Journal of Paleopathology 33, 113-127. ISSN 1879-9817,
D. Pany-Kucera – M. Spannagl-Steiner – W. Parson – B. Rendl – C. Strobl – L. Waltenberger – F. Kanz – K. Rebay-Salisbury, Social Relations, Deprivation and Violence at Schleinbach, Lower Austria. Insights from an interdisciplinary analysis of the Early Bronze Age human remains, Archaeologia Austriaca 104, 2020, 13–52. doi:10.1553/archaeologia104s13
K. Rebay-Salisbury, Ages and life stages at the Middle Bronze Age cemetery of Pitten, Lower Austria. With contributions by Patrik Galeta, Walther Parson, Doris Pany-Kucera, Michaela Spannagl-Steiner and Christina Strobl, in: K. Rebay-Salisbury – D. Pany-Kucera (eds.), Ages and Abilities. The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond (Oxford 2020) 69–84.
K. Rebay-Salisbury – L. Janker – D. Pany-Kucera – D. Schuster – M. Spannagl-Steiner – L. Waltenberger – R. B. Salisbury– F. Kanz, Child murder in the Early Bronze Age. Proteomic sex identification of a cold case from Schleinbach, Austria, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 2020, 265. doi: 10.1007/s12520-020-01199-8
K. Rebay-Salisbury – D. Pany-Kucera (eds.), Ages and Abilities. The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond (Oxford 2020).
K. Rebay-Salisbury – D. Pany-Kucera, Introduction. Children’s developmental stages from biological, anthropological and archaeological perspectives, in: K. Rebay-Salisbury – D. Pany-Kucera (eds.), Ages and Abilities. The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond (Oxford 2020) 1–9.
Waltenberger L, Pany-Kucera D, Rebay-Salisbury K, Mitteroecker P. The association of parturition scars and pelvic shape: A geometric morphometric study. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2020;1–13.
Pany‐Kucera, D., Spannagl‐Steiner, M., Argeny, S., Maurer‐Gesek, B., Weninger, W.J., Rebay‐Salisbury, K. 2019. Sacral preauricular extensions, notches, and corresponding iliac changes: New terms and the proposal of a recording system. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1-9.
Pany-Kucera, D., Kern, A., & Reschreiter H. 2019. Children in the mines? Tracing potential childhood labour in salt mines from the Early Iron Age in Hallstatt, Austria, Childhood in the Past, 12:2, 67-80, DOI: 10.1080/17585716.2019.1638554
Rebay-Salisbury, K., D. Pany-Kucera, M. Spannagl-Steiner, F. Kanz, P. Galeta, M. Teschler-Nicola, and R. B. Salisbury. 2018. 'Motherhood at early Bronze Age Unterhautzenthal, Lower Austria'. Archaeologia Austriaca 102: 71-134.
Wilczak, C., Mariotti, V., Pany-Kucera, D., Villotte, S., Henderson, C. 2017. Training and interobserver reliability in qualitative scoring of skeletal samples. Journal of Archaeological Science 11: 69-79.
Pany-Kucera, D., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K. 2017. Die awarische Bevölkerung von Vösendorf /S1. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A 119, 5-31. ISBN 978-3-903096-16-5
Villotte S., Alves Cardoso, F., Henderson C.Y., Mariotti, V., Milella, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Speith, N., Wilczak, C.A., Jurmain, R. 2016. In search of consensus: Terminology for entheseal changes. Technical note. International Journal of Paleopathology 13: 49–55.
Henderson CY., Mariotti V., Pany-Kucera D., Villotte S., and Wilczak C. 2016. The new "Coimbra method": a biologically appropriate method for recording specific features of fibrocartilaginous entheseal changes. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26: 925-932.
Henderson CY., Mariotti V., Pany-Kucera D., Villotte S., and Wilczak C. 2013. Recording specific entheseal changes of fibrocartilaginous entheses: Initial tests using the Coimbra method. International Journal of Ostoearchaeology 23 (2):152–162.
