The Gemstone Collection

The large and qualitatively excellent collection of gemstones (precious stones) of the Natural History Museum, which is still regarded as the most important of its kind in Europe, is also the basis of the work of the State Gem Institute.


The material which comprises this gem collection as well as the minerals contained in the mineral collection can be used for comparative purposes, when necessary. The collection of precious stones currently includes some 4000 objects - raw stones, polished stones as well as some pieces of original jewellery and applied art. In addition to natural products, synthetics and imitations are also included in the collection.


Special tours through and themed exhibitions in the Natural History Museum are offered to relevant institutions, such as, for example, the Viennese Guild of Gold- and Silversmiths, the Association of Viennese Gold- and Silversmiths, and the Austrian Gemological Society.

Kolumbianische Smaragdstufe von Chivor/Muzo, Kolumbien. Größe der Stufe etwa 17 x 16 cm
Kolumbianische Smaragdstufe von Chivor/Muzo, Kolumbien. Größe der Stufe etwa 17 x 16 cm
Blumenstrauß aus Edelsteinen.
Blumenstrauß aus Edelsteinen.
Diamant in Kimberlit - Du Toits Pan, Südafrika. Größe des Kristalls etwa 1 x 1 x 1 cm
Diamant in Kimberlit - Du Toits Pan, Südafrika. Größe des Kristalls etwa 1 x 1 x 1 cm