Fred Rögl

- FWF-Projekt: 18189-N10 "Biogeographic Differentiation and Biotic Gradients in the Western Indo-Pacific during the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene." (Leitung: Werner E. Piller, Universität Graz).
- Climate and biota of the Early Paleogene (Leitung in Österreich: Hans Egger, Geol. Bundesanstalt).
- 1960-1967 - studies Palaeontology and Mineralogy; Ph.D. thesis on Miocene Foraminifera
- 1967-1971 - employment at the Institute of Palaeontology, University of Vienna
- 1971-1975 - employment at the Institute of Geology, ETH Zürich
- 1975-1996 - employment at the Department of Geology & Palaeontology of the NHM Vienna
- since 1996 - retired, Scientific volunteer at the NHM Vienna
Rögl, F., 1965: Die absolute Altersbestimmung in den Erdwissenschaften. - Naturhistorikertagung 1965, Beiblätter: 61-81, 3 Tab. - Wien.
F. & Steininger, F., 1969: Geologie und Paläontologie des Linzer Raumes (Katalogteil). - In: Podzeit, W. & Steininger,
F.: Geologie und Paläontologie des Linzer Raumes. - Katalog Nr. 6: 120-181. - Stadtmuseum Linz.
Rögl, F. & Steininger,
F., 1970: Miogypsina (Miogypsinoides) formosensis Jabe & Hanzawa, 1928 (Foraminiferida) aus den Linzer Sanden (Egerien
- Oberoligozän) von Plesching bei Linz, Oberösterreich. - Mitt. Geol. Ges. Wien, 62: 46-54, 2 Taf. - Wien.
Papp, A.,
Rögl, F. & Steininger, F., 1970: Führer zur Paratethys-Exkursion 1970. - 57 S. - (Eigenverlag) Wien.
Papp, A., Rögl,
F. & Steininger, F., 1971: Bericht über die Ergebnisse der 3. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Paratethys des Committee Mediterranean
Neogene Stratigraphy 1970 in Wien. - Verh. Geol. Bundesanst., 1971: 59-62. - Wien.
Kaltenegger, W., Preisinger, A. &
Rögl, F., 1971: Paläotemperaturbestimmungen an aragonitschaligen Mollusken aus dem alpinen Mesozoikum. - Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 10: 273-285, 1 fig., 2 tabs. - (Elsevier Publ. Comp.) Amsterdam.
Rögl, F. & Bolli,
H.M., 1973: Holocene to Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera of Leg 15, Site 147 (Cariaco Basin (Trench), Caribbean Sea) and
their climatic interpretation. - In: Edgar, N.T., Saunders, J.B. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drilling Project, 15: 553-615,
6 figs., 2 tabs., 18 pls. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
Saunders, J.B., Beaudry, F.M., Hay, W.W., Bolli,
H.M., Rögl, F., Riedel, W.R., Sanfilippo, A. & Premoli silva, I., 1973: Paleocene to Recent planktonic microfossil distribution
in the marine and land areas of the Caribbean. - In: Edgar, N.T., Saunders, J.B. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drilling
Project, 15: 769-771, 3 tabs. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
Papp, A., Rögl, F. & Senes, J.(Hrsg.),
1973: Miozän M2 - Ottnangien. Die Innviertler, Salgotarjaner, Bantapusztaer Schichtengruppe und die Rzehakia Formation. -
Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, 2: 841 S. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Papp, A. & Rögl, F., 1973: Die Definition
der Zeiteinheit M2 - Ottnangien. - In : Papp, A., Rögl, F. & Senes, J. (Eds.): Miozän M2 - Ottnangien. Die Innviertler,
Salgotarjaner, Bantapusztaer Schichtengruppe und die Rzehakia Formation. - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, 2:
39-42. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Rögl, F., Schultz, O. & Hölzl, O., 1973: Holostratotypus and Faziostratotypen der
Innnviertler Schichtengruppe. - In: Papp, A., Rögl, F. & Senes, J. (Eds.): Miozän M2 - Ottnangien. Die Innviertler, Salgotarjaner,
Bantapusztaer Schichtengruppe und die Rzehakia Formation. - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, 2: 140-196, Abb.
19-23, Tab. 4. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Cicha, I., Rögl, F., Ctyroka, J., Zapletalova, I. & Papp, A., 1973: Die Foraminiferen
des Ottnangien. - In : Papp, A., Rögl, F. & Senes, J. (eds.): Miozän M2 - Ottnangien. Die Innviertler, Salgotarjaner,
Bantapusztaer Schichtengruppe und die Rzehakia Formation. - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, 2: 297-355, 12 Taf.
- (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Papp, A., Cicha, I., Rögl, F., Senes, J., Steininger, F. & Baldi, T., 1974: Principes de
la subdivision stratigraphique de la Paratethys Central. - Mem. B.R.G.M., 78(2): 767-774, 3 pls. - Orleans.
Rögl, F.,
1974: The evolution of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis group in the Pliocene and Pleistocene
of the Timor Trough, DSDP Leg 27, Site 262. - in: Veevers, J.J., Heirtzeler, J.R. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj.,
27: 769-771, 5 figs., 4 pls. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
Rögl, F., 1975: Die planktonischen Foraminiferen
der Zentralen Paratethys. - Proceedings, VIth Congress Reg. Comm. Med. Neog. Strat. Bratislava 1975: 113-120, Tab. 16. - (Veda)
Senes, J. in collab.: Andreescu, I., Baldi, T., Cicha, I., Marinescu, F., Papaianopol, I., Papp, A., Rögl,
F. & Steininger, F., 1975: Regional stages of the Central Paratethys Neogene and the definition of their lower boundaries.
- Proceedings, VIth Congress Reg. Comm. Med. Neog. Strat. Bratislava 1975:259-265. - (Veda) Bratislava.
Rögl, F., 1975:
Ottnangian. - In: Steininger, F. & Nevesskaya, N.N.: Stratotypes of Mediterranean Neogene stages. Vol. 2: 101-120, fig.
24-28. - (Veda) Bratislava.
Rögl, F., 1975: Die Stratigraphie der Wasserbohrungen in Puntigam. - Mitt. naturwiss. Ver.
Steiermark, 105: 93-98, 3 Abb. - Graz.
Rögl, F., Cita, M.B., Müller, C. & Hochuli, P., 1975: Biochronology of conglomerate
bearing Molasse sediments near Como (Italy). - Riv. Ital. Paleont., 81: 57-88, 4 figs., 1 tab., pls. 7-10. - Milano.
F., 1976: Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene foraminifera from the southeast Pacific Basin, DSDP Leg 35. - in: Hollister, C.D.,
Craddock, C. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj., 35: 539-555, 3 figs., 4 pls. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
Rögl, F., 1976: Danian Calcisphaerulidae of DSDP Leg 35, Site 323, southeast Pacific Ocean. - in: Hollister, C.D., Craddock,
C. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj., 35: 701-711, 4 pls. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
F. & Hochuli, P., 1976: The occurrence of Bolboforma, a probable algal cyst, in the Antarctic Miocene of DSDP Leg 35.
- in: Hollister, C.D., Craddock, C. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj., 35: 713-719, 3 pls. - (U.S.Government Print.
Office) Washington.
Weaver, F., Rögl, F., Haq, B.U. & Schrader, H.-J., 1976: Paleontological summary of deep sea
drilling results from Leg 35, Southeast Pacific Basin. - in: Hollister, C.D., Craddock, C. & al.: Init. Rept. Deep Sea
Drill. Proj., 35: 531-537, 6 figs. - (U.S.Government Print. Office) Washington.
F. & Müller, C., 1976: Das Mittelmiozän und die Baden-Sarmat Grenze in Walbersdorf (Burgenland). - Ann. Naturhist. Mus.
Wien, 80: 221-232, 1 Abb., 2 Tab. - Wien.
F.F., Rögl, F. & Martini, E., 1976: Current Oligocene/Miocene biostratigraphic concept of the Central Paratethys (Middle
Europe). - Newsletters Stratigr., 4/3: 174-202, 3 figs., 1 tab. - Berlin-Stuttgart.
Papp, A., Rögl, F. & Schmid,
M.E., 1977: Zur Kenntnis des Originalmaterials Hauer - d’Orbigny 1846. - Verh. Geol. Bundesanstalt, 1977: 69-77, 8 Abb. -
Kollmann, K. & Rögl, F. 1978: Das Steirische Becken. - in: Papp, A., Cicha, I., Senes, J. & Steininger,
F. (eds.): M4 Badenien (Moravien, Wielicien, Kosovien). - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, Miozän der Zentralen
Paratethys, 6: 71-74. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Steininger, F., Rögl, F. & Müller, C., 1978: Geodynamik und paläogeographische
Entwicklung des Badenien. - in: Papp, A., Cicha, I., Senes, J. & Steininger, F. (eds.): M4 Badenien (Moravien, Wielicien,
Kosovien). - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, Miozän der Zentralen Paratethys, 6: 110-116, Abb. 22-26. - (Veda
SAV) Bratislava.
