The 1st International ASTEROID DAY

Tuesday, 30. June 2015, 14:00 Uhr | NHM Tipp
Film premiere, panel discussion and guided tours about asteroids and impacts in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Tue 30 June from 14:00

Museum open from 14:00 | free entrance
Registration necessary at:
Limited number of seats available – first come, first served!

14:30 Austrian premiere of the film "51 Degrees North" by  Grigorij Richters.

16:00 Panel discussion on the danger of impact events with Austria's astronaut Franz Viehböck, Dr. Rudolf Albrecht (ESA), and NHM director general Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Köberl.

17:00 Special guided tours through the world-famous meteorite hall of the museum (with emphasis on impacts) and (alternatively) also showing of the fulldome film "Violent Universe" at the digital planetarium.

