Viola Winkler

Operator microCT and 3D lab
Viola Winklers ORCID record:
Phone: +43 1 52177-254

since 2022: bITEM: Beyond the Item - Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects in Museums and beyond (go!digital 3.0, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) [PI]

2020 - 2021: MicroMus: Unlocking the Microcosm - Micro-CT Analyses in Museum Collections (
FFG F&E-Infrastrukturförderung 2) [visualization expert]

  • since 2022 staff scientist - operator microCT
  • 2020 - 2021  Project researcher (3D visualization)
    MicroMus: Unlocking the Microcosm - Micro-CT Analyses in Museum Collections (FFG F&E Infrastrukturförderung 2)
  • 2018-2019 - Technical assistant at the Medical University of Vienna, Department of Anatomy
  • 2015-2018 - Master degree in Zoology, University of Vienna
    Master thesis: "3D cell proliferation patterns in developing bird limbs"
    Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerd B. Müller
  • 2011 - 2015 Bachelor degree in Biology (Zoology), University of Vienna
    Bachelor thesis: "Caching behavior of ravens and crows in a social context"
    Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Bugnyar
  • 2011 - school leaving exam


L.F. Reissig, S. H. Geyer, V. Winkler, E. Preineder, F. Prin, R. Wilson, A. Galli, C. Tudor, J. K. White, T. J. Mohun, W. J. Weninger. Detailed characterizations of cranial nerve anatomy in E14.5 mouse embryos/fetuses and their use as reference for diagnosing subtle, but potentially lethal malformations in mutants. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Nov 9;10:1006620. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1006620. PMID: 36438572; PMCID: PMC9682249.

K. V. Chichkoyan, C. Villa, V. Winkler, L. Manuelli & G. E. Acuña Suarez (2022). Paleopathologies of the clavicles of the Megatherium americanum Cuvier 1796 (Xenartha, Mammalia) (Giant ground sloth) from the Pampean Pleistocene (Argentinia). Ameghiniana, 59(6), 390-406.

I. Feichtinger, A. O. Ivanov, V. Winkler, C. Dojen, R. Kindlimann, J. Kriwet, C. Pfaff, G. Schraut & S. Stumpf (2021): Scarce ctenacanthiform sharks from the Mississippian of Austria with an analysis of Carboniferous elasmobranch diversity in response to climatic and environmental changes. Journal of Vetrebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1925902

H. Winkler & V. Winkler (2015): The brain of woodpeckers. In H Winkler &
F Gusenleitner (eds) Developments in Woodpecker Biology. Biologiezentrum des
Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz, Österreich pp.55-61

V. Winkler, H. Winkler, B.D. Metscher (2015): Klopf 3D-mal auf Holz – Neue Zugänge zur
Biomechanik des Spechtschädels. Vogelwarte – Zeitschrif für Vogelkunde, 53(4)

Visit our 3D museum here or directly on Sketchfab.

3D models inspired by the collection of the NHM Vienna for 3D printing are available here.

Central Research Laboratories

Ackerl Florian
Project researcher
Bertelli Daniele
project researcher "TETTRIs"
Chen Rui Qiang
Project researcher
De Mattia Willy
Project researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Efthymiadis Georgios
project researcher „FWF PAT1494723 Garra“
Fial Nathalie
Project researcher
Fischer Iris
Laboratory manager
Haring Elisabeth
Head of department
Heinzl Janine
Project researcher
Kapun Martin
Staff scientist - Bioinformatics
Kargl Victoria
ABOL-coordination team
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kruckenhauser Luise
Head of the DNA Laboratory / Curator of the DNA- and tissue collection / Staff scientist
Löwenstein Augustina
Project researcher
Macek Oliver
Collection manager
Prost Stefan
Associate scientist
Sittenthaler Marcia
Associated scientist
Sonnleitner Michaela
ABOL-coordination team
Szucsich Nikolaus
Wanka Alexandra Julia
Laboratory manager
Wegner Wencke
Operator for microanalysis