Kollmann, K. & Rögl, F. 1978: Faziostratotypus: Sassbachtal, Steirisches Becken, Steiermark, Österreich.
- in: Papp, A., Cicha, I., Senes, J. & Steininger, F. (eds.): M4 Badenien (Moravien, Wielicien, Kosovien). - Serie Chronostratigraphie
und Neostratotypen, Miozän der Zentralen Paratethys, 6: 158-168, Abb. 37-41. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Papp, A., Rögl,
F., Cicha, I., Ctyroka, J. & Pishvanova L. S., 1978: Planktonische Foraminiferen im Badenien. - in: Papp, A., Cicha, I.,
Senes, J. & Steininger, F. (eds.): M4 Badenien (Moravien, Wielicien, Kosovien). - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen,
Miozän der Zentralen Paratethys, 6: 268-278, 8 Taf. - (Veda SAV) Bratislava.
Rögl, F., Steininger, F. & Müller, C.,
1978: Middle Miocene salinity crisis and paleogeography of the Paratethys (Middle and Eastern Europe). - in: Hsü, K., Montadert,
L. & al., Init. Reports DSDP, 42 (1): 985-990, 7 figs. - (U.S. Government Print. Office) Washington.
Rögl, F. &
- Summesberger, H., 1978: Die geologische Lage von Stillfried. - Forschungen in Stillfried, vol. 3: 75-86, 1 Tab., Taf. 41-44.
- Veröff. Österr. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ur- u.Frühgeschichte, 10. - Wien.
F. in Bachmayer, F. & Symeonidis, N., 1978: Eine fossile Seenadel (Syngnathidae) aus dem Obermiozän von Ierapetra, Insel
Kreta (Griechenland). - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 81: 121-127. - Wien.
Rögl, F., Hochuli, P. & Müller, C., 1979:
Oligocene - Early Miocene stratigraphic correlations in the Molasse Basin of Austria. - Annales Geol. Pays Helleniques, t.
hors ser. 1979, fasc. III: 1045-1049, 1 fig. - Athens.
Steininger, F.F. & Rögl, F., 1979: The Paratethys history
- a contribution towards the Neogene geodynamics of the Alpine Orogene (an abstract). - Annales Geol. Pays Helleniques, t.
hors ser. 1979, fasc. III: 1153-1156, 1 tab. - Athens.
F. & Franz, H., 1979: Bachmayerella - ein neues problematisches Mikrofossil aus dem marinen Mittelmiozän von Walbersdorf,
Burgenland. - Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 82: 83-98, 3 Abb., 5 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1979: Mikrofossilien, Zeugen
vorzeitlicher Meere. - Mitteilungsblatt, 2(1979): 17-21. (Mikrograph. Ges. Wien) Wien.
Rögl, F., 1979: Mikrofossilien,
Zeugen vorzeitlicher Meere. - Mikroskop. Nachrichten, 2(1979): 16-20. (Mikroskop. Ges. Zürich) Zürich.
Rögl, F. &
Spitzenberger, F., 1979: Landschaften im Hollabrunner Raum. - 80 p., 25 Abb., 4 Taf. - (Stadtgem. Hollabrunn, Neues Museum
Alte Hofmühle) Hollabrunn.
Rögl, F. & Spitzenberger, F., 1979: Landschaften im Hollabrunner Raum. - Katalogteil,
35 p. - (Stadtgem. Hollabrunn, Neues Museum Alte Hofmühle) Hollabrunn.
Rögl, F., 1980: Biostratigraphie und Paläogeographie.
- in: BACHMAYER, F. (Hrsg.): Erdöl und Erdgas in Österreich. - Veröff. Naturhist. Museum Wien, N.F. 19: 247-251, Abb. 109-110,
Tab. 15. - Wien.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1980: On Anomalina punctulata d’Orbigny, 1826. - J. Foram. Res., 10: 153-155,
1 pl. - Washington.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1980: What is Nonion- Problems involving foraminiferal genera described
by Montfort, 1808 and the type species of Fichtel & Moll, 1798. - J. Foram. Res., 10: 173-179, 3 pls. - Washington.
Charollais, J., Hochuli, P., Oertli, H.J., Perch-Nielsen, K., Toumarkine, M., Rögl, F. & Pairis, J.-L., 1980: Les Marnes
à Foraminifères et les Schistes à Meletta des chaines subalpines septentrionales (Haute-Savoie, France). - Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae,
73: 9-69, 19 figs., 8 pls. - Basel.
Steininger, F. & Rögl, F., 1980: Field-Meeting „Österreichische Neogengebiete“.
IGCP-Proj. Nr. 25. - Exkursionsführer: 41 p., 3 Beil. - Wien.
Rögl, F. & Roetzel, R., 1980: Zelking near Melk, Lower
Austria. - 26° Int. Geol. Congress, Excursion 034A. Abh. Geol. Bnundesanst., 34: p. 163, fig. 49. - Wien.
J.E., Rögl, F. & Steininger, F., 1981: Results of Intra-Sectional Symposium S.04.2.12. - Stratigraphic correlations in
the Neogene and resolutions of Global neogene Business Meeting on the 26th International Geological Congress in Paris 1980.
- Geol. Zbornik, Geol. Carpathica, 32: 155-158. - Bratislava.
Rögl, F., 1981: Planktonic foraminifera. - in: Cati, F.
et al. (eds.): In search of the Palaeogene/Neogene boundary stratotype. Part 1: Potential boundary stratotype sections in
Italy and Greece and a comparison with results from the deep-sea. - Giornale di Geologia, ser.2a, 44/1-2: 43-46, tab. 3-4.
- Bologna.
Biolzi, M, Bizon, G., Borsetti, A., Cati, F., Radovisc, A., Rögl, F. & Zachariasse, J.W., 1981: Biostratigraphic
results of the Italian sections. Planktonic foraminifera. - in: Cati, F. et al. (eds.): In search of the Palaeogene/Neogene
boundary stratotype. Part 1: Potential boundary stratotype sections in Italy and Greece and a comparison with results from
the deep-sea. - Giornale di Geologia, er.2a, 44/1-2: 167-172, pls. 11-12. - Bologna.
Rögl, F., 1981: Einzeller - Zeugen
der Erdgeschichte. - Österr. Hochschul-Zeitung - Universum, 33. Jg., Nr. 10: 8-11, 7 Fig., 1 Tab. - Wien.
F.F. & Rögl, F., 1982: Paleogeography and palinspastic reconstruction of Eastern Mediterranean and Paratethys Neogene.
- Abstracts, Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, Edinburgh: p. 105. - Edinburgh.
Kollmann, H.A., Kovar,
J., Rögl, F., Schönlaub, H.P., Schultz, O. & Summesberger, H., 1982: Schätze im Boden - Österreichs Boden im Wandel der
Zeit. - 80 p., 1 Karte. - (W. Braumüller) Wien.
F., 1982: L. v. Fichtel und J.P.C. v. Moll und ihre wissenschaftliche Bedeutung. - Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 84A: 63-77,
5 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1982: Fossile Schätze im Alpenvorland. - Ausstellungsführer: 8 p. - (Stadtmuseum Poysdorf)
Steininger, F., Rögl, F., Carbonnel, G., Jiricek, R. & Hugueney, M., 1983: Biostratigraphische Gliederung
und Korrelation: Zentrale und westliche Paratethys, Rhone-Tal und Mediterraner Raum. - in: Jung, P. (Coord.): Nouveaux resultats
biostratigraphiques dans le Bassin Molassique, depuis le Vorarlberg jusqu’ en Haute-Savoie. - Documents Lab. Géol. Lyon, H.S.
7 (1982): 87-91, 1 tab. - Lyon.
Rögl, F., 1983: Foraminifera. - in: Jung, P. (Coord.): Nouveaux resultats biostratigraphiques
dans le Bassin Molassique, depuis le Vorarlberg jusqu’ en Haute-Savoie. - Documents Lab. Géol. Lyon, H.S. 7 (1982): 25-30,
4 tab. - Lyon.
Steininger, F.F. & Rögl, F., 1983: Neogene sea level fluctiuations and the geokinematic evolution
of the Paratethys. - Abstracts, 1st Int. Conference on Paleoceanography, Zürich: p. 58. - Zürich.
