Vitek, Ernst and Lack, Hans Walter: Wilhelmina Rechinger 1925-2019. p. 5-10A life devoted to botany or – more precisely – devoted to a botanist came to an end on 20 August 2019 when Wilhelmina Rechinger (Fig. 1) died in Vienna at the age of ninety-four. As a person Wilhelmine was unforgettable: rather small, extremely lively, always serene and mostly in a good mood, helpful and hospitable, ready to share a cup of tea in the herbarium at any moment, but also was a dedicated, effective and highly focused collaborator for her husband. In short, though not the brain of the 'Flora Iranica' project, Wilhelmina was definitely its heart.
Lödl, Martin: Hofrat Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Maximilian Fischer (1929-2019). p. 11-15Der frühere Leiter der 2. Zoologischen Abteilung am Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien, Hofrat Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Maximilian Fischer, verstarb am 15. Juni 2019 im 91. Lebensjahr, nur wenige Tage nach seinem 90. Geburtstag. Unser Mitgefühl gehört seiner lieben Familie, seiner Frau Aurelia, seinen beiden Söhnen Dietmar und Maximilian, seiner Schwester Hildegard, seiner Schwiegertochter Doina und natürlich seinen neun Enkelkindern.
Rosa, Paolo, Madl, Michael, Zettel, Herbert, and Zimmermann, Dominique: An illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) types deposited at the Natural History Museum Vienna. p. 17-140A critical and annotated catalogue of 309 types of Chrysididae belonging to 144 species, subspecies, and taxonomically available variations housed in the Natural History Museum Vienna is given. The neotypes of Chrysis austriaca Fabricius, 1804, Chrysis radians Harris, 1776, Chrysis socia Dahlbom, 1854, Holopyga gloriosa var. caucasica Mocsáry, 1889 and the lectotypes of the following fifteen taxa are designated: Chrysis albipennis Dahlbom, 1854, Chrysis araxana Mocsáry, 1893, Chrysis circassica Mocsáry, 1893, Chrysis kaeufeli Zimmermann, 1944, Chrysis kohli Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis priesneri Zimmermann, 1959, Chrysis procera Zimmermann, 1954, Chrysis pyrocoelia Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis succincta var. pannonica Hoffmann, 1935, Chrysis valenciana Hoffmann, 1935, Gonochrysis mochii Zimmermann, 1938, Cleptes mutilloides Ducke, 1902, Hedychridium adventicium Zimmermann, 1962, Hedychridium luteum Zimmermann, 1940, and Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858. Previous lectotype designations of Amisega mocsaryi Ducke, 1902, Chrysis callosa Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis falsifica du Buysson, 1891, Chrysogona alfkeni Ducke, 1902, and Cleptes mutilloides Ducke, 1902 are considered as invalid. Six new synonymies are proposed: Chrysis germari ssp. aeneibasalis Linsenmaier, 1987 syn.n. of C. germari ssp. calviensis Kusdas, 1974; Chrysis persephone Semenov & Nikolskaya, 1954 syn.n. of Chrysis picticornis Mocsáry, 1887; C. succincta var. pannonica Hoffmann, 1935 syn.n. of C. frivaldszkyi Mocsáry, 1882; C. stanleyana Schletterer, 1891 syn.n. of C. senegalensis Mocsáry, 1887; Holopyga pulchella Mocsáry 1893 syn.n. of Hedychridium jakowlewi Semenov, 1892; Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858 syn.n. of Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853). Chrysis anthea Zimmermann, 1963 sp.rev., Chrysis picticornis Mocsáry, 1887 sp.rev., Chrysis sodalis Mocsáry, 1893 sp.rev., Chrysis separanda Mocsáry 1889 sp.rev., Chrysis seyrigi Zimmermann, 1961 sp.rev., Chrysis valenciana Hoffmann, 1935 sp.rev. are restored from synonymy. Pictures of 78 types are presented. The case of Holopyga ovata var. h Dahlbom, 1854 (= Holopyga ignicollis) is discussed: the first author who used the name ignicollis as a valid name is Eversmann (1858), who is therefore the author of this taxon. The type of Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853) was found in the Berlin museum and matches both the lectotype of Holopyga ignicollis and the interpretation of Holopyga ignicollis sensu Linsenmaier (1959). As a consequence, Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858 is synonymised with Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853). The first available name for Holopyga chrysonota sensu Linsenmaier (1959) is Holopyga similis Mocsáry, 1889.
Key words: Chrysididae, catalogue, taxonomy, neotype, lectotype, synonym, new status.
