Monika Müller
employee science communication

Conference presentations / Meeting Abstracts
- Rice, A.H.N., Iglseder, C., Grasemann, B., Zámolyi, A., Nikolakopoulos, K.G., Mitropoulos, D., Voit, K., Müller, M., Draganits, E., Rockenschaub, M., Tsombos, P.I. (2012). A new geological map of the crustal-scale detachment on Kea (Western Cyclades, Greece). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105/3, 108-124, Vienna.
- Müller, M.,
Grasemann, B., Iglseder, C. & Team ACCEL (2010). Quantitative kinematic of a frictional viscous low-angle normal fault
on Kea (Western Cyclades, Greece). International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (YORSGET),
abstract volume, Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain, 30:96-100.
- Rice, A.H.N., Grasemann, B., Iglseder, C., Nikolakopoulos, K., Mitropoulos, D., Müller, M., Voit, K., Draganits, E., Rockenschaub, M., Zamoyli. A. & Tsombos, P. (2010): Geological Map of Kea, W. Cyclades, Greece. Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploitation, Athens, Greece.
- Müller, M. (2009). Structural Investigations/Observations along a Low-angle Normal Fault and their Implication for the Geology on Northwest Kea – Examining a Major Shear Zone (Western Cyclades, Greece). MSc Thesis, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 110 pp.
Conference presentations / Meeting Abstracts
- Müller, M. (2014)
Geowissenschaften in der Museumspädagogik. Pangeo, Graz, Austria.
- Müller, M.,
Bookhagen, B. (2014) Rohstoffkoffer: Was steckt im Handy? Pangeo, Graz, Austria.
- Müller,
M., Grasemann, B., Rice, A. H. & Iglseder, C. (2010). Geodynamic implications for the Cyclades
- the low-angle normal fault system on Kea. Tectonic Studies Group (TSG) AGM, Durham. UK.
- Müller,
M., Grasemann, B. & Iglseder, C. (2010). Field and micro-structural record of fault rock evolution within
a low-angle normal fault system (Kea, Greece). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9302, Vienna, Austria.
- Müller, M., Grasemann, B. & Iglseder, C. (2009). Examining the low-angle normal
fault system of north-west Kea based on a new geological map. Tectonic Studies Group (TSG) AGM, Birmingham.
- Müller, M., Grasemann, B. & Iglseder, C. (2009). Velocity weakening along a frictional-viscous, low-angle normal fault (N-Kea, Western Cyclades). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-12320, Vienna, Austria.
Science communication
Adamovic Alexandra
administrative assistant Petronell
Agnezy Stefan
employee science communication
Bäuerlein Ralf
Booking administration
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Hantschk Andreas
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environmental education indoor
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Koppitsch Mara Christine
employee science communication
Krb Gabriele
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employee science communication
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employee science communication
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Staff science
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employee science communication
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Völker Bernd-Christoph
employee science communication
Vonasek Robert
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