Kucera, M., Pany-Kucera D., Boyadjian, C.H., Reinhard, K., Eggers, S. 2011. Efficient but destructive: a test of the dental wash technique using secondary electron microscopy. Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 129–135.
Pany, D., Teschler-Nicola, M. 2007. Klippel-Feil Syndrome in an Early Hungarian Period juvenile skeleton from Austria. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17: 403–415 (published online 27 October 2006).
D. Pany-Kucera – M. Spannagl-Steiner – K. Rebay-Salisbury, Von Müttern und Nicht-Müttern in der Urgeschichte, Das Naturhistorische Frühling 2020, 12–13.
Rebay-Salisbury, K., D. Pany-Kucera, M. Spannagl-Steiner, F. Kanz, P. Galeta, M. Teschler-Nicola, and R. B. Salisbury. 2018. 'Motherhood at early Bronze Age Unterhautzenthal, Lower Austria'. Archaeologia Austriaca 102: 71-134.
Pany-Kucera, D., Berner, M., Reschreiter, H., Kern, A., Kowarik, K. 2018. Chronische Entzündungen der Nasennebenhöhlen als Hinweis auf die Umweltbedingungen im eisenzeitlichen Hallstatt. In: Drauschke, J., Kislinger, E., Kühtreiber, K., Kühtreiber, T., Scharrer-Liska, G., Vida, T. (eds.). Lebenswelten zwischen Archäologie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Falko Daim zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Monographien des RGZM, Band 150, 2, 985-995.
Pany-Kucera D., Spannagl-Steiner M., Rebay-Salisbury K. 2018.The “auriculate extension”: an indicator of pregnancy and childbirth at the sacrum? Abstract & Poster. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, 11th-14th April, Austin, Texas.
Pany-Kucera D., Spannagl-Steiner M., Rebay-Salisbury K. 2018. Extracting obstetrical histories from pelvic features. Abstract & Poster. 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 28th August-1st September, Zagreb, Croatia.
Reschreiter H., Kowarik K., Pany-Kucera D. 2018. Children and babys in the mine – age and sex related labour division in the salt mines of Hallstatt. Abstract & talk. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 5th-9th September, Barcelona, Spain.
Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., Pany-Kucera, D. 2018. Planning Ahead – artificial cranial deformation: an exceptional form of child care. Abstract & Poster. 11th Annual International Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past. 20–22 September, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria.
Pany-Kucera, D., Spannagl-Steiner, M., Rebay-Salisbury, K. 2017. ‘Parity features’ and social status at prehistoric sites in Austria. Abstract and poster presentation at the 44th Annual North American Meeting Paleopathology Association meeting in New Orleans, April 17 – 19th.
Pany-Kucera, D., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K. 2017. Die awarische Bevölkerung von Vösendorf /S1. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A 119, 5-31. ISBN 978-3-903096-16-5
Pany-Kucera, D., Berner, M. 2017. Anthropologische Untersuchung der Neonatus-Knochen von der Fundstelle Semlach/Eisner. In: Cech, B. (Hrsg.) Produktion von Ferrum Noricum am Hüttenberger Erzberg. Austria Antiqua 6: 429-430, Unipress Verlag. ISBN 978-3-902666-50-5
Pany-Kucera D., Berner M., Stadlmayr A. und Wiltschke-Schrotta K. 2017. Ernsthafte Anthropologinnenförderung: Skelettbearbeitungen ausgewählter Fundorte Niederösterreichs. In: Pieler F., Trebsche P. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2017, Festschrift für Ernst Lauermann, 65-69. ISBN 3-85460-309-6
Wilczak, C., Mariotti, V., Pany-Kucera, D., Villotte, S., Henderson, C. 2017. Training and interobserver reliability in qualitative scoring of skeletal samples. Journal of Archaeological Science 11: 69-79.