Zusammenfassung Ein kritischer und kommentierter Typenkatalog der Chrysididae im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien wird erstellt; 309 Typusexemplare gehören zu 144 Arten, Unterarten oder taxonomisch verfügbaren Variationen. Neotypen werden für Chrysis austriaca Fabricius, 1804, Chrysis radians Harris, 1776, Chrysis socia Dahlbom, 1854 und Holopyga gloriosa var. caucasica Mocsáry, 1889 designiert. Lectotypen werden für die folgenden fünfzehn Taxa bestimmt: Chrysis albipennis Dahlbom, 1854, Chrysis araxana Mocsáry,1893, Chrysis circassica Mocsáry, 1893, Chrysis kaeufeli Zimmermann, 1944, Chrysis kohli Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis priesneri Zimmermann, 1959, Chrysis procera Zimmermann, 1954, Chrysis pyrocoelia Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis succincta var. pannonica Hoffmann, 1935, Chrysis valenciana Hoffmann, 1935, Gonochrysis mochii Zimmermann, 1938, Cleptes mutilloides Ducke, 1902, Hedychridium adventicium Zimmermann, 1962, Hedychridium luteum Zimmermann, 1940 und Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858. Frühere Lectotypusdesignationen für Amisega mocsaryi Ducke, 1902, Chrysis callosa Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis falsifica du Buysson, 1891, Chrysogona alfkeni Ducke, 1902 und Cleptes mutilloides Ducke, 1902 werden fur ungültig erklart. Sechs neue Synonymien werden vorgeschlagen: Chrysis germari ssp. aeneibasalis Linsenmaier, 1987 syn.n. von C. germari ssp. calviensis Kusdas, 1974; Chrysis persephone Semenov & Nikolskaya, 1954 syn.n. von Chrysis picticornis Mocsáry, 1887; C. succincta var. pannonica Hoffmann, 1935 syn.n. von C. frivaldszkyi Mocsáry, 1882; C. stanleyana Schletterer, 1891 syn.n. von C. senegalensis Mocsáry, 1887; Holopyga pulchella Mocsáry, 1893 syn.n. von Hedychridium jakowlewi Semenov, 1892; Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858 syn.n. von Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853). Chrysis anthea Zimmermann, 1963 sp.rev., Chrysis picticornis Mocsáry, 1887 sp.rev., Chrysis sodalis Mocsáry, 1893 sp.rev., Chrysis separanda Mocsáry, 1889 sp.rev., Chrysis seyrigi Zimmermann, 1961 sp.rev., Chrysis valenciana Hoffmann, 1935 sp.rev. werden von ihren Synonymien wiederhergestellt. Fotografien von 78 Typusexemplaren werden präsentiert. Der Fall von Holopyga ovata var. h Dahlbom, 1854 (= Holopyga ignicollis) wird diskutiert: Als erster Autor verwendete Eversmann (1858) das Artepithet ignicollis als gültigen Namen und ist daher Autor dieses Taxons. Der Typus von Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853) wurde im Museum Berlin gefunden und entspricht Linsenmaiers (1959) Beschreibung von Holopyga ignicollis. Es wird daher festgestellt: Holopyga ignicollis Eversmann, 1858 = Holopyga chrysonota (Förster, 1853). Der erste verfügbare Name für Holopyga chrysonota sensu Linsenmaier (1959) ist Holopyga similis Mocsáry, 1889. -
Wittmann, Karl J.: Heteromysis (Heteromysis) abednavandii sp.n.: a new species from coral reef aquaria in the Aqua Terra Zoo, Vienna, Austria (Mysida, Mysidae). p. 141-158After the detection of Heteromysis (Olivemysis) domusmaris Wittmann & Abed-Navandi, 2019, an additional species of the genus Heteromysis has been encountered in coral reef exhibition tanks and connected filtration tanks of the public aquarium center Haus des Meeres (Aqua Terra Zoo), Vienna, Austria. This material is first described here as Heteromysis (Heteromysis) abednavandii sp.n. based on its most striking characteristics: a large dorsal apophysis on the basal segment of the antennular trunk, labrum anteriorly produced into a short, rounded process, and a toothed longitudinal ridge terminally on the caudal face of the merus of the third thoracic endopod in both sexes. Besides features typical of the subgenus Heteromysis, the new species is also characterized by important features of the antennae, eyes, rostrum, carpopropodus of third thoracic endopod, penes, and by spine patterns on the endopods of uropods and telson. The most similar species are known from (sub)tropical waters of the mid Indian Ocean to the West-Pacific, to a lesser extent also Caribbean and Mediterranean. Short notes are given on color, foregut, and larval morphology.