Steininger, F.F. &
Rögl, F., 1983: Stratigraphic correlation of the Tethys - Paratethys Neogene: Project 25. - Geological Correlation, Spec.
Issue: 65-66. - Int. Geol. Correlation Programme, Paris.
F. & Steininger, F.F., 1983: Vom Zerfall der Tethys zu Mediterran und Paratethys. Die neogene Paläogeographie und Palinspastik
des zirkum-mediterranen Raumes. - Annalen Naturhist.Museum Wien, 85A: 135-163, 2 Fig., 14 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F. &
Steininger, F.F., 1983: Geologische Exkursion. Niederösterreichisches Weinviertel: Wiener Becken - Waschbergzone - Molassezone.
- Mikroskop. Nachrichten, Jg. 1983, no. 6-7: 71-80; no. 8-9: 83-86. - (Mikroskop. Ges. Zürich) Zürich.
Rögl, F. &
Hansen, H.J., 1984. Foraminifera described by Fichtel & Moll in 1798. A revision of Testacea Microscopica. - Neue Denkschriften
Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 3: 1-143, 30 pls., 1 App.
Rögl, F. & Steininger, F.F., 1984: Neogene Paratethys, Mediterranean
and Indo-Pacific seaways. Implications for the paleobiogeography of marine and terrestrial biotas. - In: Brenchley, P. (ed.):
Fossils and Climate: 171-200, figs. 10.1-10.13. - (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.) Chichester.
Steininger, F.F. & Rögl,
F., 1984: The marine evolution of the eastern Alpine foredeep. - Abstracts, Interim-Colloquium Paleogeography and Geodynamic
of the Perityrrhenian area, Firenze: 55-56. - Firenze.
Steininger, F.F. & Rögl, F., 1984: Paleogeography and palinspastic
reconstruction of the Neogene of the Mediterranean and Paratethys. - in: Dixon, J.E. & Robertson, A.H.F. (eds.): The geological
evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. - Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 17: 659-668, 9 figs. - London.
Rögl, F. (ed.), 1985:
Mediterranean and Paratethys Neogene. Report on Activity of the RCMNS Working Groups and Bibliography 1979-1984. - 293 p.
- (Hungarian Geol. Survey) Budapest.
Rögl, F., 1985: Bibliography of the Mediterranean and Paratethys Neogene for the
years 1979-1984. - in: Rögl, F. (ed.), 1985: Mediterranean and Paratethys Neogene. Report on Activity of the RCMNS Working
Groups and Bibliography 1979-1984: 59-293. - (Hungarian Geol. Survey) Budapest.
Steininger, F.F., Senes, J., Kleemann,
K. & Rögl, F. (eds.), 1985: Neogene of the Mediterranean Tethys and Paratethys. Stratigraphic correlation tables and sediment
distribution maps: v. 1, XIV+189 p., 10 maps; vol. 2, XXVI+536 p. - (Inst Paleontology, Univ. Vienna) Wien.
F.F., Rögl, F. & Nevesskaya, L.A., 1985: Sediment distribution maps for selected time intervals through the Neogene. -
in: Steininger, F.F., Senes, J., Kleemann, K. & Rögl, F. (eds.): Neogene of the Mediterranean Tethys and Paratethys. Stratigraphic
correlation tables and sediment distribution maps: v. 1, 91-95, figs. 1-8, maps 2-10. - (Inst. Paleontology, Univ. Vienna)
Steininger, F.F., Rabeder, G. & Rögl, F., 1985: Land mammal distribution in the Mediterranean Neogene: A consequence
of geokinematic and climatic events. - in: Stanley, D.J. & Wezel, F.-C. (eds.): Geological evolution of the Mediterranean
Basin: 559-571, figs. 26.1-26.5 - (Springer Verl.) New York - Berlin.
Rögl, F., 1985: Late Oligocene and Miocene planktic
foraminifera of the Central Paratethys. - in: Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B. & K. Perch-Nielsen, (eds.): Plankton stratigraphy:
315-328, 5 figs. - (Cambridge Univ.Press) Cambridge-New York.
Steininger, F.F. & Rögl, F., 1985: Die Paläogeographie
der Zentralen Paratethys im Pannonien. - in: Papp, A., Jambor, A. & Steininger, F.F. (eds.): M6 Pannonien (Slavonien und
Serbien). - Serie Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen. Miozän der Zentralen Paratethys, 7: 46-50, figs. 2-6. - (Akad. Kiado)
Rögl, F., 1985: Urdonau - Das Weinviertel vor 10 Mill. Jahren. - Ausstellungsführer: 8 p. - (Stadtmuseum Poysdorf)
Perch-Nielsen, K., Rögl, F., Stradner, H. & Braunstein, R., 1985: Excursion Guide. - INA Meeting Vienna,
22.9.1985. - INA Newsletter, 7/2: 105-117, 8 figs. - London.
Rögl, F. (ed.), 1986: Abstracts, program and excursion guide.
- 2nd Int. Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera Vienna, June 23-28, 1986). - 92 p. - (Inst. Paleontology, Univ. Vienna) Wien.
Decker, K. & Rögl, F., 1986: Early Cretaceous agglutinated foraminifera of the Gresten Klippen Belt, Eastern Alps (Austria).
- Abstracts, 2nd IWAF: p. 51. - (Inst. Paleontology, Univ. Vienna) Wien.
Rögl, F., 1986: Some interesting types of agglutinated
foraminifera in the collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna. - Abstracts, 2nd IWAF: p. 51. - (Inst. Paleontology,
Univ. Vienna) Wien.
Rögl, F., Fuchs, R., Schnabel, W., Seifert, P. & Wagner, L., 1986: Excursion guide to the 2nd
IWAF excursion in Austria 1986. - Abstracts, 2nd IWAF: 59-92. - (Inst. Paleontology, Univ. Vienna) Wien.
A., Zobetz, E., Gratz, A.J., Lahodynsky, R., Becke, M., Mauritsch, H.J., Eder, G., Grass, F., Rögl, F., Stradner, H. &
Surenian, R., 1986: The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Gosau Basin, Austria. - Nature, 322: 794-799. - London.
F., Steininger, F.F. & Vasicek, W., 1986: Riesen der Vorzeit. Urelefanten und Nashörner im Weinviertel vor 10 Millionen
Jahren. - Katalogreihe Krahuletz-Museum, 6: 32 p., 18 Abb. - Eggenburg.
Steininger, F.F., Wessely, G., Rögl, F. &
Wagner, L., 1986: Tertiary sedimentary history and tectonic evolution of the Eastern Alpine Foredeep. - Giorn. Geol., ser.
3, 48/1-2: 285-297, 10 figs. - Bologna.
Steininger, F.F., Rögl, F. & Dermitzakis, M. (eds.), 1987: Report on the
round table discussion: „Mediterranean and Paratethys correlations“. - Proceedings VIIIth RCMNS Congress. - Annales Inst.
Geol. Publ. Hungarici, 70: 397-421. - Budapest.
Bernor, R.L., Brunet, M., Ginsburg, L., Mein, P., Pickford, M., Rögl,
F., Sen, S., Steininger, F. & Thomas, H., 1987: A consideration of some major topics concerning Old World Miocene mammal
chronology, migrations and paleogeography. - Geobios, 20/4: 431-439, 2 figs. - Lyon.
H.-J., Müller, C. & Rögl, F., 1987: Paleobathymetry of Middle Miocene (Badenian) deposits at the Weissenegg quarry (Styrian
Basin, Austria). - Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 89A: 15-39, 8 figs., 4 tabs. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1987: Buchbesprechung:
Baldi, T., Mid-Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Hungary. - Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges., 80: 332-333. -
Rögl, F. & Huysza, H., 1988: Urelefanten und Nashörner im Zayatal vor 10 Millionen Jahren. - Ausstellungsführer:
8 p. - (Heimatmuseum Wilfersdorf) Wilfersdorf.
Rögl, F., 1988: Urelefanten und Nashörner. Das Zayatal vor 10 Millionen
Jahren. - Die niederösterreichische Wirtschaft, Mitt. Handelskammer Niederösterr., 42. Jg., Nr. 18, 10.Juni 1988: p. 48. -
St. Pölten.
Rögl, F. & Gradstein, F.M. (eds.), 1988: Second Workshop on agglutinated foraminifera, Vienna 1986 -
Proceedings. - Abh. Geol. Bundesanstalt, 41: 354 p., 87 figs., 45 pls., 23 tabs. - Wien.