Stadlmayer, A., Berner M., Pany-Kucera, D. 2017. Von Kindern und Kirchen – Der vergessene Friedhof am Michelberg. In: Lauermann E., Lindinger V.: Der Michelberg und seine Kirchen. Eine archäologisch-historische Analyse. 231-294. ISBN 978-3-86757-023-7
Pany-Kucera, D., M. Spannagl-Steiner, M. Teschler-Nicola, and K. Rebay-Salisbury. 2016. A pilot study on ‘parity features’ in Bronze Age skeletons from Austria. Abstract & Poster, 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 15th to 19th August, Moscow, Russia.
Spannagl-Steiner, U. M., F. Novotny, D. Pany-Kucera, K. Rebay-Salisbury, and M. Teschler-Nicola. 2016. Accidental versus Intentional Head Injuries: A Comparative Pilot-Study of Cranial Depressed Fractures. Abstract & Poster. 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 15th to 19th August, Moscow, Russia.
Villotte, S., Assis, S., Cardoso, F.A., Henderson, C.Y., Mariotti, V., Milella, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Speith, N., Wilczak, C.A., Jurmain, R., 2016. In search of consensus: Terminology for entheseal changes (EC). International Journal of Paleopathology 13, 49-55.
Binder, M., Böhm, H., Heiss, A., Marschler, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Stadlmayer, A. 2016. Die Bioarchäologische Gesellschaft – Eine neue Initiative zur Präsentation und Förderung bioarchäologischer Forschung in Österreich. Archäologentag Wien, 25.-27.02.2016.
Stadlmayer, A., Berner M., Pany-Kucera, D. 2016. Die mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Kindergräber vom Michelberg bei Haselbach – eine methodisch-anthropologische Herausforderung. In: Lauermann/Trebsche, Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie. Katalog des Niederösterreichischen Landesmuseums, 77-84. ISBN: 3-85460-290-5
Marschler M., Pany-Kucera D., Leskovar J., Cemper-Kiesslich J., Teschler-Nicola M. 2016. Die „gezeichneten Opfer“ aus dem Schacht? – Gelenkerkrankungen und verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen der (früh-)latènezeitlichen Skelette von Leonding/Enzenwinkl. Interpretierte Eisenzeiten - Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. 6. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie. In: Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich. Folge 42, 271-311.
Pany-Kucera D. 2015. “Warriors versus working men? – An entheses and joint study on the early medieval skeletal remains of Thunau/Kamp”. PhD thesis, University of Vienna.
Pany-Kucera D., Reschreiter H. 2014. Im Berg statt am Herd? Hinweise auf Frauen- und Kinderarbeit im Salzbergwerk von Hallstatt vor über 2500 Jahren. In: Röder, B. (Hrsg.): Ich Mann. Du Frau. Feste Rollen seit Urzeiten? Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung des Archäologischen Museums Colombischlössle, Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland.
Pany-Kucera D., Berner M., Binder M., Kucera M., Marschler M., Penkner A., Reschreiter H., Schmitzberger M. 2013. Experimentelle Kremationen – ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis anthropologischer und archäologischer Funde und Befunde. GAPA - Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie 9: 203–216.
Lauermann E., Pany-Kucera D. 2013. Grab 3 aus dem Aunjetitzer Gräberfeld von Geitzendorf. Der erste Nachweis einer Metallverarbeiterin in der Frühbronzezeit Niederösterreichs. Slovenská Archaeológia LXI 1: 93–104.
Lauermann E., Pany-Kucera D. 2012. Die Mehrfachbestattung aus dem Bereich des frühbronzezeitlichen Kreisgrabens von Herzogbirbaum und erste anthropologische Ergebnisse. In: Václav Furmánek a doba bronzová. Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae. Nitra.
Pany-Kucera D., Reschreiter H., Kern, A.2010. Auf den Kopf gestellt? – Überlegungen zu Kinderarbeit und Transport im prähistorischen Salzbergwerk Hallstatt. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien: 140: 39-68.
Binder M., Pany D. 2010. Anthropological Analysis of 26 natural mummies (17th/18th century AD.) from Schloß Albrechtsberg a.d. Pielach, Lower Austria. archaeoPLUS Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universiät Salzburg 1. 13–19.