Key words: First description; taxonomy; anthropogenic dispersal; public aquarium center. -
Dworschak, Peter C.: A new species of Paraxiopsis de Man, 1905 (Decapoda: Axiidea: Axiidae) from Safaga (Red Sea) with notes on its burrows. p. 159-167During an actuopalaeontological study, numerous resin casts were made in the Bay of Safaga (Red Sea, Egypt). This yielded, among others, two burrow replicas of a species of the axiid genus Paraxiopsis de Man, 1905 from coral carpets in 26 and 28 m water depth, respectively. In addition, one specimen was captured while digging up one cast, a second was entombed in the other resin cast. A new species is described based on the captured specimen. It is most similar to P. austrinus Sakai, 2004, but differs in the armature of the carapace carinae and cheliped. The burrows, with up to 20 surface openings, have an irregular shape and cross-sections, no wall lining, and reach to a sediment depth of 18 cm.
Key words: Axiidea, Axiidae, Paraxiopsis, Red Sea, burrow -
Ebmer, D., Wiedermann, S., and Sattmann, Helmut: Morphological identifications of gastrointestinal nematodes and acanthocephalans of raptors and owls from Austria. p. 169-174Viscera of a total of 10 birds of prey (order Accipitriformes and Falconiformes) and 14 owls (order Strigiformes) were examined parasitologically to evaluate their endogenous helminth fauna. In total, the following five different nematode taxa were identified: Cyrnea leptoptera (Rudolphi, 1819), C. spinosa (Gendre, 1923), Physaloptera alata (Rudolphi, 1819), Synhimantus laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819) and Capillaridae gen. sp. Furthermore, one acantocephalan species, Centrorhynchus aluconis (Mueller, 1780), was recorded. The current study delivers further insights on gastrointestinal nematodes and acanthocephalans of birds of prey and owls in Austria and underlines the importance of museum collections in providing voucher specimens as reference and comparative material for morphological identifications of nematodes and acanthocephalans.
Key words: Birds of prey, owls, nematodes, Cyrnea, Synhimantus, Capillaridae, Acanthocephala -
Reier, Susanne, Sattmann, Helmut, and Haring, Elisabeth: Optimizing conflicting tasks in the analysis of parasitic worms: morphological imaging, DNA yield, specimen and DNA preservation. p. 175-182DNA barcoding is a promising identification tool in many organismal groups, especially where larval stages can hardly be identified to species level based on other approaches and expertise is restricted to few persons. The quality standards for building up a reference database, however, are strict and difficult to achieve in small animals such as parasitic helminths. Here we present two methodological approaches that improve DNA quality and quantity while preserving a voucher, which enables a repeatability of the primary morphological identification. In the first experiment, we attempted to preserve unscathed voucher specimens by obtaining DNA using an insect preparation needle. In the second experiment, we evaluated the impact of different staining and fixing solutions on DNA quality after three days, one month and two years. We found that it is possible to obtain sufficient DNA with an insect preparation needle. Furthermore, we found that borax carmine had a major impact on DNA quality after one month. No positive PCR could be obtained from samples that had been stored in glycerol for two years. We discuss implications for the treatment of helminths for DNA barcoding initiatives.
Key words: DNA barcoding, DNA extraction, PCR, helminths, storage -
Eschner, Anita, Vinarski, Maxim V., and Schnedl, S.-M.: Addendum to the examination of the type material of freshwater mollusk species described by J.P.R. Draparnaud. p. 183-191An overview on the type series of freshwater mollusk species and varieties described by Jacques Philippe Raymond Draparnaud (1772–1804) in 1801 and 1805 was published by Vinarski & Eschner (2016). In total, 22 out of 23 gastropod and bivalve taxa were presented with relevant information on species identity, synonymy and taxonomic position. This addendum is completing the information on freshwater mollusk species with one additional gastropod type series and two type series, which were not mentioned in the previous paper. Moreover, to complete this examination, two neotypes are depicted, as the corresponding specimens in the Draparnaud Collection are not valid. New and high quality photos with natural colour balance are given for all type series of altogether 23 freshwater taxa.
Die von Jacques Philippe Raymond Draparnaud (1772–1804) in den Jahren 1801 und 1805 beschriebenen Typusserien zu seinen Süßwasserarten und -Unterarten/Variationen wurden in einem Überblick von Vinarski & Eschner (2016) zusammengestellt. Insgesamt wurden Typusserien von 22 der insgesamt 23 Gastropoden- und Muscheltaxa mit relevanten Informationen präsentiert sowie Angaben zu den Arten, Synonymen und ihrer taxonomischen Position gegeben. Der vorliegende Anhang komplettiert die Informationen zu den Süßwasser-Mollusken und ergänzt eine Gastropoden-Typusserie und zwei nicht erwähnte fehlende Typusserien. Auch zwei Neotypen werden abgebildet um die vorliegende Arbeit abzuschließen, da die entsprechenden Exemplare in der Draparnaud-Sammlung keine Gültigkeit besitzen. Alle Typusserien werden mit neuen, qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos in natürlicher Farbbalance dargestellt – insgesamt werden 23 Süßwasser-Taxa dokumentiert.