K. & Rögl, F., 1988: Early Cretaceous agglutinated foraminifera from limestone-marl rhytmites of the Gresten Klippen Belt,
Eastern Alps (Austria). - Abh. Geol. Bundesanstalt, 41: 41-59, 10 figs., 3 pls. - Wien.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl,
F., 1988: Nonion de Montfort, 1808 (Foraminiferida): proposed designation of Nautilus faba Fichtel & Moll, 1798 as type
species. Case 2225/1. - Bulletin Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 104-105. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1988: Hanzawaia
Asano, 1944 (Foraminiferida): proposed conservation. Case 2225/2. - Bulletin Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 106-108. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1988: Calcarina d’Orbigny, 1826 (Foraminiferida): proposed conservation. Case 2225/3. - Bulletin
Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 109-111. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1988: Dendritina d’Orbigny, 1826 (Foraminiferida):
proposed conservation. Case 2225/4. - Bulletin Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 112-113. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl,
F., 1988: Planularia Defrance, 1826 (Foraminiferida): proposed conservation. Case 2225/5. - Bulletin Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2:
114-115. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1988: Borelis de Montfort, 1808 (Foraminiferida): proposed conservation.
Case 2225/6. - Bulletin Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 116-117. - London.
Hansen, H.-J. & Rögl, F., 1988: Nautilus repandus
Fichtel & Moll, 1798 (currently Eponides repandus; Foraminiferida): proposed replacement of neotype. Case 2225/7. - Bulletin
Zool. Nomenclature, 45/2: 118-119. - London.
Stradner, H. & Rögl, F., 1988: Microfauna and nannoflora of the Knappengraben
section (Austria) across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. - IGCP Proj. 199 „Rare events in geology“, Abstracts. - Berichte
Geol. Bundesanstalt, 15: p. 25.
Steininger, F.F., Müller, C. & Rögl, F., 1988: Correlation of Central Paratethys,
Eastern Paratethys, and Mediterranean Neogene stages. - in: Royden, L.H. & Horvath, F. (eds.): The Pannonian Basin. -
AAPG Memoir, 45: 79-87, 3 figs. - Tulsa-Budapest.
Bernor, R.L., Kovar-Eder, J., Lipscomb, D., Rögl, F., Sen, S. &
Tobien, H., 1988: Systematic, stratigraphic, and paleoenvironmental context of first-appearing Hipparion in the Vienna Basin,
Austria. - J. Vertebrate Paleont., 8 (4): 427-452, 11 figs. - Lawrence, Kansas.
Rögl, F. & Summesberger, H., 1988:
Der geologische Rahmen von Stillfried an der March. - in: Felgenhauer, Szilvassy, Kritscher & Hauser, Stillfried. Archäologie
- Anthropologie. - Veröff Mus. Ur- u.Frühgeschichte Stillfried, Sbd. 3: 148-158, 3 Abb., 1 Tab. - Stillfried.
Rögl, F.,
1989: Buchbesprechung. Vinken, R., The Northwest European Tertiary Basin. - Jahrb. Geol. Bundesanst., 132/4: 824-825. - Wien.
Steininger, F.F., Rögl, F., Hochuli, P. & Müller, C., 1989: Lignite deposition and marine cycles. The Austrian Tertiary
lignite deposits - A case history. - Sitzungsber. Österr. Akad. Wiss., math.-naturwiss. Kl., Abt.I, 197: 309-332, 4 figs.
- Wien.
Rögl, F. & Steininger, F.F., 1990: Das Pont in Österreich. - in: Stevanovic, P., Nevesskaya, L.A., Marinescu,
F., Sokac, A. & Jambor, A. (eds.): Pl1 Pontien (sensu F. Le Play, N.P. Barbot de Marny, N.I. Andrusov). - Serie Chronostratigraphie
und Neostratotypen. Neogen der Westlichen („Zentrale“) Paratethys, 8: 286-293, fig. 36, tab. 1. - (JAZU & SANU) Zagreb-Beograd.
Rögl, F., 1990: Das Nordwesteuropäische Tertiär. Zum erfolgreichen Abschluß des IGCP Projektes No. 124. - Geologicky Sbornik
- Geologica Carpathica, 41/5: 575-584, 7 tabs. - Bratislava.
Rögl, F., 1990: Paläogeographische Gestaltung Mitteleuropas
im Tertiär. - in: Geologie und Mineralogie in den Hohen Tauern. AHS-Lehrerseminar Neukirchen/Großvenediger, 19.-23.9.1990.
Zusammenfassung der Vorträge: 2 p., 1 Tab., 2 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F., Bernor, R.L., Dermitzakis, M.D., Müller, C. &
Stancheva, M., 1991: On the Pontian correlation in the Aegean (Aegina Island). - Newsletters Stratigr., 24/3: 137-158, 6 figs.,
1 tab. - Berlin-Stuttgart.
Bachmayer, F., Rögl, F. & Seemann, R., 1991: Geologie und Sedimentologie der Fundstelle
miozäner Insekten in Weingraben (Burgenland, Österreich). - Jubiläumsschrift 20 Jahre Geol. Zusammenarbeit Österreich-Ungarn,
Teil 1: 53-70, 1 Abb., 2 Tab., 4 Taf. - (Geol. Bundesanstalt) Wien.
Rögl, F. & Brandstätter, F., 1991: Amphistegina
im Miozän der Zentralen Paratethys. - Zusammenfassungen, 61. Jahrestagung Paläont. Ges. in Eggenburg: 1 p. - Eggenburg.
Spiegler, D. & Rögl, F., 1991: Bolboforma im Tertiär des Mediterran und der Zentralen Paratethys. - Zusammenfassungen,
61. Jahrestagung Paläont. Ges. in Eggenburg: 1 p. - Eggenburg.
Steininger, F.F., Roetzel, R. & Rögl, F., 1991: Geologische
Grundlagen, Lithostratigraphie, Biostratigraphie und chronostratigraphische Korrelation and Paläogeographie der Molassesedimente
am Ostrand der Böhmischen Masse. - Roetzel, R. & Nagel, D.: Exkursionen im Tertiär Österreichs: 63-76, Abb. 14-18. - (Österr.
Paläont. Ges.) Wien.
Spiegler, D. &
Rögl, F., 1992: Bolboforma (Protophyta, incertae sedis) im Oligozän und Miozän des Mediterran und der Zentralen Paratethys.
- Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 95A: 59-95, 2 Abb., 5 Tab., 4 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1993: Late Cretaceous Flysch
fauna of the Trochamminoides proteus type locality (Wien - Hütteldorf, Austria). - Abstracts; 4th Int. Workshop on Agglutinated
Foraminifera: 1 p. - Krakow.
Malzer, O., Rögl, F., Seifert, P., Wagner, L., Wessely, G. & Brix, F., 1993: Die Molassezone
und deren Untergrund. - in: Brix, F. & Schulz, O. (Hrsg.): Erdöl und Erdgas in Österreich. 2. vollst. überarb. Auflg.:
281-358, Abb. 134-151, Tab. 15-22. - Wien.
R.L., Mittmann, H.W. & Rögl, F., 1993: Systematics and chronology of the Götzendorf "Hipparion" (Late Miocene, Pannonian
F, Vienna Basin). - Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 95A: 101-120, 12 Abb., 1 Tab. - Wien.
Rögl, F., Zapfe, H., Bernor,
R.L., Brzobohaty, R.L., Daxner-Höck, G., Draxler, I., Fejfar, O., Gaudant, J., Herrmann, P., Rabeder, G., Schultz, O. &
Zetter, R., 1993: Die Primatenfundstelle Götzendorf an der Leitha (Obermiozän des Wiener beckens, Niederösterreich). - Jahrbuch
Geol. Bundesanstalt, 136 (2): 503-526, 2 Abb., 3 Tab., 2 Taf. - Wien.
Rögl, F. & Brandstätter, F., 1994: The foraminifera
genus Amphistegina in the Korytnica Clays (Holy Cross Mts., Central Poland) and its significance in the Miocene of the Paratethys.
- Acta Geol. Polonica, 43/1-2 (1993): 121-146, 6 pls., 5 figs., 4 tabs. - Warszawa.
Rögl, F., Salis, K. von & Preisinger,
A., 1994: Biostratigraphy across the K/T boundary near Bjala, Bulgaria. - Abstracts, 12° Colloque Africain de Micropaleontologie,
Angers: p. 125. - Angers, France.
Steininger, F.F., Aubry, M.P., Biolzi, M., Borsetti, A.M., Cati, F., Corfield, R.,
Gelati, R., Iaccarino, S., Napoleone, C., Rögl, F., Roetzel, R., Spezzaferri, S., Tateo, F., Villa, G. & D. Zevenboom,
1994: Proposal for the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Neogene. - 41 p., 16 figs., 2 pls. -
Inst. Paleontology, University Vienna.
F., 1994: Globigerina ciperoensis (Foraminiferida) in the Oligocene and Miocene of the Central Paratethys. - Annalen Naturhist.
