from 26. June 2019
Photographs by Petra Lutnyk.
Photographs by Petry Lutnyk.

An artistic photographic study of plants, depicted in various winter stages
Today, art often positions itself at the interface with science, thus offering an interesting addition to the scientific view.
This project aims to capture native plants in winter, in various stages of rest and decay.
In Europe, winter is a vegetation phase that gets little attention in everyday life. Therefore, Petra Lutnyk has visualized what is visible, but usually not noticed, by enlarging it and transferring it to an unfamiliar habitat. Thus, she often provokes aha reactions by viewers who unexpectedly discover a popular garden plant by taking a closer look at her sensitive images.
Petra Lutnyk, born in 1962, has studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, master class Peter Weibel