Key words: Draparnaud, freshwater Mollusca, gastropods, bivalves, types, taxonomy, nomenclature, Natural History Museum Vienna -
Ernst, Karin, Gemel, Richard, Gassner, Georg, and Schweiger, Silke: Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen zum Typenkatalog der Herpetologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien (Gemel et al. 2019). p. 193-204In der folgenden Auflistung sind Ergänzungen (neue Typen, Diskussionen oder Änderungen zum Typen-Status) und Korrekturen (Tippfehler oder Ergänzungen fehlender Wörter bzw. Zahlen) zum aktuellen Typenkatalog der Herpetologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien (NMW; Gemel et al. 2019) zusammengefasst. Die Exemplare sind in die Klassen „Amphibia“ und „Reptilia“ eingeteilt und innerhalb deren Ordnungen/Unterordnungen alphabetisch geordnet. Abkürzungen und Akronyme sind dem aktuellen Typenkatalog (Gemel et al. 2019) zu entnehmen.
Schlüsselwörter: Typen, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Reptilien, Amphibien
The following list contains supplements (new types, discussions or changes to the type status) and corrections (typos or additions of missing words or numbers) to the recent type catalogue of the Herpetological Collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, NMW; Gemel et al. 2019). The specimens are divided into the classes “Amphibia” and “Reptilia” and are arranged alphabetically within their orders/suborders. Abbreviations and acronyms can be found in the recent type catalogue (Gemel et al. 2019).
Key words: Types, Natural History Museum Vienna, Reptilia, Amphibia -
Wallnöfer, Bruno: A revision of neotropical Diospyros (Ebenaceae): part 13. p. 205-243In the course of a revision of the New World Ebenaceae for "Flora Neotropica" and some regional floras, specimens from ca. 100 herbaria have been studied. Diospyros impia B.Walln. is described as a new species from Espirito Santo in Brazil. D. apeibacarpos Raddi (synonyms: D. janeirensis Sandwith, D. wedellii Hiern, Maba hilairei Hiern), and D. brasiliensis Mart. ex Miq. both from Southeastern Brazil, and D. tetrandra Hiern from Brazil, Suriname, and French Guiana (Guyane Française) are here described in detail. Figures, distribution maps, vernacular names, information on habitat, lists of specimens, and an identification key are included.
Key words: Ebenaceae, Diospyros apeibacarpos, brasiliensis, hilairei, impia, janeirensis, tetrandra, weddellii, Maba hilairei, revision, taxonomy, distribution map, Flora of South America
Zusammenfassung> Im Rahmen einer Revision der neuweltlichen Ebenaceae fur "Flora Neotropica" und einige Regionalfloren konnten Herbarbelege aus ca. 100 Herbarien studiert werden. Diospyros impia B.Walln. wird als neue Arte aus Espirito Santo in Brasilien beschrieben. Die beiden südost-brasilianischen Arten D. apeibacarpos Raddi (Synonyme: D. janeirensis Sandwith, D. weddellii Hiern, Maba hilairei Hiern) und D. brasiliensis Mart. ex Miq., sowie D. tetrandra Hiern aus Brasilien, Suriname und Französisch-Guayana (Guyane Française) werden eingehend beschrieben. Abbildungen, Verbreitungskarten, Volksnamen, Angaben zum Habitat, Listen der gesehenen Herbarbelege, sowie ein Bestimmungsschlüssel werden präsentiert. -
Vitek, Ernst: Asarina procumbens (Antirrhinaceae), locally naturalised in Austria. p. 245-248During a stay in Bad Gleichenberg a population of a white flowered plant was temporarily identified in the field as an Antirrhinum. It could not be determined with the Excursion Flora of Austria (Fischer et al. 2008) and is obviously not listed in this Flora.
Key words: Asarina procumbens, Flora of Austria, first record for Austria -
Negaresh, K.: The lectotypification of Centaurea kotschyi subsp. persica (Asteraceae, Cardueae–Centaureinae). p. 249-253Centaurea kotschyi (Boiss. & Heldr.) Hayek subsp. persica (Boiss.) Greuter was previously lectotypified based on Kotschyi 629 at G. However, three duplicates of the type collection exist there and second-step lectotype is thus designated here. Photos of the taxon in its natural habitat and an image of the lectotype are provided.
Kew words: Asteraceae, Centaurea, taxonomy, typification
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