Mus. Wien, 96A: 133-159, 1 fig., 4 pls., 2 app. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1995: Late Miocene Paratethys and Mediterranean
correlations. - Int. Conf. on the biotic and climatic effects of the Messinian event on the Circum Mediterranean, 14.-18.1.1995.
- Technical Programme and Abstracts: 52-54. - (Univ. Garyounis) Benghazi, Libya.
Rögl, F., 1995: Oligocene-Miocene paleogeography
and stratigraphy of the circum-Mediterranean region. - Pre-Conference Manuscripts and Abstracts, Int. Conf. Fossil Vertebrates
of Arabia, Abu Dhabi: 87-112, 1 fig. - Abu Dhabi.
Rögl, F., 1995: A late Cretaceous flysch-type agglutinated foraminiferal
fauna from the Trochamminoides proteus type locality (Wien-Hütteldorf, Austria). - in: Kaminski, M.A., Geroch, S. & Gasinski,
M.A. (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 12-19, 1993. - Grzybowski Foundation
Spec. Publ., 3: 249-263, 13 figs., 2 pls. - Krakow.
Rögl, F., Salis, K.von, Preisinger, A., Aslanian, S. & Summesberger,
H., 1995: A continuous Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary section near Bjala, Bulgaria. - Newsletter, no. 5: 11-20, 5 figs. - Int.
Subcomm. Paleogene Stratigraphy, Nat. Mus. Wales, Cardiff.
Rögl, F., 1996: Stratigraphic correlation of the Paratethys
Oligocene and Miocene. - Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr., 41: 65-73, 1 tab. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1996: Impacts of
a vanishing Tethys Ocean in Mid-Cenozoic. - Abstracts, ICSEB V. "Origins and Evolution", 5th Int. Congr. Syst. Evol. Biology,
Budapest August 17-24, 1996: p. 6. - Budapest.
Rögl, F., 1996: Migration pathways between Africa and Eurasia. Oligocene
- Miocene paleogeography. - EUROPAL, no. 10: 23-26, 1 tab.
Rögl, F., 1996: Foraminiferenfauna aus dem Pliozän von El-Alquian,
Almeria, Süd-Spanien. - Documenta naturae, 106 (1): 1-12, 2 Tab., Taf. 1-3. - München.
Rögl, F. & Rupp, Ch., 1996:
Stratigraphie in der Molassezone Oberösterreichs. - Exkursionsführer, 16: 66-72, Abb. 32-34. - Österr. Geol. Ges., Wien.
Rögl, F., Salis, K.v., Preisinger, A., Aslanian, S. & Summesberger, H., 1996: Stratigraphy across the Cretaceous/Paleogene
boundary near Bjala, Bulgaria. - in: JARDINE, S., KLAASZ, I.de & DEBENAY, J.-P. (eds.), Géologie de l'Afrique et de l'Atlantique
Sud. - Elf Aquitaine, Mem. 16: 673-683, 6 figs., 1 tab. - Pau, France.
Rögl, F. & Daxner-Höck, G., 1996: Late Miocene
Paratethys correlations. - in: Bernor, R.L., Fahlbusch, V., & Mittmann, H.-W. (eds.): The evolution of Western Eurasian
Neogene mammal faunas: 47-55, 3 figs. - (Columbia University Press) New York.
Bernor, R. L., Fahlbusch, V., Andrews,
P., De Bruijn, H., Fortelius, M., Rögl, F., Steininger, F. F. & Werdelin, L., 1996: The evolution of Western Eurasian
Neogene mammal faunas: A chronologic, systematic, biogeographic, and paleoenvironmental synthesis. - in: Bernor, R. L., Fahlbusch,
V. & Mittmann, H.-W. (eds.), The evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene mammal faunas: 449-469. - Columbia Univ. Press)
New York.
Rögl, F., 1997: Oligocene to Miocene circum-Mediterranean paleogeography. - Abstracts, Int. Workshop Climatic
and Environmental Change in the Neogene of Europe, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), April 17-20, 1997: 26-28. - European Science
Rögl, F., Hofmann, Th., Zorn, I., Brzobohaty, R. & Stojaspal, F., 1997: Die Typuslokalität der Laaer
Serie. - in: Hofmann, Th. (Hrsg.) „Das Land um Laa an der Thaya“. Exkursionsführer Nr. 17: 75-81, Abb. 34, Taf. 1. - Österr.
Geol. Ges., Wien.
Rögl, F., Krhovsky, J. & Hamrsmid, B., 1997: Neue Beiträge zum Oligozän von Ottenthal in der Waschbergzone.
- in: Hofmann, Th. (Hrsg.) „Das Land um Laa an der Thaya“. Exkursionsführer Nr. 17: 83-96, Abb. 35-42. - Österr. Geol. Ges.,
Rögl, F., 1997: Paragloborotalia kugleri.
An index fossil for the Paleogene/Neogene boundary. - Giorn. Geol., ser. 3a, 58/1-2 (1996): 151-155, 2 pls. - Bologna.
Iaccarino, S., Borsetti, A. M. & Rögl, F., 1997: Planktonic foraminifera of the Neogene Lemme - Carrosio GSSP section
(Piedmont, Italy). - Giorn. Geol., ser. 3a, 58/1-2 (1996): 35-49, 3 figs., 4 pls., 1 tab. - Bologna.
Pika-Biolzi, M.
& Rögl, F., 1997: Benthic foraminifera of the Paleogene/Neogene boundary section Lemme - Carrosio (Italy). - Giorn. Geol.,
ser. 3a, 58/1-2 (1996): 71-80, 2 figs., 3 pls. - Bologna.
F., 1998: Palaeogeographic considerations for Mediterranean and Paratethys seaways (Oligocene to Miocene). - Annalen Naturhist.
Museum Wien, 99A: 279-310, 10 pls., 1 tab. - Wien.
Rögl, F., 1998: Foraminiferenfauna aus dem Karpat (Unter-Miozän)
des Korneuburger Beckens. - Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 23: 123-173, 3 Abb., 8 Tab., 10 Taf. - Wien.
Cicha, I., Rögl,
F., Rupp, Ch. & Ctyroka, J., 1998: Oliogcene - Miocene foraminifera of the Central Paratethys. - Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch.
Ges., 549: 1-325, 61 figs., 3 tabs., 79 pls. - Frankfurt a.M.
Rögl, F., 1998: Paratethys Oligocene-Miocene stratigraphic
correlation. - In: Cicha, I., Rögl, F., Rupp, Ch. & Ctyroka, J. (Eds.): Oliogcene - Miocene foraminifera of the Central
Paratethys. - Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges. 549: 3-7, Frankfurt a.M.
Rögl, F., Reiser, H., Rupp, Ch. & Wenger,
W.F., 1998: Bavarian-Austrian Molasse Basin. - In: Cicha, I., Rögl, F., Rupp, Ch. & Ctyroka, J. (Eds.): Oliogcene - Miocene
foraminifera of the Central Paratethys. - Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges. 549: 7-15, Frankfurt a.M.
Rögl, F., Antl-Weiser,
W., Brandstätter, F., Dermitzakis, M.D., Papesch, W., Piller, W.E., Schultz, O., Symeonidis, N.K., Triantaphyllou, M.V. &
Tsapralis, V., 1998: Late Pleistocene marine cycles in Southern Corfu. - Annales Geol. Pays Helleniques, (1996-1997): 663-736,
9 figs., 14 tabs., 15 pls. - Athenes.
Sengüler, I., Rögl, F., Krhovsky, J., Hamrsmid, B. & Satir, M., 1999: Oligocene
microfauna and stable isotope geochemistry in the Waschberg Unit (Ottenthal, Austria). - Molasse Meeting, Montbeliard (29-30
Jan. 1999), Abstracts: 21.
Rögl, F., 1999: Circum-Mediterranean Miocene paleogeography. - in: Rössner, G.E. & Heissig,
K. (Hrsg.): The Miocene land mammals of Europe: 39-48, 6 figs. - (F. Pfeil) München.
F.,. 1999: Mediterranean and Paratethys palaeogeography during the Oligocene and Miocene. - in: Agusti, J., Rook, L. &
Andrews, P. (eds.): The evolution of Neogene terrestrial ecosystems in Europe. Hominoid evolution and climatic change in Europe,
vol. 1: 8-22, figs. 2.1-2.6, tab. 2.1. - (Cambridge University Press), Cambridge, UK.
F., 1999: Mediterranean and Paratethys, facts and hypotheses of an Oligocene to Miocene paleogeography (short overview). -
Geol. Carpathica, 50/4: 339-349, 12 figs. - Bratislava.
