Contemporary Collaborations in Cave and Karst Research: The interconnected roles of scientists, cavers and citizen-scientists

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2022, 18:30 Uhr | NHM Vortrag
Simone Sambento (School of Social and Political Science, Universität Edinburgh)
This talk will present several examples of cave and karst research projects and discuss how these groups of people – from scientists to members of the public – become involved in different types of collaboration. In specific, it will highlight two different types of collaboration: official organized projects and unofficial organic initiatives. Drawing on these, it will explore what roles the different participants undertake and how their involvement becomes interconnected. We will be discussing:
What types of cave and karst collaboration bring together scientists, cavers and members of the public? How do these communities contribute to cave and karst research? What structures and institutions facilitate these collaborations? What are some of the direct and indirect outcomes of these?
Vortrag in englischer Sprache

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