Collection Evertebrata Varia

Invertebrates other than Arthropoda, Mollusca, Tentaculata and Chordata


curator: Dr. Pedro Frade

collection management (technician): Stefan Szeiler


Protozoa: wet collection, dry collection, microslides

Among others, material of Pennard from Lake of Geneva (Lac Leman); types from Foissner; parasitic protozoa from Czaker, J. Weiser - many types.


Porifera: wet collection, dry collection, microslides

Material from different expeditions; types from Lendenfeld, Marenzeller, O. Schmidt, Schultze.


Coelenterata: wet collection, dry collection, microslides.

Huge collection, among many others specimens from the Pola-Expedition to the Red Sea (det. Marenzeller), from E.v. Ransonnet, types from Marenzeller, Kükenthal, Svoboda, etc....


Plathelminthes: wet collection, microslides

Huge collection of Turbellaria, mainly from Schmarda, Graff, Steinböck; many types

Important collection of Trematoda and Cestoda mainly from Bremser (Rudolphi), Natterer, Diesing, Molin, Ohdner, Stossich, Dietz, Daday, Braun, Lühe, Fuhrmann, Pintner, Shippney & Hornell, Kritscher, Kanev, Horak, Kolarova, Choudhuri, Scholz etc.; many types


Nemertini: wet collection, microslides

Types from Schmarda, Senz Katalog der Nemertinea (as pdf file, 165kB)


Nemathelminthes: wet collection, microslides

Huge collection of parasitic Nematoda and Acanthocephala mainly from Bremser (Rudolphi), Westrumb, Natterer, Diesing, Molin, Kritscher, Moravetz etc.; many types. Freeliving Nematodafrom Eder, Ott, Vopel,


Annelida: wet collection, microslides

Important collections of Polychaeta from Schmarda, Marenzeller, Langerhans, Kato; many types.

Types of Oligochaeta from Rosa, Michaelsen, Schmarda, Csuzdi & Zicsi and some specimens of Vestimentifera (Jerichoworms) from Hot Vents (East Pacific Rise) and Cold Seeps (Gulf of Mexico) from M. Bright and C. Fisher.


Kinorhyncha: microslides

Types from M. Bauer-Nebelsick (Bright)


Echinodermata: wet collection, dry collection

Good collection from different expeditions, types from Marenzeller, Marktanner-Turneretscher


Smaller collections of Mesozoa, Sipunculida, Echiurida, Priapulida, Chaetognatha, Enteropneusta. Scientific Zoological Collections in Natural History Museums are documents of nature and natural science. They are a scientific basis to prove results and to compare objects of scientific interest under different views and to forward new approaches with old and new material. Zoological collections are first essential for serious research in zoological systematics and taxonomy. They are nevertheless also of great importance for other fields of zoological research like ecology, zoogeography, genetics, environemental science, conservation etc.


Therefore all scientists who are working in systematics and other fields which can be documented by objects should deposit important material officially in Zoological Collections of Natural History Museums.

Zeitschriftenkatalog der Sammlung Evertebrata Varia

  • Zeitschriftenkatalog der Sammlung Evertebrata Varia
  • Acta Parasitologica Polonica; Wroclaw 1/1953 -
  • Angewandte Parasitologie; Jena 1/1960 - 37/1996
  • Archives de Parasitologie; Paris 1/1898 - 16/1913
  • Biblitheka Zoologica/Zoologica; Stuttgart Im NHM aufgeteilt, einzelne Bände in der EV Varia-Bibliothek
  • Experimental Pathology and Parasitology; Sofia 1/1998 -2/1999
  • Folia Parasitologica; Prag 13/1971 -
  • Galaxea; Okinawa (Japan) 3/1984 - 13/1997
  • Indian Journal of Helminthology; Lucknow 1/1948 - 45/1993
  • Instituto Español de Oceanografia/Microfiches; Madrid 1/1994 - 13/1998
  • International Journal of Parasitology; Oxford 1/1971 -
  • Memorias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Rio de Janeiro 1/1909 -
  • Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin u. Parasitologie; Wien 5/1983 -
  • Nematologica; Leiden 1/1956 - 44/1998 - siehe Nematology
  • Nematology; Leiden(Fortsetzung von Fund. Appl. Nematology + Nematologica) 1/1999 -
  • Ocean Research; Ansan (Korea) 10/1/1988; 11/2/1989; 12/1990 - 21/1999
  • Parasitologische Schriftenreihe; Jena 1/1955 - 23/1978
  • Publicaciones Especiales de Instituto Español de Oceanografia; Madrid 2/1989; 12/1993; 19/1995; 22/1996; 23/1997; 24/1997
  • Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory; Wakayama 34/1990 - 38/1999 (unvollständig)
  • Revue Nematologie/Fundamental and Applied Nematology; Paris 1/1978 - 21/1998 - siehe Nematology
  • Rivista di Parasitologica; Messina 1/1937 - 60/1999
  • Systematic Parasitology; Den Haag 1/1979 -
  • Téthys; Marseilles 1/1969 - 11/1985
  • Trends in Parasitology 17/5/2001 -
  • Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde/Parasitology Research; Berlin 1/1929 -