Rögl, F., 1999: Oligocene and Miocene palaeogeography and
stratigraphy of the Circum-Mediterranean region. - in: Whybrow, P.J. & Hill, A. (eds.): Fossil Vertebrates of Arabia:
485-500, fig. 35.1. - (Yale University)
Egger, H., Homayoun, M. & Rögl, F., 2000: Deep-sea sedimentation and paleoproductivity
in the Paleogene of a Tethyan basin. - GFF, 122: 44-45, 1 fig. - Stockholm (Geol. Soc. Sweden).
Hamrsmid, B. & Rögl,
F., 2000: Biostratigraphy of the Baba Heydar section, Iran. - Senckenbergiana lethea, 80/1: 39-44, 2 pls. - Frankfurt a.M.
Schuster, F., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Nebelsick, J.H., Piller, W.E., Rögl, F., Steininger, F.F. & Wielandt-Schuster,
U., 2000: The closure of the Tethyan seaway: new stratigraphical and paleobiogeographical results. - Abstracts, 11th Congress
Reg. Comm. Mediterranean Neogene Stratigr., Fes 27-30 Sept. 2000: p. 136 - Fes, Morocco.
Wielandt-Schuster, U., Harzhauser,
M., Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Nebelsick, J.H., Piller, W.E., Rögl, F., Schuster, F. & Steininger, F.F., 2000: Paläobiogeographische
Relevanz von oligo- und miozänen Grossforaminiferen des Mittleren Ostens. - Abstracts, 70. Jahrestag. Paläont. Ges., Terra
Nostra, Jg. 2000 (3): 126-127 - Coburg.
Rögl, F., 2001:
Mid-Miocene circum-Mediterranean paleogeography. - EEDEN Workshop Stratigraphy & Paleogeography, 15-18.3.2001 Graz, Austria.
- Berichte Inst. Geol. Paläont. K.-F.-Universität Graz, 4: 49-59, 8 figs. - Graz.
Rögl, F. in: Schmid, H.P., Harzhauser,
M. & Kroh, A., 2001: Hypoxic events on a Middle Miocene carbonate platform of the Central Paratethys (Austria, Badenian,
14 Ma). - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 102A: 19-21, fig. 8 - Wien.
Rögl, F. & Harzhauser, M., 2001: Late Miocene of
the Northern Vienna Basin (Austrian part). - Excursion Guide, 8 pp., 2 figs. - (Naturhist. Museum) Wien.
Rögl, F., Krhovsky,
J., Braunstein, R., Hamrsmid, B., Sauer, R. & Seifert, P., 2001: The Ottenthal Formation revised - sedimentology, micropaleontology
and stratigraphic correlation of the Oligocene Ottenthal sections (Waschberg Unit, Lower Austria). - in: Piller, W.E. &
Rasser, M.W. (eds.), Paleogene of the Eastern Alps. - Schriftenreihe Erdwiss. Komm., Österr. Akad. Wiss., 14: 291-346, 6figs.,
pls. - Wien.
Fuchs, R., Hamrsmid, B. Kuffner, T., Peschel, R., Rögl, F., Sauer, R. & Schreiber, O., 2001: Mid-Oligocene
Thomasl Formation (Waschberg Unit, Lower Austria) - micropaleontology and stratigraphic correlation. - in: Piller, W.E. &
Rasser, M.W. (eds.), Paleogene of the Eastern Alps. - Schriftenreihe Erdwiss. Komm., Österr. Akad. Wiss., 14: 255-290, - Wien.
Krhovsky, J., Rögl, F. & Hamrsmid, B., 2001: Stratigraphic correlation of the Late Eocene to Early Miocene of the Waschberg
Unit (Lower Austria) with the Zdanice and Pouzdrany Units (South Moravia). - in: Piller, W.E. & Rasser, M.W. (eds.), Paleogene
of the Eastern Alps. - Schriftenreihe Erdwiss. Komm., Österr. Akad. Wiss., 14: 225-254, 3 figs. - Wien.
S., Coric, S., Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F., Rupp, C. & Pervesler, P., 2001: Some aspects on the micropaleontology of the
Karpatian in Austria. - Poster, 13th Conference on Upper Tertiary, 19-20 April 2001, Brno.
Spezzaferri, S., Coric, S.,
Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F. & Rupp, C., 2001: Miocene benthic and planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton from
the Parathethys: Implications for paleobiogeography and paleoecology. Preliminary results of Project P 13743-BIO. - Paleobiogeography
& Paleoecology 2001, Int. Conference, May 31-June 2, 2001 Piacenza & Castell’Arquato, Italy: 123-124 - Piacenza.
Spezzaferri, S., Coric, S., Hohenegger, J. & Rögl, F., 2001: The Molasse and Styrian Basins (Central Paratethys) show
different paleoceanographic evolution during the Karpatian: Evidence from microfossil assemblages. Results from FWF Project
P-13743-Bio. - 6. Österreichisches Sedimentologen-Treffen, Seewalchen am Attersee, 03. November 2001.
Spezzaferri, S.,
Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F. & Coric, S., 2001: Paleodepth estimates by transfer equation of benthic foramineral range depth
distribution: Examples from the Styrian Basin - Results from FWF project P 13743-Bio. - 6. Österreichisches Sedimentologen-Treffen,
Seewalchen am Attersee, 03. November 2001, Kurzfassungen - Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr., 45: 174 - Wien.
S., Rögl, F., Hohenegger, J. & Coric, S., 2001: Paleoenvironmental changes across the Karpatian/Badenian (Early/Middle
Miocene) boundary in the Styrian Basin (Austria, Central Paratethys). - Poster, 6th International Workshop on Agglutinated
Foraminifera, Prague, 1-7 September, 2001. - Praha.
Spezzaferri, S., Rögl, F. & Coric, S., 2001: Paleoenvironmental
changes across the Karpatian/Badenian (Early/Middle Miocene) boundary in the Styrian Basin (Austria, Central Paratethys).
- Abstracts, 6th International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, Prague, 1-7 September, 2001: 53-54 - Praha.
S., Coric, S., Stingl, K., Rögl, F. & Hohenegger, J., 2002: Bio- and magneto-stratigraphy and sequence biostratigraphy
of the Karpatian-Badenian transition in the Styrian Basin. Evidence from the Wagna section. - PANGEO Austria, 28-30.6.2002,
Abstracts: 169. - Salzburg (Inst.Geol. Paläont. Univ. Salzburg).
Rögl, F., Spezzaferri, S & Coric, S., 2002: Micropaleontology
and biostratigraphy of the Karpatian-Badenian transition (Early-Middle Miocene boundary) in Austria (Central Paratethys).
- Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 237: 47-67. - Frankfurt a.M.
Spezzaferri, S., Coric, S., Hohenegger, J. & Rögl,
F., 2002: Basin-scale paleobiogeography and paleoecology: an example from Karpatian (Latest Burdigalian) benthic and planktonic
foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from the Central Paratethys. - Geobios, Mem. spec., 24: 241-256. - Lyon
F. & Spezzaferri, S., 2003: Foraminiferal paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the Mühlbach section (Gaindorf Formation,
Lower Badenian), Lower Austria. - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 104A: 23-75, 4 figs., 5 tabs., 12 pls. - Wien.
M., Daxner-Höck, G., Boon-Kristkoiz, E., Coric, St., Mandic, O., Miklas-Tempfer, P., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Schultz, O., Spezzaferri,
S., Ziegler, R. & Zorn, I., 2003: Paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the section Mühlbach (Gaindorf Formation, lower
Middle Miocene, Lower Badenian, Austria). - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 104A: 323-334, 4 figs. - Wien.
Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Piller, W. & Rögl, F., 2003: The Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) Hartl Formation (Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin, Austria). - Stratigraphia Austriaca, Schriftenreihe Erwiss. Komm., Österr. Akad. Wiss., 16: 87-109, 5 figs., 3 pls. - Wien.
Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.) 2003: The Karpatian. A Lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys. - 360 p. - Brno (Masaryk University).
Cicha, I. & Rögl, F., 2003: Definition of the Karpatian stage. - In: Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.): The Karpatian. A Lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys. - 15-20. - Brno (Masaryk University).
Rögl, F., Coric, S., Daxner-Höck, G., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Svabenicka, L. & Zorn, I., 2003: Correlation of the Karpatian stage. - In: Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.): The Karpatian. A Lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys. - 27-34, 2 figs. - Brno (Masaryk University).
Kovac, M., Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A.S., Brzobohaty, R., Fodor, L., Harzhauser, M., Oszczyko, N., Pavelic, D., Rögl, F., Saftic, B., Sliva, L. & Stranik, Z., 2003: Karpatian paleogeography, tectonics and eustatic changes. - In:
R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.): The Karpatian. A Lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys. - 49-72, 6
figs. - Brno (Masaryk University).