Pany D. 2009. Arbeit im Salzbergwerk Hallstatt. In: Sonius 05/09. Archäologische Botschaften aus Oberösterreich. Gesellschaft für Archäologie in Oberösterreich.
Pany D. 2008. Die Bevölkerung des Hallstätter Hochtales der Älteren Eisenzeit. In: SALZ-REICH. Monographiebeitrag, eds. Kern, Kowarik, Rausch & Reschreiter. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien.
Pany D., Teschler-Nicola M. 2006. Der „gezeichnete“ Held. Buchbeitrag in: Heldengrab im Niemandsland. Ein frühungarischer Reiter aus Niederösterreich. Falco Daim (Hrsg.), Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz.
Pany D., Teschler-Nicola M. 2006. “Working in a salt mine – everyday life for the Hallstatt females?“ First results from the analysis of occupationally-induced stress markers on the skeletal remains from the ancient Hallstatt cemetery. Vortrag und Artikel. Lunula Archaeologia Protohistorica XV, Leuven, Belgium.
Pany D. 2005 “Working in a saltmine ” - Erste Ergebnisse der anthropologischen Auswertung von Muskelmarken an den menschlichen Skeletten aus dem Gräberfeld Hallstatt. Vortrag (2004) & Artikel. Interpretierte Eisenzeiten - Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. 1. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich.
Pany D.E. 2003. “Mining for the miners? An analysis of occupationally - induced stress markers on the skeletal remains from the ancient Hallstatt cemetery.” Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
My focus of interest is on skeletal modifications caused by activities and physical stress.
A specific focus in the HistoGenes project are findings on signs of activity or injuries at the skeleton, e.g., resulting from accidents, but also from violent (warlike) confrontations.
The VAMOS project was specifically concerned with the search for changes in the pelvis that could have resulted from pregnancies and births. These investigations are primarily carried out on pelvises from Bronze and Iron Age series of the Anthropological Department. The aim of the project is to find out whether there was a connection between motherhood and a possibly resulting change in the social position of women in prehistoric societies.
2001 Zug, Schweiz
1999-2004 Hallstatt, Oberösterreich
1998 Mannersdorf a.d. March
Organization of workshops:
workshop: Pelvic features: new developments in osteoarchaeology, medicine and evolutionary biology Natural History Museum
Vienna. 28.11.2019
Workshop: Pelvis and Evolution seminar II at the Department of Anthropology at the Natural History
Museum Vienna, 22.02.2018.
Co-organisation (with K. Rebay-Salisbury, VAMOS/ÖAW) of the 11th Annual International
Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past with, held at the Natural History Museum, 20-22. September
2018, Vienna, Austria.
Public relations work:
10. Mai 2020: Film shooting Department of Anthropology,
for Universum History Film: „Die Salz-Saga“.
19. August 2020: Video shoot: sexing of skeletons with DSP method
and pelvic features in the course of the VAMOS-Projektes for ÖAW, Michaela Spannagl-Steiner und Christina Rittmannsperger
2004 - 2008, 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019: presentation of anthropological scientific methods and research results of the Iron
Age cemetery Hallstatt, ‘Archäologie am Berg’, Hallstatt.
2018. Interview for the television programme “Erde an Zukunft”
on the children´s channel on german TV: “Zukunft der Geschlechterrollen” presenting anthropological results from the Hallstatt
skeletons. 28th February, Hallstatt.
2018. Interview for the german television programme “Lesch´s
Kosmos – Geschlechterrollen” (ZDF) presenting anthropological results from the Hallstatt skeletons. 30th May, Natural
History Museum Vienna.
2018. Interviews for the Austrian television programme “Terra mater Hallstatt” (Servus
TV) presenting anthropological results from the Hallstatt skeletons. 16th August, Natural History Museum Vienna.
Additional Educations
2005 Bone Paleopathology in Brazil: A short course.
Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2006 Workshop zu spezieller Skelettpathologie, Santorini, Greece
Short Course in Human Skeletal Palaeopathology in Bradford, West Yorkshire, U.K. (sponsored by a short-term grant abroad,
University of Vienna)