Cicha, I. Rögl, F. & Ctyroka, J., 2003: Central Paratethys Karpatian Foraminifera.
- In: Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.): The Karpatian. A Lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys.
- 169-187, 1 tab., 7 pls.. - Brno (Masaryk University).
Rögl, F., Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Coric, S., Daxner-Höck,
G., Dolakova, N., Harzhauser, M., Hladilova, S., Kroh, A., Kvacek, Z., Mandic, O., Olshtynska, A., Pisera, A., Reichenbacher,
B., Schultz, O., Svabenicka, L., Tempfer, P.M., Vavra, N. & Zorn, I., 2003: Paleobiological characterization of the Karpatian
stage. - In: Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (Eds.): The Karpatian. A ower Miocene stage of the Central
Paratethys. - 357-360. - Brno (Masaryk University).
F. & Nagymarosy, A., 2004: Biostratigraphy and correlation of the Lower Miocene Michelstetten and Ernstbrunn sections
in the Waschberg Unit, Austria (Upper Egerian to Eggenburgian, Central Paratethys). - Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 246:
129-151, 4 figs., 3 pls., 3 tabs. - Frankfurt a.M.
Pervesler, P., Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F., Peryt, T. & Michalik,
J., (Eds.) 2004: Marine Middle Mioene in the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep. - Geologica Carpathica, 55 (2): 85-216. - Bratislava.
Egger, H., Rögl, F. & Wagreich, M., 2004:
Biostratigraphy and facies of Paleogene deep-water deposits at Gams (Gosau Group, Austria ). - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien,
106A : 281-307, 10 figs., 2 pls. - Wien.
S. & Rögl, F., 2004: Roggendorf-1 borehole, a key-section for Lower Badenian transgressions and the stratigraphic position
of the Grund Formation (Molasse Basin, Lower Austria). - Geologica Carpathica, 55(2): 165-178, 5 figs. - Bratislava.
Coric, S., Harzhauser, M., Hohenegger, J.,
Mandic, O., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Scholger, R., Spezzaferri, S., Stingl, K., Svabenicka, L., Zorn, I. &
Zuschin, M., 2004: Stratigraphy and correlation of the Grund Formation in the Molasse Basin, northeastern Austria (Middle
Miocene, Lower Badenian). - Geologica Carpathica, 55 (2): 207-215, 2 figs., 2 tabs. - Bratislava.
M., Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A.S., Bajraktarević, Z., Brzobohaty, R., Filipescu, S., Fodor, L., Harzhauser, M., Oszczypko, N.,
Pavelić, D., Rögl, F., Saftić, B., Sliva, L., Kvaček, Z., Hudačkova, N. & Slamkova, M., 2004: Paleogeography of the Central
Paratethys during the Karpatian and Badenian. - Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis, ser. Geology, 31-32
(2001-2002) : -17, 2 figs. - Brno.
Spezzaferri, S., Rögl, F., Coric, S. & Hohenegger, J., 2004: Paleoenvironmental
changes and agglutinated foraminifera across the Karpatian/Badenian (Early/Middle Miocene) boundary in the Styrian Basin.
- In: Bubik, M & Kaminski, M.A., Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on agglutinated foraminifera (Prague,
Czech Republik, Septemebr 1-7, 2001). - Grzybowski Foundation Spec. Publ. 8: 423-459, 8, figs., 8 pls., 2 tabs. - Krakow.
Steininger, F.F., Piller, W.E. & Rögl, F. (Eds.), 2004: Oligocene/Miocene transitions in the eastern Mediterranean.
- CFS, Courier Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 248: 1-225. - Frankfurt a.M.
Wielandt-Schuster, U., Schuster, F., Harzhauser,
M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Rögl, F., Reisinger, J., Liebetrau, V., Steininger, F.F. & Piller, W.E., 2004: Stratigraphy
and palaeoecology of Oligocene and Early Miocene sedimentary sequences of the Mesohellenic Basin (NW Greece). - CFS, Courier
Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 248: 1-55, 10 figs., 4 pls., 1 tab. - Frankfurt a.M.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Schlaf,
J., Piller, W.E., Schuster, F., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Nebelsick, J.H., Kroh, A., Rögl, F. & Bassant, P., 2004: Palaeoenvironmental
reconstruction of an epicontinental flooding - Burdigalian (Early Miocene) of the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey). - CFS, Courier
Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 248: 57-92, 14 figs., 5 tabs. - Frankfurt a.M.
Popov, S.V., Rögl, F., Rozanov, A.Y., Steininger,
F.F., Shcherba, I.G. & Kovac, M. (Eds.), 2004: Lithological-paleogeographic maps of Paratethys. 10 maps Late Eocene to
Pliocene. - CFS, Courier Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 250: 1-46. - Frankfurt a.M.
Coric, S., Hohenegger, J., Pervesler,
P., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Scholger, R., Spezzaferri, S. & Stingl, K., 2004: Around the Early/Middle Miocene (Karpatian/Badenian)
boundary in the Austrian Neogene basins. A story of gaps. - Slovak. Geol. Mag., 9 (4) 2003: 259-260, 1 fig. - Bratislava.
Spezzaferri, S. & Rögl, F., 2004: Bolboforma
(phytoplankton incertae sedis), Bachmayerella and other Calciodinelloidea (phytoplankton) from the Middle Miocene of the Alpine-Carpathian
Foredeep (Central Paratethys). - Journal of Micropalaeontology, 23: 139-152, 2 figs., 3 pls., 2tabs. - London
Egger, H., Hamayoun, M., Huber, H., Rögl, F. &
Schmitz, B., 2005: Early Eocene climatic, volcanic, and biotic events in the northwestern Tethyan Untersberg section, Austria.
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 217: 243-264, 7 figs., 5 tabs.
Rögl, F., 2005: Urelefanten und
Nashörner. Das Zayatal vor 10 Millionen Jahren. - in: Damköhler, F., Waldviertler, B. & Waldstein, M. (Hsg.), Europa erlesen
- Weinviertel: 44-46. - Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt.
Harzhauser, M., Rögl, F. & Steininger, H., 2005: Die marine Vergangenheit
Österreichs - ein Vorwort. - in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken:
9-11. - Verlag publication PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2005: Das Werden der Paratethys.
- in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 13-16. - Verlag publication
PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2005: Die fossilreichsten Schichten Niederösterreichs.
- in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 19. - Verlag publication
PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M., Rögl, F. & Steininger, H., 2005: Tropenstrände am Rande des
Weinviertler Molassemeeres. - in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken:
25-31. - Verlag publication PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2005: Vertreibung aus
dem Paradies. - in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 35. - Verlag
publication PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2005: Artenvielfalt ohne Ende. . - in:
Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 35. - Verlag publication PN°1
Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2005: Vom Wattmeer in den Persischen Golf. - in: Steininger,
H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 57-60. - Verlag publication PN°1 Bibliothek
der Provinz, Weitra.
Harzhauser, M., Rögl, F. & Daxner-Höck, G., 2005: Das Ende eines Meeres: Brackwassersee und
Urdonau. - in: Steininger, H. & Steiner, E., Meeresstrand am Alpenrand. Molassemeer und Wiener Becken: 69-75. - Verlag
Publication PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra.
Baldi, K., Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F., Rupp, C., Pervesler, P. &Khatun,
M., 2005: Ecology of benthic foraminifera in the drill section of the Badenian stratotype. - Abstracts, 12th Congress R.C.M.N.S.
- 6-11 September 2005, Vienna: 15-17.
Hohenegger, J., Rögl, F. & Spezzaferri, S., 2005: Paleodepth estimation within
the Early/Middle Miocene transition in the Styrian Basin (Austria) using benthic foraminifera. - Abstracts, 12th Congress
R.C.M.N.S. - 6-11 September 2005, Vienna: 91-92.
Rögl, F., Ćorić, S., Hohenegger, J., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Scholger,
R., Spezzaferri, S. & Stingl, K., 2005: The Styrian tectonic phase - A series of events at the Early/Middle Miocene boundary
revised and stratified (Styrian Basin, Central Paratethys). - Abstracts, 12th Congress R.C.M.N.S. - 6-11 September 2005, Vienna:
Mandic, O., Rögl, F., Ćorić, S. & Roetzel, R., 2005: Parisdorf, diatomite quarry - Early Ottnangian. - in:
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Steininger, F. & Roetzel, R., RCMNS 2005. Excursion C: Miocene of the Eastern Alpine Foredeep
- the Bohemian Massive southeastern margin: 36-39.
Lirer, F., Rögl, F., Ćorić, S. & Hohenegger, J., 2006: The Mediterranean
and the Paratethys. New bio-stratigraphic tools for the correlation between these two different realms. - Pangeo Austria 2006,
Conference Series: 179-180. - University Press Innsbruck.
Roetzel, R., Ćorić, S., Galović, I. & Rögl, F., 2006: Early
Miocene (Ottnangian) coastal upwelling conditions along the southeastern scarp of the Bohemian Massif (Parisdorf, Lower Austria,
Central Paratethys). - Pangeo Austria 2006, Conference Series: 286-287. - University Press Innsbruck.
R., Ćorić, S., Galović, I. & Rögl, F., 2006: Early Miocene (Ottnangian) coastal upwelling conditions along the southeastern
scarp of the Bohemian Massif (Parisdorf, Lower Austria , Central Paratethys ). - Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 30 , 387-413.
- Wien.
Rögl, F., Ćorić, S., Hohenegger,
J., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Scholger, R., Spezzaferri, S. & Stingl, K., 2006: The Styrian tectonic phase - A series
of events at the Early/Middle Miocene boundary revised and stratified in the Styrian Basin. - Geophysical Research Abstracts,
8, 10733: 3 p. - European Geosciences Union.
Rögl, F., Ćorić, S., Hohenegger, J., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Scholger,
R., Spezzaferri, S. & Stingl, K., 2006: The Styrian tectonic phase - A series of events at the Early/Middle Miocene boundary
revised and stratified (Styrian Basin, Central Paratethys). - Proceedings XVIIIth Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological
Association - September 3-6, 2006 Belgrade, Serbia: 504-505. - Serbian Geol. Soc., Belgrade.
H., Rögl, F. & Stradner, H., 2007: Kalkiges Nannoplankton und Foraminiferen aus der Chiasmolithus gigas-Subzone (Mitteleozän)
von Niederhollabrunn (Waschbergzone, Niederösterreich). - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 147 (1-2): 379-386. - Wien.
Wessely, G., Ćorić, S., Rögl, F., Draxler,
I. & Zorn, I., 2007: Geologie und Paläontologie von Bad Vöslau (Niederösterreich). - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt,
147 (1-2): 419-448. - Wien.
K., Harzhauser, M., Rögl, F., Ćorić, S. & Galović, I., 2007: Foraminiferen und Phytoplankton aus dem unteren Sarmatium
des südlichen Wiener Beckens (Petronell, Niederösterreich). - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 147 (1-2): 449-488.
- Wien.
Gross, M., Harzhauser,
M., Mandic, O., Piller, W.E. & Rögl, F., 2007: A stratigraphic enigma: the age of the Neogene deposits of Graz ( Styrian
Basin , Austria ). - Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 9 : 195-220. - Graz .
S., Švabenicka, L., Rögl, F. & Petrova, P., 2007: Stratigraphical position of Helicosphaera waltrans nannoplankton horizon
(NN5, Lower Badenian). - Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 9 : 17-19. - Graz .
F., Ćorić, S., Hohenegger, J., Pervesler, J., Roetzel, R., Scholger, R., spezzaferri, s. & Stingl, K., 2007: The Styrian
Tectonic Phase - a series of events at the Early/Middle Miocene boundary revised and stratified (Styrian Basin, Central Paratethys).
- Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 9: 89-91. - Graz .
M., Khatun, M., Hohenegger, J., Selge, A., Stingl, K., Scholger, R., Pervesler, P., Rögl, F. & Rupp, C., 2007: Cyclostratigraphic
dating in the Middle Miocene (Lower Badenian) of the Southern Vienna Basin. - Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 9 : 113-114.
- Graz .
Rögl, F., Ćorić,
S., Hohenegger, J., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Scholger, R., Spezzaferri, S. & Stingl, K., 2007: Cyclostratigraphy and
transgressions at the Early/Middle Miocene (Karpatian/Badenian) boundary in the Austrian Neogene basins ( Central Paratethys
). - Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis, ser. Geology, 36 : 7-13. - Brno .
R., Ćorić, S., Galović, I. & Rögl, F., 2007: Early Miocene (Ottnangian) coastal upwelling conditions along the southeastern
scarp of the Bohemian Massif (Parisdorf, Lower Austria , Central Paraterthys ). - Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae
Brunensis, ser. Geology, 36 : 15-16. - Brno.
G., Ćorić, S., Rögl, F. & Zorn, I., 2007: Stratigraphy of the thermal water area (Baden - Bad Vöslau) at the western border
of the southern Vienna Basin. - Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis, ser. Geology, 36 : 39-44. - Brno.
Kovać, M., Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A., Bajraktarević,
Z., Brzobohaty, R., Filipescu, S., Fodor, L., Harzhauser, M., Nagymarosy, a., Oszczypko, N., Pavelić, D., Rögl, F., Saftić,
B., Sliva, L. & Studencka, B., 2007: Badenian evolution of the Central Paratethys Sea: paleogeography, climate and eustatic
sea-level changes. - Geologica Carpathica, 58 (6) : 579-606. - Bratislava.
M., Piller, W.E., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Bering, B., Rögl, F., Kroh, A., Aubry, M.-P., Wielandt-Schuster, U. & Hamedani,
a., 2007: The Oligo-/Miocene Qom formation (Iran): evidence for an early Burdigalian restriction of the Tethyan Seaway and
closure of the Iranian gateways. - International Journal of Earth Sciencies (Geol. Rundschau).
S., Pavelić, D., Mandic, O., Vrabac, S., Rögl, F. &Vranjiković, A., 2008: The initial marine flooding of the southern
Pannonian Basin System: the North Croatian Basin transgression correlates with the Middle Miocene. ‑ Geophysical Research
Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-06497. - Wien.
J., Wagreich, M., Ćorić, S., Khatun, M., Pervesler, P., Rögl, F., Rupp, C. & Selge, A., 2008: Cyclostratigraphic dating
in the Lower Badenian (Langhian, Middle Miocene) of the Vienna Basin (Austria). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-0317.
- Wien.
Hohenegger, J., Ćorić,
S., Khatun, M., Pervesler, P., Rögl, F., Rupp, C., Selge, A., Uchman, A. & Wagreich, M., 2008: Cyclostratigraphic dating
in the Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Vienna Basin (Austria): the Baden-Sooss core. - International Journal of Earth
Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s00531-007-0287-7
Harzhauser, M. & Rögl, F., 2008: Die Mikrofossilien-Sammlung am NHM. - Universum, 12 (2008) - Das Naturhistorische: 6-7. - Wien.
Egger, H. & Rögl, F., 2009: The Ypresian-Lutetian transition in the Holzhäusl section (northwestern Tethyan realm) north of Salzburg (Eastern Alps, Austria). - Climatic and biotic events of the Paleogene. 12-15 January 2009, Wellington New Zealand. Conference Programme and Abstracts. - GNS Science Miscellaneous Series, 16: 58.
Rögl, F., Kroh, A., Hofmann, T. & Zuschin, M., 2009: Exkursion Waschbergzone. - Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 81: 32-49. - Wien.
Egger, H. & Van Husen, D. mit Beiträgen von Gebhardt,
H., Heinrich, M., Hofmann, T., Moshammer, B., Pavuza, R., Rögl, F., Rupp. C., Schubert, G., Slapansky, P., Stummer, G., Wagner,
L., Wessely, G. & Wimmer-Frey, I., 2009: Erläuterungen zu Blatt 64 Strasswalchen. - Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich
1:50 000. - Geologische Bundesanstalt: 87. - Wien.
F. & Egger, H., 2010: The missing link in the evolutionary origin of the foraminiferal genus Hantkenina and the problem
of the lower-middle Eocene boundary. - Geology, 38: 23-26.
Egger, H., Rögl, F., Bijl, P., Brinkhuis, H. & Darga, R., 2011: The Middle Eocene transgression on the southern European shelf (Adelholzen Beds, Eastern Alps, Bavaria). – CBEP 2011, Salzburg, June 5th -8th –Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85, 70.
Rögl, F. & Egger, H., 2011: A new planktonic foraminifera species (Hantkenina gohrbandti nov. spec.) from the Middle Eocene of the northwestern Tethys (Mattsee, Austria). - CBEP 2011, Salzburg, June 5th -8th –Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85, 140.
Rögl, F. & Egger, H., 2012: Paleogene events in the sedimentary record of outcrops in Salzburg and eastern Bavaria. – PANGEO Austria 2012. Excursion 04, 2012-09-16, 1-45.
- Cenozoic foraminifera
- Microfossils incertae sedis (e.g., Bolboforma, Bachmayerella)
- Biostratigraphy
- Paleogeography of Paratethys and Mediterranean region from Eocene to Miocene